QGIS Road To Nerdvana Episode 10: Speed Map Making (part 2)

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welcome back to the cutest road to nodwana this is episode 10 speed map creation and i'm tim sutton in this episode i'm going to be walking you through the process of creating a map from scratch with no data using open data from openstreetmap and from srtm the nasa project to which maps the topography of the world and i'm going to show you how to quickly put together a project like that so um like i said i'm starting with a completely blank project and the idea is to make something like this i'm going to do one for kawaii in hawaii and produce this basic map to fetch all the data and produce you know similar looking product for this we were inspired to do this by looking at some of the maps in the flicker qgis group um you should really browse through these if you want to see some nice things that you can produce with qgis so we found this example and uh clb wave from cartosa and myself we were using that as a as a basis for just doing some learning in kudus um so we thought we'd sort of try to replicate it a bit um and that's what i made yesterday just doing my own take on it so i'm going to go through the whole process of creating the left the map i'm going to do it really quickly as quickly as i can and kind of give you my stream of consciousness while i'm doing things and hopefully you can get some ideas or learn something or give me some ideas about how i could improve things from watching what i do so let's start off by i'm going to have two plugins installed before i start the one is the quick osm plugin by 18 mile and this will allow you to download openstreetmap data into your queue decision and the other one is the srtm plugin by horse tuster and this will allow you to download the nasa relief data very easily okay so i'm going to start by going and just adding the open street map as a base map like this and then zooming into hawaii and then into kauai i apologize if i must pronounce the names of these places not my native um it's not my native uh language so or vocabulary so i don't really know how to pronounce them well okay so i've zoomed in here and i'm going to use the quick osm tool to go and search for place and what that will give me back is the boundaries and place places of in you know named places in whatever the canvas extent is so i'm going to run that quickly and then you'll see it's added a bunch of layers to my project here now i can remove this openstreetmap basemap i don't need it anymore and then i want to fetch the srtm data for this area here so i'm going to just say use the canvas extent and download and we'll go and fetch that using my nasa earth data credentials okay and then now i've got some data to work with i want to i want to just reproject everything into local utm zones i'm going to use utm zone 4 north um because well this there's some local projections i could use as well but i just kind of picked that one as what i want to use for this demo so i'm going to set my project to that first so utm 74 north okay and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a geo package and i'm going to put all the data all the vector data into the geo package um when i create the geopackage it's going to ask me for it for the name of the layer so i'm going to give it um let me just type that koi i'm going to give it uh one layer which i'm going to use for putting labels on the map so i'm going to make that into a compound curve layer and i'm going to set the coordinate reference system to that zone 4 north and i'm going to add one field here called name and then say okay okay so now i've got a new geo package called kawaii and i'm going to load this data into into the geopackage here like this and i don't need the lines there's nothing really in them and like this here um right so now uh i've brought the lines and i actually don't actually need the lines i want the points so we bring the points in as well okay now this data are that's a bit confusing i thought i brought that in let me just try bring it in again sometimes it goes into a different chair package if you don't have the right one selected so let me just bring that in again ah the problem is that i've got two layers with the name of place so i need to just rename it here first like this and then bring it in now okay there's the place areas and then this one i want to rename this table here i'm going to call it c let's just call it labels okay all right then these are in a different coordinate reference system these two so i want to just reproject them to different coordinate reference systems so i'm going to add them back to the map let me just delete and just delete everything so that it's clear which ones are which add them back to the map okay and then i'm going to do just to reproject all right so now i can choose the place area i'll tell it i want to put it into that same coordinate reference system i run it and then i can drag and drop that into the database i can delete this one and i'll just rename this back to uh uh place area place area okay and i'll do the same workflow with the places so i just want to select that one there um i just like to keep everything very tidy while i'm working so that i've know exactly what's going on so there's my reprojector place area i'll select this layer here here's the reproject tool place is going to be in utm zone four it creates a temporary layer i'll put this one into here and i'm going to call