Escaping The Old Earth Matrix

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution i am your host brian scott today we're gonna talk about escaping the matrix one of the things that i find very interesting and incredibly important when analyzing and evaluating the concept of the new earth and a global transition into a different consciousness a great awakening on this planet is the seeming impossibility of this happening because this planet is asleep we are in a matrix this matrix is made up of myths falsehoods and manipulations that people have naturally by human nature and other more devious purposes found themselves a part of we are born into a world we are told this is how it is we are constantly told little lies and over time we start to think that the world is this thing that we have repeatedly been programmed into the human mind is so easy to hypnotize and manipulate and so many of us have fallen into a sleep a sleep of ritual that goes on on a daily basis based upon our past experiences and we are all locked in this seeming matrix this matrix that has over time evolved as a form of control and we have to escape this matrix this thing that tells us how society in the world is supposed to be that tells us this is how the world is and we have to escape from this matrix the escaping from the matrix is really part of this movement into fourth density or fifth dimension it is a part of this movement to a higher level of consciousness it's interesting to go back and read the works of george gerjeef who was an amazing writer in addition to uspensky and these are russian writers that explored consciousness and what they believed was essentially a sort of matrix that has formed and looking at their work they called it the work this process of remembering who we are and awakening from this sleep it's a little complicated and dense and i've considered reading gurjeev's work in the past for an episode but we are all victims of what we believe has happened in our past in our history in our teachings and what we were taught in school there are myths that make up our realities myths are part of every tribe and every culture is swallowed by its tribal myths if you want to be part of the tribe you have to buy the myths or you can choose to exit the matrix and that's what we're trying to do the list of western myths that have swallowed our consciousness and power is endless it dates back thousands of years to the point we hardly know the truth anymore the saints and spiritual teachers have told us how incorrect our history is as they have tried to awaken us this is how we lost ourselves who are we really where did we originate what are our true historical stories what powers might have been withheld from us many mysteries still remain so more than ever it's time to return to the truth because that is where our power lies we have been held hostage in the maya another term for illusion long enough we've reached the tipping point of delusion lies and corruption can only tip towards the truth now or we're lost when a culture becomes inured in the lie it's very difficult for it to grow beyond the decay and the disease that develops when a lie takes over a culture that is when the sages mystics visionaries healers and shamans are most needed to bring us back to the truth to our center to our wholeness yes we need our western shamans we are in the post-truth society now there are lies told on television all the time in politics all the time there are big lies that lead to big revolts and major problems [Music] william casey made the infamous statement when everything americans believe is false we'll know we've accomplished our goal and what goal is that the total stealth of your power soul and dharmic path so your life is not your own and you have no idea who you are as you walk to your program death this outrageous statement is the reality of where we are today led by people who believe there is something to be gained by this demented viewpoint how did we get here by persistent consistent disinformation deception repetitive trauma illusion maybe even black magic and for sure sustained mind control when did it begin in modern times i believe it's an ancient plan [Music] charlotte thompson issabert is one person i recommend reading charlotte was born from a secret society family but as a woman was not part of the inner circle she knew nothing of their programs until she became an educator and began to observe the destructive nature of the educational system she began documenting what she saw as a clear plan to destroy the american educational system and harm children she's the author of the deliberate dumbing down of america bestseller about the elites plan to lower the standard of education to make americans stupider and easier to control now i don't know if that's true and the purpose of this episode is not to go down any conspiracy theory rabbit holes in any way but we have been victim to things like this bf skinner's operant conditioning is another book which is the process by which humans and animals learn to behave in such a way as to obtain rewards and avoid punishments it's a classic psychological text this was used to force children to react in ways desired by educators to reinforce obedience stupidity and brainwashing the goal is to squash individualism and create a docile workforce these forces that are doing this i believe they're aligned against a new earth they're aware new earths form all the time and they're gonna try their hardest to take away our power of thought because we do not think freely we cannot create reality freely free thought is discouraged and brilliant children are told they're odd or outsiders or they're scorned i believe that we've gone through 60 years of brainwashed children that have been dumbed down all over the world not just in america so how do we escape this how do we escape this dumbing down manipulation that we are victims of just by living in this existence in this incarnation that holds us down from truly expanding to another level becoming service to others beyond our own egos [Music] we have been an egocentric violent insensitive angry emotionless society [Music] ruled by warriors causing destruction and war fascism holocausts