Smart Cities - Building for the Cities of Tomorrow (Documentary, 2015)

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[Music] more people than ever are living in cities while only 10% of the world's population did so at the start of the 20th century the number has grown to 50% today by the end of this century humans will be a predominantly urban species as our cities grow so do the challenges space is becoming scarce and social tensions traffic noise and pollution are all on the rise at the same time cities offer many opportunities such as more efficient use of resources energy and infrastructure after remaining a relatively small specialty field for decades sustainable building today holds the technological key to the future Austrian researchers are among the pioneers in the field [Music] the Viennese architects talaq and Jafar Shalaby have won an international competition to build the most modern sustainable building ever attempted in the United Arab Emirates the Emir a person Lantis anxious English feel annoyed a Dane of diamond the Emirates are very open to new ideas they literally Hungerford they found our building design very refreshing and made in Austria this is something they equate with superior quality I'll send a good accredited us a snow them sustainable building is a well-established tradition in Austria but Abu Dhabi is just beginning to recognize its importance for the future teammate Dena Carter captained enemy optimism in egged Midian in the Emirates the issue of sustainability is linked to the country's poor reputation for having a large carbon footprint we remember seeing billboards on the streets that said we have the largest footprint so it's not something the very problem the United Arab Emirates is one of the ten richest oil countries in the world we're small villages stood a mere 50 years ago booming metropolis now rise within a single generation the Bedouins zand pearl divers of yesterday have become businesspeople and bankers of the 8 million people who live here only 1 million were born in the Emirates they are well taken care of paying no taxes and receiving many benefits from the government sometimes even money cars for homes but allegiance money and social peace must last after the oil is gone and steps are already being taken while Dubai is focusing on tourism and commerce oil-rich Abu Dhabi is also pursuing renewable energies [Music] in the middle of the desert near the border with home on lies the thriving oasis city of a line there is almost no rainfall here [Music] the Ling's must be cooled in potable water must be treated abu-dhabi earns an estimated 300 million dollars a day of him oil sales but Emiratis know that they too must reduce energy consumption for the sake of the country's future [Music] it is a line the grounds of the municipal zoo where the two Austrian architects are building the flagship project a museum and research facility in one the sheikh zayed desert Learning Center named after the nation's founder it is intended to show Emiratis and the entire world that sustainable construction is viable even in the desert that faultless is shown cool off saga the vestibule always stays nice and cool despite outside temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius and summers this is due to the pleasant draught even during wind still conditions affecting plants all peoples Oh we designed the vestibule to have these thermal qualities because we knew there could be a large number of visitors gathered here at times for twisting 20 metres up into the sky the building resembles a walk-in sculpture prior to planning the building the architects study the topography and culture of the region as well as the latest international urban development concepts as I started Sukkot apo bhakta here it's fight intention in attendance is there are two tendencies regarding the cities of the future the debts of the first is the attempt to reshape mega cities into lots of small units or little villages the city is an agglomeration of many compact and manageable areas with pedestrian zones and short distances to get around on a larger scale however these areas are still interconnected the other tendency we've noticed is the rise of city marketing where each city is trying to position itself in the world of this union in the in devalues the Shalaby brothers lived in France Geneva and Baghdad with their Iraqi parents before moving to Austria they studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology and later taught it there as well in planning the museum they relied on a number of innovative building technologies that were developed and tested in Austria but will they work in the desert the biggest challenge is protecting the museum against the scorching heat for this reason a third of the building is set deep below the deserts and the supply air for the ventilation system is pre cooled underground using nine pipes measuring 800 meters in all as well as a geothermal heat exchanger the 25 megawatt hours of annual electricity savings derived from a method that has long been applied in Austria although there it is used to preheat air is dasha by truck inside the zip sigue acaba since in the 1970s the Austrian contribution has been extremely important towards making energy savings and sustainability part of the international discourse the international game as the country has definitely been a pioneer but what is commonplace in Austrian urban development and home building not necessarily a given elsewhere it's needed by the septic tank the lighting design and building simulation the photovoltaic modules the solar collectors as well as the building's technical and electrical equipment all of these components were developed and supplied by