Quality of Life in Times of Crisis (PGCA Webinar Series)

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you good morning everyone welcome to the Philippine guidance and counseling Association webinar series and today we will be talking about quality of life in times of crisis and together with us is dr. Maria Lourdes Medina but before we proceed with our webinar proper again I would like to present the Philippine guidance and counseling Association so the pbca is the accredited integrated professional organization of the Philippine regulations commission for guidance and counseling and as well as one of the PRC accredited continuing professional education or CPE provider before we were good or we were known as the Philippine guidance and personal association however eventually it was changed to Philippine guidance and counseling Association and this free webinar series is that is one of the commitments of the pga for our fellow counselors as well as other helping professionals to promote mental health and of course as part of our social responsibilities now which is a envisions that we will become the premier professional organization of counselors with international recognition entities are continuous vision and we would like to rest on our laurels but to continue to develop to become the premier professional organization and of course our mission we commit to be the forefront in the development of counselors who are professional go driven committed advocates responsive to the needs of the client till in the promotion of their well-being to make them proactive contributors in the pursuit of just and humane society now a short history of the PDCA so in 1964 the lead father Jaime bullet ow and then father and Dona Ledesma know their Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese Cagayan de Oro presented this idea of a professional organization of Kairos workers just across the Katipunan to dr. Esperanza Lincoln Co beauty and after that number of professionals gathered in response and mostly these are council guidance counselors counselor educators and guidance supervisors as part of our continuing mission so in April 1981 the PDCA became the member of the western region of the American counseling Association and this and we are only we are privileged to be the only counseling Association in Asia that is given this membership by the u.s. national counseling Association in 2018 the PCC further verge partnership with the Australian counseling Association and with a PACs or the a cessation of psychotherapists and counselors Singapore as of now we are trying to seek mutual recognition agreements with our with other nations or other countries when it comes to our counsellors then our activities so every may usually we have the annual convention and October are meteor conventional ever do to this pandemic we have to postpone it or cancel it definitely and of course we have continuing professional education programs and courses for our counselors and we have a research and publication we are producing research journals then of course as part of our social responsibility this free webinar series and of course we are we join the the EVPs of our partners and of course the the PRC when it comes to partnership right now we are in partnership with the national center for mental health in there telehealth and a hotline so there are counselors from the PG CA that are receiving calls through the NC MH and of course right now we are trying to finalize our partnership with the Department of Education when it comes to the provision of mental health and psychosocial supports for our learners and even to the employees or educators especially we are nearing the third with week of August or the opening of classes of course is the accredited integrated professional organization under the umbrella of PG CA are the following national counseling organizations so the appeasers Epke ACC unify a Pecha sind up and F CG and a be incorporated and these are the members of the board for 2019 to 2020 and we are still on hold over capacity because of a pandemic you can also join us and reach us to or through the different social media accounts so of course we have the Facebook page the PG say official you can reach us also or follow us on twitter official PG say and of course we are now live stream via YouTube channel PG say a philippine counselor before we start friendly reminders some friendly reminders to our participants and for previous participants now for concerns regarding your certificates again please do email you email this e-mail address so so that you can answer our Secretariat can answer them I'm sorry for I I missed one letter there it should be peaches a certificate okay my apologies for that did you say a certificate at gmail.com and again this webinar is stream by YouTube channel or YouTube channel did you say Philippine councillor and it's a shared link in the PCC official every page and you'd like the thing also are sharers of this link okay before we start may I request everyone or I may I invite you to a prayer in the name the father of the son of the Holy Spirit amen father God as we start this new day we thank you for all the blessings the graces that you've showered upon us as we enjoy this pandemic send forth your spirit to sustain us to keep us healthy mentally and physically give us a heart a big heart to be kind and compassionate especially to the least our brothers and sisters motivate our hands to share and to reach out especially to the least the last and the lost I mean entering the Father the Son the Holy Spirit hey good morning once again so this morning we are being joined by our facilitator or a speaker dr. Maria Klawe last see Medina so the medina known as orphan we finally family known as Loulou is one of the handful of the country country's board certified expert in traumatic stress yes I've only met two for her the sets those who the BCE es one of that is my professor in university of st. LaSalle dr. J dr. Johnny the Kataria so second one I've met no it's doubly Lou so dr. Lewis I'm a certain board certified expert in traumatic stress from the american academy of experts in traumatic stress new york and also has diplomate status in the same as well as the National Center for crisis management New York so she is also listed in the international registry of expert witness in the above international organizations so the Lewis one of the few advanced eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or e MV our therapists in the country she was one of the pioneers and subsequently sat as director or consultant of the USD Graduate School psycho trauma clinic so during her three-year term the clinic guard garnered a yearly Award for excellent community service and ultimately back the Hall of Fame Award during the university faculty recognition celebration Donnell 9 USD awards Lulu is an associate professor of the Graduate School of USD and st. Scholastica College where she teaches in master and doctorate programs psychology and guidance and counseling clusters so she earned her PhD from u.s. T&M in from Ateneo de Manila University and a professional diploma from the center of family ministry or say famine she also holds a certification as an acupuncture detoxification specialist and of course she is a register guidance counselor so Lulu what's elected board member of EMB our Asia in his first EMDR Asian conference held in Bali Indonesia and she was one of the pillars of the psychodrama work in the country and a founding member and program coordinator of the Porta Shelly Center for pastoral counseling and second trauma management so simple a Scholastica's college graduate school or hope CCC which was her brainchild and currently serves as consultant and a case manager she's consultant trainer for some NGOs for sexually abused children all over the country and also to vary school creating and implementing programs in addressing bullying parenting styles the teacher trainings for mental health awareness of their students and as a preventive strategy to spot students with psychological issues that may lead them to anxiety depression and even suicide now of course as a precedent of EMDR Philippines since 2011 she also leads to be or she in the lead the briefer of the EMDR a therapist for victims of various traumatic events is like example during the glorietta bombing a surrendered tragedy someone the siege when I will see in anymore so as a recent a cancer survivor she's not conducting workshops for others afflicted with the same along with their family members and caregivers and which cool which too the better understanding hoping and accepting in developing self-efficacy and greed or stored towards specific positivity for a new mindset and make the cancer journey meaningful not only for them but also for others so it is her simple way of paying it forward for her new lists in life so with that we would like to welcome dr. Lourdes Maria Lourdes Lulu C Medina thank you so much yeah thank you so much francis for that very kind introduction so now I have to earn that to earn all of that I was always saying whenever I give a talk I would want that this kind of introduction be given in the last so I have to earn it first but then thank you for the invite the doc Chris Hernandez actually invited me and how can I say no to PGC a of course I cannot and you are right this is I have a new lease in life so this is an advocacy