this one place points okay and then i'll get rid of these two that were this one that's not needed anymore okay so we've got three layers the labels the place area and the place points and they should all be in the correct coordinate reference system so i can quickly just check that so if you go to look at any of the layers you can see whether the coordinate reference system is the correct one you can see they're all in zone four now the rest is i'm going to deal with quickly as well i want to turn these into a seamless data set so i'm going to use a vrt here to build a virtual rester and you need to make sure to uncheck this option here otherwise each uh part of the raster gets each separate image file gets put into a separate band in the raster and we just run that and that made a vrt and then [Music] let's just hide these things away to see how it looks okay so that's our virtual rester we can actually remove these ones because we don't need them all right and then i want to turn this virtual raster into a permanent file so i want to say um uh i want to reproject it on the in the on the way as well so let's go here and we're going to say and save it out to utn zone 4 we're going to put it in our project directory i'm going to call it srtm and i want to set the node data to zero okay let's run that you can see it's busy exporting the data now all right so the new product it's made is going to be a single tiff file um you'll see that there's a few little holes in there we could go and do a sync full with uh with gdl but i'm not going to try to do that right now um well we could do this one over here something like that but like i said i'm not going to try to fiddle with that right now because it's not my main objective now this one i could actually try to drag and drop that in there let's see if it will let me do that okay so now we've got the raster in the geo package as well which is nice i can get rid of this one here drop that in like that i'm just going to go into my file system here and just actually tidy up this all right so i've got nice uh single database with all the data layers that i want to use and then i can start to do a little bit of styling so um just put that in the right order there first thing i'm going to do is just name the layers nicely so this one i'll call relief i'm going to make another copy of this layer as well and i'll explain why now this one i'm going to call to i'll call it shade hill shade heel shade okay and then this one we're going to call it um island this one we're going to rename to places and this one we renamed to labels to the capital e capital l okay now this islands island's layers um got some buffer boundary around each island which i don't want to have in my data so i'm just going to go here and do a quick edit to this data set and then i'm going to invert the selection like this and just delete everything that's not one of those three polygons and then save that right and then let me style up these layers quickly so i'm going to go over here for the bottom one i'm going to set it to use the heel shade renderer and maybe with some z vector here of 1.5 like that something like that to actually see that we've got to turn up a couple of layers again okay so now you can see it made like a shaded relief model of the elevation data and above that i want to put oh sorry we've made a heel shade model and i want to make a color shaded release so i'm going to go here and set this to sudo color and i'm using a color ramp from that i've downloaded from the qgis plugin site which is called elevation two and um i'm gonna set the mode here to equal interval and put ten intervals um i have to see why did it make that all white that in there uh let's go in here let's just make that like that okay there we go so we've got some nice looking uh relief there and i want to actually make that um hill shade shine through this a bit so i'm going to go to the blending mode here and i'm going to choose multiply and then the underlying kill shade comes through but it also gets the color from the layer above it i haven't saved my project it's always a good idea to save your project i'm going to save the project into the geopackage so everything's together in the one place so we put it into there let me call this like that okay so we've got the relief um cartography done now i'm going to make i want to make like a blue c and the nice like fuzzy boundary around the edge of the island so i'm going to use the inverted polygon renderer here and that will basically draw outside of where wherever there is something on the ins in and then i'm going to use over here i'm going to use the shape burst renderer shape as full and for the colors i'm going to choose a nice blue color here like this a little bit lighter like that for the one and then when you go to transparent at the other end like that and then i'm going to add another symbol layer and the symbol there i'll put to the bottom and i'm going to make it the same color as this color here and then maybe just a little bit a little bit darker let's go like this i want to reduce the size of this [Music] shape burst over here to use the set distance i'm going to use like 12. okay and then actually go back to here paste that back in there we go so that looks quite nice for the for the islands we could certainly play around with that some more to make it look even nicer um now i want to put some labels on here so i would like to have like a nice arched label saying pacific ocean and then