Python Module || How to Download and Install mysql.connector

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hello everyone I am Cambodia and I will come to you on a Academy one two three today we'll discuss how to download and how to install the MySQL connector module what is the use of dit it is the use whenever you want to do the all type of database activity in Python then you have to install that module otherwise your program will not work so how to do that let's start what does it mean it is the simply mean it will connect your program to the MySQL okay that is the mean of their theme also you have to install this connector in case of you are doing database activity or insert delete search and up data allow all that activity okay then first of all I will check whether it is at all or not so I will go Hayley in Python okay this is what nothing but Python shell okay and here I will check whether it is installer or not import and you will type MySQL dot enter then you will find the module not found error this is the most important error in this error will come when you are not installed the module MySQL dot product so let's start first of all I minimize it and I go here this website okay this subset and on that website we will type MySQL dot connector okay if you yes then you will find what is this in a few second this link will appear MySQL - connector rod into point nine okay and you will click here then the process will going on okay here here you will appear what will this download files okay this will click by you then you will face this thing okay MySQL happen connector that dot version name and dot tor is okay this is the tar file okay download it by clicking on it okay then it is downloading in a few second okay yes it is asking me the location yeah it will install by default it will install in the download folder but if you want to install in another place or another directory or folder then you can change here okay I will just save it and the process is going on and as per your internet speed it will download a few second and after download am opening it show in folder you can say are just okay it is showing and web address our URL up this website I will paste in the description box then you can access this address and come on this website and just do that for us what what I didn't know okay and just I minimized it is in the download folder okay and here you will find where this is tar file okay then I will find what you will say em and again ma by MySQL you will search okay then yes this is the appear MySQL happen connector okay and with version okay I will extract here because it is the zip file and extract here then it is extracting here okay it will extract them and here it will appear MySQL - connector folder open oh no I will open on double-clicking it and you will come here if just friends something important here if you download the real file then you have to both the script puzzle okay but right now I download it so there is nothing but just I will open on the same location CMD okay simply what does it mean it is the command prompt and you have to open command prompt at the same location and hit the enter okay then this is the command prompt window in your cases it may be looks different like black background in it etcetera but I have customize it so it's look like that okay first of all you have to run setup or py okay setup that py if you run it then no command right now fire but okay no come on supplied but I just started this ok and here I will do what I need okay first of all people and install ok this is important command you have to fire must it is ok install and what is spelling install ok space what is now MySQL - connector ok if you do that and hit the enter ok the process will going on the process of installation that is going on MySQL connector and the processes going on ok in a few seconds yes Congrats the successfully installed MySQL connector well you can face many error like your DP is not upgraded so such type of error also may be appeared so you have to first off all the dead people in you have to installed upgrade ok and just I cut it similarly I cut it on ok everything I will cut and I am coming on my Python shell ok and here I will type what already you take the import important MySQL dot and if you hit enter then you will find no error it doesn't mean it is installed it is completely stalled so it is used for database connectivity and it is the simplest process and link update website I will paste in the description box you can access ok if this video is helpful please like share and subscribe thank you but we will meet soon ok
Channel: eacademy 123
Views: 57,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to download mysqlconnector in python, how to install mysql.connector in python, mysql.connector, download mysql.connector, download mysql connector for python, install mysql connector, mysql connector, download mysql connector in python, python mysql connector, how to fix module not found error in python, ModuleNotFoundError, how to solve module not found error in python, how to solve mysql connector error in python, pythom module download and install
Id: jWcHIF4tnNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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