for me so you invite me here and there and whatever I can share and in terms of skills and positivity I will do that okay so I think what is important at this point to add Francis and to all our participants here also noticing I you know I know it is very dominant predominate regarding the tele-counseling or telepsychology so therefore I'm actually very active right now or with telepsychology working with EP and then we have antivirus and then we have CML mind well we have also have well-being so because this pandemic and this mental health issues would be with us for the next three to five years actually this is the new this is the new endemic the mental health issues that will arise and at this point this is all about you guidance counselors or mental health practitioners professionals workers up whatever they may call us but the passion that we have not to better our craft we never stop we keep on studying you know we keep on many years in order to earn our degree and not only that to develop also this compassion for everyone so we are all professionals so never allow anyone to tell you any less so I'm very happy to be with you today right now the focus right now is you and me ask counselors ask maybe mental health practitioners that is why I opted to give this title of my talk on the quality of life so as I start I'd like to do a screen share and let's start with our okay let's go into the PowerPoint right quality of life now when we talk about quality of life especially in this time of crisis it's very difficult actually talk about it isn't it but what I will do now is give a little background or how we can maintain this quality of life this life that we are given despite so many our deaths and so many copied patients all the world but you and me we are still alive so that is something we have to be thanked so let us maintain this quality of life that we have at the moment other than this one a little background er I'm also going to share with you and teach you and allow you to experience very new techniques of stabilization and some processing this our new one was develop only in 20 this year and the other was on 2014 and the other one is 2018 so just to keep you updated and to make our lives as mental health practitioners less has a lesser reason because we are very prone I'm very so we're very prone to illnesses right and other mental health issues also now because of this pandemic we are all shall I say experiencing a collective and cumulative isolation if I'm not mistaken we're now in the 100 days or a little more so that's not easy isn't it so our like our lives are were put on hold if I may say so and there is a lot of uncertainties so for us we have to maintain this quality of life because we need to expand and help others that is why the role that we play right now it's not easy that's why I'm very happy that this free webinar support by PG CA and there are so many others are very giving to you webinars but not only for self care but also in enhancing of our skills so this can all make ourselves do better with our craft now we are now invisible front liners I hope you would agree with that but we may be invisible but we've we are very valuable in the lives of others now why immune system why did I come up on sharing with you how in Portland is the immune system in in us right now now since we are cooked up at home cumulatively collectively we know inception 100 days or more so the best in my opinion the best tool or defense that we can have for coffee 19 symptoms would be to take care of our immune system now why now the immune system is actually a very complex network of cells and proteins and it is the one that defends our body against infection now of course you do not know very much about kovat 19 yet right but now there are just a lot of researches saying this and that but what is important right now is that it is still it still is very rampant and so it affects our body it affects our immune system so the best defense is to take care of our immune system now the immune system it fights infections and what is good that we should be happy about the good news is it keeps a record in our immune system keeps a record of all the germs all the microbes that it has already encountered or defeated now because it is recorded and every time that we touch it or it comes close to us it easily recognizes it and destroys it as it enters our body so that's how important it is now the thing is because we are counselors mental health professionals were exposed to a lot of disasters a lot of crises now thus does this exposure weaken our immune system definitely it does right now there are two things that can weaken our immune system I would like you to be aware of this first of course is medical now we now don't talk about medical act for me I have I have cancer but I'm a survivor so therefore I know how important immune system now the other is psychological now if you have an illness like what I had which is Spencer it's not only medical it's all psychological now let's focus on the pandemic let's focus on the pub with 19 symptoms it is some of which may be medical and most of it will be psychological you know what we can say immune system I'm sure you're aware of that you have stress and if you don't deal with the stress it would explain in front side he perhaps even their fresh soil and for us it's easily for us we go into fatty and there's a lot of fears right now lot of sadness going on loneliness and even Bourdon that's right kids and so many are now addicted to to this to the computer to the laptop and it can be it can escalate into a psychology a pathological issue right now what we must be aware of yes okay all of this would would be coming in these psychological symptoms of 1419 and I think they're pretty normal in a sense that if it's 100 more than 100 days you're isolated or quarantine of course we will develop this but we must be aware as mental health professionals that this would not escalate or develop into something which is chronic right because if it is going to become chronic the next step is that we tend to catastrophize meaning just a tiny bit of news then we say oh my goodness I'm going to die in the in your area of you hear that may be a street or a block on your place someone has a copy now you panic so everything now it's catastrophize every little thing becomes a huge thing at least we are mindful of that that it should not develop into that kind of mental attitude and how do we go about that it is of course coping and I'm sure a lot of you had already attended a lot of this webinars for coping and let us make use of that and the other of course is to take care of our well-being now of course well-being it's not easy it entails a lot of factors will be in resulting in positivity resulting in happiness sobbing Anna Seligman he gave us a formula right and if you are aware of that make use of that formula but of course to discuss that now will be we take us maybe two or three hours so I'm not going to touch on that but I would just like to say that for it not to develop into mean having a catastrophe catastrophic attitude is for us to better our coping improve the coping and to also to be aware or mindful of our well-being now what does that so if the immune system is that vital in defending ourselves against it's called nineteen psychological symptoms then it only tells us that there is a mind body and spirit cone Marin Sun cone so Mia code meaning it's a whole system in a system if one is affected then all the rest would be affected we cannot separate one from the other we are so designed God has so designed this body of ours this there is a mechanism that we can actually bear trauma at the same time we can heal ourselves you know there's a very simple technique in the breakthrough therapy where which I'm using EMDR you know what the secret is of penetrating or making a breakthrough so that we can release these negative energies and release these blocks in the body which affects the immune system it's very simple it's called bilateral stimulation or in simple terms tapping just merely by tapping the body but there is a technique you can have you can do a slow tapping and you can do fast tapping and I'm going to allow you and you will experience that as we go along now what is very important also would be the spleen now i am i focusing on the splint as you can see here on the side because the spleen is the one that filters recycles all our red blood cells and it also stores our platelets and the white blood cells and you know and you know what the white blood cells does right they are the fighters or the soldiers so we always say that your new Soldado Union from Hawaii say infection so we need to take care of our spleen or as all of this system that you're looking at would be disrupted now my question is how do we take care of our spleen you know the spleen is damaged by worry and anxiety so right now you can ask yourself am I always worried I'm having anxiety then if your answer to both is a yes then the spring is affected let's clean is damaged and once the spleen is damaged the whole system is affected your immune system so that's how important the screening years okay now how do we take care of that now from all the webinars that we have also conducted an expert on public health like dr. Susie Mercado and you always see her on webinars and maybe on TV would be subbing here you know actually our