PvE RAID Warrior DPS Guide & Build Season of Discovery Phase 2 - World of Warcraft

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y what's going on everybody so today I will be showing you the raid build for Phase 2 level 40 Warrior I'm running Fury with dual wield and this new raid I got to say is really good I like it more than the BFD but overall Warrior right now Warriors right now are super mid they aimed at the best and I can show you this is the second bus I believe but we did clear the whole rate it took us a bit like three hours I think so this was not a obviously another parse run it was just a progression run but um these are my looks from the first rate as you can see the crowd pummeler or Ferell died as the first one because that's my favorite boss um it's a platform that you can get kicked off so sadly he got kicked off as the first one but yeah overall there's a lot of Clea in these fights fifth boss especially there get like four targets and um so far Fury I would say Falls a bit behind with d right now because there is not enough hit chance hit gear and we thought that the uh Valentine event that gives you 2% hit would work but it doesn't and uh yeah pretty interesting I did get some items so I will go with a I'll try with a different different build soon it set up I will also work on that because I got the Epic belt I'll show you later so I'm trying to get the string of thorn 200 mace for that but pretty smooth now on most of these bounes I did not have gumbles because we spent we spent a long a long time in this rate lot of tries as well because it was the first time you went in blind and yeah I was uh I'm not that packed with gold so I couldn't afford that many consumables on the last few tries on the basses but yeah this was the second B I'll try to find this was from my twitch footage where I stream by the way also every day just like on YouTube but let me find a different BS I would like to show you a bit of a last BS I so many attempts I don't even know where is this is the faith B by the way is four targets I'm not going to spoil this fight spoiler alert I'm going to say it so cover your ears if you don't want to hear it but you need you need to kill all four at the same time which doesn't really tell you much because there is lot whole lot of different stuff happening and going on and this is uh still the fifth boss and this is the last boss which was pretty fun as well pretty fun as well we did not have the best setup I would say and when it comes to like composition because casters pull a bit more weight right now they are just better than meley Bailey just I think they need gear or overall like they wanted to Nerf Warriors or mes from phase one so they made this spr pretty anti melee out on most of these boss or fights mechanics whatever so we'll see when we actually get the gear and whatnot but uh as you can see melee Hunters are just a different world let me tell you fellas Mele Hunters are crazy right now as some of you know I have been M Hunters since the game released in phase one even before the game release I plant in 60 upgrades the setup so we can look forward to that as well I'm going to level my hunter and yeah by the way I'm going to load it through rested XP I do have a link in the pin comment would mean a lot to me if you would just click on the link they have a free version they have a paid version and they have uh it's composed by the best speedrunners out there when it comes to leveling and everything so there many vase as well you can choose a speedrun or safe route whatever hardcore route as well so it's some good stuff so once again pin comment and I'll also post my looks in the P pin comments you can take a look this week Ora by the way is for blood search for the slam PR so if you guys are interested I can throw in the link as well if anyone wants but not to spoil the whole fight and whatnot which is a long one because there are more phases I will uh take you in the game and let's take a look what we got going so I'm going to show the talents first for this phase we are doing we're going deep Fury Fury does seem a bit higher than arms also kind of hard to say because as you can see in the fifth BS with the CLE sweeping strikes arms were probably better with X for a crit chance but this time you're going full Fury with the dual wield because of flurry this attack speed is amazing and this dual wield specs so this is what it looks like death wish it's kind of like new not mechanic but it's a buff you got to you know keep an eye on to PR very often and just to yeah have it for the burst which I forgot in some of the fights until I got used to it also with the standard armor I didn't put many sers on the bosses on the first three four bosses I realized from fifth BS forward so did my boy Shred the other Warrior but if you're doing two Ender which you also can do with the same build you just put these four points uh into execute and two last points in cleave so uh yeah speaking of 200 by the way I got this belt from The Raid so I will get the strangle Thor Maze and I'll try to