Q’uo On Reincarnation And Ascension

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution i am your host brian scott today we're going to read a little bit of quo quo is a channeled entity that sort of comprises a variety of channeled entities through the confederation of planets check out my previous episodes they deal with the law of one questions about ascension and the new earth we've had so many wonderful episodes and so many realizations from these channelings today we're going to talk a little bit about reincarnation and ascension from a variety of different channelings quo talks about reincarnation i want to get a little more information about that in general the first question is asked in a session in 1988 concerns reincarnation and the means by which the process of reincarnation enhances our overall growth as entities i am quo i greet you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator it is a privilege and a blessing to be called to your group this evening and we thank you for your hope your desire to learn and the beauty of your vibrations as you sit with ears that pray to hear and hearts that wish to understand may we offer special love and greeting to the ones known as m and j and welcome them to the circle of seeking we ask as always that each entity understand that our opinions which we give freely are not infallible therefore we ask that if any word which we say seems unwise in any listener's ear that it be forgotten for the truth is such that it the seeker shall recognize it for itself and we ask that each employ this discrimination that said we shall turn to the question of reincarnation we must begin with background information for reincarnation takes place against the great stage of creation and it is an integral part of a vast process which is at the heart most simple we know that in your holy works that you hear the words in the beginning and yet we say to you that to the best of our understanding the creator exists infinitely and that it is only this particular creation that has a beginning and shall have an end it is our understanding that there shall be and there have been many creations and that who each of you is the creator now we shall certainly have to do some talking to explain such a bold statement perhaps we could describe our concept of the creator to you as a vast infinity which is also intelligent the completeness of infinity is such that it cannot be held in the mind cannot be understood by that portion of the spirit which is within incarnation it is beyond understanding yet it is our opinion that the creator chose to create a universe a vast infinitely vast universe which would sustain the physical vehicles of entities which were as a holograph of the creator so that all that was in the creator was in the conscious entity and all conscious entities were the creator a way of coming back to the creator which had sent these entities forth was offered a vast plan which has been unfolding for eons and shall continue we know not how long each of what you call your planetary systems dwelt first in the consciousness that is the creator lived in a state of love which is another name for the creator and in the fullness of time planets were formed and that process you call evolution took place the first lessons were very simple there was the lesson of existence itself lessons that your rocks and your sea and your fire and your air still learn then came lessons of growth and a turning towards the light and many plants flourished and animals began that slow process of learning and eventually within each portion of consciousness there came to be a turning not only towards the light but towards the love that lies behind light and thus an entity became ready in physical vehicle in nature to receive infinity this is who you are you dwell in a physical vehicle as any of your animals and within you through your many experiences before becoming what you would call human and what this entity calls third density you have made yourself ready to be self-aware many many lifetimes ago you began this portion of a walk with seekers having once begun do not ever leave you have begun the self-conscious awareness and seeking towards what what has the creator intended for those who are self-aware and contain infinity to pursue now we shall move to a slightly different aspect of the same question you have lived for many many lifetimes already in this environment or density of experience and by now you have observed over and over and over that much of the experience that you gather seems to be about love love expressed in selfish ways and love expressed in service to others and to the creator the overall plan which the creator made available and which lasts not only through this density but through many densities indeed those higher than we are this process has to do with attempting to grasp the nature of the creator it is our opinion that the nature of this creator is the nature of one singular thought and that thought is the thought of love now the densities of experience and learning above your own are a process of refining that which you within the density you now enjoy have decided upon this your earth world is an exciting and difficult illusion designed to create for you opportunities to make a simple choice the choice to serve the creator by serving others or to serve the creator by serving yourself since the creator's nature is that one great original thought of love service begins and ends in love since you're of the very nature and stuff of the creator you yourselves in your essence are perfect love it is a matter of finding and recognizing that true nature and then of choosing to express and manifest that nature by loving and serving those about you to love and serve those to whom you are most close is very difficult the environment of your illusion was intended to make such expression difficult thus although you have had many experiences and have made many choices some wise and perhaps some foolish these things have been veiled from your memory you come into this illusion through a veil of forgetting the forgetting of past relationships past biases past opinions and experiences is intentional forever new are the opportunities