problem it's not the copy 19 but it's fear and ignorance if we are able to handle the fears and also educate everyone and not be ignorant of what it is really all about and how to take care of ourselves then we are actually going to be copy 19 symptoms it may sound simple but I guess you can ask ourselves am I having a lot of fears because of all of these uncertainties and which causes you are you ignorant about coveting in not a transmitted but a libido if you're asymptomatic now there's a lot of research saying if you're asymptomatic we don't transmit at all it's now not 14 days of parenting but only 10 days there is a lot of information so we have to sort out this information because we need to keep ourselves informed so that the fears would be lessened because this is the real enemy she was saying fear and ignorance okay so let us take a look at this because all our old former routine was all disrupted of course that makes our lives actually we would be anxious about it right now there has been a lot of community quarantines I just listed down here you have social distancing now it's supposed to be physical distancing because you cannot socially distance yourself because you have to keep yourselves a connected right now we have a CQ e CQ c CQ g all the CQ i don't know in your particular area what CQ you have right now and of course the lockdown if we have been under this cumulative ly and collectively deal entire a deal and again asahi place on community its entire the entire barangay the entire community the entire world is actually going through this and in a in a webinar in Italy you know the cases in Italy right this came out please came out as dominant psychological symptoms or conditions Bourdon then they can return they can already do discern reality from virtual life frustrations hyper connectedness which can be pathological imagine if you're hyper connected because that's the only way you can be connected socially there's also economic issues aptitude stress mood disorders insomnia depression anxiety eating disorders of course if you lock up at home and all you do is eat right and then you have lack of basic needs medicines and information now the World Health has recently announced that the number of suicides is actually multiplied or triple even the UNICEF had also reported recently the number of domestic violence and abuses against children has actually tripled so as counselors as mental health practitioners we have a lot of where our hands are full you know this is how important we are at the moment now because of all of those conditions David grande is some expert iam your therapist here it stated that what is in the brain is in the body and what's in the body is in the brain right okay and as you can see here look at the colors of its particular emotion it affects the entire body that is just the point of this particular slide so what happened because we're exposed to all of this most people now just go into what we call a survivor look and I'm sure you are all familiar with this so it is a simple look it is like looping and looping going around and not really getting out of it and you get stuck and this stuckness causes a lot of chronic illnesses a lot of chronic psychological conditions and you know I just wanted to show you how these chronic conditions can affect so many people and all of these are going to be our clients or our patients that is why we need to prepare now I have I wanted may hope with the hadith way so I know that as counselors you know academically we prepare we study study said study many years and because you want to better our craft so always remember never allow anyone to tell you you are just a counselor because you are a professional we are professionals and we are badly needed right now and we are going to share you are going to share all the skills that you have that is how professional we are sometimes we forget our own personal issues right we set it aside because we would want to help others heal but remember you have to heal yourself first you cannot do trauma work you cannot we will not be able to extend help to others if you are not mentally psychologically and emotionally sound okay why what happens to us perhaps also view you are already having this condition look burnout okay ask yourself and then plus secondary trauma or vicarious trauma not directly you experiencing it but you hear you hear a lot from your patient about their traumatic experience or a negative experience or the abuses they suffer then that would lead to compassion 30 so be aware we need to be aware I have been compassionate if the answer is yes then you have to do something about it now in relations to immune system we can boost the immune system you know how and not lead into burn out and then compassion fatigue because if you don't or we don't then a lot of us or even our clients our friends family members can actually be suffering a lot are going through grief now it's grief really a negative experience is it pretty considered to be a bad experience now I'm sure you're familiar with the stages of grief but I'm not going to talk about that I would like to see grief as part of growth because try to reflect try to look into yourselves what experience did you have whereby you suffered whereby you enjoyed grief whereby you went through three because we need to grieve something happening to us grieving is important you cannot be avoided I wanna be avoided we have actually to be in touch with the grief why because if you look bad just one grieving experience of your own in your life did you come out a better person did you come out with better coping then you can come up with a more sound or this or reasonable look of things so in absolutely the what is planted as we go through grief is the wisdom and enlightenment it is planted during the time that we are grieving so therefore we do not look at it any more as a loss but we look at it as a time for growth that means nothing sounds easy but if you relate to your own experience then you would be able to understand what I'm talking about now when I had answered when the doctor told me okay you have cancer stage 2a you need to have mastectomy okay so what was my initial reaction am I going to grieve that I have this condition now of course I think my parents were a beautiful and happy childhood I thank all the my family for support and love so it never crossed my mind that I should be grieving but look at my condition as a way for me to be a better person to deal with it not get stuck but I would be able to share an advocacy that we can take care of ourselves we must not be dominated by fear but we must always be hopeful so it was a girl for me actually given this even this pandemic I looking even more busy you know I even tap more on my creativity I learned a lot of stuff I learned how to do webinars I learned about the computer I don't know infographics so it was all growth experiences that is why you need to share okay self-care this has been a topic for many many times right I'm just trying to create now I install this again because you might have forgotten it now I know that you have a lot of knowledge stock knowledge and understanding and perhaps you can use all the skills now if you have not had that experience because no face-to-face it's all online but the online is also a good way of sharing your skills and helping others you can only care for others if you do self care I know you have you have know a lot of techniques about this but there's there are a few points which I would like - all about ok do you know that the neurotransmitters actually rule our lives it's all about neurotransmitters but of course I'm not going to discuss all of this I will only focus on five important ones ok now look if you do self-care you can do this this is about us we have the Ender things make use of it and the dopamine all you have to do as I said because what we have is a system the body got so designed or giftedness or the body but it has its own mechanism to heal ourselves all we have to do is tap right how do you tap literally tapping I will grant demonstrate that in the next few slides how do we tap at the end or genes how do we tap the dopamine of course I just try to give a little description here but I know you know all of this right the endorphins would be like a mask so that we can enjoy the pain there can be euphoria you know it's our own bodies OPA there's no need for you to go to the drugstore and buy this or you take into alcohol or do all of this crazy things that people are doing we have it in ourselves all we have to do is that and there are no side effects along with dopamine so endorphins and dopamine is about us it's for the self for ourselves feeling happy ourselves feeling good by doing this now we have three which is serotonin oxytocin and cortisol this would be for others now during these times a lot of us are helping others through counseling the one on line telling psychology whatever you doing you are extending a part of yourself to others you are making others feel better about themselves you're helping them take control of their own lives that is production of serotonin now the same with oxytocin you know I have a lot of friends what they do now is they pack sandwiches they pack food they distribute it to all hospitals or mental health professionals and I ask them what do you get my doing this and the answers would be the same it is unexplainable