Put Vaseline in the sink! You will never want to use it the old way again❗

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put vaseline in the sink and you will never want to use it like before. This trick will help you to disappear forever the water stains in your sink and faucets in your bathroom. what we will do is very simple first wash your sink and faucets as always. scrub with water dry everything with a cloth. and for today's trick we use Vaseline, add a teaspoon and spread it all over the sink and faucets we take a piece of toilet paper and gently pass it through the faucet and sink. Tell me in the comments from which country do you see me? to send you a special greeting in my next video. special greetings to Natalie from London England and TamT from Philadelphia USA. thank you for always watching and sharing every tip. we take another piece of toilet paper. Finally with this trick, in addition to the fact that the water will not stick and will not leave stains. on your faucets and the sink will also leave everything very shiny. now I would like to know the rating from 0 to 10 ¿what rating does this video deserve? send this video to all your friends like and see you in a next video see you later God bless you.
Channel: simple & fast
Views: 1,580,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Put Vaseline in the sink! You will never want to use it the old way again❗, vaseline in bathroom, vaseline in sink, clean sink, how to clean sink, clean with vaseline, polish with vaseline, clean faucet with vaseline, vaseline, simple and fast cleaning
Id: B8KaEklr46U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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