to make and remake the choice to serve and manifest the love of the one infinite creator thus as you gaze back upon your many other lives what is quintessential and most profoundly so in your understanding of these past experiences is kept within your feelings within your deep mind and within your heart they express themselves to you in promptings of emotion in feelings of recognition in the awareness of past experience and in frequent suppositions that perhaps a difficulty which cannot be explained by present circumstances may have been part of the outworking of energies which were not brought into balance in a previous life experience thus we talk to you about reincarnation we wish not to downplay the experiences of the past but to reassure each entity that when past experiences become a necessity they will float into the conscious mind through dreams or most especially through meditation in general we may say that it is not helpful in a deep way to know past life experiences but rather it is helpful in terms of your desire to accelerate your process of spiritual evolution to be more and more sensitive to the promptings of your intuition your feelings and your heart thus becoming more and more sensitive to those energies that are passing between you and those about you thus if you find yourself at odds with a co-worker a friend a companion or a loved one it is well to move into meditation asking and releasing the question of where the balance of love and service have gone away in this particular instance and more than that how you may bring love back into manifestation within the circumstance how balance may be restored how love may thrive what we are saying to you is perhaps too much in too short a time yet this instrument reminds us that we wish not to be over long in our message but know that the greatest advantage that you may have within your experience is the advantage of daily meditation it need not be for a great period of time it may be perhaps as this instrument would say a half hour or less it may be the striking of a clock that may cause you to stop and find the silence within any attempt whatsoever at clearing the mind and asking for deeper understandings to come into one's can are to be encouraged and most of all to be encouraged is the dailiness of this activity you will find that meditation itself begins a process of change and it is well that those who are mated together begin and continue the process together for that which you seek you shall find this is indeed a spiritual truth we are speaking to those who have already made the choice to serve others as a means of learning to know the creator as a means of experiencing relationship with the creator therefore we may freely and joyfully urge each to know the self as one who may be a channel of light a channel of love not by your own earthly energies for they fail but by becoming through meditation aware of that which comes through one from the infinite creation that which is infinite love thus more and more you may become a light to those about you not so much by what you do as by the smile in your eye the piece of your expression the gentleness of the reply to a hard rebuke the kindness to a stranger and each time that you attempt to serve you run the risk of failure and when you feel that you have failed it is a temptation to think poorly of oneself we ask you never to feel such sad feelings but simply pick oneself up and continue for you are a harmonious part of an infinite plan whereby the creator in its infinity learns more and more about itself for each of us who are companions upon the path back to the source in our relationships with each other express the creator's thoughts to the creator for each of you is a spark an infinite part of an infinite father many of those who meet within your incarnational experience shall be familiar to you one way or another see each as the creator serve each in love for loving each other is the greatest service that consciousness is capable of eventually as the process of refinement goes on you may learn as we believe we have learned that all consciousness is one and that we are all one great being a portion infinitely precious of the creation itself your third density experience upon this planet grows short soon there shall be new lessons a new illusion and an exciting new beginning yet the nature of that experience is shaped by your decision to serve the cause of love during these final life experiences may you see and bless the many many lives you have learned and your deep felt biases and opinions in your love of the good the beautiful and the true and your distaste for that which is dark and negative may you believe in your strength as those who have been choosing and learning for many thousands of your years and may you always have the light touch in your studies laughing together in times of joy and finding the light side in times of sadness that your life may become more and more balancing of all those energies with all those with whom you are in a relationship you've heard the word karma the end of karma is forgiveness if you find a certain entity particularly difficult seek the seeds of forgiveness in the infinite love which lies within you for as you forgive the other entity and yourself so you have balanced in love that which blocked energy and stopped the process of spiritual growth question how about contemplatives that don't see anybody or interact with anybody and just keep silent and sit in mountain caves and contemplate how are they serving each other i am quote there are many among your peoples who move in the daily stream of activity partaking of all that your illusion and your experience has to offer and distilling this experience that which they themselves have determined before incarnation would be the point the goal of the incarnation these lessons have to do with some aspect of learning that quality that you might call unconditional love or compassion each learns in a unique fashion according to what has been learned in the previous incarnations according to that which remains to be learned those that find the solitary experience of most use in the life pattern learn the same kind of lesson but in a fashion which