Austrian companies [Music] the museum is air-conditioned using solar power and a cooling system from Styria the boiling hot water from the solar collectors drives the chiller where cold water is produced and then pumped through a network of pipes in the ceilings and walls Dion leghe's full automatic credit the system is controlled fully automatically so no personnel are needed to keep it in operation an electronic control system runs everything and monitoring is performed by technicians on-site if a problem does occur the control system generates a fault indication that is shown on site and also transmitted to Graz our engineers investigate the situation and the problem is either corrected on site or the indication is acknowledged and the system goes back into normal operation at the bhagavata the architects have managed to harmoniously balance innovative high-tech solutions and traditional elements in the new building he says goodbye David fundin Emiratis perceived the building as nearly traditional we've even heard them say it reminds us of our values and building style and often disengages sink hog or steamed off and that's fitting because we adopted many elements from the traditional architecture and then just put them into a new package about the house ninth effect the museum is still in trial operation but will open soon already the desert Learning Center is viewed as a model building for the cities of tomorrow [Music] sustainable construction used to be a niche topic but today it is a hot issue everywhere irena the International Renewable Energy Agency has its headquarters in Abu Dhabi established in 2009 Irina's mission is to promote renewable energies for the cities of the future you have a situation where you have half the world's population living in 2 percent of the world's land consuming 75% of its resources this is a transformative moment of global change that requires a response which is equal to the scale of the change that we are seeing how are we going to deal with the massive challenges energy production and use of energy water both for drinking for sanitation food production distribution transportation these are really the kind of challenges that cities are facing today [Music] but what does a city of tomorrow look like especially in the buildings sector there is an immense potential for savings researchers and students are therefore focusing on developing plus energy houses or buildings that generate more energy than they use over the course of a year students at the Vienna University of Technology are designing such a plus energy house their intention is to compete at the world's pre-eminent green building competition the Solar Decathlon in California participating in this competition is very rewarding for the students they don't usually get to build a house from start to finish but now they're involved in all phases planning or designing buildings and furnishing and even presenting it super meet the live the students are prefabricating their house in a construction hall in Carinthia they must build it on their own as prescribed by the strict competition rules the wooden house is then shipped in containers to Irvine near Los Angeles where the Solar Decathlon is held now consisting of 48 students team Austria has only 9 days to assemble the house the Solar Decathlon is a competition patterned after the Olympic decathlon but for futuristic solar homes out of 150 university teams from around the world only 19 have made it to the finals it is the first time ever that an Austrian team is participating the Solar Decathlon is the world's pre-eminent competition for sustainable building and many Americans wouldn't want to miss it what they get to see here is definitely futuristic modular homes whose components slide apart on Rails houses that look like tin shacks or haystacks but which are actually technical masterpieces in all 300 thousand visitors will take a look at these homes of tomorrow the US Department of Energy organizes the competition and only students may participate during the next several days the teams will compete in ten different disciplines the vision behind the students work will now be put to a practical test the Austrian teams house can be used as a stand-alone home or within compact urban development areas and it is well received lighted the things people seem to love it and some even want to move in many have a specific advice we already had 900 visitors this morning everyone was very enthusiastic is great because we put 2 years of hard work and we're ranked somewhere in the middle right now but there are more contests to come and we should do quite well in those during guided tours of the house the students impart their knowledge to the attentive visitors if you look at places like California which is one of the most innovative places in the world in terms of technical learning in terms of governance structures in terms of how cities are organizing themselves they are feeling the pressure from energy and water but then you see another resource rich areas where that pressure hasn't yet come to bear that cities feel they can postpone the change but it's only a matter of time before it comes and what my advice to them all would be that if you defer change today it's going to be much more expensive and painful further down the road we need to act today the venue for the Solar Decathlon was not chosen by chance Los Angeles the horizontal City is in urgent need of concepts for the future sprawling from Horizon to horizon the mega city is drowning in traffic [Music] eighteen million people live in the greater LA area with 20 million expected by 2050 land water and clean air have become scarce urban planners know that a turning point is needed and they are