Excess young deaths, UK and US

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well and welcome to this talk it's Tuesday the 25th of October now I want to look at a few things today the main one probably is going to be the excess deaths in young people in the United States the official data is showing a cumulative total of around about 17 000 excess deaths in zero uh years to 24 year olds in the United States I want to look at that in a minute but before we do that I want to start off with some good news if you're a shareholder in Pfizer um Pfizer expects to hike U.S covered vaccine price to 110 to 130 dollars now that's correct 110 to 130 per dose this is just quite uh incredible and yet this is what is reported by the Reuters news agency one of the chief Executives Pfizer expects to roughly quadruple vaccine price that's times four isn't it hundred tens 130 per dose after the United States government current purchase scheme expires currently paying around thirty dollars per dose to Pfizer and German bioentec and Pfizer expects to Market roughly about the same number of covert shots as flu shots by the looks of it so um this is just quite uh I was quite taken aback you know okay inflation could be five or ten percent but given that the acroplex were already uh higher than yours and mine perhaps um to increase the price to 110 to 130 dollars per shot is really quite staggering in my view but what do I know about business now um distressing news yesterday um Mr Tim uh gosh and we just extend our deepest uh sympathies uh condolences to Tim and his family um um Tim God just died when he was presenting His Radio Show believed to be hard to attack what probably happens here is for some reason the heart muscle just starts fluttering and it goes into what we call ventricular fibrillation so it's sad to see that um that has happened um I suppose the slight consolation is he was doing what he loved doing but nevertheless a tragic death at the age of 55 and that got me thinking about excess deaths in the young okay 55's middle age but um there is an excess death so pretty well all ages at the moment now we've looked at some UK data so I look at some UK data briefly here um now this is um by age group and again this is the naught to 24 age group now why the governments are using naught to 24. uh years I mean that's a pretty big chunk of age ranges I would have much preferred to see this broken down into well ideally but by the year or certainly by The Five-Year block but why so why they're doing that so crudely uh we would like to see much more finesse in the data but anyway so we've seen the excess deaths have been lower so um this is um this is July 2021 here and we see that basically the excess deaths of these on the top line so we're seeing kind of more excess deaths here uh than we are reductions uh beneath here so this this is a trend towards increased excess deaths in the naught to 24 year old age group in the UK now this line here that line there is is 20 per week XS Pro week so we can see that some deaths there's so some weeks there's 5 20 or even 30 excess deaths per week in this age group now some of these could be covered related others will not be covered related I suspect the majority are not a directly covered infection related and we really need a massive National inquiry into this we need to know what's going on here we've flagged this up many times on this channel mainstream media does not seem to be picking this up but I find it personally quite alarming and I've just blown up the last uh the last of that bit there on the end I've just blown that up so we can kind of see what's been happening now to be fair this was an updated since July so it's a bit out of date but we can see there's quite a lot of excess deaths here above the line and uh weeks with lower excess deaths than we would expect below the line and of course if we average these out we find that there's much more excess deaths than we would expect in the naught to 24 year old age range and I just renew my requests we really need a huge research project to find out what's going on here and the the lack of interest in this in mainstream media and um and by the academic and scientific and government Community just astounds me um yet the data is here now in the United States I'm going to show you some U.S data here as well because there has been a lot of excess deaths in the U.S but this is the graphics here for excess deaths in all ages in the States now what we're looking at here is these crosses here represent weeks when there was a statistically High death than we would expect this line here is the average we would expect in terms of deaths for the time of year this line above it here is is when deaths are statistically higher than we would expect so we see that all these weeks where this crosses here the deaths are higher than we would expect for the time of year and that data does go up to the 1st of September and we can see that there in color as well so we are seeing excess deaths in the States now um quite a few of these are covered related of course the excess deaths in young people are much lower than the excess deaths in older people but still it means that more people are dying than we would expect now this is the graphic here for the naught to 24 year old age range in the states and again rather poor that they don't differentiate it more but this line here is uh this line here is 18 000 and that's 18 000 there and we can see that cumulatively the line has risen until we're around about the seventeen thousand uh mark and it's really started Rising about about here about 20. that's early uh early 2020 when that started Rising again some of these will be covered related but of course others won't so here we see the graphic here you might be able to see it more clearly so here's the here's the numbers here for the uh for the excess deaths that scale in thousands um low up until when did it start going up really May June September um 2020 some of those of course will be covered related thankfully very few people in this age group have died from covert but there are some but it carries on uh increasing as we see