is more inwardly directed rather than utilizing the outer stimulus of other entities and the relationships that are formed in the normal shall we say means of living and experiencing the incarnation those who learn in a solitary fashion enhance their own understanding of the purpose of their incarnations and express that love which they have learned in a manner which is likened unto the radio station which broadcast a certain frequency of information these then as all who have learned any portion of the lesson of love become likened unto beacons for this love that is felt by all fellow entities upon the subconscious levels as you would call them and provide a kind of nourishment for the species much as the gardener provides the fertilizer for the plants within its garden thus does the great creative power of love move through all its creations whether they may be found in the fertile valleys or the high mountain caves in another session in 2001 they asked the question today our question concerns the fact that we reincarnate from life to life with friends time after time in clans or groups and learn to serve and seek the creator with them we are wondering how this process of reincarnation in groups affects the planetary consciousness does it aid the planet and how does it work how does the process aid the individual harvest when that time comes we are those the principle of quo we are very happy to speak with you about some aspects of reincarnation and harvest and ask only that each be responsible for listening with a discriminating ear that which we have to say for we are not authorities which wish to impose our opinions on you rather we are happy to share our thoughts in the hopes that some of them might be of use please keep those thoughts that resonate to your inner sense of truth and discard the rest with a second thought it is in the light of time that reincarnation unfolds its patterns it is more accurate metaphysically speaking to look at the systems of reincarnation involving the repeated joining of relationship with certain other entities as a part of a circle a being in which each incarnation is a spoke out from the center and in which all experiences harvested by the entity in each incarnation are fed back into the central pool of self than to describe reincarnation as a series of successive lifetimes however within the constraints of time and space time is seen to be linear and directional and indeed where this knot seemed to so the entire pattern of reincarnation would become fruitless it is essential in terms of third density experience that those moving through incarnation be unable to see the great circle of lifetimes and the nuances of each issue with which the relationships that seem to be karmic bring forth and create the opportunities for the work in consciousness without time taking the infinite viewpoint all is the creator when time has begun unrolling its scroll in a creation sequence it offers each spark of the creator the opportunity to learn to investigate and discover that which it will through lifetime upon lifetime entities go through a gradual process of awakening to the self this awakening is the product of a great deal of inner exploration the exploration involves many meetings with those who become to us the bearers of good things each is aware already of the process by which self prepares for incarnation each is aware of the careful process of choosing those which one shall come into relationship within the incarnation within the course of these relationships which we have given ourselves certainly it may seem from time to time as if we have chosen for ourselves harsh lessons and confusion as an inevitable part of the relationships that we have chosen to investigate and help to blossom forth it may well seem that instead of becoming more and more unified with those with whom we are in relationship that we have not made progress and we may wonder about the efficacy of our work within these relationships and within these lessons and yet we say to you that is well to trust the rhythms of relationship and to allow them to be of the shape and the texture they will be rather than attempt to remold them according to a desired outcome or a preferred status this instrument earlier was speaking of a relationship that she would like to mend and yet it is not the work of mending work done upon the self is not the process of forgiveness and healing that forgiveness of self that sees the other self as a reflection of the creator consequently we have this pattern of repeated relationships and may we say that rather than having one fairly small group of people with whom there are repeated relationships over the course of a creation process that is over the course of many densities of that process each may expect to become intimate to go through the processes of catalyst healing harmonization and unity with each other spark of the infinite creator thusly this process of each helping each to learn the lessons of each density is not in any way seen as a malignant or undesirable process no matter how confused or muddled the relationships seem to be rather it is the outworking of the tremendous force of spiritual gravity calling each to become more and more aware of the true nature of the self and calling each to do that in ways that are native to each density and which work differently in each density you asked concerning the way the relationships which have karmic weight impact the planetary subconscious and we would say that the actual events in the physical illusion concerning relationships are as shadows upon the surface of the pond compared to that tremendous amount of inner work that is going on within the entities who are working with the catalyst of each other in their inner work or as this instrument has called it the work in consciousness that each does however each person frames that attention some choose to work upon this incoming catalyst by daily meditation and as always we recommend that process of moving into the silence very highly it is the single most effective resource the spiritual seeker has for opening the channels to the guidance which each has in abundance within the confines of the archetypal mind which resides within