focusing on read' enca finesse and creating additional green areas [Music] more and more people are moving to downtown LA and it's formerly desolate financial district Carolyn Smith Bala an architect who has lived in Los Angeles for more than 20 years has noticed this trend people blame it on Los Angeles can the city's problems are well known and sound like a cliche is by now but the traffic problem is definitely a yet there's almost no way to get around other than by car there's the pollution and the endless urban sprawl I'm not sure where la is heading but there is definitely a lot that needs to be done Lucia Sophie dissected mahom renowned architectural firms the world over are working on concepts for Reid enca fiying our city's a key goal is to make not only individual buildings but entire urban quarters into energy producers the viennese firm coop himmelblau - is investigating ways to stop urban sprawl in Los Angeles while at the same time generating renewable energy is sv n:m in the idea is to create small hubs that supply their surrounding area with energy these energy hubs will function like city power stations in the lower zones we use geothermal energy and in the next layer we use the sun's especially solar thermal energy to generate heat this is possible on the available surfaces of balconies and on south-facing building facades then there's the layer where we make use of the Sun to generate electricity with photovoltaic cells for which the buildings are optimally positioned and in the highest layers we use the wind to generate electricity because that's where the highest wind speeds are found [Music] urban planners from Los Angeles even came to Graz to take a look around here less than two kilometers from the city center two new urban quarters are being planned han schnitzer the research coordinator explained the concept to the u.s. experts in Graz - the plan is to read n safai the city that's Internet's nargis in relation to change that yeah as we think any make us on an international scale grass is only a small definitely not a mega city but we also face significant challenges the current population is around 280,000 with another three to four thousand people moving here in tears by 2050 we can expect the population to grow by a hundred thousand that's a hundred thousand more people in need of living space jobs and utilities and if we don't plan ahead it will also mean around seventy thousand more cars which is simply inconceivable first input read insufficient will begin in the heart of the former industrial quarter which includes a cluster of 19th century buildings such as those of the old raining house brewery the buildings are protected under heritage conservation and must be integrated in the region's offical plans including the Malthouse and spacious cellars that once belongs to the brewery there are also active industries in the immediate area but hon Smith sir knows that the cities of the future will no longer be divided into industrial and residential zones the industry of our Shmuel 6uf industry is used to pollute and spew smoke and the air smells awful so people moved to the green suburbs where land is cheaper with opium sword today we want to reverse this trend so people should not have to drive so far and industries should be so clean and quietly that you can live next to them with a high quality of life but on the whole in credit in a moment a good precedent already exists d'marie in hooter steel and rolling mill in the center of Graz virtually unnoticed by nearby residents the mill turns the scrap metal into four hundred thousand tons of steel annually as an eco profit enterprise for more than 20 years now the Marion who did generates only a small amount of emission is in waste materials are recycled and reused and the mill ultimately benefits all residents of Graz an innovative energy model was developed to feed waste heat from the steel plant into the district heating network in the future the mill will also supply the entire rining house district and its 10,000 homes with heat the boundaries between city and countryside are becoming increasingly blurred green and industrial areas energy generation and residential life work and Recreation will all be integrated within the new cityscapes if is open here Vicki Hannah mennenga we're trying to create an entirely new city quarter of the main street the main square a park nearby job opportunites I would split system for me so VT criteria I find jobs so important because we want people to stop using their cars they should be able to say I don't need a car so if I can walk to work walk or ride a bike to take the kids to kindergarten and walk to go shopping you come so we're planning in a very integrated fashion to seem to cadets a Branum construction work is already underway when Graz this new co2 neutral and energy self-sufficient urban quarter the office and shopping complex being built along the Main Street will shield the residential buildings behind it the project features many innovative ideas like the design of the family homes they are made of multi-level of prefabricated wooden modules the residential and office complex will generate more energy than they use together they will form a surplus energy cluster in Vienna to the city of tomorrow is taking shape here where the subway currently traverses green fields and nurseries a new densely populated urban quarter will soon be built from downtown Vienna it takes only 22 minutes to reach safe Aspen Vienna's urban lakeside within the next 20 years new homes will be built here for 20,000 people and 15,000 new jobs will be created the initial phase of construction is finished and the first Zaid residents have already moved in this is the most significant