Putting an autonomous vehicle to the test in downtown London

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I was recently asked to take a drive around London in a car without a driver or rather no human driver it was the car operated by waves a startup that's developing a new approach to autonomous driving all right can I introduce going to be a safety operator today and launch the system supposedly the easiest job in the world great Bill where would you like to go uh let's uh go get some fish and chips other self-driving Technologies work only on specific map streets waves technology operates more like the human driver would learning how to drive in one city and then applying that knowledge to drive to new places London is a very challenging place to drive with lots of traffic pedestrians and cyclists we put waves self-driving technology to the test the algorithm is now controlling the speed the steering the indication the braking everything about cars driving we're making decisions based on what we see so it's not being told how to drive with a set of rules and a map but it's interpreting experiment understanding the context and making the safest decisions to drive through here and the beauty of that is that it can learn things that are more complex than you can hand engineer if you have to tell the car how to behave in each and every situation it will exist you're never going to cover them all I mean this this is the real world right here 100 I mean look at the cyclist on the left yeah I see how we're slowing down behind it for probably when it opens up overtake the cyclist but we're choosing not to now okay yeah it gives him as much clearance as possible that's great all right is this guy going back or it's forwards ooh I'll give you credit for picking one of the most difficult situations I've seen in autonomous car ever I mean this is the most unstructured wild and complex environment yeah no the humans are having a hard time you can tell they're trying to make judgment calls I think this is the next big wave of Technology whether that's improving the enjoyment of vulnerable Road users whether that's decreasing the amount of traffic proving safety allowing more public transport more shared Mobility more reliable Mobility I mean the way we move around cities hasn't changed in 100 years I hope you enjoyed riding the wave through oh that's fantastic [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bill Gates
Views: 3,834,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Gates, Wayve, autonomous vehicles, London, driving, self-driving vehicles, utonomous driving, autonomous car, fish and chips, ai, artificial intelligence, self-driving technology, reliable mobility, jaguar, celebrity carpool
Id: ruKJCiAOmfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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