Building a Neural Network with PyTorch in 15 Minutes | Coding Challenge

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so i looked at the pie torch documentation for the very first time yesterday and in this video we're going to be trying to code a pie torch deep learning model in 15 minutes [Music] this is gonna be interesting what's happening guys welcome back to another episode of code that where i try to build stuff in a ridiculously short time frame in this episode as i mentioned we are going to be building a deep neural network using pie torch very quickly so what are the rules well first and foremost we're going to have a time limit as per usual the time limit is going to be 15 minutes now we need some constraints in this particular case i'm not going to be allowed to look at any documentation or pre-existing code also i'm not gonna be able to use copilot to be honest my subscriptions expired anyway so that doesn't really matter if i do go and use existing code or documentation it is a one minute time penalty off our total time limit we're also going to need some steaks if i don't make that time limit it is going to be a 50 amazon gift card to you guys now the last two episodes we haven't quite hit that time limit so who knows we're gonna have to try to make a bit of an effort in this one before we jump right into it we should probably take a little bit of a look as to what is pie torch pie torch is an open source deep learning framework which is predominantly used in python it's developed by the team at facebook and it accelerates the speed at which you can go and build deep learning models it is used quite heavily in state-of-the-art models as well as in deep learning research ready to do it let's get to it alrighty guys let's get into it 15 minutes on the clock let's go okay so the first thing that we need to do is create a new python file so i'm just going to call it uh torch and then dot pi okay then we need to import a bunch of dependencies so i've already gone and installed pi torch on this particular machine but we need to import some pie torch dependencies so let's go for it so uh from i torch actually from torch well i'm already screwing up from torch import and then from porch.optimum import adam from import what is it uh data loader all right cool so those are so torch so this most of our neural network classes are going to be inside of the neural network class atom is going to be our optimizer and data loader is needed to load a data set from pytorch then we need a bunch of dependencies from torch vision so from torch vision watch oh my gosh everything torch vision uh import data sets and then from torch vision so we need this next dependency to convert our images into tensors which are going to work with pytorch so from torch vision dot transforms import uh what do we need through tensor boom okay let's close this for now all right so those are our dependencies imported all we now need to do is import our data set so we don't have any data sets in our folders but some images that have already gone and downloaded which we'll be able to test out later on so let's download our data set so we're going to use the mnist data set which is an image classification data set there are 10 classes so 0 to 9 so we're going to be able to download that using the data sets class over here so train equals datasets.mnist and then we need to specify where we want to download it so root equals and then the folder so data and then we're going to specify download equals true because we need to download it and then we also need to download we want the train partition set that equal to true and then we need to specify any data transformations that we want to go ahead and apply so we're going to specify transform and we want to transform it to a tensor and then we are going to create our data set so data set equals data loader so we need to pass our train partition so this over here to this data load us to train and then specify how we want to batch up our data set so we're going to convert it into batches of 32 images cool so this is that's right two comments so import dependencies get data all right now we actually need to create our neural network class so the first thing that we're going to do is create a class and we're going to call it image classifier and we are going to subclass it from the neural network.module class from pi torch then we need two functions or two methods so definite and we also need a forward a forward method this is akin to the call method inside of tensorflow all right so we've initialized our first method so now what we need to do is create a model so this is where we actually stack all our layers so we are going to call self.models we'll create a new attribute equals nn.sequential so we're going to be using the sequential api from pytorch so it's coming from up here and then what we want to do is we're going to use convolutional neural network layers so uh so nn.conf 2d and then we need to specify what this is intense all right so the input channel is going to be one because our images are black and white then we want 32 filters of shape 3x3 or 32 kernels all right so that's our one convolutional neural network layer then we need some activations to handle non-lyrics yeah non-linearities and then uh what are we doing so we're going to add in a bunch more convolutional neural network layers so we now need 32 as our input channels and then we're going to output 64. and then let's do one more set of convolutional neural network layer or conv conv layers and then we are going to be taking 64 from up here now without getting too deep into the math by applying each one of these layers with these specific parameters we're going