PyTorch Time Sequence Prediction With LSTM - Forecasting Tutorial

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hi everyone welcome to another pie torch tutorial in today's video we learn how to do time sequence prediction with pytorch so we're gonna predict the values of our input sequence in the future using an lstm this tutorial will give you a really good learning experience since you will practice how to work and reshape different tensors how to deal with lstms and how to implement the typical training and testing pipeline in pytorch and i will also show you a different optimizer in this video so not just use the good old adam optimizer so let's do this [Music] so in this tutorial we want to deal with a sine wave like we can see here so this is our input signal and we only have the values up to a certain point so like here for up to the point 1 000 and then for the next thousand values we want to predict the um values so in the start we can see that our network is not good at all so these are our predictions but then with each training step it will get better and better and predict the zenerwave in the future so this is a relatively simple example but the concepts we use here can be applied to any time series prediction so let's jump to the code and here i already have all the imports we need so the first thing we want to do is create our data so we want to create values for a sine wave so let's create some parameters for this so let's say the number of samples should be 100 l is the length for each sample so the number of values we have for each sine wave and then we also have a parameter t that specified the width of our wave so let's create some samples so we say x is a numpy array and this should be a empty numpy array and as shape we give it the size n and l so n again is the number of samples and l is the length for each sample and we also give it a data type so we say float 32 then we want to shift each sample a little bit randomly so we say x and then colon so for each for each sample and then all values we want to shift this a little bit so we say the values are a numpy array in the range of l so this will give us values between 0 and 909 but now we want to shift them a little bit so we say plus numpy and then we say random and then random int and now the range should be from four times t until plus times four times t and then we need to give it the shape so this should be n and now we have to reshape this so it must be in n and 1 otherwise we can't apply the plus here so now we have this and now we want to create the corresponding sign values so we say y equals numpy dot sin and now here we um say x divided by 1.0 divided by t so this will just um specify the width and then we want to have this s type and again here we say numpy float uh 32 and now we have this so let's actually plot this so that we can see how this looks like so for this we create a numpy a sorry a mud plot lip figure and this should be or here we can give it a fix size and this should be let's say 10 and then eight and then let's give it a title plt dot title and let's say this should be a sine wave then let's also define some x and y labels so plt dot x label and here we just say x p l t dot y label we say y then we also want to have x and y ticks so we say x ticks and give it a font size of let's say 20 here and the same for the y ticks so y ticks sorry y ticks and here again the font size should be 20. and then again we want to plot the actual points so here we want to plot points from 0 to 999 so we can get them by saying numpy arrange and then here um we have to say x dot shape and then the first dimension so this will be one thousand and as the second parameter that we want to plot um so here we want to plot y and here we want to plot only one sample so we say the first one zero and then all the values then let's give it a color red and let's also give it a line width of 2.0 and then we say plt dot show so now we have our sine wave so let's actually run this and see if this is working and here i see i have a parenthesis missing so let's say python main dot pi and i also have a typo here with a numpy arranged with only one r so let's try it again all right so this worked so here we have our sine wave from 0 up to 1 000 and now for the next 1000 values we want to predict the values so let's do this so let's comment this out again we don't want to plot this now and now let's create a class and we call this lstm let's call this lstm predictor and this must inherit from nn.module then we the first we define the init method which gets self and we also give this a parameter number of hidden so the hidden size and let's give it a default value of let's say 51 here so you can play around with this and now the first thing we want to do is call the super initializer like so and then let's store the hidden size so let's call so let's say self.n hidden equals and hidden and now we want to create our different layers so in this example we want to um apply two lstm cells so lstm1 and lstm2 and at the end we want to have a linear layer because we want to do a prediction so let's do this so let's say self lstm1 equals and in this case we say nn.lstm cell so notice there is an lstm and an lstm cell so there's a slight difference and an lstm cell just will give you a little bit more flexibility so in this case we want to use this one and we have to give it a input and a hidden size so as input we just say one because we go over our sine values one by one and then here we say self dot and hidden and then we want to stack two lstms together so we say we create another lstm cell and say self.lstm2 equals nn.lstm cell and now here as the input we want to get the hidden size so this is the output size as well as from the first cell and again our hidden size equals self.n hidden and then we create a linear layer so we say self.linear equals nn.linear and now here is the input size we say self dot n hidden and as the output size to 1 because we only predict one value for our sine wave so this is the y value then we define the forward function and this gets self and it also gets x and it gets an optional parameter that we call future and by default this is none so if we specify the future value with for example 1000 then this would mean that we also want to predict the next 1000 values and if we just say 0 then we don't