blast it the next rate on Wednesday which is the second run so this is the talents I'm going to show you the gear I'm rocking right now so we got the SC monaster Armory from her the headpiece this is like the B you can give with the crit chance I'm also working on the Epic headpiece from blacksmithing right here so uh I have steel bar ready to get to 25 bsmi thing and the mats for the at piece are not well they're pretty expensive you were to if you were to buy it for MOS on living flame EU it's like 250 gold even more so anyways uh hold on actually I was doing strangle Thor so uh my gear is right now in the PVP setup but it's easy to fix and that's it so my ulet is here from BFD right this is the best you can get right now or you can just buy from auction house but that can be pretty expensive so your main stats are strength then you want to focus on agility and then obviously crate chance hit chance where we can get that because that Valu that's has more value than the main stat should here I got from RFD from Glutton strength Agy once again you can also use the her ones for a five strength or just someone something from auction house once again and he takes some damage from the raid in the raid I mean so extra stamina would not hurt yeah the clo here is from STV event strangle Thorn with 5% crit chance very good you can also get dark hooded Cape from auction house or drop it but that bad boy is like three 300 gold on a living flame chest P here I got from from blacksmithing from the phase one for the hit chance if you have letter working for the gloves use them hit chance even if it's 25 level item it it's just a lot it it it is a lot also don't forget new enchants uh the enchanter I went went to he did not have agility plus three on cloak that's what you should get on chess it would be plus two all stats and uh just real quick I have these race from warung Gulch revered BL plus strength plus five that's also a new one you should get of the tiger something similar uh from the auction house the gloves here get scet gauntlets there are gloves you can get from feralas which have 10 strength n Agy so similar to these just higher stand and that is called Mark of something Mark quality right here it asks you to grind some Heights from yetis I believe right here not too sure though the Bel here I got it from the raid the first boss but before I was using I think it was Scarlet belt I think I'm not sure now but you can use a similar uh agility strength once again so it's up to you depends here this is the quest reward from The Raid itself as well strength Aggy but I you can use the Scarlet Monastery uh mail pants that give you 20 strength and stamina this one of the previous items you can get I never got those so it's whatever the bus here can get them from a Quest from Taris 10 strength nine Agy similar to the gloves from feras three Agy enchant on it the quest is called or it starts in budy Bay right here not too sure what it's called some delivery it's just delivery to tanaris the middle Port so it starts in buy Bay sends you to tanaris right here uh you take follow-up Quest you go loot a box you go back and then back to buy Bay you will get it it's pretty easy there's a lot of Warriors around in group so it should be easy to get my rings here are from warung AK Ash wh rep you can wear both by the way so level 28 and 38 version really great Ring six strength six agility even for a level 28 version it for stem it is amazing br BRD sorry B of the uh trinket right here that's still B in this face plus the trinket from The Raid but we don't have that plus stamina and restore HP why not I use I um I use strong potion troll blood which also gives you HP per second so it Stacks pretty well we got some warstone Gulch a mainhand sword with this one is BAS together with vanish sword especially for humans if you uh you could also get the strangle Thorn mace one hander but I didn't get it because I don't have enough silver coins now I do but it was after the ra this belt this is from BRD by the way uh sorry RFD this is the quest that you get from Stormwind as aligned at level 39 it is right here in Cathedral and the gun agility because I'm dual wield I like crits we want crit you can also use the one from uh also the same rate with plus five strength but I just like the stack ay so that was the setup talking about the runes right now we got the only one on chest that will be flag gation since we have berserk rage every 30 seconds this bad boy last for 12 seconds combin it on top of blood rage then uh sustain up time on this buff is amazing 25% bonus to physical damage is just crazy stack it up with en raage from Kumba R right here 10% by the way I really dislike the play style with the konuma rage that is what it is though got to stick with that because you're waiting there like a doofus on the start of the fight sure you're going to use rage put but you might not get the windfury pr so you're waiting for another Auto attack to get this PR it's pretty ass but it is what it is with gear with hit chance because we are missing a lot on top of that