maybe some lines underneath here with the names of these islands if i just pull in again that xyz tile map for openstreetmap quickly i can just get the names that looks like it's called nihao i don't exactly know how to pronounce that and let's see what's the name of the other one here okay it's got no island no name listed so i'm gonna make some labels for these two islands um but i'm gonna i'm gonna do them the labels off the island so that they um kind of go one over here and one over here maybe and then we're gonna have pacific ocean written across here so i'll just keep that off for now i'm going to go to here i'm going to edit this add a new layer and then i'm going to put in a curve here like this let's go like this and we're going to call that the pacific ocean i'm actually going to just move this over a bit i don't think it's in the best spot there so grab that maybe put it like that so that's the one label and then another one is going to be kawaii over here so again i'll go capture a new curve um whoops i forgot to put it do this one here and this one is quite i believe it's like that what do i think about my using a is mixed up uh yeah i think that's correct and one more for here no i've got a five second goldfish memory so i can't remember the names so um put one more of these here like this i hope i got that right yeah that looks okay right so those are going to be our label so we can actually get rid of this open street map one again here and then let's put some the labels let's enable them so we can actually see them so we just go to here labeling we tell it to use the name column you can see the labels already appearing i want them to be kind of nice and flowing across those lines so um we're going to tell it to do curved and we'll go here and choose a nice font uh something that's a little bit italicized maybe like this one here and we'll just crank up the font size of it okay so i actually want this font and this font and this one to be different i would like this one to be really big and then this one to be these two to be a bit smaller so what i think i'm going to do is just quickly go back to my labels layer here add a new column for it which is called font size i just say create a new field font size uh it's a whole number and we'll default it to what did i set that to now 32. okay that has a new column called font size there and then these two i'm just going to change them down to maybe 16 each something like that um and then over here i can go and tell it to instead of just using the literal font size i'll tell it to use that field there all right and so that will bring those font sizes down a bit nice now i don't like that white i could also data drive all of the i don't like that black i want to make it white so i could also dated define all of these and i think this one is a bit close to the island so i'm just going to make a last tweak here just to go and move that maybe just out over there something like that uh maybe this one could come a bit closer to the scene yeah and then i want to just lastly make the geometries for these for this labels layer invisible so i'll just say basically no symbol there and then you can just see the labels without any of the geometry associated with it all right so um there's obviously many more things i could do to the map but i want to kind of just use that as a starting point um and then i want to switch over to starting the map composition like i mentioned these little dots here because there's probably some low-lying areas i'm not going to try to fix those now what i am going to do is just add the world as a layer on here [Music] using the little easter egg and qgis where you can just type world here and i'm going to put this at the bottom and i'm going to make two map themes i might even just make two groups as well and just call this um islands and i'm going to make another group called world all right and these ones i'll drop into here and this one i'll drop into there just to keep my my project quite organized and then i'm going to make a map theme where this is off and those are on so that would be map theme islands um islands map theme you don't need to put the word map theme in normally but i'm just going to do it just so that it's clear later when you look at the user interface on the composer where things come from and then i'm going to invert what's enabled and disabled here and i'm going to call this one world map theme world map c okay so now i've got two map themes in this world one i'm going to be using to put a little overview map like if you remember the picture i showed you i want to use it for this over here i'll just set some styling for this as well i'm going to make it like a bit of a gray full no transparency and no outline okay and i'll just replace i don't actually think i need to replace it but just okay let me switch back to our islands theme all right let's go and make a map composition now so i'm going to go here to create a new map composer i'm going to call this kawaii a3 landscape just so that i if i've got multiple mapping map compositions i know which ones which and the first thing i'm going to do here is go to the page properties and set this to a3 as well just to match my name that i gave it and then i'm going to sort of zoom to the page and we can start adding some map elements to the page so i want to put a map first for the overview map and then i'm going to put another map for the full map i'm going to set this one to the back all right and