Python eats Alligator 02, Time Lapse Speed x6
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Channel: ojatro
Views: 151,751,750
Rating: 4.261272 out of 5
Keywords: Python eats Alligator 02, alligator, alligators, snake, snakes, crocodile, crocodiles, python snakes, snake vs alligator, burmese pythons, python eats alligator, snake eats crocodile, python fights alligator, python fights crocodile, invasive species, deadly reptiles, the everglades, florida, heiko kiera, ojatro, animal planet, national geographic, discovery channel, the wildlife, the wild life, bbc, bbc news radio, conservation, world news, wwf
Id: dVRhRzE_AkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That was the most amazing thing I've seen. Mind blowing that the gator is still alive while inside the snake
And I thought my mother in law had a big mouth.
I didn't make it all the way through. I'm surprised by how much this disturbed me, as a person who adores snakes.
The one time being able to hold your breath for hours on end is a horrible thing.
How long does it take for the snake to digest that alligator?
Staged. Ojatro is infamous for staging videos and denying it.
What else that mouth do tho?
Snakes are the true apex predators. All of that calculating predatory intelligence backing up one of the most physically powerful frames in the natural world, beautiful!
Shit crazy AF! Was freaking out when the gator was still moving inside!