expansion program undertaken by the city of Vienna since the late 19th century and one of the largest urban development projects in Europe completion is scheduled for 2025 in the earliest transforming an existing city into the city of tomorrow is indeed a long process a number of factors must be considered and integrated innovative building technologies renewable energies new mobility concepts job creation and adequate industrial and recreational areas while residents of smart cities will find living with modern technologies to be quite normal a new generation of researchers is already advancing the concept of sustainable building even further [Music] competitions like the Solar Decathlon in Irvine demonstrate what is already possible today the rules for each event are very straight they specify exactly how many people may be in the house as well as locations where sensors must be located one in the living room and one in the bedroom and everything is checked very closely this week on 28th the students futuristic solar homes are tested for ten days to see if they meet the practical demands of everyday life judges inspect the functionality and energy consumption of appliances and PCs the houses energy balance and the temperature and humidity inside the rooms no detail escapes the scrutiny of the officials the houses are evaluated for innovation marketability architecture and functionality useful to you thank you the Solar Decathlon is the main idea behind the Solar Decathlon is to generate more energy than we use the photovoltaic system on the roof is rated for 8.6 kilowatts piece and as you can see the weather is beautiful so we're generating a lot of electricity we have to make sure we don't use more power than the photovoltaic system is generated [Music] nighttime in Los Angeles commuters are streaming home to the suburbs [Music] but for the solar decathlon participants it is still a long way to knocking off time tonight they must host a dinner party that is part of the home entertainment category for testing the houses living comfort and the Austrian students serve their guests six students from a competing team who will grade the meal and ambiance the suspense is growing for the students which team has built the best house of the future the soon approaching grand finale will tell [Music] the day has arrived more than 1,000 students excitedly await the judge's decision and now it is my great honor to announce the first-place winner of this Solar Decathlon the 6th in history in the US team Austria the first Austrian team ever to participate has managed to come out on top with a score of 952 points out of a possible 1000 it has won the preeminent Solar Decathlon prize cities are being read and survived and new energy-efficient homes are being built but what about existing buildings a pilot project in Vienna may have the answer the University of Technology's rundown chemistry building is being converted into the world's first plus energy high-rise we're standing on the roof and above us is the 600 square metre photovoltaic installation they're also photovoltaic arrays on the facade as one element of the plus energy concept prototype and today this man is a second and absolutely essential element is to minimize power consumption that will be the real challenge using so little electricity for heating cooling computers etc that the building will actually generate more energy than it uses so Venus stone for all this we hear manikyam standard it's Arcanum thick insulation is being installed on the roof and facades and the 320 kilowatt peak photovoltaic power system will be the largest building integrated unit of its kind in Europe even so there is not enough surface area for the system to supply adequate power for a conventional office building with 700 daily users the solution this conventional building must be made into a very special one by reducing its power consumption by an inconceivable 90 percent [Music] from the ventilation system to computers and even coffee machines only electrical equipment approved by the research team may be installed each device must be analyzed and either optimized or replaced with a more energy-efficient model altogether more than nine thousand three hundred components the renovation of this Vienna University of Technology building is just one city of tomorrow pilot project out of several hundred that the technology ministry is supporting the program is helping Austrian researchers to expand their knowledge leadership in the field of sustainable building and to apply it internationally in a line construction work is almost complete and the museum will soon open [Music] ten Austrian companies with a total of around 300 employees helped put up the building in two years of actual construction time the architects give a few final instructions system should not be watered yet it just needs just a little bit of compression that's it massage had emotional concepts we can say Austria has an excellent reputation in the Arab countries Austrian products are held in high esteem and the label made in Austria is associated with high quality that some Emiratis are already referring to the building as made in Austria because it was built largely by Austrian companies tab I think the transfer of know-how function quite well gentlemen the offices are now occupied but museum goers generally visit during the evening hours so the greatest need for cooling is during a time when the solar air conditioning system is no longer operating this tricky challenge to was solved with technological mastery well this is very new to the Middle East yes a desert Learning Center is the first sustainable building and the UAE is very important because we're trying to change the habits of people