then um for this one i'm going to set the map theme to my world theme for this one i'm going to set the map theme to my islands theme and then the world theme one i'm going to tell it to zoom to the whole to the whole map well i'll just do it interactively like this okay it's looking a bit strange now don't worry about that because we're gonna change the coordinate reference system for this map uh to not use the project one but we're gonna use an orthographic projection so we might have to go and create that projection quickly let's just have a look um okay we're going to go create it quickly so that's just a little side detail that we're going to make so that we can have basically that globe looking map over here so we're going to go back to the main user interface over here and in settings we can have a custom projection defined here so just before we do that like as a shortcut for what i'm about to do i can go to here and just search for orthographic um i'll use the north pole orthographic and i can copy either the wkt which is the recommended one or the w or the project four which is the less recommended one but it's simpler so it's easier to show you how to edit a chair and i'm going to go to here and [Music] create a custom projection definition so what i want to do is i want to center the projection i actually just try before i do that i'll just try to see um how does it look let's go back in here north pole autograph we'll just try and see it looks and then if it looks decent so you can see that it's sort of um it's sort of centered on greenish meridian at the moment but what we really want to do is we want to spin this around and maybe also like flip it over a bit so that it centers on where hawaii is so i'll just save my work like that and go back to here and then go to custom projections we're going to create a new one i'm going to call this north orthographic north um away and we put in that project string here now we can start to tweak things you can see the latitude uh is 90 which may be okay so we'll keep it like that and then the longitude got to be negative now the trick is working out what the longitude was supposed to be so i'll put it to like negative i think it's right around on the side of the on that side on the west so let's just try that and we can validate it and say okay and then we go back to our map composer and we try to use that new one that i've just created that will be done in your custom coordinate reference systems list okay and we might need to force it to refresh quickly i honestly can't see any difference yet so let's just give it a uh that's i was uh i was on the wrong map when i did that let's go back here it seemed to have set itself back to what it was before let's go like that okay so what are we seeing now um that's alaska that's all the islands there so we want to kind of flip it around a bit more so that this gets tilted over that way so i'm going to go and manipulate the um the latitude as well i think it's it's centered kind of where we want it to be we just want to flip this whole thing over so this is just i'm doing this by trial and error but obviously it could be nicer to do it in a more systematic way let's put it on latitude zero that will make more sense okay and then we go back to the map here now i've got to kind of reset its brain so i'm going to go to there and then go to that one again um yeah that's kind of what you want because y isn't there um i'll just zoom out a smidge in here all right so we're looking at the vastness of the pacific which is fine um i want to just get my zoom a little bit better maybe i'll just go like this it's kind of tricky to do this interactively with my scroll wheel the one takes me to there and the other one takes me to there but i'm going to look at the scale so that's it i'm just going to crank that up by one more uh full okay that looks good so we just pan that over a bit okay and i'm going to make the box kind of try and shrink the box itself that that's in down a bit all right uh so it's not exactly clear where we are on earth because we can see australia we can see north america there i want to put a marker on here to show where this area is on this map so to do that i'm going to tell that to use this as an overview so um i just need to get my map get it the right way around so this is map um this is map one this is map two now um so let me just check which way around i have to remove this one here so this is an overview form for um for map2 i'm going to put in here because it's such a small area i'm going to change this to use a centroid marker center it full and that's going to be a marker now you can see the dot there okay so i can see my latitude didn't quite work out like i wanted to it actually looks uh a bit wrong to me i thought it was down below here but i could be wrong so but i'm going to just finish sorting this out while i'm here so i'm going to go here set the strokes out to no line so you can see i've made a red cross there it's a bit small so i'm going to just crank up the size of that cross a bit okay and it looks like i need to go tweak my my projection parameters again one more time so let's go do that so that was on zero uh i'll split the difference and put it to 45 latitude okay let me go back here and then we just gotta sort of trigger a redraw okay i hope you followed along with that it's a little bit complicated but basically i'm just tweaking the um the central meridian uh central meridians for um that projection so that they