for a very long time now there's so much illusion around us causing us to separate from one another to move away from service yet we live all under the same god and walk upon the same mother earth we all have beating hearts that flow with red blood and we are all part of the same ecosystem and energy matrix of earth together so somewhere along the way we became split in our consciousness it's time for us to heal the split they created and exit the false matrix as you heal this manufactured split in your consciousness you will naturally begin to love yourself this will begin to generate love for humanity within you and you will naturally gravitate towards harmony and oneness with your fellow brothers and sisters one barrier in overcoming the split in consciousness is the rise in philosophies that tell you never to talk think or look at anything that is negative for fear it might take you over somehow this spreading belief system popularized by various groups and perhaps even myself when i'm talking about thinking positively i'm talking about moving beyond that the process of reality creation involves using your thoughts to create reality as you go down this path you realize there's a part of you that is thinking to create this reality that you are not aware of and that's where the matrix is created that's because it's your shadow it's an insidious and very psychologically dangerous thing denying your shadow self completely of course we need to be positive we have to think positive thoughts but we cannot deny the shadow self that is within us and by excusing it we allow it to live and exist and do things behind our backs it's the elephant in the living room that is destroying our world our collective shadow is being ignored so to deny this shadow is to embrace a distorted sense of reality of only half truths about our world in which actually contains dark and light yin and yang in everything so we can't ignore the shadow aspect of life it translates into these extreme forms of racism and addiction violence sexism abuse greed murder rape all of it when people fail to acknowledge their own shadow they are missing a vital component in their power in their path of awakening when you acknowledge the shadow you reclaim the lost power and embrace it you have the potential to transform and recharge and rejuvenate yourself and to escape from the matrix we cannot exit the matrix until we know the full extent of its existence and the boundaries between it and our true selves to avoid consciously engaging your own shadow self and everyone on earth has one is to walk around with a split consciousness by turning away and believing you might create more darkness by putting any attention on it you're reinforcing the very evil from which you are trying to flee as long as you keep your darkness unconscious it still has power over you as long as we avoid looking at the larger darkness in the world today it also has power over us that is what evil depends upon for its existence it laughs at us for our unconsciousness but if we claim our true spiritual power we can take back our power that they have taken from us and reclaim our planet and begin to create the new earth [Music] if you insist on only seeing one aspect of reality you reinforce duality and strength and evil do you really believe that your own light is so weak that it cannot face down darkness are you so afraid of darkness that your light will be overtaken by it you hear some religious groups talk about avoiding evil and they have the implication that they don't have the power to overcome anything you have the power to disperse darkness completely you will not be taken by the dark unless you allow it to happen you are all-powerful gargief says there are three illusions that are keeping us in this matrix the first illusion is if something happens to us that we don't like we do not accept responsibility for it but rather blame others or circumstances for what happened it is not our fault of course if things happen that we do like we are perfectly willing to accept the fact that it's being caused by us the second illusion is that we think we know ourselves if we could really see how we behave we would be shocked remember the first time we heard our recorded voice we were probably surprised and not pleasantly at how it sounded if we could see how we act the same thing would happen we're probably much better judges of how others act than of ourselves there are many reasons why we don't know ourselves which we will discuss a little bit later but the main thing is that since we are under the illusion that we know ourselves we refuse to believe that our level of being causes unpleasant things to happen to us the third illusion kurjeev says that prevents us from believing our level of being attracts our life is the illusion that things will get better over time that things will change favorably for us without our doing anything to make them better the truth is that as we get older things get worse not better we start to crystallize and become fixed in our patterns which make change that much more difficult this is why we get older we become more difficult to live with we have these patterns or rigid edges that rub against others in wrong ways and because these patterns are fixed they're extremely difficult to change or even adapt a bit to other people's patterns nothing will change unless we change our level of being gurjeev also talks about the magnetic center and the a b and c influences there are three kinds of influences called a b and c all eight influences come from life they are the influences that make us get along in the material world whether it is to make money build a career establish a relationship have a family or gain fame and fortune for ourselves they keep us tied to the material world we think we're progressing under a influences but it is really like a hall of distorted mirrors where we think that by looking at the mirrors we're going straight ahead when in fact we are going around in circles but never realize it the influences of a have no connection with b or c influences and their main functions for an extreme example of an a influence think of a man in a crowd where he adopts the crowd's position and is so influenced