QGIS 3D Modelling

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okay hi guys so this is a video I'm going to create just to show you how to to do the 3d modeling and then export that 3d model to a STL that can be sent to a printer and we're going to use that the impact assessment tutorial that I set up and if we just have a look at the version of kuja's that I'm using quickly it's Madeira three point four point seven okay so that's what I'm using for this particular model alright so we have we should have our 3d model modeling plugin turned on we just gotta have a look and see which one that is it's the one called queue just to three J is so that one needs to be turned on and once that's turned on we'll have a another menu in our web menu okay and it's called Q just to three exporter so we're gonna select that and then just choose the settings for our model okay so the elevation surfing is get if surface is going to be the de M all right there we go now we just need to adjust some settings for there de M if we right click on the de m and say properties we want to just boot the resampling level up slightly and then we want to exclude areas that are outside of our study area so we want to clip the the surface model to a polygon layer and that will be this study area in this example the resolution we can push up a bit and that is it for those settings so we can say okay and that should then rebuild that model okay and that might take a little while to render so if nothing happens immediately don't panic there just just give you a compute of time to actually build that model because it is quiet a memory hungry exercise okay so here's our little model and what we wanted to do is just put these structures on that surface so I'm going to select the point structures and then just hit those properties and I wanted to display as a cylinder and it must be relative to the DM and in the distance between the actual cylinder and the DM is going to be zero so it's not elevated above the DM it's actually starting on the DM the radius of the cylinder we can make that now let's make it 20 and the height can be the same as the height field in the attribute table for those structures that structure point afar and okay there we go okay so I've clicked okay and that nice purple color helps us see them and you can see there are pushed off the surface by the distance or the elevation that is in that in that point file okay so there is our 3d model so now we want to take this digital 3d model and view it in Explorer or a web Explorer so we just need to go to file and export to web okay and then just choose the output folder and mine is on my desktop and it is called visual impact special 3d that is my folder 3d and export and what that will now do is just create a whole bunch of files in that in that folder and one of them will be an HTML file an index.html file which you will then be able to open in a web browser okay and what I've noticed is that chrome does not like this plug-in or not the plug-in it it doesn't allow it it doesn't allow to render because it doesn't have what does it say here it says this browser doesn't allow loading local files via Ajax okay so so Chrome and I think there might be in a couple of other browsers that don't work for this little model but luckily Firefox does so if you want to view this model you're going to need to open it in Firefox so I'm just going to go to my Explorer and go and find that model where I saved it to and it was over here it was there in that folder okay so this is maybe a good example or a good opportunity for me to show you how that works the plugin has exported this was a completely blank folder the plugin has exported all of these folders and into this folder with an HTML file which will then reference the data and the other files that are in this folder so if we now open this in Firefox so we're gonna open with Firefox we should now see our model ok and there it is so now it's being viewed in a web browser so those files can all be uploaded to a website and they can be viewed online and the nice thing about that is you don't need QGIS or any special 3d rendering software to view this model you just need an ordinary browser that will view those ajax ajax files and in this example Firefox is doing the job for us ok so then that's how to view and export your digital version of that model but now we want to be able to print that model so we need another plug-in to export this model to an STL and close this down and go and search for that plugin now that plugin is called de m23 D so you can see mine's already selected and installed but you might need to come in here and type in TEM and then find that model just select it and install it and once that's done you should have the option to export to STL and that option is available to us via the the raster menu so if you select the raster menu you'll see here it is here EAM to 3d ok now before I do that I just want to make sure that the the layer that the layer extent that I'm going to clip to for this next step is turned on and it is my study area layer and it is not turned on and so I just need to make sure that's turned on because if it isn't on the plugin won't see it ok so now we can export so we go DM STL de m 3d printing we select that option and here we go so now we just need to select the 3 dimensional surface to export and there are only two rest is in here but and one of them is the elevation surface the de M and I'm not too sure what's going on here you see these these cells are but squished that could have be something to do with this latest plug-in release or I don't know maybe like a little graphic issue on my side so I don't know if yours is doing the same thing but anyway that's DM there and I see this is also squished I can see that's one point something but we'll get to that just now okay so we want to print the city extent to print and we're going to choose one of our our layers our existing layers so we click on this option and then this is where the study area would not have been visible if it were not turned on so that's why I turned it on so we can select study area and okay and then we're gonna stay at our minimum spacing to 0.5 okay and then the scale so now what this will by setting our scale here if we set this to 20,000 let's say they're two thousand twenty thousand okay twenty thousand then as we change the scale it will change the the final output in millimeters of the model so this is what is a printing Bay that I've worked on before is a three which is around 300 moles by four hundred and twenty so this would quite happily fit inside the printing Bay of that printer but most software packages that prepare prints or three-dimensional models for printing allow you to rescale anyway so this I don't think this is as critical if you are able to rescale in your printing software but anyway let's just set that a twenty thousand for this example now the other option has to change the the scaling factor or the exaggeration the vertical exaggeration if you've got a relatively flat area and it's not really giving you a satisfactory idea of what the topography is you can just change the scale here just to slightly exaggerate your scale so for instance if we change that to let's just use 1.5 just to show you how that exaggeration works so we set that to 1.5 so now is going to be one and a half times steeper or taller than everything and that's what we will do okay and then the base height we're going to set to zero and that is it we can now select export to HDL okay then we just need to go and put this somewhere and I'll save it in this folder and DM model STL that is fine click Save and there it goes and I think this is quite a relatively fast process but yeah I give it time if your machine is slightly slower just be patient nearly there okay so now that has been exported so we should be able to go into that folder and open up the dead STL so we can close this down and now this is where you would use or open open this the the the exported model in your software that's linked to your printer and I think I've got something on line that should be able to open this what is my own called I think it's called mesh magic yes I think my program is called mesh magic if I just double click on that that should open just keep those changes okay and there you go there is your model and this one is slightly steeper because of that one in five exaggeration that I've applied to this model now you should be able to send that to a printer and depending on your printers we are not able with most well in this particular instance to to print the colors that of that model this will just be one solid color color but still it's it's it's a nice application to have in queue just because it allows you to export your three-dimensional model to a 3d printer and that's that's pretty much how you do it so give me a shout if you have any questions but yeah that's those two plugins which are fairly useful 3d plugins with QGIS Cheers
Channel: Q-tips
Views: 20,082
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: QGIS 2 STL, DEMto3D, 3D Modelling with QGIS, GIS 3d Modelling, Qgis2threejs, 3D Plugins QGIS
Id: 65WZU3a0FyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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