more or less set up to show where rolex is on the map i just want to change the scale again down a bit too ah this has got reset again there's a bug i think and you just like keeps resetting that crs to something else not sure what's going on there um there we go i still feel like it's put the cross in the wrong place but i don't know how to fix that right now i think it should be over here so i'm not sure what's going on with that now i want to but anyway i'll come and look at that probably offline from this session um i want to make this background this transparent so to do that i can just go here and say no background and then it obviously becomes a bit hard to read so what i want to do is make a circle on the map and then use that to fill in like to create a background effect so i'm going to go here to catch a capture shape and i'm going to create an ellipse like this now i've got to get one that's exactly circle shaped and i wanted to go one level down beneath the um beneath the overview map i'm just going to say lower a bit again you can see it's a little bit big so i'm just going to shrink it down a bit just a little bit bigger just want to shrink it down smidge and more all right so we're going to get something like that like i said that thing could definitely use some more tweaking now um i want to also create a bit of a an effect on this circle in the background so i'm just going to go and set the style of this you see that by default it just used like a simple white full here but i don't need the bound the border i don't think on it and for the actual color i think we can take something uh close to what's on the map maybe just a little bit like that and i want to just put an effect of a shadow on it so i'm going to go over here to the draw effects and put an interior shadow on it like that and that's a bit heavy so i'm going to just reduce that down a bit like that and then if we put this back on here we get like a nice globe it's amazing uh just um your eye suddenly just turns that into a sphere or my eye does i hope yours yours is doing that too all right so that's how i made like the sphere effect for the overview map to show the location of where we are looking good now i'm going to just do the last few things i'm going to put a graticule onto the top of this main map here so we can manage that over here in the grids i'm going to add a new grid and then we're going to go customize that and i'll set these to like so we want to use the map crs so i think i'll use like 50 kilometers let's see how that looks maybe even 25 kilometers how does that look okay and then i want to make those lines um white and i actually want to make them like white and even a little bit transparent so that they're not too dominant on the on the map they just need to be visible without like your eyes should focus mainly on the on the islands and not on that grid so that's that and then i also want to have some maybe some annotations around on those those graticule lines so i can put it over here and we can say um now you can see it's got the coordinates around the edge of the screen but uh i want to put them inside of there i'm just wondering if i want to see those are not degrees that doesn't make let's see okay so we just do that and it will switch to degrees no that's not right those are still meters i think excuse me that's actually interesting because let's go like degrees minutes second i don't actually know what it's doing i guess just converting that previous number into decimal degrees even though it's not so for this grid we want to have a different coordinate reference system we want to use i think the um we want to use wgs 84 4326 here and then we'll have to specify this in degrees so that's going to be 0.1 maybe that's maybe too much one two five okay and then the same for the other part here all right and then we can maybe that's yeah maybe do it 0 50 like this now um what i want to do is just go back to the grid here degrees minutes seconds is fine i want to put everything on the inside of the frame like this and i want to make the font for this white as well maybe we might even run the ones on the side horizontally i don't know but i think we can get rid of a lot of the precision there i'm just going to make this font a little bit more translucent or transparent um the precision let's go to here and see um there's still something okay that is actually the one for the top so let's just i'm just checking that it's consistent and then what it's actually doing is got um latitude and longitude labels at the end of the line so we want to actually show show longitude only on the bottom show longitude only on the top and then show latitude only on the left and show latitude only on the right there we go that looks better okay and then we're going to put in maybe just a title here i always forget how to spell it and we're going to make that a big white font as well and we're going to pump up the font size there i'm going to use that i'll get the same font that i'm using for that one there which i can't remember what it's called so i'm just going to go back to here and look okay that's custom old uh castle an old face okay now um we can just put some more decorations onto the page like that and i'm going to make this also just i have a star which is a white frame with transparent inside so no full and the brush for the outside we can make white like that something still looks a little bit off there okay and then i'm going to just put a little line over