QBCore - Ps-Dispatch v2 (Updated Version) Install and Showcase | FREE FiveM Tutorial 2023

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[Music] today I'm going to show you guys how to installed the newest version of PSS patch per suggestion I'll be starting fresh and mainly focusing on PS dispatch and in depth install of the M will be linked in the description along with the resource myself and project sof Discord I hope you enjoyed the video first click the link in the description that takes you to the resource and once we're here you'll see the dependencies and you'll see the updated preview which is beautiful so I go back up and we'll open these in a new tab and then we'll start downloading them so go to the latest start the download here same for oxlip and then for the MDT then we're going to open our server resources and start dragging them in so remove the extra stuff from the end drag this one in just replace it and then we'll drag this one in as well and we're going to remove the extra stuff from the end okay now we'll go to the server CFG and ensure them so oxlip is going to go up here and then I'll just put PS uh dispatch and MDT down here and then we'll hit file and save next we're going to add these sounds or alerts so go back to PS dispatch go into the sounds folder we're going to copy these we're going to go to the Standalone section go to interact sound client HTML and then sounds and we're going to paste what we copied we've done this before it's just going to ask you to replace it so we'll go ahead and do that then we're going to go back to PS dispatch and look at the options in the config okay so once we're in here the first thing I'm going to change is the debug from false to True with it is false you won't see shots fired from police so choose however you want then you have the respond key so when a call comes in you hit a key and it sets the GPS Waypoint for you um by default e you can change it if you want then we have how long the alert stays on the screen it's 5 seconds for now so adjust it to your liking whether you want it to be longer or a shorter time then we have who sees the alerts so it's on duty only true meaning if they're on duty they'll get the alerts if they're off duty they won't see them you can change it to false if you want and we have the jobs that can access the menu I'm not going to be touching that that's followed by a delay so if someone's constantly shooting or doing something that triggers the alerts there's some sort of time between them you can increase it or decrease it and then we have the default alerts um a lot of people don't like the Speedy one uh again enable or disable them as you wish and then we have the hunting zones and the no dispatch zones um I'm going to leave that enabled just to show you what that's like you guys can disable that if you want then you have the blips for the calls so if you do add new alerts or blips make sure the code name matches what it says in the alerts. L like they put in the note here and after these it's just colors I believe so if you change anything hit file and save then I'm going to briefly go over some things uh for the MDT okay so depending on what scripts you use some things would to be changed in the MDT config so we'll go there so the first thing is if you're using PS housing I do have that installed so I'm going to change this to true and then default Apartments we going to change to false um I'm going to leave all this alone we're going to change this to QB inventory and I'm going to change this to Legacy f can't spell he that's all I'm going to change for now regarding the MDT so hit file and save if you did change anything then you can start your server and test it out okay so we're in the server I'll shoot a couple of times there's the alert and then there's the call in the MDT so if I shoot again I can press e to respond and it'll set the w [Music] [Music] [Music] point hey we're going to try to lock pick this so there's the alert for that in the blp again you can respond I'm right off it so it's not going to do anything and that'll be all for this video If this helped you out please leave a like and a sub if you have suggestions or need help feel free to comment down below or join my Discord I'll leave a link to it in the description thank you for [Music] watching
Channel: Kamaryn
Views: 18,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RfWmEkHooUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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