of how to understand sustainability a bit more and to apply it in their daily life Abu Dhabi is preparing for a future without oil with an ecologically planned City in the middle of the desert designed by European architects supplied with renewable energy this is Masdar City an experiment vision and flagship project all-in-one when completed it will accommodate 40,000 inhabitants and 50,000 daily commuters [Music] the first part of the city has been built it stands in defiance of the barren landscape but behind the outer walls there unfolds an urban oasis the Arabic word Mazda means source and the intention is for Masdar city to gain international importance as a source of knowledge [Music] there are no skyscrapers like in nearby Abu Dhabi the buildings are four stories high the main streets are six meters wide and the side streets for this allows the buildings to shade the city's outdoor spaces it is 10 to 20 degrees cooler here than in Abu Dhabi urban heat islands are unable to form and it is comfortable to spend time outdoors plenty of natural light reaches the lower floors so energy is saved for lighting and cooling alike they master plan as a concept is really based on a study of the environment itself in terms of the solar patterns and the way the wind moves through this area so for example the whole orientation of the city is on the north west axis and as we cost or the majority parts of the year the air movement of a wind in this area comes from North westerly direction so alignments of streets openings are carefully orientated to capture this wind if we can make ecologically sound living possible here in the desert then it is possible anywhere this is the credo of the city planners research is heavily emphasized and the university occupies center stage in the ecological city we've been able to attract over 2,500 applications from all over the world we currently have 491 students from 60 countries worldwide we have graduated over the past 4 graduations that we've had that must our Institute 307 students all of our students are prepared to be the future leaders critical thinkers problem solvers and innovators in the advanced technology and sustainability fields at the Masdar Institute the research focus is solely on renewable energies and sustainability a postgraduate student from Carinthia austria is attending the institute he has lived in Masdar city for four months district he is an experimental Nikita the city is an experiment and a lot of concepts that previously only existed in theory have been implemented here in practice costing often sometimes it's a matter of trial and error let's try this and see if it works as expected about it and that's really very exciting this is respondent specific atrocities the cities innovative personal Rapid Transit System is what first drew the Austrian students attention to Masdar city the vehicles so called pods travel underground to take passengers to their destination the fully automatic electrically powered system requires no drivers but there is a drawback it is expensive and only one line has been completed the economic recession is partly to blame reaching the Emirates in 2010 further expansion of the city is proceeding slowly nevertheless what has been achieved here in the desert is quite impressive and is already serving as a model for future urban planners my students are engineers I thought mechanical engineers civil engineers electrical engineers and I brought them here today to expand their knowledge and and hope that they will actually understand the concept of a sustainable city so I think this is a fantastic environment on their doorstep they're all emirati students and I think this is just a fantastic example of engineering at its very best for the future visitors are fascinated by the power generating systems on the roofs and by the wings tower the tower catches the wind at a height of 40 meters then humidifiers and cools the air before guiding it to the Courtyard the wings tower is already a city landmark [Music] particularly among young Emiratis who grew up amidst unimaginable oil wealth and excess concepts like climate friendly building and the use of renewable energy are viewed as quite new and progressive ideas but Austrian students are already a huge step further I stood a man gothic mid physique after studying physics and environmental sciences in Graz I decided to get a master's in sustainable development I spent a semester in Hiroshima Japan where I became interested in sustainable urban planning now I'm specializing in water management here in Moscow it's really quite fitting because Austria values its water resources and I can apply this knowledge when I get back home Masdar City is not the only experimental city as other futuristic urban planning concepts are being tested around the world including in Austria even if this one may not appear futuristic at all in idyllic Kirstin Dorf near salzburg the new energy future is already underway since 2009 the town has been part of a pilot project and the inhabitants are very eager test persons for jetting around in electric cars the electricity for their cars and household appliances is self regenerated inside the test area there are 43 photovoltaic systems installed on the rooftops with a total peak output of 200 kilowatts Kristin Dorf is the first smart grid model city in Austria the project was made possible by a series of technological advancements of which the smart regulator plays the central role it controls like a conductor the town's Orchestra of electricity generating and consuming components to ensure smooth operation of the power network it is a formidable challenge as an increasing number of small solar wind and water power generating systems must