here and we do the same thing with that one here just keep this white okay and then i'm going to put the legend in over here i only want to see the legend for the um for the relief so i'm going to just edit this and get rid of the other bits that i don't care about here so i'll put that up there and remove that remove that i don't want to have any background or anything on this so let's just go it's funny that the labels are not correct they have to go check why that is the case um no background let's look there and then uh we're just gonna edit this item property take away that call it altitude maybe rather and we want to set that font to to be white as well and i'd like to use that same font that i used before let's remember the name of the font again castle and old face all right and then i think i might just put this like a slightly white background um instead of having no brush i'll have it solid but just have it very very subtle um like that um the altitude is not displaying properly let's go and have a look and see what it's doing over here yeah that is weird so it does actually got labels there so we can just go to here and set this one 73 [Music] 36. okay so now we've got labels for those we can also set the suffixes meters here that might be nice i don't know why these ones didn't all get auto generated labels okay right so now unfortunately that legend i made is not auto updating so if we go back um it's actually strange because it set the project to that orthographic which is not what i wanted it to do i'm just going to go back here switch that back to like it was zoom into there again and just go see if this is still okay in my map okay so this was not set to auto update if i auto update it um i have to kind of redo some of that work so not too bad i can just go delete this again i believe cue this might be crashing right now i'll just give it a second before i kill it okay there it goes it's crashed i save a lot so hopefully you didn't lose too much let's see yeah we've got those that's good i think we just need to get that open again here always save your work as you work huh look it put the cross in the correct place now that's that's much better i think um and we've got our altitude showing meters there that's great suddenly miraculously fixed that as well i don't much like that black around the legend um items so i'm going to just see if i can tweak that as well um if i choose this here what does it do let's see did that make any difference not at all okay i think i'm going to try to fix that another time you should be able to remove the black around those little um items there um and then maybe we could just copy this little line here and this one here put that like that there and then i saw a nice um thing that they did on the original map that i used for the inspiration let's see if it's still here where they sort of signed the map and they put some extra information about the map scale and the datum and a few other things i'm just gonna go and like put my name i won't put all of that stuff in there now but um okay and i'll just center it up put that to that same font i'm going to make the font a little bit bigger and let's see if we can put a signature in there as well i'm just going to go find one quickly just bear with me for a second okay so just in the folder that um that we're working in i'm just going to put my um my signature it's not transparent so might have a problem let's just see it's going to look a bit not so great if i want that to look great i'll have to make the whole of the background of this frame match that color so i'll try that quickly and if it's not looking great i'll get rid of the signature i need to go make a transparent version of my signature for later for next time okay so we're going to go here and we're going to just change this full to that that sort of breaks everything doesn't it i don't think we want to do that we're going to just get rid of that right and we could add some extra detail in here about the coordinate reference system that we used and whatever other details you want to put in here i just want to make sure this using the right font okay maybe a north arrow and then we'll kind of wrap it up i think the placement of this thing could be better maybe it would be better across the bottom here like in this block or taking up a bit less space see if we can just compact it a bit and um yeah let's lightly just add a north area onto the map it'd be kind of nice to have it over here i guess um i want to choose something really simple i think something like that and then again i'm just going to go and set the stroke color to white and i'll just put the text north next to it because it doesn't include the word in or the letter in and there we have it that's my um quick high speed map take number two or three depending on how many how you count um certainly a lot more you could do to improve it but i hope watching this you get some ideas that you could use creating your own maps and maybe learn something like i said or maybe you can teach me something that i missed i'll welcome your comments and feedback and i'm just going to end by exporting that so that i can tweet it later and thank you very much for watching i hope to see you on the next one catch you next time
Channel: Kartoza
Views: 357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QGIS, FOSSGIS, South Africa
Id: xE0CZjgsuj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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