to be shaving off two pixels off the height and width of each image so we need to adjust for that in our output when we apply a linear layer so first up we need to flatten these layers and then we're going to apply uh creating linear layers so nn dot linear and our shape so we need to pass through the input shape into the linear layer so it's going to be 64 channels because that's the final channel output from our last convolutional neural network layer multiplied by our images from mnist are in the shape of one comma 28 comma 28. so if we're applying three convolutional neural network layers with these specific parameters this specific stride and whatnot we're gonna be shaving off two pixels each time so we're effectively going to be shaving off two two and then two so it's minus six so it's going to be 68 multiplied or minus 6 sorry 28 minus 6 then 28 minus 6 over here and then our output shape needs to be the number of classes so out we've got 10 different classes so 0 to 9 classes 0 to 9 so we need 10 outputs beautiful okay i think that's our neural network layer let me just quickly take a look at that um all right wait we need to subclass this model so we are going to call super dot init and that looks good and then our forward function or method is pretty simple so it's just going to take in our current instance and we're going to take in our x data and we are going to return self.model and then we're going to pass through our x value into that all right how we're looking how are we looking for time all right six minutes of we need to accelerate okay so that's our image classifier class uh neural network now what we need to do is set up a a couple of things so we need to create an instance of the neural network uh loss and our optimizer okay so instance of our neural network so we're going to call it classifiers to clf equals image classifier and then we need to say that we want to use our gpu so i've installed the gpu edition of torch on this so it's the kudo equivalent so we're going to send it to that device so we can type in dot 2 and then say cuda if you don't have a gpu then you can set this to cpu really need to stop talking and stop writing okay so that's our classifier cool i think that is good then we need to instantiate our optimizer and we uh imported our optimizer from up here i don't know why this turtle thing imports so our optimizer is atom so we're going to be using atom and then to that we need to pass our classifier and the parameters and then we need to specify our learning rate learning rate adjusts how fast or slow our neural network is going to learn so we're going to specify lr equals 1 e negative 3. cool all right so that's our optimizer then we need to create a loss function so loss function equals uh nn dot cross entropy loss beautiful okay so that's our neural network done that's our optimizer done that's our loss function done all right now what we need is a training function we are we're gonna make this seven minutes oh yeah we're gonna make this all right um okay so training uh flow so we're just gonna do it inside of like our typical function or like python function here that is still recording cool all right um so if breathe breathe remember your pressure point remember your pressure points okay if name equals equals main i finally want to make this hit the code that time limit all right so if name let's get rid of that equals main then what do we want to do so we want to run our deep learning training for a number of epochs that's effectively going through all of our batches so if actually four epoch in range range 10 so this means we're going to be training for 10 epochs train for 10 epochs then for batch in data set so we're going to be looping through this over here then what we need to do is unpack the data that we're getting there so x and y are going to equal batch so we're going to unpack that data and then we need to send the x and y values to our gpu again so it's going to be x comma y equals x dot 2. cuda again if you've got a cpu only it's going to be true cpu y dot 2 cuda so this is a little different compared to when you're working in tensorflow um all right then we need to make a prediction so y hat equals clf and then pass through x to generate a prediction yes that makes sense then we need to calculate loss so this is how you typically go through and actually build or build a flow input intense flow you just effectively go compile and then dot fit all right so we need to calculate our loss so our loss is going to be our loss function plus function and then we are passing through y hat and then y so that calculates our loss and then we actually need to go and apply backdrop apply back prop so first what we need to do is we need to zero out any existing gradients so we go grad then we need to take or we need to calculate those gradients so loss got backward and then we need to go and take a step and effectively uh apply gradient descent so opt dot visit op dot step cool i think that's okay guys all right so then what we want to do is we want to print out our loss for every batch so print we are getting close print f and then we are going to the epoch so i'm just going to print out the epoch so we're going to print out what epoch we're currently up to and then we're just going to print out loss loss is and then we'll push loss dot item here then close that close that all right that looks good i think we're okay so what are we doing so let's just quickly check so we've got our dependencies utensil that's fine data loader we've gone and subclassed our model yes that's fine we've got our forward method instantiated all of this stuff gone and sent our data to the gpu gone and applied back prop we're then