it's going to change a little bit it's going to be easier to stack it up but whatever just getting used to it our Bel here this is the new run we are using blood surge I did not even get a second one precise timing because blood surch does seem a bit higher right now but if you don't like to have something you don't if you don't want to rely on procs which they happen quite a lot especially on AE fights like that boss I showed you in the fifth one then um you can go with precise timing if you don't like procs once again Vora I can show it in the pink comment if you guys want I'll just throw it probably right away and on the boots the big clutch for the raid what I find even for PVP but it's for a separate video is this ring cry it does help quite a lot makes um gives it like a little bit of time for healers to catch up and whatnot if there is a little oh shoot button you can also I don't see any use usage for anything you can go you go with enrage regeneration because we have good up time on enrage berserk rage and whatever blood rage too so you can go with this one for self heal to ease up pain from healers but I think I like ring cry I could I could CH change it and uh try it out and for gloves there is only one single moded Fury for Passive damage and movement speed movement speed does help there are some mechanics where you have to run a little bit around and whatnot so once we get Basin boots or the enchant for boots it does St by the way with this Rune so you're able to get to 119% movement speed don't know why I chose 160 that's with the mount it should be 110 but uh whatever and yeah that was the gear that was the setup consumables I will list them in the pin comment because I ran out of them I am just a broke I'll just show you some of them I have so great rage potion this is what you want on the start of the fight to get that skuno by rage this is uh this is huge about this potion you really needed on the start of the fight especially like in immediately when Once once the fight starts you want to press it because there are some mechanics where you need to pop a different potion like let's say this uh we can use this first first damage first absorption on the last BOS uh you can also you should get the nature protection here there are some boss that you needed and then fire protection is also needed first a the classic free extra potions you should definitely get these at least 10 for the last bus because of the wipes so for uh well if you can one shot a boss obviously you don't need that many but just in case right just in case and there's one the fire PR I talked about then it should be agility potion it should be increased HP potion which is the 42 the purple the pink one then it should be defense for armor that's also pretty good and that should probably cover all the conses I do have an enchant here fear Blaze but not sure what I'm going to do with it with the two-hander there's a new enchant for the raid called dismantle but uh yeah we shall see about that I believe we covered about everything when it comes to rotation well we want to always sit in Berserker stands don't swap it out because we don't have tactical Mastery so when we swap our R is gone so Berserker stands for the crit chance increase 3% but the uh so the rotation you should get to 80 rage first to Pro kba rage for extra damage then you should always PRI blood thirst on single Target because verin on single Target doesn't do as much as blood thirst AOE obviously always use worldwind and cool down if you get a proc on Slam get it get it out there and um you should also queue your heric strike because if you queue your heric strike your aen doesn't miss but current blood surch and precise timing runes with the slam procs and whatnot they do a reset on visually it's bucked visually they reset the swing timer but in reality they don't reset it so super hard to Q her strike for that Min mag but you don't need it you don't need this mechanic at all this is just for pure parsing whatnot but um yeah World Warriors right now we kind of mid we'll see if the if the gear will change that and what not and um yeah I think it should be about everything if you guys have any questions once again hit me up in the comment section I'm happy to answer I also stream every single day on Twitch and on YouTube I will also post the link in the description you can catch me there too you can catch me on Discord if I'm not streaming ask me things and yeah thank you very much guys for watching and until next time take it easy [Music] peace
Channel: Ulfhednar
Views: 25,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Guide, Meta, PvP, PvE, MMORPG, Build, Skill, Ability, Ultimate, Crazy, Damage, Showcase, Competitive, Barbarian, Berserker, Overpower, Ulfhednar, Shouts, MMO, Utility, Insane, World of Warcraft, WoW, Season of Discovery, SoD, Season, of, Discovery, World, Warcraft, Blizzard, Warrior, Fury, Charge, Warbringer, Runes, Stats, 2H, Raid, Gnomeregan
Id: KV-J0qv1VkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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