we cannot explain how we feel but it is a very good feeling that is oxytocin because it is about loving others not only yourself now cortisol cortisol that was given a bad name no we have labeled it as something bad a bad hormone it's so unfair for the cortisol because you know I don't think we would be able to to wake up with full of energy and to have the drive the passion being daring to do something if we did not have cortisol what is only important is the cortisol must be controlled it must be regulated so these are the five neurotransmitters which would help us you and me boost our immune system and it's and there is no expense here you can do this by simply eating the right kind of food you know sleeping the right number of hours keeping yourself emotionally regulated or stable and this can all be done by a simple technique as I said which is we call it an EMDR as bilateral stimulation but in common well opium or I mean language we say popping simply tap yourself I'm sure you have you see really Oh sincere dog I know you're my alternative I know they have shown this a lot of demonstrating what part of the body we can tap see no medications needed no side effects and you can do it anytime you want excuse me excuse me all right now so that means we need a balance right we need a balance I will teach you now right okay are you ready let us start at this point I would like you to have a piece of paper on bond paper and a pencil or ball pen okay I will teach you a new technique which you can use for yourself for your family community and your clients okay do you have it now I hope so just a peace bond paper will do and a pencil or ball pen you shall be using that in a while okay all right now this is the tapping that I was talking about or the bilateral stimulation as you can see all you have to do it's copy call it butterfly hug right as you can see on the slide all you have to do is put two thumbs together and you have your hands-free like this make like a butterfly like the wings of the butterfly and what you need to do this one is you can put them on your chest like this and you can tap this way now you may say really by doing that by tapping something is going to happen yes proven research base okay you can do this by tap like this like the wings of the butterfly slowly as I said it can be slow and at point at some point it can be fast this way or you can extend the hug and you can have yourself will show it you can have yourself like this you know hugging and tap now when you tap it is like an art it is an art and at the same time it is a science it can be slow and then accompanied by slow breathing see like this and if I give the instruction okay tap fast then you need to cut fast like this alternately okay that is how simple it is I hope everyone got that because this is very important then in the next slide we are going to be using the butterfly have or the tapping or the BLS as we call it in EMDR okay ready okay now this is what I will allow you now experience I'm going to stabilize you so that when we go to the other technique which I will be teaching you you are already shall I say ready for him okay this is called the immediate stabilization protocol or procedure this was developed this was developed by Gary Quinn who is a psychiatrist the president of EMDR in Israel you know in Israel they have a lot of traumatic experiences so they keep themselves a breasts too in how to stabilize themselves if you are going to benefit from this I SP or immediate stabilization protocol and procedure that I will do right now and all you have to do is follow my instructions if you benefit from it and you are very much interested you can just let me know or that did you see you know I can send actually the PowerPoint that I prepared I will show that to you in a while I'll show it to you and then we will do it because I believe that it's not just a matter of lecturing or this are just words they will stay as words in our memory not unless I experience it and there is an emotional connection to what I did that my amygdala would record oh that was good you know I'm gonna few different rod I'm I always relaxed it's just my simple tapping then I remember so this is the first thing that I'm gonna share with you now the pencil and the paper you need that for the next one not this one in this one image stabilization portable all you have to do is listen to my instructions listen to what I'm gonna say and follow okay I'm going to show you share with you first PowerPoint so at least you know what I'm talking about but then you know you cannot do two things at the same time or three things and they say but look at the PowerPoint do it that focus on your mental subluxation technique of course we can do that our mind can focus only when it is relaxed and one focus at the time but I just want to allow you to view okay so this is it okay just look you go through it first okay so this is a summer I have summarized it so that it will be easier for you to implement it or to use it okay now this one I just want to go back when I prepared this I prepared this for our telepsychology or tele-counseling CML mind well that is why some of the slides here their names that you're going to see because we have created a spiel so you just don't mind time because it was addressed to them I didn't have some time to change it okay what is the main goal of this immediate stabilization protocol the main goal is reduction or synchron's that's it because when somebody calls or somebody talks to you you don't know what they're happy you don't do it in grief and you don't do a PFA you just stop right but then this kind of talking is one which is scientific and the main purpose is reduction of symptoms and once you have reduced the symptom so happens to be the person becomes calm and would be feeling safe so you can move on to the next whatever is a treatment but you're going to do that's the goal so the process it's called is well as you can see there follow the opening spiel I was addressing them here this is how it some time and this is a short version now once you are used to this you can be creative and use as much knowledge and skills you have as needed by your color or your student or your the client and of course just like any other session of therapy or any other conversation we gather I think can me and mute open unmuted themselves creating disturbance [Music] okay now as in any other conversation first of course we gather information like when you're talking with someone how can you help someone if you don't even ask so what you say is tell me about it tell me the story what happened be a very active listener and take note of the content it do not lose focus on the content sometimes as a mental health practitioners now another time on me yeah you know so we focus on the content and we can write it down and also at this point they will be mentioning all their positive or negative words so you write this down because you will use them and I'm going to show you a grid how to take down notes on the content easily not in too many words in EMDR we call it Isis I'll show you what that means there the T is the event what happened I is the image that they now write it in the story and she would be the negative Commission or negative self relief which are your client I'd mentioned and he would be the negative emotions that go with that and first else is body scan so where do they feel all of this in their body and the next s is you can ask how disturbing is it for you now from zero which is no disturbance or to ten which is maximum see by just writing down this grid you can just fill in the content of the story and that is all that you need so now now that you have the story now that you have the Pisces you can prepare them you need to prepare so how do you prepare them so you tell them about the approach that you're going to use that this approach or this technique that you will be using is to reduce the symptoms and that it has helped a lot and that you assure them that it will be of help to your client and then talk about tapping mention the word tapping you don't even have to say BLS they might not they might it might confuse them all so well tapping it's relatively common common word so you can use yeah okay and as I said you can do the tapping either on the chest with a butterfly hug or you can have yourself on the forearm and you can demonstrate it because right now it's online right now face to face as I did as I give them to you earlier so the demo the tapping would be slow for ISP for preparation it's always slow until they feel better now you're going to start to stabilize but before you start stabilizing you have to explain a little or do a little psycho in if you have a script on doing this then you can come out come up with that now what is important there when you prepare them is to use the term natural try to avoid the term normal because the opposite of normal is abnormal which is not good you know good meaning for many people so you can say you know what you're feeling right now being 100 days or more isolated or quarantine so many uncertainties then it is natural not to feel this way okay but you can also give them hope in assurance that the body has our body has the natural mechanism to reduce this stress that is very important to hear when you are in distress or you have your officials very reassuring okay now we start stabilization if you