and which is accessed by the door of silence more effectively than by any other means of access there are various ways to meditate and a contemplative walk the reading of inspirational material the musing upon an inspirational seed thought and many other approaches to the silence move one through that door as well as the more traditional ways of prayer and formal meditation which some may feel are more desirable than other methods in our way of thinking the method that is the most workable in each seeker's life is the method which is right for him again it is a matter of the individual seeking within herself as to what choice feels right or resonant so often in the spiritual life the seeker will find that the great authority present is the self for within the self lies all the knowledge that is sought not in the conscious mind not even in the subconscious mind but in those realms which are able to be accessed through the subconscious mind the roots of mind as this instrument would call them and as each moves into this silence as each does the work of the incarnation getting to know the self becoming able to be that self more and more the patterns of that vibratory nexus that is the self grow ever so slowly and ever so inexorably clear more lucid and more full of that great original thought consequently the effect of this process upon the archetypal mind of your planet is that simple effect of the mind feeling that itself is moving well through that process upon which it has come to work all the storms of confusion that ruffle the archipelago of entities and issues and situations are as nothing to those roots of mind for to those roots of mind these processes have a virtue not by any outer standards that this instrument would share concerning the courtesy or ways of progressing that are desirable rather than others which are undesirable rather the attention of the roots of mind is upon the intensity of desire and the seeking of teaching of these agents of the creator that is attempting to become ever more itself that which appears to be a tremendous storm upon the surface then gazed at from the level of the roots of mind appears to be a series of small details it is a matter of perspective carla asks i'm thinking about what you said about time that all incarnations are occurring at the same time and it a model of creation as a moment in which everything happens at once it boggles the mind and i wanted to pursue that because i had been thinking earlier about how the structures that you give us like the council of saturn for instance the way your principle is made up of different group entities and so forth it has in common with the structures of time that it makes it possible to think about what i call mystery specific language i was wondering first if non-linear time or instantaneous time has a center like circle and if the geometry of the circle would help us to understand more about infinity and eternity and i was wondering if all the structures of thought are these approximations that seem to have less substance than they do in space time i am quo and indeed we look to the construction of the circle or more particularly the sphere as an example of the simultaneity of time and experience within the one creation one may look at a line of experience a line of time that moves from the center of the sphere in a particular direction and observe the entities affected by this line of experience within the third density illusion you may see yourselves experiencing various of these time experience lines moving from the center of your being to another location also within your being intersecting experience of others also located within the center of your being and their being so that the center of experience is shared for a portion of the experience as it is moving along this line this line may also be seen to be able to describe constructions of entities groups of entities and experiences shared so that these are various ways of seeing the formation of relationships of seeing the means by which one creation may be experienced by a number of entities moving along these lines of time simultaneously thus within this sphere there is an infinite potential for experience each individual experience seen from third density illusion then seems to be complete unto itself seems to be linear from point a to b to c and so forth whereas if this experience is seen from without the third density illusion it is seen as a portion of simultaneous experience of the one creator these experiences being infinite in number carlos says so when you have a breakthrough in a relationship does it resonate through the other lifetimes in which this issue or this relationship comes up does it have a ripple effect through the circle of being i am quo and i'm aware of your query my sister and indeed this is so for those who have eyes to see however as you are well aware the limit to the sight is the veil of forgetting and in a session in april of 2006 jim asks quo many new age seekers and fundamentalist christians believe there will soon be a rapture or ascension in which the true believers or chosen people will be whisked away by ufos or angels leaving the rest of humanity to suffer the tribulations of these last days i don't believe that any true christian or service to other seeker would want to leave earth before their fellow seekers could leave too could you speak to the difference between this idea of a rapture or ascension and the confederation channeling's concept of a graduation to fourth density that follows the death of third density physical body what spiritual principles could help us think about these possibilities we are those known to you as the principle of quo greetings in the love and the light of the one infinite creator in whose service we come to you in this day before we approach the fundamental query we would like to address a matter that we find appearingly frequent in entities queries when they have to do with ascension or the rapture we would like to address the thinking of those who were involved in creating the concept of the ascension or the rapture at the time in which the bible was put together at this time in your history your middle east as this instrument