QGIS Layout Overview

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okay so in this tutorial this is what we are wanting to do we wanting to create a a map layout in QGIS and we're looking to have a regional context and maybe a little national context and a regional context map showing our study area so that's pretty much where we want to get to and I'm going to show you how to do that using huges layout design okay so yeah let's crack on with that and see how we do it okay so I'm going to start by opening up a new session of kuja's let's let that open up and just start with a clear slate and I want to add a couple vector layers just to some background info or background layers I'll add those two layers and then what shall we do let's just change this simple full to no brush with a stroke width of 0.4 for the provinces stick it on top and then I think I can do the same for this layer and then we're going to zoom in down here alright so the next thing I want to do is just use some basic from the quick map services and we're going to use the OpenStreetMap standard layer and I want to use the OpenStreetMap which one is it it's the monochrome layer okay there we go alright so the idea is to show you how to use inserts for regional context and that sort of thing so I'm going to open up a new layout I'll just call it loud a for say okay and let's just expand that and what we're gonna do is just add a couple Maps to this project so here's your first map and I'm going to use an area on the right channel you leave a blank space here for our map inserts and then possibly map title that sort of thing so I need to add a couple of map options to to demonstrate this little example so there's the first one yeah there's a second one down here in fact what I'm going to do is just make it a little wider a little taller maybe and then a third one down here okay so we've got three different map views and just so that you can see what's going on I'm going to turn on the frame for each of them and that's good that's gonna work and then maybe just for this little section here I will draw some sort of map type map title it's call it cape town change this font size to something bigger there we can see what's 36 like is that going to be too big that's a little little too big maybe make it 26 for this example here Center and middle give it a frame as well like that and this is where you'd put your legend and your scale bar and that sort of thing but I'm not going to worry about that all I'll do is I'll just stick a little rectangle in here so that you can see that it is a placeholder or something here so hang on a second why can't I see my my style that's all right actually yeah that's fine okay so we've got the first map we added our main map view and then two little map views which I'm going to use for a like a local local and then possibly a national context so maybe a regional context and a local context so let's zoom in to the scale that we actually want our map to be at so what is that that's three hundred and fifty thousand let's make this 100,000 see what that looks like and it's just reorient I think that's too much it's try fifty thousand okay here we go so that's going to be 50,000 now what we want to do is we want to tell the project to use this map view extent as our little indicator of of where our study area is in a sort of a regional context and we'll use it for this one so we can change the scale okay so you can see the the city of Cape the city of Cape Town Metro there we can zoom out just a little bit more to make it a bit more obvious there we go that's maybe a good example of the the full metro and then all we do is we down here to overviews we're going to add a new overview and then we want to use a map frame for the overview so this is map 1 - map - and this is map 3 so we're gonna add map 1 as the overview and there you go you can see it's highlighted in red so it's maybe not as obvious because it's a transparent Ridge so let's just set the color opacity to something we can see ok there it is alright so there is one of our map inserts for original context now what we'll do is we'll use this map extent for the regional context in in this map so we select that map object and we're going to do the same thing so we're creating an overview for this one now except now we don't choose map 1 we choose map 3 and there it is we change the color or the opacity to the same just so we can see it something like that that's going to work and now all we need to do is just change the scale of that map so we can see what's going on and maybe is it let's try 30 million 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 did that work that's way too much maybe 20 million so case maybe a little maybe actually that's fine okay so there we go so it's getting there but it's very busy at the scale so what I want to do is I want to tell the project to lock layers I'm going to turn off the the local municipalities just leave the provincial boundaries and then I'm gonna come back here and lock the layers so if I then go on and change layers again it it won't it won't rerender so let's just go back to our project this thing I'm gonna do is just change this to monochrome turn off my local municipalities then go back to my layout and select this one there we go you see how it's updated now I've turned off the the color OpenStreetMap background and I've turned off the local municipalities so we can just see the provincial boundaries and in our little study area so now I select lock layers and I'm going to do the same for this one I'm gonna select it and I'm gonna turn the the the local municipalities back on so let's go back in here and we'll turn those local municipalities back on I'm happy with it being monochrome as well let's just update that preview there we go now I can lock these layers okay so now with those layers locked and those scales set we can just change the the rendering or the whatever's happening in this but in this main view we don't want to change the the the extent of the view because otherwise that's going to affect what our map is telling us here the original context plan so what we can do is we can just go and add a bookmark okay if we create a bookmark and we just call this that extent that extent okay so now that map extent should stay the same and yeah I think that's that's pretty much how it would work I just want to turn this back on that back on there we go to the full extent and that is how you would create a regional context map out going the long route of creating a new map and exporting an image and then importing the image as your little window down here okay the last thing we might want to do is just double check how this is going to export save it as a PDF let's leave that SAV out quickly okay so we've got the message that it rendered I will save it out nicely let's open it up see what it looks like okay so not so bad you know it's it's basically doing exactly what we wanted we can see the the two inserts and then you can go and stick your title in here so insert one insert two or regional context national context whatever you like but that's how we can create those inserts so y'all look good luck with that let me know how it goes yes
Channel: Q-tips
Views: 4,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QGIS Layouts, QGIS Map Layout, QGIS Overview, QGIS Map Inserts, QGIS Context Insert
Id: Hm4rXMxjvp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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