tell them to sit comfortably because you know you can tap on your chest on your forearm or on your knees wait a min as long as it is all turning left right left right as they do deep Chris do deep breathing maybe five times seven times it depends try to look at your client if they are already relaxed and focus on the breathing and that's fine or you can do what we call the double breathing you mean meaning inhale one two exhale one two three four inhale one two three four exhale until eight it's open is always double the exhaling now ask them if they already relaxed and if they say yes then you install a positive cognition and do it slowly if they say I am okay as I am I am safe that's a positive cognition right so you do let them do the tapping slowly you guide them at first especially if not if there is no ritual but just by phone you have to be sure that they follow your instructions at the most you've got at the start you can do ten taps if needed you can do more and you can do more now let's say the disturbance was 7 / 10 as they did the tapping then you can ask so how this term are you right now at this point if they say 6 then you can continue still with the tapping slowly then you can ask now how disturbing is for you now if they say 4 on first try that's good enough good job vaguely but you can make it lower if you want by continue continuing the tapping slowly slowly okay and at this point you were able to reduce the symptoms and that was the goal of is you have a cheaper go and maybe you can give them a homework that every time they feel no they should know their body it coming just do the tapping and shock me how you did it okay I'm hope that I was able to do now we are going to do it minimize fears okay are you ready I'm just checking the time because I need to do the other one 11:09 okay let's go are you ready I let me see I try to check the words a chat in here so I can see either how you're responding Francis are you there are you still with us there will be I can't see the chat anyway okay that's the way then please sit comfortably sit comfortably comfortable seating means your two feet must be on the ground and your back is straight do not allow it to lean towards anything at the back just keep it straight so that the energy can flow through the back because that is where the energy will go in one point okay now follow my instructions please because I want you to experience the summarization especially if you are at the moment a bit anxious or stressed or worried because you need to experience this so you will be able to share it with others let's follow my instructions dreams like as you do the deep breathing look at me first because I will let you close your eyes after a while as you do as you inhale you raise your hand like this inhale then when you exhale put it down slowly very slowly artistically again inhale and exhale slowly moving down your arms we are going to do this three times I just demonstrated it okay now we can start inhale exhale slowly bring down your arms again inhale exhale slowly very good one more time inhale and exhale keep your eyes closed now position your hands either if you want the butterfly hug like a butterfly and put it on your chest or you can hug yourself and then we're going to start tapping which ever you prefer okay I will do the counting at first and then you follow the rhythm okay are you hugging yourself now very good I'd like you to start tapping left right left right left right left right continue tapping until I tell you to stop okay close your eyes now mentally mentally I'd like you to visualize yourself try to look at yourself look at yourself what would you like to tell yourself right now that can help you overcome or release all this the worries that you're having right now ever worry you would ever stress you out every unsightly mahad put that on the side put that at the back of your head and now look at yourself what would you like to tell yourself you know something really positive that brings out a positive sensation it may be you have to claim it you can say I am good enough I did my best I'm okay as I am I'm smart I'm trustworthy I'm worthy whatever it please look at yourself continue packing slowly being slowly and repeat those words mentally you may also save them verbally I am good enough okay you please annuity friendly and mute yourself so the others will not be disturbed okay pump yourself up slowly [Music] absolutely now Francis can you please remind the participant one you okay now look at yourself now after tapping slowly and saying all these positive words but you want for yourself claiming it do you notice anything in the image that we're looking at for son at first they might be you know sad or frowning but as Aiden did the tapping and saying all the positive cognitions positive words they start smiling and look at around you you have people who love you maybe how do you telling you they are there for you let me do your family your husband your wife kids your grandkids your parents your partner your siblings your friends they are there for you all of them look at them surrounding you smiling on you and telling you we are here for you have your loved there always happens to happen now if you see that the image of yourself it's very positive smiling take note of the sensation that you feel are you now breathing in a relaxed way do you feel relaxed and calm and there is stillness savor that there is this white light top of your head this is the light of relaxation the light of enlightenment the light of freedom the light of safety and the light light of security for this light is running down your head down to your face your body down to your legs your whole body it's now encircle who are in this bubble why bubble you're safe you're sick you are you're connected you are slowly open your arms put down your hands look up try to have a look lastly of yourselves we're in love cared for feeling important very significant because you are significant you are God's child you are love take a few friend mm-hmm exhale slowly very good one more time inhale and exhale and open your eyes slowly at the count of five open slowly one two three okay now you are now ready for the next step thing which I'm going to teach all right so what happened was I have stabilized you you went to your safe place went to your sacred place you you were with people you love and so you're now calm and relaxed and stable so if I were to ask you at the beginning whereby you had anxiety or stress or worried I don't know what number you knew you are at at the beginning maybe a 5 over 10 and 4 over 10 6 & 9 a 10 over 10 but right now you can check yourself where are you now if you were able to go down to 4 over then very good right this month you can continue on and you can give yourself until it goes long to zero good very good ok now please without your pencil and the paper 11:20 may I ask before I proceed with the next our fancies can you man can you please unmute yourself it's not our Francis ah the time is 11:21 I'd like to do the IGP B but I'm not sure if I would have that time is there time here for Question and Answer or I can just use up all the time yeah we can have Segura two to three questions after 12 Oh CJ I'll try to see if you can finish I can do this i GPP end up okay thank you thank you Francis you're welcome back okay let's proceed then so they have your paper and pencil with you yeah now this is called integrative group treatment protocol or IG D these are the originators are all from Mexico and this has been used all over the world and very effective so there's one for children which is simpler and there's one for adults but this one that we will be doing would be for adults I don't think there will be kids right now what you have to do I'm going to give you a copy of this you don't have the coffee yeah I just wanted to put four quadrants in your paper so this the one that I'm pointing at this would be lets say drawing one you see it here d1 then on the opposite side label it as b2 and then below the one below d3 and below the two we have d4 these simply means controlling now even as adults some would say but I don't know how to draw it off I would always say it so this is not a contest for you yeah as long as you understand and the drawing that indeed has a meaning for you that's good enough okay and then you have a small circle here or d2 and a small circle down here and for d4 of course these are the instructions I'll be the one to do this all you have to do is follow so you don't get distracted I see everyone ready because I only have we only have about 30 minutes or 35 minutes let what I would want you to come up with would be not really a let's say a big drama come up only with a minor incident so it can easily be processed right because it is going to be a real heavy drama then we might not finish in 30 or 35 minutes because we need to have time for two or three questions okay let's start d1 now this is what you need to follow is everyone in the UN now okay this is called the safe place draw your safe place there if your safe place would be your room or your Chapel or the garden wherever it may be please draw it there now this is your safe place this is your sacred space and as you draw that safe place on one side of it please write down all the positive emotions that you feel whenever you are in this safe place okay write down all the positive feelings and