that any independent thought or independence from the crowd virtually disappears when he becomes part of the mass phenomenon the deemed zealand's novel reality tran surfing gives an excellent example of this as the pendulum and where people fall into influence with the pendulum check out my episodes on the pendulum the sea influences are on the other extreme they come directly from enlightened masters such as christ buddha and muhammad the key point is that the only way we can get c influences orally from the master himself it is a direct transmission without any intermediary coming between the master and the listener the b influences are the teachings of the enlightened masters coming to us through intermediary sources for example christ's parables in the new testament are example of be teachings because we read about them in fact the men who wrote them such as paul never actually heard christ speak those who actually heard christ speak were getting sea influences the same goes for buddha those who heard him received sea influences his students who wrote about the buddha and his teachings sometimes hundreds of years after buddha's death are giving us b influences the important point is to remember that b influences are not influences from life but from higher sources and if a man has a magnetic center he can to a certain extent distinguish between a and b influences these are the influences that are creating what we believe our reality to be the best way i can give you an example is in plato's republic in this allegory men are chained in a cave and all they see are the shadows reflected on the wall behind them they believe these shadows are what reality is when one of them escapes and gets above ground and sees that shadows are not the actual reality and then goes back into the cave and reports his findings to the other chained prisoners none of them believe him we are going through the process of discovering what is outside of the cave garchief identified four things that keep us from moving beyond the matrix the biggest obstacle number one was probably identification as with the actor in jesus of montreal who started to believe and act as if he were jesus outside of the play we identify with the events in our lives and become one of with them and our real self disappears the person whose whole identity is tied up with his finances might commit suicide when for example he loses all of his money this was not uncommon during the great depression in the 30s we become whatever we have identified with if we have an illness and all we do is think about it we become the illness you might be thinking well if i have a financial problem or illness is only natural that i would think about it well the important point is to realize that becoming identified with the problem or situation is not something we do consciously but pondering the situation we do it automatically instantaneously we're not merely thinking about the subject we're becoming obsessed with it secondly is internal considering versus external considering this is very important i think a lot of people don't do this it helps us to stay within this matrix the matrix that we're in as gurjeev would explain is external considering is when we put ourselves in the shoes of other people if you look at someone else and something happens to them and you consider it from their perspective you see yourself in their shoes you see yourself there when we consider that point of view that's external considering internal considering is when we always see things from our own point of view internal considering so you're in the matrix when you're just thinking about things from your own point of view we feel people don't respect us enough they hurt our feelings we don't consider why people act from their point of view we just consider what their actions do to us anytime we feel offended we can take that as a signal that we will start internal considering if we cannot stop this internal considering the more it will grow and spread over all areas of our life and if all we understand of the world is just from our own perspective we will never escape the matrix the third is self-justification it's sort of a variation of internal considering if something is not gone as we thought it should we spend our time in endless self-justification for what we did or omitted to do so we don't have to take responsibility for it we blame others or the situation and end up in the state of internal considering and grajef also says self-pity this is the opposite of self-justification instead of trying to justify what we did or did not do we feel sorry for ourselves poor me no one understands me and we wallow in our own self-pity it's somehow a delicious if perverse feeling and we often don't want to give it up both self-justification and self-pity are forms of identification by doing this it leads us into a negative state gurjeev says and we lose force and power we can become violent and we lose contact with our higher centers these higher centers awaken us from the matrix so another book i recommend is emerging from the matrix by cellini and there are several others anything by dr joe dispenza is going to give you several steps to awaken from the matrix i have a meditation on the channel escaping from the matrix really it's a lot of sitting in the silence the more you do that connect your silence you start to move outside of this reality that you've created around yourself there's several things that we can do to emerge from the matrix we really need to focus on the spiritual aspects the mental aspects the physical aspects and the emotional if we figure out some different things we can do to that encompass these things in my own experience i believe we can escape from this matrix so the first step is really to gather healers around you seek out an authentically trained reiki master with correct training in original reiki form or find someone who understands how to move energy and heal the energy systems in the body find someone intuitive awakened light-based dynamic talented and unafraid to take you into the depths of your soul healing that can be an action that you can take it may not be available to everyone but it is a very powerful thing to do