do the future prediction but only do the training on the values that we know so here we create an outputs array so this is just an empty list in the beginning then we say the number of samples equals x dot size zero so because we need this multiple times and then for the lstm cell we need a hidden state and a cell state so first we have to create an initial um state with zeros so we say let's call this h t equals and then torch dot zeros and then as the size so here we say number of samples and then the next value should be the hidden size so self dot n hidden and as data type data type equals torch dot float 32 so this is our initial hidden state then we do the same thing for the initial cell state so let's call this ct and now we need the very same thing for our second lstm cell so let's again copy and paste this and let's call this ht2 and ct2 and now we want to go over our tensor x one by one so that's why we used one as an input here so for this we could just do a normal for loop and get the current index and then do a slicing operation with our tensors but there's an even better way with pytorch so we can do this directly by saying for input t in and then there's a function that is called x dot split or torch dot split and here we need to give it the chunk size so in this case we say one and we want to give it a dimension of one so this will split the tensor into chunks and each chunk is a view of the original tensor so this just will split our tensor in one value chunks for example if our whole tensor for example has the size n so our batch size and then 100 so then in here we will get n and then by one only so we do this one by one and here we call our layers so first we call the first lstm cell so we say ht and ct equals lstm1 and now as an input we say input t and then as a tuple we need the initial hidden state h t and ct and this will output them again so we will store them again in those cells and then we call the same for the lstm2 so our second lstm cell but now the input of this one is actually h2 so this is the hidden state of the previous one and here we store them in h22 and ct2 and now our output equals now we apply our linear layer to get the prediction so self.linear off ht 2 and then we append our output to our outputs array so we say out puts and then dots append our output and now we have this and now if our future value is greater than zero then we want to do the same thing for the future values so we say for i in and then range um future so if this is zero then we won't go over this loop at all and in here we do the same thing so here first we call the first lstm then the second one then our linear one and then we append it to the outputs and now here we have to be careful so now the input for the first lstm is the previous output so this one so this is used to get the next output for the future and now that we have that we simply want to concatenate our outputs and put it into a torch tensor so right now this is a list so here we say outputs equals and then we can use torch dot cat and use the outputs and then we also need to give it the dimension equals one and then we return the outputs all right so this is the future me and here i realized a dumb mistake that happened through copy and paste so here i want to say ht2 and ct2 for the second lstm cell and the same down here ht2 and ct2 so again we um call the first lstm cell with the hidden and the cell states for the first um cell and then we use the output of the first cell as input for the second cell but here we use its own hidden and cell states and then again we use the output of the second lstm cell as the input for our linear layer so now it should be fine and this is all that we need for our models and now we have an lstm predictor that can take an input value and do future predictions so now let's actually test this so for this we say if name equals equals main so now the first thing we want to do is generate some training and testing samples so let's call this train input and here we say this is torch dot from numpy and then here we put we put in y and now we start at batch three or it's sample three so we say three colon to the end and for the values we start at the very beginning and go until the last value and this is excluded and now for the training target so this is the values we want to predict we do the same thing we take these samples starting at three and here we use the values starting at 1 and go all the way all the way to the end so this is a little bit tricky here so the first thing you should notice here is that for the input we don't use x so we don't use this at all but what we want to do here is we only want to look at the y values and then we have a y value that is shifted so that reaches one value more into the future and with this we are then able to train our network so we have the value of the previous position and then want to predict the value of the next position so this is what we do here and then we also need test input and test target so test input and test target and here again we want a shift that tensor but now we only want to have the batch or the samples one two and three so we start at the beginning and go until three excluded so this will give us the indices one two zero one and two so let's write down the actual shapes here to make this a little bit more clear so our y has to shape 100 by 1 000 and now this has the shape 97 and 99 999 and this is the same 97 samples and 999 values for each sample and here we only have three samples and again 999 values and the same for the test targets so now we have this and now we create our model so our model equals our lstm predictor and the hidden size we leave this as 51 and then we need a criterion so a loss function and in this case we just use the mse loss so the mean squared error and then we also need a optimizer so let's say optimizer equals optim dots and now here we don't use the atom optimizer so in this example i want to use the lbfgs optimizer and this needs the model dot parameters that we want to optimize and it also needs a learning rate so model parameters and lr equals and here i say 0.08 so again you can play around with this so um i actually have the full name up here so this is called limited memory bfgs and this stands for brighton fletcher goldfarb shannon algorithm and this works a little bit different