emotions and the good memory that you have about this place write them down you know I see peaceful you feel love do you feel so calm save secure write them down there okay done I will proceed now all right okay now look at your drawing put down your pencil or pen look at your drawing that is your safe place that is your sacred space you can be comfortable you can be who you are you're not going to be judged no biases no prejudices from anyone you are just you comfortable accepted and belong okay look at your drawing and look at the words that you've written down remember this words that you've written down put them in your memory and follow my instructions on yourself do let's do the butterfly hug have yourself down and top yourself slowly left right left right left right left right please look at the image look at the drawing keep your eyes closed and keep tapping slowly keep tapping slowly in your mind's eye look at the drawing that you did and look at the words all the positive beautiful words that you've written down and take note of the sensation that you're feeling take note of the sensation what do you feel what a positive emotion do you feel and where do you feel this in your body take note some may be feeling it on the head some on their chest or heart some on your stomach may be some on their legs the pens and some may be feeling it in the entire body look at the drawing mentally mentally look at it this is your sacred space will not be disturbed here you are safe and secure you can be yourself take note of all the positive emotions and the positive sensations continue tapping and where you feel this in your body so by doing the tapping and looking at in your mind's eye looking at the safe place with a safe person people you love and all the positive words and sensation we have installed this in your memory so that when we go to D 2 which is the unpleasant memory and you feel like you are feeling the stress and you want to stop you can stop and you're go you are going to go to don't drawing one so you can again be stable ok but I want to be sure that you are stable ok by this time I think everyone would be stabilized now very good ok now let's go to d2 d2 when your eye is open your eyes I'm trying to my ears need to there's a small circle there as I have said please kindly just work or process a memory and pleasant memory not a big trauma just something unpleasant ok because it might not have the time to process him ok draw it there please draw that unpleasant experience long-haired we have minor lung I'm gonna keep an eye on how effective it is because although it of course is very effective in processing trauma really but as I said that time is not allowed ok unpleasant draw it there you know I wake up on traffic I don't know draw it now after you've drawn it on one side right now the negative words where you angry was there anger was there frustration was there disappointment write them down there on the right side all right ok now if you've written them down look up your unpleasant the drawing of your unpleasant memory or whatever it symbolizes look at those negative words and inside the circle please put the number how disturbing is it for you as you look at this from 0 to 10 write it down there is it 5 over 10 6 6 over and 7 over 10 I don't know write it down in this circle good ok we've written it down let's now proceed now again follow my instructions close your eyes but this time the tapping that you will do is fast it's not slow but really fast alright ok close your eyes now tap that really really really fast do not stop until I tell you so now there might be some disturbing images there that is normal because what you're doing as you look at your drawing to the unpleasant memory the unpleasant drawing and those negative words and you do a fast tapping you're accessing the memory but you're not reliving it you're just accessing it so the hyper campus will show it to you and you allow you allow your memory to show you whatever images it wants to show you that's connected to that unpleasant experience trust the process okay stop really fast stop and look at that image and the negative words tap tap tap tap tap tap really fast you will notice that the image is changing that is normal because reprocessing is going on your memory is also trying to heal itself allow it allow it to come up that needs to be coming up it's pretty normal if you want to cry go ahead it's all right deal with it this is the best opportune time for you to deal with it a tap fans have that no question when will you stop you will only stop when you see the image no longer is moving it is already steady the memory is not coming up with another picture because you are it's like you're watching a movie of your own unpleasant experience it evolves it develops and then it will stop meaning there's no more there's nothing more to look at so the memory had shown it all to you that's it and then it stops that is the only time that you will stop but as images come up then just continue tapping really fast okay and look at the image it's only an image it's not happening anymore it's only a memory but we need the memory needs to let it out the brain the mem also needs to be here tapping laptop okay now you will stop only when there's nothing else there's no more movement okay continue tapping alright can you tapping continues happy you okay by this time perhaps if it was a minor or unpleasant it had been reprocessed okay now what do you do with d3 let's go to d3 let's go to d3 over here below b1 now I'd like you to draw the last image that you saw in d2 what's the last image of you so please right there after you've drawn it put the words on the left on the on one side for the words what all the emotions the feelings because the feelings and emotions that you're going to write down here on b3 would be different from v2 because v2 is reprocessing the negative experience and after it had been reprocessed for d3d it's a different image it's no longer it's no longer as painful no longer disturbing no longer you know much less and you're more calm please draw it here and write down all this maybe positive emotions that you have you're in the sensations that you're experiencing now okay give you half a minute for that very good okay good good good you have drawn it okay it's much better the sensations emotions positive emotions write them down now we are going to tap okay now close your eyes hug yourself again but this time the tapping must be slow slow that Bing look but they in merged there on d3 and all tap-tap-tap very good table that as you tapped slowly and you're looking at this image and the positive words kindly say this aloud it's over it's in the past I am safe now and it's over it's in the past I am safe now one more time it's over it's in the past I am safe now very good fun thing about being slowly look at that positive image there take note of the positive emotions and sensations continue tapping slowly up slowly slowly it's over it's in the past I am safe now these are very powerful words for you it's over it's in the past and I am saying now very good okay you may now stop tapping open your eyes slowly now go to d4 here before and draw the last image that you saw what's the last image that we saw as we were closing your eyes and tapping slowly savoring the past pilgrim boy sunset handsome see I'll look in the last roping in the e3 what does the last image stoy emotions Oh look at this drawing in the circles well write it down here circle now as you have written it down I'd like you to look at the one on top look at the D to look at your level of disturbance there inside the circle and compare that with the level of disturbance down here on d4 note the difference not the huge difference see now this is only a minor experience which I have asked you to come up with just so we can you can experience its effectivity in such a short time I'm hopeful that the level of disturbance has been lowered hopefully we are zero being professionals as you are following instructions faithfully then I'm happy for you if it had gone down to zero if not one or two is fine you can continue that on your own until it goes down to zero very good oh okay then at this point looking at the time I would like to share with you another technique let us see this is now I hope everyone's done with IG TP you know you can do this to a group you can do this one-on-one but there is another one for children it's much simpler if you are into stages let me know and I can send also ace an adaptation or some reform which I have prepared okay now let's look this one second Amen oh wait a second I'm looking for the oyster there you go okay here are you looking at this are you looking at this one this is very recent also from EMDR practitioner ana gomes she's very good at this with children you can actually google it but I'm and it's there the whole process is there so I'm not gonna teach this you can just go through it I'm sure you will be able to follow it if it is very simple but it's very effective and this is one of the latest it's called this is the story of the oyster and the butterfly and the coronavirus and me this is how you will be able to help children understand about coronavirus and about how they feel see it's very beautiful it has full of art and the quest and the way that it is delivered and the way the language is done so it can be understood by kids I'm just going