going to print out our epoch print out our lost oh last thing so we want to save down this model to our environment right so we actually want to go and save it here so let's go and save that so um with open we're going to call it uh model state dot pt and then we're going to write binary as f and then we need to oh actually we need to import some more stuff so we need to download we need to import save and then load from torch so we are going to save uh what's the format now it's model it'll be clf dot state it and then we are saving it as f i think that's right okay let's give it a crack all right so then we can run to run this we're just going to run python and then torch n.pie so python and if we successfully kick off training we'll pause the timer because come on guys you got to give me that at least all right uh so let's run this [Music] okay no errors so far this is looking promising all right so it's downloading the data set so we should have our data set popping up here you can see inside of data if we see a lost metric i'll pause it come on this is killing me yes all right guys we started trading oh man yes i think we're going to finally make this first coat that so you can see fewer that we are successfully printing out at epoch loss so epoch zero loss is 0.02 then we're going to 0.01 then 0.0002 and once we finish training you should effectively see that we get our porch weight saved the intensity guys you can see that our neural network is currently training right oh i'm so happy and then we'll make a prediction i'm i'm counting this as a dub we hit it in what 30 less than 13 minutes so what 12 minutes and 54 seconds that's got to be a new record got all the the gangster deep learning practitioners out there gonna be like nick you skipped over a ton of details i was like come on i had 15 minutes anyway we are chugging along so i effectively once our model gets to epoch what is that epoch 9 we should have our weight saved out because we went and wrote this and i'm going to share all this code as usual code should be in the description and you can give this a crack yourself all right cool we didn't get any errors so boom we've got to play some angel music in here oh guys your boy is happy so that is successfully how to go and build a neural network with pytorch so we did it i'm happy now so if we wanted to we could actually go and load up this um neural network and make a prediction which is why i've got these images here so should we try to get this done in two minutes i'm a little nervous all right let's do it so we've got two minutes left on the clock let's try to get the predictions done okay so we've successfully loaded downloaded or trained our model so now what we can do let me just minimize this so now what we can do is comment this stuff out so we don't need to go and train again and then what we'll do is we'll load up so we've got a classifier there so we'll then go with open and then we want to load up this so model state dot pt so with open model state dot pt read binary as f and then we are going to go load f and then we want to go clf dot load i think it's load state dick yep cool so that's going to load the weights into our classifier then in order to make predictions we need to import torch torch up here and we also need to import uh pillow to load our image so then what we can go ahead and do is load in our image so image equals kill i'll actually wait at some point so from kill import image so then we're going to import our image to image dot open and we're just going to open up image one right now which is a number two so uh image underscore one dot jpg and then what do we need to do so we need to convert that to a tensor so we're going to go uh image answer equals true tensor pass through our image and then we need to unsqueeze it because we want to pass through a single sample so we're gonna unsqueeze and then send it to our gpu so cuda and then we should be able to print classifier and then image tensor i think that might be okay all right let's run it and this should print out our prediction oh we need to uh so torch dot ugg max i'm gonna take this as a win guys right that's the timer up though so if i now go and run this boom it's predicting two how good is that i'm gonna take that as dub guys because we've managed to train that model and make predictions so if you take a look now right i can then go and load up image two all i need to do is change the image here and it should print out the class the tens of zero so image if we go and open up image two boom that's tense to zero so it's predicting the the class is zero we go and run it for let's go and do it for image three which is a number nine so if we go and pass through image three here boom number nine thank you so much for tuning in guys hopefully you've enjoyed this speed running building pie torch neural networks code's going to be in the description via my github if you guys want to take a crack i'll catch you in the next one peace thanks so much for tuning in guys hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up hit subscribe and tick that bell it really does help and i really do appreciate you checking out this video if there's any feedback any challenges or anything you'd like to hear a little bit more about do let me know in the comments below thanks again for tuning in guys also let me know if you like this challenge and uh if we could do better next time thanks again for tuning in peace [Music]
Channel: Nicholas Renotte
Views: 116,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding challenge, pytorch, python, deep learning
Id: mozBidd58VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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