Put Yourself on Death Ground

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we could become incredibly lazy because there's no necessity so you have to create necessity in your life you have to create the need to get things done it's easy to be lazy if you don't have any emotional connection to what you're involved in I give the example that I have personally is when I lived in France I had spent years learning French at the University but it never really sunk in because I wasn't paying deep attention to it didn't mean so much to me but there I was in Paris I had to struggle I had to survive I had to get a job I had to get a girlfriend and suddenly because I had to do it because it is important to me because it was necessary because it was what I call death ground either learn French or get the hell out you're not going to be able to survive I learned I wasn't lazy so your laziness is something that has to do with you you're not connected to something deep in them you don't feel the necessity you don't feel the devil at your heels you don't feel the fact that you could very well die tomorrow that will impel you to get something done there's no necessity behind it and the human animal that we were created is when we feel pressure we feel the necessity to get things done we can move mountains and we have plenty of examples of that in history but when that pressure like almost like a barometric pressure releases and we don't feel the need to get something done we could become incredibly lazy because there's no necessity so you have to create necessity in your life you have to create the need to get things done you have to give yourself deadlines you have to remind yourself that tomorrow everything you go kapoot covet could come back you could be fired you could die you could have an illness give yourselves a sense of urgency that I need to get things done quickly and then when it comes to making decisions a lot of time what afflicts people is this idea of I'm not ready I'm not ready to start my own business I'm not ready to quit this job I'm not ready to break up with my relationship which is toxic or whatever give me another few months I've got to prepare myself I want you to get this idea that you are ready that you have to try and do things before you think you are ready right if you think well I'm not prepared to start this business I need to go back to business school I need to learn more and more shut up and do it just jump in the water you will learn more by starting before you think you are ready by making that decision your brain will kick into action you will discover all this energy that you had that you didn't think you had so make the decision before you think you're ready is the other thing the final thing I would say is laziness is not all that bad I must confess that I have moments of laziness if I was always intensive I was always on try to write my books I would probably be dead by now and actually I almost did die because of that and I've learned over the years to always kind of incorporate moments and hours so or I waste the hell out of time I'm looking on sports websites Etc I'm surfing for this so that I'm reading things that aren't really important it's important sometimes to take down time and let your brain unload and not be so focused and on so it depends on if laziness is a chronic habit or whether you build a little bit of laziness in your day-to-day Affairs and give yourself some Leisure Time some time to relax so that's how I would answer that particular question
Channel: Robert Greene
Views: 424,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert greene, sun tzu, 33 strategies of war, death ground strategy, shorts videos, death ground, art of war, lazy, robert greene books, the 48 laws of power, power, powerful, personal development, personal growth, youtube, the art of seduction, the laws of human nature, humans, human nature, laziness, stop being lazy, author, writer, write books, reading, read, books, book
Id: eF5jT0Jd_l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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