through a scrolling through it but it is very effective actually this is also where effective for teenagers and perhaps even for adults because you are all children at heart anyways right okay see but you can just believe it's also there by an enormous but if you want to pop in because it's already here I can just forward it to PGC a and they can just maybe I don't know four would be to your email don't you make that okay right so there are actually there this is it right this is a forest strategist from dr. Francine Shapiro and mindfulness unfortunately she's the founder originator of the NPR but she passed away June 20:16 so on but remember he lives on through all this breakthrough therapies that she had already ingrained in all of us okay so pinion can I go back now to mind I can't go back not my original PowerPoint so thankful okay whoops okay now I hope you were able to I'm sorry this is the last this is for that I Chicopee and that was four words my last slide no anyway because I'm good time I hope I was able to help you in any way and you learn strategies this the last one that I like to say to you I salute you all health workers guidance counselors mental health practitioners I really am very proud of the work that we all have been doing and let us continue with this passion our reward will be in heaven God knows God is not sweet so salute to everyone thank you very much ok now I will stop my sharing there you go so Francis I did it on time didn't I okay say what to finish it on time yes yeah very much every yeah informative and inspiring on different techniques thank you thank you welcome I will I will try to look or to get some questions from our viewers right now but for the information of everyone our evaluation our post as an evaluation will will start at 1:00 p.m. so we have already provided the post in our Facebook page and I hope you for our participants again please read the post so what about aragão link because it would start at 1:00 yeah all right let me check first again [Music] so perhaps even if they don't have a question they can share just your experience or something yes for Makar euphoric Mozilla because of the processing of the memory yes in a process vanilla question here thank you very much dr. Medina can I do this tapping technique in my subject fitness for life since I recall oh no allow young question among well I think yeah fitness for life since I recall to that to have a healthy or to be healthy is what we mean to have a healthy mind of course you can do the tapping its freak'n side effect as I have said the immune system is boosted as soon as you tap properly the specific memory and the emotion you install it in the body then you would it would be good right yeah even for kids they do the tapping yeah as long as you remember that if you are installing a positive emotion working on a good memory it has to be slow you don't do a fast tapping right just do it slow because if you do a fast tapping then you must be perhaps in the presence of a counselor or a therapist because you will be processing a negative memory yes very good at least you have pointed it out don't you Luna now single a disclaimer parasitic viewers especially those who are not counselors now yes there are some things here that you can do however if you venture already to processing then you might will be being a helping or a mental health professor you because it might do harm more harm than good sign neo so again please be reminded that if you're already venturing yes you can do a live this is a first in oh no Luna slamming but eventually you'll be needing the right professionals for this one right it's stabilization remember is be it's immediate stabilization the main goal is to reduce the symptoms that's it all right I'm still looking or yeah I'm looking for questions Medina and well we are very much overwhelmed by the question I am right by the appreciation thank you very much DCA thank you Medina thank you god bless and we're having messages for starting YouTube okay so I'm trying to look for questions here a good question are we authorized to use EMDR without proper training single yeah as part of presenting or letting our viewers know this aspect of EMDR oh no you cannot do embr if you have not been trained you know we are doing trainings for um there but us paraprofessionals for now but these techniques are lifted from EMDR and you can use them like just the tapping because a lot emotional freedom technique which is another technique uses stuttering somatic movement uses tapping so it does it's not a sole property of EMDR but what makes it relevant for EMDR is what we called the bilateral stimulation because it originated there when it is fast and when it is slow that you process a memory but you cannot know that fast as I have said if there is no one there with you right we're going just do the tapping slowly for stabilization purposes for stabilization practices but if you want to be trained in here in the yard and if you see a would like to invite me and do a paraprofessional trainee why not yes that's a good idea because what I just gave is just like a taste of it just the tapping fire there's still a lot more a question this is from where from a counselor can we use this a PvP for our BF 8 trainings I think there her context here is a mixture because it is coming from the context as a counselor yeah of course remember as counselors you have much skills I believe in all of you never allow them to say you're just a counselor Golikov Oh didn't I say whenever I hear that and I said quad you don't really know what how much you know you know academically we studied many many years to better our crops so we do the work you know accompany our clients and no one should actually put us down so you can do this be creative you know this PFA and the briefing this and that these are structures but like we have academic freedom whatever you have learned you can craft and maybe inserted in a specific family manner as long as you don't disrupt the protocol of the other but you may add this in you know for enhancement so if you have if you did it properly earlier and you experienced the relief the calmness and reduction of symptoms then it will work for others because it works worldwide it's it's being used so you can just be creative okay thank you for that another question here when single row from the side no man wanna monocyte psychologists what about registered psychologists are we allowed to use this technique no more because you're registered you have the license right for those who do not yet have licenses even is a guidance counselor's I know that Filipinos are very but that's your circumventing the law and I don't go on power walks a cannula is that by you know I knew you know because you are but you have the skills right and many institutions and I mean guidance counselor passing license the siddhappa taboos come in a isn't it and especially right now with the economics and all this lockdown and for anything that would be a bit difficult for you but you are all needed if I'm not mistaken sixty or seventy thousand guidance counsellors are needed all over the country and so you and use all the skills because this is just happy you will not do you're not processing anything you're just trying to install a positive feeling a positive emotion so that you can come down your client or your students you know it's different if you're going to cost it but if you are a licensed psychologist you can be trained I'm sure you've trained whatever training you had I don't know what you're using I say therapy but of course I would really endorse and promote EMV because it is the World Health Organization have just recently recognized that most effective for PTSD and all other common related conditions just like Sydney l'anima quarrelin from Csonka comfortable you know and you feel like you can do it better and help others better and do it thank you for that happily before in one of my webinars I am I tried to explain the difference between the council or a psychologist in peace right and yeah and tsunami co yeah what makes them actually related to each other is that both can are doing counseling or even for here for for our psychologists psychotherapy but of course the difference between the two is that the counselor is focus can or can't focus on career guidance well the psychologists can do the diagnosis all right I am yes I agree with you there francis para la comida lemon talent ah ah ah and I become students of the guidance counselors you know and ma USTR saying so but Mary need the alignment they have all the skills and then knock on behind unifying between MGP CA you make this guidance counselors study really really study many have their ma soeur and but then you give them this of course there's this focus on career right every development career path and that entails a lot of paperwork and then you make them handle 600 or 800 students and then look after them I don't know I'm sure they're burned out or they have compassion fatigue I pity them no we should actually I think focus on making their lives better because it depends on their are you going to do paperwork or are you really going to make make lives matter for your students well what the punch line more yeah happily as part of the advocacy of the Philippine garrison counseling is trying to reach out especially with our legislatures then of course we dem add were in Pelican