Guy Teaches His Rescued Gosling How To Fly | The Dodo Soulmates

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i was on a break one time and i noticed a little tiny ball of wet feathers i don't know why mama goose seems to be not paying attention to this little guy who is actually alive there was a total of eight eggs and seven of them never did have she was the only one that ever hatched i'd like to somehow get to the gosling underneath the mama so i took a broomstick and i pushed her over back underneath of its mother i came back the next day like four feet away and she crawled underneath of the pipe thinking that that was going to be somewhere warm because the mother kept pushing her away i guess she's ignoring it for a reason mother abandoned her because she was born early she flew away poor little fella so i picked her up put her in a box i took her home because i knew there's no way she would have survived she was so weak she couldn't even hold her neck up within probably three or four days she was able to you know hold her head up and was able to waddle around put a little bit of warm water in the sink he's happy started eating solid foods i originally thought she was a male so i was calling for mr waddles i just think less than a week ago he was about ready to die i adventure to say he's gonna make it she definitely thought i was her parent what what are you doing [Music] she bonded with me big time [Music] they say it's called imprinting and i couldn't go anywhere and she would be running after me she would try to run as fast as her little legs could go there buddy did i take the dogs for a walk and she would follow me all the way down she would not let me get out of her sight not leaving you she grew amazingly fast [Music] she started losing all her yellow feathers and she started turning into her adolescent age as time progressed you could see where she started getting independence i tried to teach her to fly i would run and i'd hold my arms out she would chase me and hold her wings out i've never raised the goose but i did what i could to try to teach her to be a goose come on go fly come on waddles fly buddy come on and then finally one day she flew i was really excited she's a wild animal i was gonna leave that up to her as to whether or not she wanted to stay around she had that option to go find another goose and have her own family i adventure to say waddles is a happy goose one day i i went looking for her and her right wing drooped down we're pretty certain that she had gotten hit by a car her wing was completely shattered i literally cried my eyes out because i thought she was gonna die the money was raised to have her right wing amputated because she would have never survived without doing that it's real important that she has a high quality of life and especially now that she's lost her wing i had to keep her out of water for two weeks that was probably one of the hardest things to do and it was keep a goose out of water you're all fresh and clean definitely feel like a parent with her and i can't touch that part um you can play get your nose i got your nose i got it i got your nose waddles is back in familiar territory i think he's happy to see his pond that's your pond buddy [Music] there was any doubt that you was when anybody but waddles this is [Music] definitely uh proof here she doesn't act like this with anybody else she knows who i am but i'm the one that saved her life twice ow good morning baby girl i don't have any kids so she's actually my kid are you swimming this is an experience of a lifetime one that i'll cherish my whole life well you are one spoiled goose my waddles buddy we're just going to the store she's just a special goose for me you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 3,040,009
Rating: 4.9770303 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, The Dodo Soulmates, soulmates, soulmates the dodo, gosling, goose, goose baby, goose gosling, teaching goose how to fly, the dodo goose
Id: KQNTl9fhQ7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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