would call that region of your globe was the home of many civilizations that shared this area it was not the native land of any but rather a place where many cultures mingled the common belief system at that time for many jewish entities as well as for many other religious groups that populated that area at that time was in reincarnation the difficulty with a belief in reincarnation if you're looking at that belief from the standpoint of one who wishes to get the attention of a populist is that if an entity believes absolutely that he is a part of a soul stream that will incarnate many times then that entity is not particularly concerned with whether or not he is virtuous in this life because he assumes that he shall have another chance to make things right in the next incarnation therefore the concern of teachers was to focus the student on this life and the behavior that was required in order to create a shift in consciousness from the old ways of doing things to the new way of doing things for the one known as jesus the old way of doing things was the way of the world the old way was the way of money power and influence the one known as jesus was suggesting that it was time for people to wake up to turn from their worldly ways and release their concepts of the importance of money power and influence the one known as jesus had another kingdom in mind than the kingdom of the world he called that the kingdom of heaven he was interested in turning people's minds from the world to heaven from fear to love as he talked about the end times therefore this entity was speaking in stories and parables not attempting to teach literally but attempting to create an atmosphere in which the truth would become clear many times this entity said he who has ears let him hear he who has eyes let him see he who has a heart let him understand he was asking entities basically to move from the environment of the mind and from one way of thinking to another environment of the mind in which the heart did the thinking we cannot address the concerns of those who would read these words from the standpoint of a faith in the literal truth of them we do not wish any to believe word for word in what we say and we do not wish to persuade those who believe in the bible word for word that they are wrong we would simply ask that those who believe in that fashion not attempt to work their way through what we have to offer you for we assure you that the view of your church authorities though narrow is penetrating you will be able to follow the instructions and teachings of the one known as jesus the christ without reference to what we have to say and for your own peace of mind we would suggest that you not proceed further with any but those sources which are accepted by your leaders for we truly would not leave a stumbling block before you now let us move to the basic query of the session if so that the one known as jesus spoke of the day of rapture of a time when one person would be left in the field one would be taken we've indicated that we do not believe that this is a literal scripture nor that the teacher known as jesus intended it to be taken literal in terms of space and time however my friends there are other ways to look at this concept that perhaps may create for you a more understandable story there are two ways in which there is an absolute ending in the open possibilities of the present moment the first is that moment when you as an incarnating being pass from this world to the next at the moment of the physical cessation of breath as the life leaves your body so does your consciousness and that tuning or vibration which you carry at that moment is absolutely the final tuning of your incarnative experience it is at that resting point at which you leave the incarnation that you move on in consciousness to that vehicle of light which you have enjoyed as it has interpenetrated your physical body throughout your incarnation and in that body of light energy you shall move through the process of graduation that moment in the field is that moment that you may call death in a larger sense and this is from the standpoint now not of yourself but the planet as a whole there's also an ending point to the possibility of being able to sustain third density choice making possibilities the third density energy on your planet wanes at this time there will not be many further density incarnations those who have been incarnating lately for the most part are those entities who have volunteered proudly and sacrificially to enter this waning third density environment as pilgrims of fourth density they are like unto those led by moses in the desert they shall not see the promised land but they shall create the garden of eden upon your planet once again to the best of their ability thusly treasure this incarnation and realize the gift that it represents for each of you this is your last opportunity to make and sustain the choice of polarity that shall lead you through graduation and into your taking up higher density work those who do not make a choice of polarity and sustain that choice until polarity is built up to the point where you're able to bear the light of higher densities shall experience another cycle of third density incarnations upon another planet and shall once again take up the lessons of love we emphasize that in our opinion there's no true downside to this equation if you're not ready to make that choice you have all the time in the world to consider it further if you are ready then this is the opportunity to seize the day to take hold of the direction and path of your spiritual evolution and to invest your walk into the light with every fiber of your being every hope and every joy and enthusiasm give thanks my friends for these wonderful days for those who wish to make the choice and to walk that path towards the light in terms of what physically is going to happen upon your planet we are not able to tell you precisely how the possibility probability vortices will work themselves out your people are waking up at a phenomenal rate it seems to be spreading exponentially not only in the area of the world of which this instrument is aware of the united states and north america but in