be coordinated with large power plants the annoy a bomb in a genome says a feat of what that if M Kenna field to make renewable energies have many advantages with no co2 emissions coming from renewable sources there's also a disadvantage their generation cannot be controlled or planned we can only use renewable energy when nature lets us but at the same time we need to make sure that our customers have a secure supply of power no one wants to watch TV only when the photovoltaic system is introducing electricity so balancing the supply and demand for renewable energies is at the core of the smart grid concept the sister Canada smart grid sunsets is in between two safety rules in christen Dorf the new smart grid technology is being tested in daily life the Schreiber family operates a wholesale business and post-office partnership every electrical device feeds its data to small metering and management units that control power usage inside the building the electricity used in the house and to charge the cars is self generated and the cars also provide buffer storage for the photovoltaic system excess electricity is fed to the grid the use of intelligent control technologies is not only ecologically prudent it also helps eliminate the need to build new power plants and supply lines and lagging behind Philadelphia we have two systems installed so we can use one to power the lighting and computers in our company it's great because we get to use about 3/4 of the electricity that's generated the second system we use for our private household down living without Salzburg is among the European pioneers in smart grid development the aim is to use the experience gained in Christine Dorf to completely overhaul the power system be thankin vena cavae chuffed the power industry is going to experience the same sort of rapid development that the telecom industry has undergone over the past 20 years when I think back to 1990 everyone was still sharing an analog phone line with the neighbors and sometimes you had to wait forever to make a cloth today we always have our smart phones with us since we can call or access online information just about any time we want to and like the telecom industry revolutionary change is coming to the power industry and they may keep it afloat just a few bus stops away from the center of Salzburg in the Taksim district the future looks rosy indeed the housing complex being built here is aptly called Rosa Zukunft rosy future the entire spectrum of renewables is being put to use solar power heating pumps hot-water accumulators a combined heat and power plant and district heating all coordinated using Smart Grid technologies there is also an innovative mobility concept including car sharing and electric vehicles and a well-planned social concept upon which the project's success hinges to a great extent the business so technological future will be significantly easier to manage than the social future that's why the rosy future project has a component that we refer to as reclaiming social capital we want to bring people back together the architectural concept fits this idea as does the common goal of using energy efficient system I think it will turn out how we imagined devices we've formed the right basis the ecological and social components are in place and can be lived out in a neighborly fashion we can only observe what happens once people move in but the basis is there over the passes to minister the pilot project has been completed for the allocation of homes a priority was placed on achieving a representative social mix the Rosie Putra complex offers homes for young and old alike including affordable and luxurious units life within the community appears to be harmonious after the first year it is also clear that the mobility concept has not caught on but the energy concept has the technical innovations the use of renewable energy and Smart Grid technologies have all been inconspicuously integrated as a normal part of daily life residents can keep track of when it is cheapest for them to use electricity and have saved around 15% in energy costs during the first year [Music] in Graz to the planners aims have been fulfilled the first housing complex in the rining house district has been completed a total of 12 residential units are connected with the office and shopping complex together forming a surplus energy cluster the residents are happy with their eco houses undoubtedly Graz lining house will serve as a model international project for how to design a modern energy self-sufficient urban quarter [Music] in Vienna the university's chemistry building is also shining in new splendour it is the world's first plus energy high-rise renovation is complete and daily student life has resumed the building's solar power system supplies it with electricity and waste heat from the server room an elevator braking system are also being used countless innovations are tied to this pilot project lighting computers and telephone systems were all found to be power guzzlers and were redesigned as a result power consumption was cut by an astounding 93 percent more than nine thousand three hundred components were optimized [Music] the cities of tomorrow are already being designed and built today innovative building technologies renewable energies new social living concepts and intelligent urban planning are the pillars upon which they rest [Music] [Music] you
Channel: wocomoDOCS
Views: 135,638
Rating: 4.7763062 out of 5
Keywords: chalabi architects, UAE, Harald Blazek, architecture, Talik Chalabi, sustainable building, Chalabi Architekten, PLAY_DOC_EN, United Arab Emirates
Id: svvIHxwgmDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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