is to find somebody that can help you move your energies a second step you can take is to build a sacred space find a place in your house where you do your meditation create an altar make it reflective of your soul give yourself a space where you feel free try not to bring anything dark or negative into the altar keep this area positive with crystals incense candles just a place of power place that you can go third thing i would do is weed your garden mentally clear your mind of any persistent negative thoughts or beliefs we're not talking about the shadow necessarily just saying if you're having persistent negative thoughts it may be a sign that your shadow has not released anything but anything you're clinging on to that is about doubt shame negativity illness self-loathing fear rage it needs to be gone you must transform your soul i realize this is very difficult could take you many many years however long it takes just begin just imagine you own a large meadow this meadow is filled with wildflowers they look beautiful but the meadow is filled with weeds that choke out the wildflowers and cause them to die the same is true of your mind until you weed out the mental weeds of despair doubt and self-destruction the flowers of your soul cannot fully grow and bloom the soil itself must be healthy and strong persistence is key persistent thoughts create grooves in your brain and lead you to self-defeating thinking that create what is known as thought forms or thoughts that have solidified and are now running the show they need to be broken up like pieces of calcified bone growing twistedly out of the side of your toe the bone blocks your taking steps so thought forms do as well persistent thought forms of hatred anger illness death or greed are like secret poisons in the body they'll eventually create disease love and truth will heal them bring them out into the light of day they can be weeded just like a garden and new seeds of hope planted get a sheet of paper and write down thoughts you repeatedly have that are not hope-filled that are negative or filled with self-loathing like i'm too fat or i never will get a job or i don't have the skills or i'm not good enough or i'm not lovable or i'm always sick identify these these are deeply ingrained beliefs especially ones that come from our parents they sink into our subconscious mind and it's our subconscious mind that is creating this matrix that directs our lives and creates our opportunities and limiting beliefs will act as barriers to the realization of your dreams so weed your mental garden next to each of those statements that you write down right the opposite instead of i'm unlovable say i am loved unconditionally you can create a statement for each of those and focus on the opposite try to do this every day until you have strongly removed these beliefs keep your affirmations on your altar ask the universe to help you with weeding your mental garden a fourth step is to meet your false self make a list of false beliefs actions habits behaviors and characteristics that you believe tether you to your narcissistic mask ego after doing this list steps that you can take to dissolve these attachments to the narcissistic self and its destructive patterns such as ending an entrenched habit of lying bragging or over spending to comfort yourself begin to take these steps and in so doing cease any behaviors from your list that are keeping you limited narcissistic and serving your only yourself give yourself an emotional mental treatment emphasizing separating from your mask or egoic self there is a false self that you have that you must eliminate that is not really you but something that you've created that is part of this matrix when neo takes the red pill he leaves his false self this person that's working in some business to discover who he really is the fifth step is to find your true self don't restart bad habits just let your progress sink in give yourself credit then begin meditating on your true self during the meditation ask your true self to step forward allow your true self to identify itself and its true characteristics pay attention to your inner voice listen to the answers and do not judge with your rational egoic mind just allow your inner truth to surface slowly like bubbles to the surface of a pond eventually their truth will become evident to you write down what comes up as the aspect of the true self after making regular strong contact with your true self where you feel the connection clearly ask your true self to identify the traumatic trance and the traumatic trans bonds origins within yourself write down what your true self tells you in meditation during subsequent meditations when you have established a strong safe connection with your true self ask your true self to begin safely dissolving the traumatic past write down what happens during this process seek help you don't have to do this alone this is where you may need to get help discuss it with your healer or counselor or someone that can help you there are people that are available to help just continue to do this for at least 21 days another step is to connect in sacred dialogue learn to create a dialogue with your true self that reaches deep into your soul even your higher self and awakens long dormant parts of yourself you may need to go somewhere far away be alone for a while or follow your passion to be able to do this particular step the suppressed false illusory world we live in blocks your soul's emergence it remains asleep until you bring it to the surface you must speak to your sleeping soul as if you are the teacher the parent the guru the coach the loved one the personal trainer and the buddha become your own personal yoda you might be the one in the corner the only one so when no one else is there you must undertake the resuscitation of your lost stolen or broken spirit you must learn to dialogue with your inner self shamans show how to do this as do spiritual teachers mystics monks and other sages of the soul become one develop your spiritual strength by entering into the secret labyrinth of your soul to find yourself again use reiki use chakra awakening use crystals use anything that's hypnotically related that is in the essence of