Putin Dictates Terms for Ukraine Truce, As Biden Skips Peace Summit | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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the G7 Summit in Italy is over now the action has shifted to Switzerland for the Ukrainian peace Summit Western leaders have gathered there in large numbers even though this exercise won't deliver much let alone peace so why is the summit even happening why have these leaders come together and what does Ukraine hope to achieve this is being called a peace Summit an attempt to end the Russia Ukraine war but one of the Waring parties is absent Russia is not attending the summit they've dismissed the entire exercise as irrelevant aian it is an absolutely absurd goal to discuss Ukraine without Russia's participation it is obvious that it is not a result-oriented that's why many countries don't want to waste time you can't argue with their logic I guess even the organizers agreed so they downgraded the summit even before it began the host Switzerland now says it's about building consensus an effort to pave the way for a future peace process on his part zilinsky says that he wants to give diplomacy a chance the views ideas and Leadership of each Nation are equally important to us and everything that will be agreed upon at the summit today will be part of the peacemaking process that we all need I believe that we will witness history being made here at the summit at the same time the summit also exposes the limits of Ukraine's diplomatic heft 160 countries were invited to the summit only 92 are attending so a little more than half and here's a breakup of the guest list 57 attendees are heads of state 29 are ministers and six are diplomats besides that heads of the European Union and the United Nations are also attending as of today 90 states signed up of which half are from Europe and North America the other half from South America Africa the Middle East and Asia afca some influential leaders are missing from the guest list this includes Ukraine's Chief backa the president of the United States Joe Biden he's not there vice president Kamala Harris is attending in his place who else is missing Chinese president Xi Jinping Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman also India's prime minister Narendra Modi India has sent a delegation instead it is led by a senior Indian Diplomat now the absence of these leaders is a setback for Ukraine these countries have the Diplomatic out to help Ukraine move the needle with Russia the presence of their leaders would have been a signal a strong signal of support but they're not attending Switzerland and Ukraine also had High Hopes from the global South Kiev wanted to show up support from this block they had invited countries like Brazil Cambodia and Malaysia but they've either sent observers or skipped the summit all together so if the goal was to gain new allies Ukraine won't make much progress here half of the guests are from the west from North America and Europe where Ukraine already enjoys strong support So to sum it up there is no peace deal on the table nor any major mobilization of support against Russia what's worse the agenda seems to have been diluted too three topics are being discussed now nuclear safety humanitarian Aid and food security that's it no proposal to end the war there are not yet negotiations about an end to the war for that Putin would have to show that he is prepared to end his brutal campaign and withdraw troops but perhaps a way can be found to start a process in which Russia will one day also have a seat at the table when the time is right that will be decided solely by Ukraine clearly Ukraine wants to dictate the terms here Kev is already preparing for a second piece Summit and here they hope to have Russia but will Moscow play ball looks highly unlikely Russian forces have made gains on the battlefield and the Russian economy has so far survived the onslaught of Western sanctions take a look at this report this is about the IMF and the Russian economy the IMF says the Russian economy will keep growing in fact this year it will grow faster than the United States that's a scathing indictment of the western campaign against Russia it also gives Russia the upper hand so Kiev may want to spell out the peace plan but Vladimir Putin doesn't feel compelled to negotiate he's approaching this from a position of strength yesterday Putin shared his List of Demands listen to this the conditions are very simple Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the denet and luhansk people's republics the kersen and zapari regions as soon as KV declares that it is ready for such a decision and Begins the actual withdrawal of troops from these regions as well as officially notifies that they abandon plans to join nato in order to cease fire and begin negotiations will immediately follow from our side literally at the same minute four regions or 1/ of ukraini in territory an end to Western sanctions and no NATO membership for Ukraine these are Putin's terms Ukraine was quick to reject the offer it called Putin's terms and I'm quoting a complete sham so did its Western backers the United States says Putin is in no position to make demands he is not in any position to dictate to Ukraine um what they must do to to bring about a peace can end this war today you know he started this War uh with no provocation so America is talking tough but here is the reality Russia has no intention of ending the war on Western terms and Ukraine is in no position to win this war l a fail peace Summit may open up new challenges for Kiev because China is making moves Reports say Beijing is ready to push a Ral peace plan it is lobbying other governments and calling for its own International Peace conference remember Beijing has been a strong critic of The Summit in Switzerland mainly due to the absence of Russia China has repeatedly emphasized that the peace Summit should have the three important elements of acceptance by the Russian and Ukrainian sides equal participation by all parties and fair discussion of all peace proposals not surprisingly Russia's already endorsed this plan Russian foreign minister Sergey lvov supports the idea Ukraine may choose to reject it but without any substantial gains on the battlefield Kev is running out of options
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, firstpost palki sharma, first post, russia ukraine war, ukraine peace summit, ukraine peace summit switzerland, ukraine switzerland, ukraine switzerland 2024, ukraine peace summit news, ukraine peace talks, ukraine peace talks news, ukraine peace talks update, ukraine russia news, russia ukraine, vladimir putin, ukraine, ukraine peace summit 2024 live, putin ukraine peace agreement, putin ukraine truce, ukraine truce
Id: Ou3f5UtcxxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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