Python Abandoned By Her Owners Feels So Much Better After A Bubble Bath | The Dodo

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oh my god who is definitely just a dumpster oh he's covered in ticks wow he has clearly been out here for a while it also looks like he's shedding poor guy we're gonna get you all cleaned up buddy let's go home [Music] oh only this poor thing no how many ticks he has oh my god like a lot of them we'll soak them in regular water first because we have no idea what the last time you drank was is he drinking he's exploring huh does that feel nice and warm so much damage from these sticks i know so we just let them soak a little bit drink some fresh water since we don't know unless any water and then we're going to do is put some dish soap in here all right buddy [Music] it seems like the ticks are dead from the soap [Music] so i'm gonna go ahead and try to remove them a pair of tweezers here there's just so much damage on this poor snake i know we have removed 110 ticks and we are nowhere near done he has them under every single scale [Music] we've got them in a bag and we're bringing them to the vet right now for sure yeah it's female girl [Music] a gender reveal oh my goodness a little girl okay so we just got back we have some this poor girl she looks so much better already though poor baby she is starting to shed her skin right there oh that feels nice right she looks so much better already she looks so happy hi gorgeous hello there she goes you love your little oatmeal hide huh [Music] she shed she looks great she's doing amazing she's been so good she hasn't tried to bite me she hasn't tried to bite us or strike at us since we got here [Music] this this was amazing just this whole experience of you know getting her healthy like this in such a short amount of time [Music] you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 11,890,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, python, the dodo python, snake, rescuing python, python rescue, giving python a bath
Id: QMcTJ6Lunzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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