every continent in every culture and in all peoples no matter what their circumstances indeed my friends those whom you would think would know the least about these troubled times that is those indigenous tribes and natives in various parts of your globe are fully aware of the situation and have not been distracted from direct and intuitive communication with all of the densities both inner and outer by the distractions of civilization it is actually the civilized nations so-called that are the furthest from a direct apprehension of the situation as it exists at this time we do feel there is little or no danger that the earth herself in her movement into fourth density existence shall need to express a global catastrophe that would cause a physical rapture to occur as we have said before through this instrument what we see as we gaze into the mind and the heart of your people as a global tribe is a troubling tendency to seek aggression and war instead of diplomacy and conversation this tendency multiplied throughout a power-hungry world could result in your nation-states acting aggressively in such a manner as to set off a true doomsday with their bombs this is possible and we would ask each of you to be aware of this tendency in the human heart toward aggression instead of patience insofar as you are able to personally we would encourage each of you to choose communication over aggression patience over impatience love over fear and hope over exclusion when you as a person do may seem to begin and end within yourself but we say to you that you act not only for yourself but for humankind the choices that you make if made purely and with conscious intention can change the world yes you are that powerful that magical and that influential you have within you the consciousness that was in jesus christ it is buried in some cases beneath the rubble of a careless spent life begin this day then to live with care patience and love being consciously aware that you stand for earth this day not only for yourself do not let this concern you or weigh you down but know that your choices truly make a difference you have asked what the dynamic or the difference is between this theory or story or of the rapture and ascension and the confederations teachings concerning graduation and walking the steps of light in a sense the differences are slight because both stories focus upon each individual's soul making a choice of his or her free will as how to be and how to serve shall you be a radiant servant to others a servant of light in that case make each choice with that in mind for those few who read this who are dedicated to polarizing in service to self in terms of your graduation we say to you my friends focus carefully each time you choose upon who you serve and how you wish to express your choices to those who persist in their choices graduation is almost inevitable for you are full of the desire to move on and when you organize that desire into a focus and point your will nothing can stop you you can be in prison and you can still make your choices for love service devotion joy and gratitude you can be on your deathbed you can be on your sickbed you can be in any circumstance whatsoever and as long as you have the will to make these choices you are already in paradise it is those who do not wish at this time to engage with this weighty choice of who to serve and how to serve that shall not graduate for they simply have not become people of power they have not chosen few there are however at this point who are not aware that there is a choice to make you have time to direct your thinking and pursue your seeking there are some years yet of third density energy we do encourage you however to move ahead at this time with your choice making and to be as faithful as you can to the intention of that first choice for you enter now into a time in perhaps six or seven years when you shall no longer be able to make that initial choice time is short it is not that you shall die when this energy wanes from third density it is that the vibration will be simpler and will not contain those energies that mount spiraling upward therefore life shall be sustained and those who come into the environment having already graduated as many of those born now have done will carry with them that energy of graduation and will not need to be concerned at the end of their third density existence those to whom we speak now however for the most part have yet to graduate therefore we speak to you not with a sense of urgency but with a desire to share the information that will help you make skillful choices in your present and in your near future in terms of the way we see what we shall occur in your next few years we do see the difficulties and inconveniences which are involved with the earth moving through the changes that it must make in order to achieve a stable balance within fourth density this is calling for third density earth to realign itself that realignment is well advanced the work of this group and many others like it as well as many individuals working alone in terms of physicality have created a grace period since 1998 in your counting we have been living on grace alone this grace continues it shall not continue beyond a certain point for you see at a certain point it is as though there were energies mixed in a glass of water we apologize for the over simplification of this figure but we are using a non-scientific instrument the energies are all mixed up in a glass of water and to a certain extent they continue to be melded within each other but at a certain point the heavier elements sink to the bottom and the lighter elements rise to the top and there's a separation between the two levels that point is coming for third density on planet earth this is not a tragedy this is not the rapture this has nothing to do with ascension it is the natural evolutionary process by which spiritual evolution of people and planets occur your earth shall become in the fullness of time a fourth density positive planet however there is a golden period that is coming for your people it is a time when those entities who have graduated third density and who are very concerned with karmic patterns of their past