QNAP Container Station LXC vs LXD

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[Music] welcome back once again today we're going to talk about qnap container station lexi versus lexd so qnap container station hosts lexi lexd and docker containers in june of 2021 qnap announced that lexi containers would not be supported after the end of the year yet almost immediately they released a new version of container station which disallowed the creation of new lexi containers because you could not see lexi container templates any longer existing lexi containers continue to work and lexi containers can be imported to container station as long as you have an exported container previously so what are the features of lexi in container station well a new lexi container lets you choose an adapter interface and choose bridge mode and set an ip address lexi containers are supported in container station import and export what are the features of lex d in container station well lexd containers in container station allow bridge mode but do not allow you to set an ip address you must set the ip address in the container os or use a dhcp address reservation on your network in the advanced settings device section you must check the box to run containers in privileged mode or your lexi container will not start lexi import and export is not an option and lexd containers will not allow switching an interface after creation this is promised to be fixed in container station okay so here i am running qts-5 and by the way i might point out whether you're running the qts4 or qts5 the apparently the application versions of things like container station are not really tied to the version of qts you're running so here's container station and i bring it up go ahead and maximize it here and i have a bunch of lxc containers and one docker container in this particular nas and so i'm going to go off and try to create an lxc container and generally the way you create an alex c container is you look down in the list and in the older version of container station you would have noticed at the bottom that there were several lexi containers given to you as choices of containers that you could add well those are no longer here today so you i believe are limited to the fact that you can do an import of an existing container so i can click my import command here and i can look down in i have a directory called container station and i have a tar file for a previous backup of alexi so i'm going to go ahead and tell it that i want to import that lexi container and i'm just going to call this guy um test dash lexi and you can see it's a lex c container from there but the point is is that this is just like creating one if we could create one from scratch i just happen to have an exported one here so i set the cpu limit at 20 and the memory at four gigs of memory we go to advanced settings now and the mac address is grayed out you're going to want to hit this little arrow at the right to generate a mac address the reason for this is because when your container or when your container restarts or actually when your nas restarts we don't want it to get a new address every time this allows it to receive the same mac address every time which is convenient on your network and down here i'm going to go ahead and instead of nat i'm going to go ahead and choose bridge mode so on bridge mode i can choose any of my adapters that i have here and we'll just say we're going to choose this lab net adapter and i can say use static address and i can go out here and i can statically address this thing so i mean if i wanted to address something at i could do that and i go ahead and say um well before i do create we'll go over to device device doesn't have anything in it there's no check boxes nothing unusual shared folders yeah i can mount some external folders to the lex c container if i wanted to but i'm not going to so i'm just going to go with these network settings and i'm going to go ahead and say create this thing so there's the verification screen and i go off and create the container so up here it'll show the process of the container being created it's importing it right now this is pretty much the same as if you were creating a container from scratch but as i pointed out in the newer version of container station i can no longer create lexi containers so instead i'm importing the lexi container so here we go and it says it's completed so there's success i'll go ahead and clear that entry because i don't need to have that in there i'll go to overview i'll click on my uh test lexi container here it is if i see if we can blow the screen up a little bit more see if i do an ifconfig and it comes back and says you're running at so that shows that this container worked just the way we expected it to it did what it was supposed to do if i look out of my network i would see that it is running at that address so our test lexi container if we go into it we notice that it's running at that dot one address we also can go into the export command and we can say export container and we can go down here and choose test lex c and we can export it i'm not going to do it but the option's there and it works now if we go back to overview now and this time we're going to go ahead and click choose the create option we're going to create a lxd container and this isn't real straight forward because basically all the containers you would create here would be lex d containers unless you're creating one of the templates below and none of the templates as i indicated earlier were included lex d so we're going to type in ubuntu as an example and we're going to click search and then you'll notice across the top and this is what's different in this newer version of container station you now have a thing a section called lexd image server so we're going to choose lxd image server in this particular case i'm going to choose the last template down here which is