trying to awaken you meditations and just sitting in the silence you can try a sacred dialogue something like this you can say i am now speaking to my higher self the true self present eternally by the power vested in me i command the ego to step aside to allow healing and love in i am living imprisoned behind the narcissistic mask it is safe to step up free now i will be loved and cared for when i release this mask does not serve me but cages my spirit my love and my power and sabotages my life my dreams and my destiny [Music] my ego came into being within my mother's womb in other lifetimes and experiences and during current trauma to serve my soul in the sojourn until i was ready now i've come into being because i am now more afraid and believe in myself and let go of this mask you can let go of it that way you can write something else yourself create a sacred dialogue talk to yourself command yourself give yourself affirmations those are things that you can do let's talk about physically though to escape from the matrix it's not just the mind it's the entire body which is also a brain in itself so this seventh step is to purify yourself as much as possible try a purified diet health begins with what you eat or don't eat begin to eat an organic diet free of adulterated foods and sugars and toxins and chemicals pesticides and hormones and steroids which all contribute to the matrix if you can give up meat do so at the very least eat organic meat factory farmed meat is the source of more disease than almost any single food on earth it creates heart disease obesity and many other illnesses take a hard look at your eating habits and begin a detox program there's been trauma there will be food addictions used to mask it perhaps other addictions as well there's always an eating disorders tied to sexual traumas as well addictions to sugar if you were sexually abused early in your childhood you get hooked on sugar to endure the violation to your body something like that you have to change your diet and you know what you have been eating that you need to stop there's a voice inside of you that tells you and you need to escape from that to purify your body the eighth step is to achieve some level of sobriety we're talking about an addiction we are all addicted to everything it's not just drugs we have addictions to food we have addictions to things so we need to reach a point where nothing is addicting to us you're not going to transform your soul if you are actively engaged in an addiction addiction is a holistic illness the mind body emotion and spirit are all sick and out of balance they require comprehensive care the ninth step is to strengthen your temple begin exercising you don't have to become the next arnold schwarzenegger there are many simple possibilities start walking stretching doing ki gong check out my book for a set of exercises you can do for energy find a yoga routine that works and do it at home practice tai chi in your living room take a dance class do some jazzercise or join a gym learn a routine that includes weight-bearing exercises but get a professional trainer to start you off never try to lift weights or do too much if you are out of shape use your common sense if you can't afford a gym and want to keep it simple walk an hour a day get the blood flowing it awakens your mind once you started you'll gain energy and strength the health of the body will stimulate the mind and you will begin to heal and awaken i do believe that exercising is an important part the 10th step is to release toxic energies i believe that you can do this through kikong exercises bodywork moving the energy out of the body anybody that knows reich he knows how to do this you've received so much in your bodily tissues over the years it can be difficult to extricate these things and there are a variety of things that you can look into i recommend trauma be removed with myofascial release work and craniosacral therapy if you look those up too much to go into detail here but understand that your body is holding energies emotions in your body become aware of them in your meditations and release these things you can do muscle testing and ask yourself questions about them there's ways to identify what's in your body and what things you need to change you can find this just by working out to begin with you'll start to notice these things the 11th step is to live naturally live off the grid as much as possible the earth's electromagnetic field has been compromised by electricity and power poles and nuclear power and computers and tv satellites all these things are making up the matrix the more electricity computers tv that you use the more electromagnetic field is impacted negatively this in turn can impact your health halt your spiritual progress when the field is interfered with your own energy field is compromised and your yin yang energy will be out of balance use your intuition and awareness if you feel like they're dulled then it may be because you're around this electromagnetic field in a certain way install solar if you can learn to charge your phones and other technological products with solar stay away from processed foods also you know grow a garden and eat as much organic and natural food as possible those are little examples that you can do to live naturally the 12th step is to exit the matrix of mind control now i know this is hard it's hard for me but stop watching tv as much as possible stop listening to the radio don't overuse social media there are mind control programs in place in all forms of media including social media you are being brainwashed by a number of programs whenever you turn on your cell phone radio or tv become aware of the frequencies that you listen to 528 is the frequency of love i try to use that frequency in many of my episodes easy to find on the on youtube or the internet if you can control those frequencies and vibrations meditate daily meditation will mitigate the energies filtering into your consciousness ask the universe to help you with this that you wish to exit the matrix of mind control [Music] here's where you have to begin another aspect of healing your ego the time has come to face your shadow self so the 13th step is really to