grabbing need counselors but then in by young pananaw nila Dada their time gusta Neela awawa in iam qualification standard so yeah yeah and I hope that to our viewers it took we're gonna go in again as counselors and as I have mentioned yesterday in the Senate committee hearing Manama sayin oh you mean Ogawa knocking because this is intangible see you cannot see a psycho-emotional one compared to a physical one so that is why it requires training as you have said earlier we need to study study study study for years because this is when we deal with with you will this intangible suite but you need to be trained and only be training long but rather quality training working you were superb ah you're super being supervised or being base young techniques or in a comic movies or I mean research base the bottom line is you're all professionals right yes okay another question do can you suggest and how to do this to the people who doesn't easily like to open up their fears and traumas Singapore I'm not open to conditional open God okay lalu must my effective not you I'm drawing it so those people cannot really express themselves but God okay drawing upon one and you are a drawing nila and then you can start talking about it actually it is another way of expressing themselves so they can do a technique first like they just out find the empty chair or whatever it is just to have them open up it is a very big challenge to see we have to earn the trust because if the client does not trust you you're not going to get anywhere that is a very basic thing that we need to establish so we must be trustworthy and we must be genuine because yeah those people who come to ask you they're problematic very sensitive never on the Manila take by takara 499 bonito tower NATO you know so we have to be genuine and we have to be trustworthy that that has to exude graduate from our personality so it will depend on on us you know on how what we write get from from within and then that is felt by your client and they will immediately trust you and easy for them to tell their story yes thank you Lulu another question here a very interesting is it expensive if you go under to counseling those who are those people or people only allowed to go or to undergo counseling how we eliminate the thinking of people that when you go to counseling they think that they they're crazy I think doc Lulu another singer Unger Kingman at Hillman who was a Hindi popular in counseling civics perience in in United States were in Ian's the set up there is my example court initiated right no a CD to certain stigma but it is good that we already have the mental health bill right nah-nah param the bogus ball wasn't in stigma and it is now in different it is now adopted by different companies so parent partner young partner you know employment law so I hope that would it would come to that point for example if you're employed in a university or employed in any company Marin can only bring sample sessions I Santa own you know I mean soldered by the weather company or the institution so by doing that it had a nun getting the million saadet apartment palette alligator on nobuhiko know that it would come to a point that I will be done sitting and I will need psychotherapy because it's part of my now part of the benefits are the privilege that I have my along happens in palanca see you I know my own young monumentally have uni I think I mean boo Melania in Mosul in MIT psychiatrists grave a clam I don't know the biggest answer is and if we had any part on it they are very important crash yeah but at least neuronal similar given and start now our instinct money and oh Allah another area of being expensive Mahalo well it depends on the caliber of your therapies like I give an example like free and EMDR therapy abroad on charge not in the one is like foreign hours it would run from thirty to fifty dollars C and at dawn pumping sonorous takashina Alice gonna be buddy told so I have a lot of clients undergoing EMDR gallon stuff who Samsung Evo yoga it's less expensive here in volume you wanna approach them don't believe me anyway you know we go on extra mile so they're surprised that it's there's a difference it's it's the same but there's it's better that's what they say because especially on mine and icon mind Eastern and Western so because that's how the culture is I combine it be combine whatever is is best on one and basically out there and then ask it on my own but of course I don't disrupt the particle so you know it's not really expensive because what we are talking about is your life you know do you want to get back on track do you want to pursue your dreams do you want to be in control of your life again then you have to invest that's how it feels but at first if you want buggying and open along preventive just take care of your mind your body and your spirit so that we don't have to go counseling but one one way or the other at one point in time because we're all one did we would need one okay okay thank you for that last question in book seek a question I can answer this but Sakura well Lucas a every time remaini lack of a car we need vitamin C on human hobbies Anila and this question doc can teachers do counseling some some counselor said that only licensed castle health can do counseling hello you hello dr. Lu today well is trying to get back to the sink to her signal oh yeah yeah yeah it's okay yeah yes pink yes I was saying the teacher can just be there to listen and to give support but a shoulder to cry on but not to give advice because that's very dangerous if you give advice and then they follow it and something happens to them they will blame you do not give them any reason to blame you you know so just offer them support emotionally no shoulder to cry on but then always prefer them but at least you're there to listen that's the best thing you can do yes thank you for that at least not a me for those now we've been with us for quite some time with this webinar case a it seems not all on you Mary remained it's like because I'm in system because of the two laws I said we never see hun kudi toe a seemed 11 but us Kunsan a very clear now you are a negative 15 otherwise as the garrison considering at all 2004 in our a 1-1 0 to 9 or the psychology act of 2009 when our counselors and psychologists are mandated saguru if you're a teacher my guidance counselor cadine or a psychologist then you can do but yeah or not that's a I do we as I mentioned me dr. Lulu we don't subscribe to advising since it was when we process it seems yeah it seems we will be imposing or you will not be more young ideas not impose we can just give them options you know yeah yeah make them decide the business there is giving them responsibility okay so dr. Liu thank you for this one yeah please hold on for a while as I'll wrap up this webinar so in behalf of the Philippine guidance and counseling Association so we have also dr. ness here then we have the PR board the Ironman and the loose and the pjo a PG say officers you would like to thank you for your time and of course your expertise and to our televiewers thank you so much for this one but before we end a little reminder so please enter the post test and evaluation so the link will be provided or will be given but in 1 p.m. NACA postponed again 1 p.m. pho then please give us time to send your your certificates for we will double usually after his retirement security coming on and on and slides more and all right sandy we can send it for set amount of viewers our participants okay yes for your welcome for it's our pleasure w lu satima najjar viewers please take note we will post if we have upcoming some webinars for July please stay tuned okay so for the past months it cannot put you at in no webinars so it today with the Lulu so thank you very much please don't forget to follow subscribe and like our social media accounts police a official official PG say and Phillip is a Philippine counselor and if you have stories innovations very that would help uplift the counseling profession the Philippines please email PG say that submit at gmail.com again this is for social media if you have concerns with your certificate please email PG a certificate at gmail.com because I've been receiving queries which I could not answer for okay we would like also to thank and acting certificates team led by Sir Dan pollution then of course I'm MC Garcia our assistant secretaries are done or secretary then we have R which is a personnel Juve and the Leon and Vince are gone we thank also our volunteer just enjoys one then we thank you don't Pam's peers you not being Fe you for Eastern University peer facilitators for the graphics posters and certificates in a poem the design and the happy man holsters and certificates in the graphics and of course you mapping sending of certificates this is done by our times guidance team you know happening a counselors so far Eastern University so with that we would like to thank everyone for your participation see you at one o'clock for your post test and evaluation how happy lunch thank you so much and
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Views: 40,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Counselor, PGCA, Mental Health, Guidance Counselor
Id: ah7QUXhyMw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 35sec (7955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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