Q2 for Life, ranch tour

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] we are uh the next morning got the cattle unloaded been sitting here visiting i get the camera out and everybody everybody leaves everybody leaves me jaden goes in the tack room and tries to hide mike he gets up and just our conversation's over now he leaves did you go get a rope so mike was uh one of the big uh what was your title director of events he was the event coordinator at u.s ropins and i'm sitting in his room slash shop slash garage slash uh feed feed room a little bit everything uh dog dog clinic this is a dog clinic as well there's a few dogs around here anyway we're standing here we're sitting here talking and reminiscing about the old days and uh we're talking about roping cattle around the neck because mike and i both are kind of out of the corey any business now so jaden he's a young upstart wanting to make a big name for himself right yes so we're going to get him to rope this dummy because he just said he can't rope one around the neck but i bet he can you got a rope jaden okay here we go we're kind of waiting for it to get light so we can go look around a second we're just about ready to go and we're about to go look for about 10 or 15 minutes and then all right around the neck jaden watch out pup there you go kind of it kind of fell around his neck actually it kind of hit the dog and then fell around the neck [Music] all right nothing but neck right here nothing but neck kind of hard isn't it kind of hard mike you gonna try oh i'm good you're good that's not nothing for you or me shoot i i'm i don't know that i'm a neck roping guy okay let me hear let me see your camera let me see here yeah we got it right here let me see if i knew you need to all right so there's the deal you saw it but that's in here who knows going 20 miles an hour outside okay we've been holding these guys up they got some cows to go work so we're gonna look around for a second and then we're gonna both hit the road we're taking this buggy yeah come here shady come here blake get up get up get up are you going or no i don't know hey you want to go jayden that's a good boy i'll do whatever uh yeah i just load them on the back side right here i put that cake in the front just load them on the back side and uh go with us okay okay get in here i'll get your gate over here on your trailer mike's got a cool place here we were here oh back with rodeo video it's been a few years we came here and actually filmed i think it was a mega match tape right here at mike's and that's been i'm gonna say 20 years ago maybe when we came here yeah there was nothing here nothing out here nothing we built all this nothing this was all wood when we came here i put i put my four head of horses right there in preferred panels didn't have no questions there was no fences no just the outside fence it wouldn't hold nothing wouldn't hold though no giraffe huh now we just come in here and welded it all up and cleared it all out were you working for usdrc when you moved to this place when we relocated out of albuquerque to stephenville that january 2000. that's a neat direction how big is that about one acres too and there's another one on the other side and there's one on the road use that walker so you build all these little all of it there was nothing there but did you have it done or did you do it we did it how did you how did we do that queen dustin and some of those indians yeah and they didn't move our ranch up i mean because we were doing all of this jaden and i put all these in ourselves we welded up this front we put all that in where's this road go it goes to our other place we're going to go right down here we we like to use this pasture because it's got that tank in it and then little kids they can always drink out of it cows are happy oh yeah they haven't said a word this morning is this still you over here no no sir we go up that road uh about almost to the top of that field [Music] how long will this how long will this grass stay green like this oh there we are stays good we'll stay like this all winter or all summer when it goes to getting hot your winter grasses like your rye grass and all them they'll go to fading but what we're gonna do is we're going to bail all that up as soon as it gets you guys build all or have you built it or had it built no we built it ourselves we built all this and then there was an old dairy up there and we pushed all that and then there was a big strip of mesquite down through there and a big strip of mosquito over there and when that sap goes down in the winter we pushed all that mystery we dug it and piled it how big is this pasture goes over to those trees yeah it goes to that tree line and this goes all the way around 119 that roadweed that's on our left-hand side it goes all the way around that is that house could a guy live in that house could with about thirty thousand dollars worth of renovation but you know why do i wanna have to worry about somebody not shutting the gate this year over here too we go all the way on that tree line all the way down i've seen more i've seen more feed since dark last night so right now then we grow all then we grew all year last year i'm not knocking our desert because when it rains it's good it's good it's really good it may not be this good but it's strong but you guys have when you guys are in a drought you still have feed yeah but not to this extent yeah this is this is a crazy year yeah this has been a real blessing to to get that slow rain for a period of three weeks and then a little bit harder rain feel your tanks so were these tanks getting low they were getting low but when you get it like that it really uh makes a lot of difference because the ground like we were digging some old post out and that moisture was down two and a half feet in the ground so really we've made our this hay crop and then we get this off and we'll make our our september october hey this is all of us is that you back there i love this place because it has so many contrasts you know yeah but look at that thief there's a a common bermuda and it jigs bermuda and rye grass all in that right there the rye grass is hung on because it's been cooler usually that rye grass will leave you but it's good for it to go to seed this year shoot you just have feet waiting to be eaten so will you hay all this yeah i i won't hate this part i'll graze this part on yearlings what i do is like if i graze this this year then i'll graze one of the mothers the next year and we graze them through the winter we don't cut it very short when we bail it in september uh you just cut one time two times two times we this this little acreage right here will bail 400 big round belts yeah where do you put them over to your house we put some at the house and then we'll put some up here and then we put our september cutting in the barn and then we send hay to our neighbors around here you know but look at those pecan trees i mean they're huge there's water standing down this huge air too yeah this creek runs through us does that run year round uh it's kind of a seasonal creek it's got pockets in it that when it does rain they'll fill up and we can still graze that side because it'll have water yeah and sometimes it goes dry but it'll run six seven months out a year yeah i'm gonna sit right here [Music] do [Music] jaden and i jaden handed me every one of those posts i welded it up and then he would hand me those posts we'd mark them cut them tommy [Music] he was a little bitty guy could barely pick one up but he stayed with me all day long [Music] here's the back that's the back porch right there i guess that's the back isn't it yeah is this the garden [Music] do [Music] so all right those guys are rowing out i kept them a little longer than i probably should have i know they had things to do but it was fun to get the tour of the ranch i'm gonna start a little blue up here build some air pressure and i'm right behind them out the front gate headed back to arizona man i like arizona it's nice but it is kind of refreshing to come out here and see so much moisture and see all this feed it's kind of like the other day when i was looking at charlie hall's brand new living quarters trailer then all of a sudden i thought i needed a brand new living quarters trailer it's kind of like seeing this ranch with all this feed now i'm a little envious and would like to have a place like this with this much feed on it all right see you later little cows you're gonna have a good life out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 16,654
Rating: 4.9609547 out of 5
Keywords: the rodeo video, flake out, rodeo video, cowboy, cattle, cattle farming, ranching, ranching cattle, family, trucker, roping, roping cattle, roping pen, resistol, resistol hats, resistol cowboy hat, wrangler, wrangler jeans, cactus ropes, horse, horse video, riding, horses, blue rooster cattle co, roping steers, boot, arizona, snowflake, cowpunchers, liberty safe, national ropers supply, bio mane, Reed Flake, Amy Flake, RodeoReed.
Id: jfPqF4IFfLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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