heal your shadow [Music] withdraw your projection of your faults lies and fear onto others and return home to your heart for healing get honest with yourself write down shadow behaviors even the most minor of them such as procrastination and begin to examine how those are linked to your lack of faith in yourself to accomplish any task you're born with the tools to complete the jobs in front of you why don't you believe you can do it people have interfered with your gifts whether it was parents or teachers or others who may not have had faith in you they may have projected their fears shortcomings and pains onto you this may have caused you to develop similar doubts and fears about yourself and your ability to survive in the world as a result you may have created and hidden your shadow behaviors from yourself so you could survive this is different than weeding your mental garden or removing the mask this is more to do with shadow behaviors your dark side that you may be hiding from the world but engage in when no one is looking bring them up to the surface meditate on them make them conscious and write them down look at them own them place your list on the altar put a sacred object on top of it and ask for help from the universe in healing this issue there's a lot of really good authors out there that have dealt with healing your shadow check out what aaron abke has said on his channel that's a good place to start tl swan the 14th step is creating your web of power after you've written down all the shadow behaviors begin to connect them to their origins where did they come from maybe you began cheating at math because your dad was a math genius and ridiculed your own math skills so you wanted to look good to your dad maybe you were abused when you were small so you began choosing unhealthy partners in life perhaps a role model told you that you would never amount to anything so you developed bad habits of self-sabotage maybe you watch too much tv to escape your responsibilities in life make a large interconnected web on a sheet of paper write down each shadow behavior where you think it may have originated from and the name of the person who catalyzed the beginning of this behavior the cause to cascaded behaviors connect them like a spider web one to the other so that the pattern becomes clear to you be honest if you started it by yourself out of selfishness laziness greed or whatever own it write it down put your own name next to it connect the dots see the pattern emerge and how one thing led to another see what shape and direction it takes it will help you follow the thread back to the wholeness when returning to your healed self color it in lightly with color so you can still the read the behavior and the names connected to them you can make it look like something if you want an animal or monster or plant place your shadow web on the altar put a sacred object ask the universe to help you with it to transform you to change these things be aware of the pattern is enough the 15th step is mental and it's finding your truth make a list of all the beliefs you were taught as a child by your family in your school your church or anywhere else that was significant to you from your youth they can be beliefs about the world about life about your family your school your abilities your appearance or anything else about yourself or another for example i was taught in school that indians attacked the settlers for no reason and killed them later i learned it was the other way around maybe you were taught that you were ugly or stupid or believed that your whole life write it down maybe you were taught that a certain race of people were bad write it down maybe we're taught that women were inferior and should stay at home or vice versa that all men were bad maybe you were taught that you should always be afraid perhaps you were even taught one of your parents was honest when in reality they were committing fraud and thievery write down whatever your early beliefs and myths are now that you're an adult examine these teachings are they still correct or did you learn that some of them were false make a new list at the top of the list put two columns one that is headed by the word true and the other that is headed by the word myth and after you decided which of your beliefs are still true put them under the column headed true those that you now realize are myths put those under the heading myth spend time meditating on this list ask your soul to discard any beliefs that aren't true even though you know they're not true they still may be influencing you on some level spend some time letting your mind release the falsehoods see them go ask your soul to bring the truth to you for this part of you will meditate many many times listening for the still small voice of your soul cultivate the voice of truth within you soon it will be easy to hear place your list upon your altar put a sacred object on it ask the universe to help you heal your issues the 16th step is to establish your power one of the things that the matrix does is convince you that you have no power you feel powerless in fact you are all powerful one by one write a statement of personal empowerment to the person who has hurt you or triggered your shadow before behavior write down how you feel about what they did or how it affected your life right about someone that felt like they took away your power right that you are done with the damage they caused your life and you're ready to be whole inform them you're reclaiming your power bring this statement into ceremony you can bring this into your altar as well go through and make a list of the things that have disempowered you places in your life where you didn't feel like you had power where you felt powerless [Music] identifying these things and then identifying the truth of it is very freeing very powerful close your eyes and visualize yourself cutting off the strands that connect you to those things that disempower you those beliefs those ideas those things those people in your life and see this power coming back to you identify the behaviors that came from these beliefs that disempowered you and make it a commitment in the next two or three weeks that you're going to eliminate