Bill Gates and Warren Buffett pick up a shift at Dairy Queen

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Here we are. Hello. Ready to go. Ready to work. We've got the wrong name tags on. This is just a sample of our competence. If you think this is bad, wait until we really get into action. Yeah, just fill it up to the… Whoa, whoa. Well keep it going you got to get two balls on there. Well I'll see if I can do better. Oh my god. See, I'm very generous. Look it, they're going to order from you for now on, not from me. Who had the bad luck to draw me? If you want anything later on, it's on me. The cone is okay. You guys want to learn how to help customers? You bet. I would love a vanilla cone. A vanilla cone. Is that all you want today? That'll do it. That'll be.. Let's upsell her. You didn't do anything wrong, it's just taking some time. So that bar set us a little bit slower. I'm a slow customer. Have you been to Dairy Queen before? You want a dip or not dip? Can I have a triple chocolate brownie? That is really one of our best items. In fact, if you don't eat it, we will. All right, what else? I'm going to keep it simple and go banana split, please. Okay, that's.. A double banana split? Yes, sir. You're a real man. All right, what would you like? I want an Oreo Blizzard. Small. Oh, that's one of our most popular. What else can we do? I want a medium Reese's Blizzard. That's very popular. Is it? Absolutely. I like that peanut butter. Extra peanut butter for him. Okay, so the three most important things about training somebody new. Number one is definitely patience. I'll put the hand out for the money and Bill can do this high tech stuff. You still got to ask her what she wants for her dipping sauce. Oh, you dip chicken, too? Wow, you guys dip a lot of stuff around here. Number two: Make sure you smile, so they smile. You know, kind of pass the smiles along. We got it. Smile. Three: Have a good time and treat a customer like they're somebody that's in your own home. Whoa! You get two free ones for that. Oh wow! I like that. Thank you. Much better the way I did it. I might add you did better than we did. How long ago did you buy Dairy Queen and what was it that made it look good? I've known Dairy Queen all my life. Dairy Queen actually started in the 1930s and… Wow. Couple guys worked up soft ice cream and when they were contemplating selling, he actually thought of Berkshire. Who better than some guy that loves the product, and we made a deal and we lived happily ever after. So how did Bill and Warren do today? Could have done better. Bill was good on the menu board. Warren was good at taking credit. But all around, they did all right. I'd hire them. Hi, welcome to Dairy Queen. Can I take your order? I'll have a small Oreo Blizzard. That'll be $3.23. Can you pull forward to the next window? Okay. Oh wow. That is for you. Good job on this one. Love to have you here. Thank you. See you.
Channel: Bill Gates
Views: 12,780,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Dairy Queen, Blizzard, Omaha, Nebraska, DQ, undercover boss, Berkshire Hathaway, Electrica Meccanica eroadster, just for laughs
Id: NQWkNXr2ujI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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