here um now the projected line here um quite how they get this going down I don't know because it's cumulative but um we are seeing quite a high cumulative numbers of excess deaths in the naught to 24 year old age group in the United States about 17 000 for the country now these These are statistics of course now I wouldn't normally do this but this tragic young death is in the public domain so um I felt it was acceptable to do this um as an example um it is in lots of news outlets that's the reason I'm doing it it's already public domain material and of course we give our great deep deepest condolences to Gwen and our family a 17 year old died peacefully in asleep in June this is just awful um so sorry um after eating dinner with the parents and then going out with friends for a few hours and the reason this is so well known in the states is uh congressman's a daughter Sean Caston who obviously I'd never heard of but is well known in the states and as I say in lots of uh lots of public domain Outlets so I just kind of wanted to take it away from the statistics to the individual tragedies of which there appears to have been 17 000. uh father's party statement should just come home from an evening with friends went to bed and didn't wake up and the castings themselves are saying uh this past June our daughter Grant Gustin died of a sudden cardiac arrhythmia so it looks like the same thing that um this um that Tim died of in in the UK I have Tim Tim uh Tim goch the radio DJ who died at work yesterday um tragic for individuals in layman's terms the family says she was fine and then her heart stopped healthy 22 healthy 22. 2022 teenager so she's been previously healthy she was fully vaccinated against covid I had tested positive for covid-19 uh more than once in recent months but never experienced any symptoms and by all accounts and much loved daughter absolutely absolutely tragic so when we look at a graph like this and we say numbers like cumulative deaths are over well over 66 well over sixteen thousand seventeen thousand we have to put that in there the context of the tragedy for uh individual families now it looks like the projection that this is leveling off let's hope that is uh correct we can't go back of course because it's cumulative but let's hope that this is this is the case but we are seeing excess deaths more than we would expect and I think every person that has deceased um should have the the Dignity of a formal diagnosis and if that involves very large scale um post-mortem studies for example that I think those resources need to be made available because we're talking about life and death of uh many many people here these excess deaths are a real phenomena so that's the main thing I want to say today I'm just going to finish looking at China which is utterly bizarre let's just look at it briefly here so the the Chinese have just had this big uh conference president Xi Jinping basically now confirmed for life we believe uh no now it had been hope that this conference would be the opportunity to say look covert's inevitable we have to let it happen as other countries have the idea that you can stop covid is ludicrous it's going to be endemic for a decade or more um but the Chinese still seem to be working on this zero covered strategy Sierra covered people's water to stop the spread of the virus apparently it's been said I don't know if that was Xi Jinping himself I just said at the conference but you cannot stop the virus it is not possible it's endemic we are surrounded by many viral particles and this is one of them or viral types recent weeks um tens of millions have been confined home 60 towns and cities Dynamic zero covered policy is is linked to president Xi Jinping himself so um whether there's some sort of loss of face thing here I don't know but it just it's just bizarre that the people are suffering like this for nothing strict lockdowns Mass testing constant health screening travel restrictions I I did put this together a few days ago trains that are virgin Jung have been suspended roadblocks food and medical shortages it's no secret now that some of the lockdowns have been totally disastrous the logistics to provide people with food and other supplies things that just haven't been done adequately um it's just terrible that the people are suffering for absolutely nothing quarantine centers people take it to quarantine centers family separations the identity car identity linked to health code app so people need health code apps to travel around no vaccine compulsion who and local vaccines only now this is interesting this is interesting the Chinese vaccine you might remember is basically an attenuated uh virus or a cooled virus it's not a viral vector and it's not a mRNA type vaccine so why the Chinese haven't imported vaccines and why the Chinese haven't sought to duplicate now the Chinese are well capable of duplicating the adenovirus vector vaccines that that's what the Russian Sputnik V vaccine was basically an Oxford vaccine that they've modified a little bit so the Chinese well capable of making mRNA vaccines but they've opted against that interesting don't know the reason why that is but interesting because they had the capacity to do it uh Professor lingwean government covered expert zero covered might come to an end when asked that question he said it's hard to say Obviously the man's completely compromised but one thing I'm sure of is uh we won't kill the virus anytime soon well no we're not going to kill the virus for the next few decades because it's going to be endemic you're waiting for more effective mentions and more effective vaccines well no sign that they're working on vaccines and if there's a comprehensive antiviral I would be delighted so um political ideology I think in China and I'll leave you to decide how much political ideology we have in our respective countries thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,169,214
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Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: xqnCz_PD6Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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