these 17th step is to heal your past make a list of the wrongs and the bad behaviors and the things that are bothering you and go back and acknowledge them and use the neville goddard method and revise them imagine them differently let them go pull them up into your awareness and release them from your body there's nothing for you to be ashamed of let that part of you that feels this shame wither up and die self-love will begin to enter your heart and you'll learn to forgive yourself as you forgive yourself even more love enters your being and as that happens you'll be able to share even more love with others and then you can be of service a piece that will surpass all understanding will begin to arrive once you release these things it's god's love let it in the 18th step is to anchor your spirituality find a spiritual path and begin a daily spiritual practice it could be 10 minutes meditation be prayer whatever it is to completely heal holistically the final step is to make the spiritual connection with the energy that empowers the universe we all live in and are connected it that way you're never empty again the matrix does not want you to access these energies it distracts you from accessing these energies it does not want you to believe that there are external energies inflowing into this planet that you can utilize to empower you you will never feel empty again when you connect it to this energy and the matrix wants you to think that this is all bull it's not this is your decision not your parents your spouse or your church your synagogue your mosque what is spiritual for a native american will not be the same for a christian or a buddhist what is allah to a muslim will not be the same to a hindu or jew no one can make this decision for you make sure you honor the goddess and the god who created us all in your practice acknowledge the duality the gender duality of the universe the goddess and the god acknowledge this inner goddess awaken it within you understand you have these different aspects anchor to it understand these true aspects of yourself the 19th step is to forgive i recommend trying my forgiveness meditation but do an actual ceremony or ritual to forgive yourself and others that you wronged and that wronged you you have to go through this process there's a lot of ways you can do it ho'oponopono is a good way to start to bring up the things that you are ashamed of but go about forgiving yourself letting these things go the matrix uses these things that you are ashamed of and guilty of to hold you into this reality you must heal yourself of this you can create a prayer of forgiveness here are some different prayers that you can use you can share with me in this prayer for now i sever permanently all bonds ties vows contracts promises oaths and forms of bondage made to the servants of the underworld the secret societies entities or beings satanic forces and other lords and ladies of darkness at any point in my soul's soldier this life or past lives i burn those connections with the violet flame i take back my soul energy power truth dharma light and love from you now to be cleansed and utilized for my divine purpose no one has any power influence or control over any aspect of my life or the lives of any humans on earth all past hurtful or negative connections to me and any other humans are permanently broken and dissolved i release all ties to you and your beliefs and actions i take my soul energy light and love for healing and purification to those angels goddesses and masters assigned to heal and love me i am surrounded by the violet flame of purification and god's love i seek my divinity and divine purpose with god only i'm safe there were only unconditional love sacred interaction and light within my life i rejoin the oneness that we are all a part of thank you for the lesson in power control hatred and bondage i have learned and reject it in favor of love sacredness and forgiveness i release all of you to your healing and divine purpose may your darkness be healed and return as divine energies to assist earth and her people i release this complete karma for all time to the holy spirit to be burnt in the fires of the holy flames of compassionate hearts and dissolve for all eternity we step into the healed earth there's the prayer forgiveness i extend forgiveness to all those who participated in the torture rape extortion delusion trickery magic sorcery hatred stealth lying sacrifice and other forms of sacrifice you inflicted upon my soul and the souls of humanity in this and all other lifetimes while in your unconsciousness i extend my gratitude to you for helping me complete my karma and fully awaken i apologize to any souls i have hurt in my lifetimes of unconsciousness and ask your forgiveness i extend forgiveness to myself for any lifetimes where i participated in those activities out of unconsciousness fear or enforced capture or imprisonment through vows or bondage i release any attachment or resentment to all of you for these actions and dissolve all false connections with you for all eternity i bathe all previous connections in the violet flame of purification i release all attachments to pain judgment and resentment towards myself for the participating in these false and hurtful actions in other lives and is all all connections to those beliefs thoughts and actions i release these actions and thoughts to the holy flame of the compassionate heart for healing and purification i step into my divinity divine self and secret dharma healed whole and free the 20th step is to create a statement of intention if you read the book reality trend surfing you understand why intention is important it is not what you want what you desire what you wish for it's what you intend to do intention is your power write a statement of intention how you plan to claim live and hold your power truth sovereignty and divine purpose from now on in the beginning of the statement inform your former adversaries or others in your life that you intend to hold them accountable and expect to be treated fairly equally respectfully and lovingly make it your intention to exit the matrix and put that as a part of your intention statement when you make it your intention you'll