Quake 2 Soundtrack (Full)
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Channel: VGameOSTs
Views: 2,564,441
Rating: 4.932126 out of 5
Keywords: quake 2 ost, quake 2 soundtrack, soundtrack, music, quake 2, quake, full
Id: jY6yBTYxLko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2013
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I still listen to it from time to time while I game. Quad Machine has always been my fav https://youtu.be/jY6yBTYxLko?t=830
The best OST was in Q1.
I love this. Also the new Doom OST, because Mick Gordon.
I use this and the Doom 2016 soundtrack mostly when playing any arena shooters
No this one is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ifT3o5H-EY
Think Quake II have the best OST I have ever heard in a video game, regularly listen to it while playing, the amount of awesomeness in the tracks is like the density of a fucking blackhole. Since I first heard it in my childhood I never got bored of it... probably never will.