ubuntu focal and i'm going to go ahead go ahead and click install it says okay you're going to create a lxd container and in this case i'm going to call this thing lex d dash test and i'll go ahead like the lexi container and i'll set this thing at 20 of cpu and four zero nine six four gigs of memory by the way those are caps they're not amounts of memory lose they're simply uh performance caps so then click advanced settings and again i'll go ahead and refresh the mac address so i get the same mac address every time and i'll go down and i'll click i'll select bridge mode and just like last time i'll go to lab net network and here it says use a virtual switch to give each container a unique ip address i i don't even know what that's supposed to exactly mean and neither does qnap but um basically what you're not seeing here is you're not seeing the ability to actually set an address okay so moving along if we go down to the device section you'll also notice in the device section there is another check box that says run containers in privilege mode we have to check this if we don't check this and we create our lexi container and try to start it it won't start it'll just give you an error and we're not going to put anything in shared folders like we did not put anything in shared folders for the lex c container so i'll go ahead and go back to network again reminding you that there's no way to set an address here and i'll say create okay so one of the things i'll go back up here to overview and we'll go over here and watch this thing create itself it says creating container right now and it says completed so i say okay find clear that and here is the lexi test container now if i click on it and it opens this thing up you'll notice that the real difference in this and i know it's kind of microfilmed here it's kind of hard to make this larger but what we have is instead of being presented with a prompt like we are in the lexi container we're presented with a login prompt and uh the only correct uh credentials would be the credentials uh for whatever a standard lexi can lex d container are and there really aren't any pre-established credentials so what you have to do is you have to go up here to terminal and it'll come up with a screen that says execute terminal and you'll have to go ahead and say launch bin slash sh so we can bring up a shell and then what it does is it opens another tab and this tab this tab gives us root access so i have to basically do an uh i basically have to do an add user let's do an ad user scott and i establish a password on scott uh and then i go ahead and create that and then i'm going to do a i'm going to do a user mod dash a capital g sudo scott thus adding scott to the pseudogroup and then i'm going to do a sudo apt all right you don't have to do sudo because i'm at a root a root privilege here anyway so if i do an apt install net dash tools that will give us a way to look at our ip address so if i say if config now i know i could have done an ipa i just like the format of of this better so uh it used the dhcp server on my network to get an address at so i could go out to my to my network uh configuration my my my network administration and i could establish a uh dhcp address reservation and set the address to i want or i could go into ubuntu here and and set it and then very simply i can say sudo apt install open ssh dash server and we install open ssh server so we can ssh to this thing now to go on for a little bit i can go back here to this well let's just ipa just to show you that works so the address of this thing is uh okay be like that there it is two two three so the address is two two three on my 50 network so i'll go ahead and exit out of this because i'm kind of done with this and we'll go back to container station here and i'll try to take it out of playskool mode put it back in a reasonable size and um i'm going to go ahead and launch a terminal and i'm going to do an ssh over to 192.168.50 dot where do we say it was two two nine no i guess it wasn't two two nine uh we'll have to go back again and find it so bring terminal up again sh uh ifconfig okay be like that such as live video right let's try that again let's just sign in here scott and then my password okay it doesn't like my password because i can't type my name all right now we're logged in ifconfig okay it was two two three so we're gonna go ahead and ssh over to two two three create a fingerprint yes use my password and i'm logged in so there you go we are actually logged into my lx mylexd instance called lexd test so that all works so that once we do all those steps that we essentially have a container that runs like the lexi container however if we have a really complex configuration in this thing we would want to go ahead and export this so we click on export we go into our containers to export and you'll notice that we have all of our lexi's up here but nowhere is our test dash lex d and that is because they do not support qnap does not support in container station exporting the container yet okay so what do we take away from all of this well basically lex c is an underlying dependency for lex d you cannot have a computer with lex d on it without having lex c as an underlying dependency basically qnap is moving users into lex d without compatibility for existing lexi features that they had in their container station that was supporting lexi and qnap has stated that lexi is no longer supported after the end of the year but there's no tool to transition existing lexi containers and data to lex d anyway if you liked what you saw today thank you subscribe and like and we'll see you next time on down the road [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Scotti-BYTE Enterprise Consulting Services
Views: 250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bVTJMjAXlho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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