than the atom optimizer so this optimizer can work on the whole data and it needs to have a closure which means it needs a function as an input so you will see how this works in a second so let's use this and then let's define the number of steps so in this example i only use 10 for the training in this video so you can increase this a little bit to get an even better prediction um but for now this should be okay so then i say 4i in range and then the number of steps and first let's print the step step um and then this is the current i and then as i said we need a closure for this optimizer so this basically is a function so we define a function closure and it don't has any input parameters and in here we need to empty the gradients then we need to apply the loss we need to apply a forward step and then also a backward step and apply our criterion so here we say optimizer.0 grad then we call our model so we say out equals model and we use our training inputs here then we calculate our loss by saying loss equals criterion and here we put in out and our train target values and then here we can say print loss loss and now here we will say loss dot item and um after that we have have to say loss dot backwards to apply the back propagation and then we want to return the loss so this is our closure for the optimizer and then after that we simply call optimizer.step and this needs the closure and now we have this and now we have a have done the training in this step and now we want to um actually do the predictions and for this we don't need to track the gradients so we say with torch dot no grad and then we define the future values let's say the next 1000 steps and then we call the prediction so press equals and then again we call the model with now our test input and as the future future equals future so this is the parameter that we can put in here so now we actually do predictions with this and then again we want to calculate the loss so we say the loss is the criterion with the prediction and the test target but now here we want to be careful what we use for the predictions because for the test target we only have 999 values but now our prediction also includes the future values so we want to exclude them here actually so here we use all the samples so just a colon and then we start at the beginning and excludes the last future values so we can say minus future like this and then we print the loss um so here we say again print and this is our test loss and then we say loss dot item and now we generate our actual y and use this as numpy array so here we say y equals prediction dot d touch and then dot numpy and now we have this as numpy array and can use this for plotting and now we want to plot this and for this i actually want to plot this into a pdf file so i can grab the code from here and then put it down here again as well and do the correct indentation and we don't need this and let's also change the fix size a little bit so this should be 12 by 6 and as the title here we say step and then our step is let's say this is i plus 1 and then it must be an f string and we can leave the rest as it is and then we create a little helper function so for this we say define draw and then here we want to draw the current y i and we also give it a color and then we grab the same command as we are doing here with the arrange function and now for the shape um let's use n equals and this is let's use train input dot shape one so this should be 999 values so here we put in n so this is what we need at the x axis and at the y axis we want to have y i and starting at the beginning until n so the first n values from 0 to 199 and this is our color parameter so these are our actual values that we have and now we want to predict to plot the predictions so here we want to say a range from 999 until n plus future so until um so the next 1 000 values and here we start at n and go until the end so n colon um the end so these are our predictions so let's call them let's plot them in a slightly different style so we say color plus and then colon so this will put it in a dashed style so now we have this helper function and now we draw the first three test samples so we only have three test samples so we plot all three of them so for this we say draw and then let's say y zero and as a color let's use red then we again do this for y one and y two and let's here you use blue and green for the colors and then after this we want to say plt dot save figure and now we can save this in a pdf file by simply saying predicts and then here let's use percent d dot p d f and the parameter percent d is just our current step and then we have to be careful and i've also have to call plt dot close to close the file so now this is everything we need so let's run this and hope that everything works so let's clear this out and say python main.pine and i think i have a typo somewhere with n hidden so let's have a quick look and hidden so we do have this here and we also have this here and here i have the n missing so n hidden so let's test this again all right so now we can see the loss being printed in here and now if we monitor our folder then you might see the pdfs um appearing here so let's wait until this is completed all right now so training is done and we can see that we have 10 new pdf files here and we also see our final test loss so this is pretty low so i hope that we can see accurate predictions so let's have a look at those pdf files and let me actually put them into one file for you all right so after the first step we can see that our predictions are not very good and then it's starting to get better for step three and two and in step four it's actually getting worse again but now it's getting more stable and after step nine and ten we can see we have a pretty good prediction of the sine wave in the future so yeah this worked and i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did so then please hit the like button and consider subscribing to the channel and then i hope to see you in the next video bye you
Channel: Patrick Loeber
Views: 47,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Python, PyTorch, LSTM, RNN, LSTMCell, Forecasting, Deep Learning, Time Sequence, Time Series, Prediction
Id: AvKSPZ7oyVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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