PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD | Let God Direct Your Path - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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One question and that is where do you put  your trust is it in someone or in some thing   do you put your trust in some expert do  you put your trust in some institution   or instrument if you put your trust in  anything like that I can tell you it will fail   because heaven and earth will pass away only God's  word and God himself shall stand forever trust to   trust in God there would be a lot less  pain in life if you would start with God   and not start with you the proof that we  don't trust God even though we declare that   we believe in him is that we turn to other  sources first to address life's problems what you trust is where you go first did you  hear me you can always discover what you trust   because you go there first that is what  you're banking on and you bank on the   thing you believe will be the best thing  to help you so that's where you go first   so if you want to know whether you trust in the  Lord answer the question where do I go first why should I trust in the Lord first the  reason that you should trust in the Lord   is because his wisdom is infinite trust  is a choice you say well I I want to   trust but I'm just having a hard time  with it well see you do trust something   you're either trusting yourself or you're  trusting the world or you're trusting your   job or the government or your bank account or  somebody else that you know we do trust something   and the point is is we need to get spiritually  smart enough to know what to trust and   what not to trust or who to trust and who  not to trust we may give a certain amount   of trust to people but don't ever give the  trust that belongs to God to another person   because although we can trust other people to  some degree we can trust ourselves to some degree   God is the only one that we can completely trust   totally trust and say I believe that you will  always take care of me now right away when I say   there's probably some people that are thinking  well wait a minute I trusted God and he didn't   come through for me were you trusting God  to give you what you wanted him to give you   and so now you're a little bit miffed  because you didn't get what you wanted   or are you trusting God to give you his very  best for you in his timing in his own way as a reminder of where we are to put our trust  hear what God's word says to God's people   as he reminds us that he is our guiding light trust in the Lord beginning at  verse five chapter three of Proverbs   with all of your heart and lean not to  your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him and he will   direct your paths hear this piece of wisdom  literature emphatically states trust in the Lord   you know trust is one of those big picture  words of resting your confidence on something   you've heard it multiple times when people talk  about faith they say when you sat down you didn't   check the seat you just rested your weight on it  and actually that is the picture of what trust is   you rest your weight on the confidence that  that which is beneath you can sustain you the word trust means to lay down on it has the  idea of putting one's complete weight on it's much   akin to what you're doing right now when you're  sitting in the pew when you're sitting in the seat   and all of your weight is resting on the  ability of the pew upon which your sitting   to hold you up now in fact you are so  secure about the pew's ability to sustain   your weight and everybody on there  with you you're not even helping it out I mean I don't see anybody sitting but  kind of pushing themselves up in case in case this pew doesn't make it I want  to make sure I got a little bit of me   in here I know that you want to put trust possibly  in bank accounts and security deposits but all of   that can be wiped away by one doctor's visit put  your confidence in him who will not leave you   trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding   whenever you lean on anything other than God  chances are you might end in the wrong direction let me tell you something you  can plan your life for one way   and God can change directions let me say it again you can map your life out to go where you  want it to go and God can re-route your route let me tell you something God  has a way of directing our paths you see in life when you say trust in the Lord God  probably won't shine all the light at one time on   where you're supposed to go that's what we always  say Lord show me the way and what we're saying is   show me all of the way God says no but what I will  be I'll be the light to the edge of where you need   to take your next step and once you take  that step I'll move in front of you and then   I'll move in front of you you just make sure you  follow the light I'm the light and you follow me   my word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your  pathway you follow the light and I'll take you   to where you need to be and he will now don't ask  me how he'll do it but I know he'll do it he will   direct your path there's some of you now you're  saying I feel like I'm in the maze of life   and I don't know where the exit sign is  keep following me he'll direct you back   and when he does you too will be  able to see like the one who declares   I know how I got out of this Jesus is my way Jesus is my truth and Jesus is my life life if you've lived here long enough you know that  it can be tough to navigate many of us here   today would love the opportunity to start over  again because we've already run on some rocks it's full of twists and turns  it's full of uncertainties and   many times you don't know what's coming around  the bend and yet there seems to be a disconnect   from my faith in Christ to get me  to heaven and my trust in Christ   to navigate me on earth there seems to be  a disconnect and I'd like to suggest to   you the disconnect is that many of us  maybe even most of us don't trust him you got to take the perspective  of Job though he slay me   yet will I trust him see everything's  going apart from me now it's killing me now   but I'm still going to trust him I'm going to rest  completely and rely completely on him to deal with   this I'm not going to get out of it my own human  way that is a way that is unprescribed by him in all your ways consult him and he will make your path straight wow make your  path straight he will make your path straight   listen to that slowly he will meaning you  won't have to he will make your paths straight   it doesn't get any better than that life is  crooked finances are crooked marriage is crooked   single life is crooked future is crooked he  says he will make your path straight now a   path means you're going somewhere a path  is always connected to a destination God   wants you to start trusting him so you can start  living again God wants you to trust him entirely some of you got to let go you've been holding on to  your own way of thinking own way of living own   way of operating own way of feeling own way of  acting own way of cogitating all of your life and   while you come to church on tomorrow you're going  back to your own way and God is saying let go   you say yeah but you don't understand  I've held on to that let go   but you don't understand let go but God do  you trust me and God is saying if you let go you can have your life back it's time to let go
Views: 18,908
Rating: 4.9705095 out of 5
Keywords: Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, uncertainty, Times of Uncertainty, hard Times, Hope in Hard Times, Have Hope, Trust God, Trust God in the Storm, Never give up, Life, Don’t Quit, Put your trust in God, Let God direct your path, steps, let go let God, Where do you put your trust, trust, bible, faith
Id: nOvvaQLndBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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