notice your ability to overcome these manipulations that we've talked about the 21st step is grounding your power you can physically ground yourself by walking barefoot on earth and soil but you can also spiritually ground yourself that your power is coming from the earth and above ground yourself to the powers around you place yourself in connection to the infinite energies around you say a prayer of gratitude this way it grounds your intention to the place that you're in now roots you to your current reality the 22nd step is really probably the most important and the most effective way to escape the matrix give selfless service the more you think of becoming an agent of service giving service to others you will find yourself transforming and overcoming this matrix you can ignore all the other steps the matrix wants you to be all about yourself the matrix wants you to think that you should only be thinking about yourself as a matter of survival but when you are actually selfless not worried about yourself you escape the limitations of the ego and you start to think outside of that box and a lot of these manipulations will go away this is what god wants for you to go through these steps to come out the other side in selfless service there's so many places that need service that you should have no difficulty in finding places to serve what better way to overcome this limited self that you're within now than to not think about it anymore and move outside of yourself it's the final stage on the path to spiritual awakening it's the final stage of ascension the path to service and as you do these steps above and you consider the implications of them you will begin to remember yourself and you will begin to move into a higher level of being so hopefully these different steps some of them will help you action steps yes you can escape the matrix there are things that you can specifically do and that's what this episode is designed around giving you a checklist of things to do to escape the matrix to take that red pill that neo takes in the movie the matrix but remember when you escape the matrix everything isn't what you think it will be it's not going to be a beautiful heaven as it was for neo the world around you could change dramatically once you truly realize the reality that you are within but the thing is when you escape the matrix you truly believe and understand your own power to create reality the creator escapes the matrix and you can create your own reality and once you do that once you escape this limited world where the reality around you is being created where you're sitting on the back of the bus and the bus is driving you without a driver go up to the front of the bus grab the wheel and start driving and that's when you exit the matrix and take over your own reality there's so much more to this and i've filled out a lot of additional answers in many other episodes of this podcast but this is 22 steps and some explanations of what is influencing you and an idea of the matrix that is around you it could be much more than we've talked about on this there's a matrix of energy and reality all around you being created by higher forces by saturn by the moon but who knows what it's not important for you to know exactly the nature of the matrix and who is doing what it's to become aware of its influences and your own habits and rhythms and to escape these things by working within yourself establishing a spiritual core letting go of your past letting go of the things that you're ashamed about forgiving others moving into your own power forgiving your shadow self letting that part of you awaken becoming aware of who you truly are and then moving beyond yourself where you're not even worried about yourself anymore you deeply care to be of service to others and then once you've reached that you've escaped from the matrix for in this new earth we need to be of service to each other and we cannot let these myths of the past tell us that we have to live on that old earth forever these myths and constructions and limitations of the past tell us there is no such thing as the new earth that we have no power that we cannot create reality that it's all chaos that it's all random it's not true hate anger and fear are not what reality is supposed to be made of those are not normal those are things that are distorting you those are things being used to keep you in the matrix who creates the matrix i don't know but they are not working for your good they are not working for your soul they want to limit you and use you like a slave you have all the power and you're being told that you don't and this system is being used against you they're using your creative powers against you they know that you can create reality so they put things for you to fear to limit yourself and then they know what kind of reality you're going to create it's time to overcome that and to move beyond the illusion of maya and move into a better realization of yourself and what it truly means to live and coexist in this beautiful universe i'd love to get your comments on how you escaped from the matrix do you have a prayer that you say is there a technique that you use put it in the comments i want to know treat the comments like a laboratory to escape from the matrix we are living in this illusion and we need to figure out collectively a way for us to escape from this illusion and beyond that to create an illusion that we love to live within all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the and welcome to the reality revolution
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 45,467
Rating: 4.941896 out of 5
Keywords: the matrix, escape the matrix, how to escape the matrix, escape the matrix for good, escape the matrix tom bilyeu, escape the matrix david icke, george gurdjieff, george gurdjieff the fourth way, ouspensky gurdjieff, pd ouspensky, new earth, the law of one, multiverse, awareness, enlightenment, awakening, self-realization, spiritual ascension, multidimensional consciousness, dolores cannon, multidimensional being, new earth consciousness, reality shift, cycles of ascension, matrix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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