are going to be able to create a time of restitution on planet earth it will be a difficult time it will be a challenging time for the technology that you have currently created will not be adequate to the needs of the future you'll be creating new ways to do things but the energy that is among you will clear tremendously from that which you are experiencing at this time those entities among you at this time that are attempting to graduate service to self will have moved on those entities who remain upon the planet shall be those positively oriented entities whose concerns involve restitution to this planet there is another group of entities who shall be upon your planet for some time into the future if they so choose these are entities who are not able to graduate into fourth density or higher densities if they're wanderers but who yet feel that karmic pull and wish to make restitution those include many of you who are alive at this time and you will find that many entities will be attempting more and more to refocus upon the needs of the planet and its resources they will be wishing to clean its water its air and its soil those entities are hoping not to graduate but rather to go to a kind of summer school if you will where they can free themselves of the habit of carelessness or at its careless thing to misuse the environment it is also a careless thing to misuse people relationships societal entities and groups so this is a time of great excitement and hope upon your planet many are attempting to graduate and many who do not feel they can graduate at this time are attempting to make restitution so they are free of the karma of having destroyed or hurt the planetary beings upon which they lived in the past this is how we see your present moment not as one in which there will be a sudden change but one in which the changes are continuous and metaphysical in nature rather than physical we greet all of you and we thank all of you for taking the time out of your very very busy lives to seek the truth in this circle of seeking this instrument's energy wanes so we would at this time leave this instrument and this group in the love and the light of the one infinite creator it has been our privilege and our pleasure to be with you and we thank you for calling us once again we are those of quo and we leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator adonai adonai and that is quo on reincarnation and ascendance a discussion of the rapture at the end it's always amazing how it feels like quo is speaking to me on a deeper level when i'm reading it there's the surface level and the deeper level i have memories thoughts and images that come to me i could never paint or explain to anyone when he talks about certain things regarding reincarnation or the densities every time i read quo i'm always very concerned that i haven't done enough to graduate i'm worried that i haven't done enough that i look back on my life and the mistakes i've made and i have a lot of restitution to do and so sometimes when i read these things it makes me think we've discussed before this idea that has time run out was 2012 the deadline and it appears that it's not that we're still going through a period there are third density energies on this planet obviously and so it's very interesting to discuss reincarnation is a very interesting subject i recently discussed this on my channel i don't know if it's been released yet on the channel but a time that you're hearing this but joseph murphy's concept of reincarnation is that we're accessing the universal mind and that we're all just one person there is no reincarnation every one of us is a reincarnation of the same soul i do believe that we are individualized that it's not super important for us to remember all of this in fact it would be very difficult for us to survive with the memory of all of our reincarnations and sometime in the past we realized it's nice to have a reset to start over because we get so caught up in our past and over time it just drags us down that fresh restart is important but the knowledge that we gain remains in our subconscious mind i also am fascinated by the concept of simultaneous time that all of our incarnations are happening at the same time we're having dreams and sometimes those dreams are telling us what's happening right now so it's a really wonderful thing to fathom i don't know if you have experienced your past lives and any memories or anything like that and how it has affected you but i find it interesting and i do believe that we reincarnate in soul groups that we have sort of the same people that we keep coming back to to resolve karmas just relationships that we have it's part of this process there's always the mystery in these quote channelings of what really is going to happen when we move into fourth density i want you to tell me what you think that means when we move into fourth density positive what is the planet like i'm going to be writing a book soon on the new earth and i want to get your perspective i'll definitely be looking at the comments i'm fascinated by what quo was talking about i will continue to research quo and look into what the revelations are but in any case thank you for listening i am incredibly blessed and honored that you share these teachings with me it gives me a great avenue to share these teachings and i'm so gloriously grateful to you for it in any case all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the realityrevolution.com and welcome to the reality revolution [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 20,579
Rating: 4.9338584 out of 5
Keywords: law of one, the law of one, the ra material, brian scott law of one, the seven densities of consciousness, seven densities of evolution, channeling, the science of reincarnation, jim mccarty, the science of angels, aaron abke law of one, carla rueckert, ra material, the harvest law of one, new earth, the coming shift, the law of one aaron abke, 4th density, brian scott, reality revolution, q'uo, quo on reincarnation, quo on reincarnation and ascension, ascension, reincarnation
Id: z4wbIFB97MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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