Purposefully Blowing Up Our S10....We Had To Call In Cleetus.

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somebody sent this in to the Cletus side of the shop and they said that you're not man enough to do this and they might be right I'm really really tired here and we're about to make some bad decisions okay Oh smell that that is uh can you smell that oh we were talking about how we don't have enrichment we were basically replacing those injectors with a methanol nozzle and we're gonna have some major treatment Richmond here yeah it's probably gonna fog big-time but I like it a lot it's gonna be on a button it basically who's been Justin what are we doing with it don't worry about it somebody else said that so basically that's pretty awesome I like that I can go without this is no joke this is no joke challenge accepted it's pretty good uh these guys had some awesome stuff earlier that we had I think it could probably start a fire with my breath right now thank you guys for sending this in even though I totally pirated it all right guys so I was gon finishing up a street tune and lies and George have derived this sort of gentleman's redneck engine death machine here so this is this is a much more refined version I want you to know this is not just the spring of nitrous willy-nilly okay so there was some creativity here in the fact that we did not have enough enrichment so what we've done is we put in the twin methanol nozzles supplementing where those injectors are going and we are using actual m1 right that we've just bumped it for all of about a quarter a second just checking to see if is gonna work there is no nozzle or jet on that so it is going to be a crazy amount of nitrous but let's try and see if we can actually make a pull just with m1 what's the try and fire it up actually first so I just pour it at the mem one in there we should be good to go [Music] oh yeah it's a great idea [Music] it's great alright guys we got this all set up this is the cheapest fastest nitrous install ever and might be favoring one side but that might be favorable to the engine destruction so that being said let's get this puppy on there this custom mounts I like this last that is custom right there got a couple all right so this is gonna be freaking fun so this is our enrichment because the thing has no fuel whatsoever so just in order to get it accelerating we're gonna have to that's gonna need a little bit of work you mean the water from that just came up means it's flooded [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I insert a horsepower all right I hope my hand was getting hungry I was trying to be a progressive controller well hold on hood that goes off the chart lien let's see how it does on a different diet I mean we're gonna try and throw more methanol or get the right methanol but let's see how it does with like a methanol and peanut plant [Music] [Music] literal [Music] I appreciate your business No [Music] poor console time [Music] drop the two horns we already invited [Music] it's alright let's uh [Music] that is crazy man it was really really smoky in here Liam what you don't like the burnt peanut smell alright alright game on so we're looking for a fuel upgrade peanuts weren't quite cutting it I didn't have the wide beam on last time the game kickstart yeah this is black oh there's some things you got a rib we're only gonna need one I think so mm hey you know this is 5% juice we're gonna kickstart this puppy right in action here so let's do it oh we're gonna go ahead and try and see if we can get an accurate wideband reading with our methanol spray part peanut and part take starts oh well we'll see what the air/fuel ratio is and give her a whirl [Music] grant so much Kickstarter [Music] [Music] Wow okay so check this up I messed up earlier I didn't have the white man in there so I didn't really realize that was the problem so check this out I messed up a little earlier and I did not have the white man in there so at least on this time I could see and get some input as to what I was doing so I was sitting there bumping in the air if you look at this air fuel it that's a old I'm sitting there watching the air fuel and bumping and trying to get to maintain Wow let's try and do one more thing there's got to be something wrong in this thing running on that we do but straight up octane booster right all right so we got a have a valid license our body saw did work we did prime it with that bogus of Lysol yeah it picks up all right all right let's try that yeah let me get my boy no you want some of the Lysol do I would love to try propane it smelled like the carnival there it was like you could smell the sugar in the air and then it was like we had burnt peanuts a second ago man it's not it's not like grandma's house all right all right flame retardant yeah well here put this and make the hell out of this intake [Music] Wow I'm okay [Music] [Music] [Music] occurred that was the butane so all right I think it's time we spray it it's time we spray we know it's gonna make some power so as we need to be cautious and judicious on the nitrous let's start small all right what do you think that's like that's like not even a quarter okay all right so just try and be like a machine so you're just like all right now over the end of the pool or let's go wait and tell them I'll look at you I'll be going 3500 rpm we only really have a short little bit [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] all right so we're thinking about repositioning the nitrous and we don't know if this is a single plane or a dual plane so if we're gonna hit this man that smells so sweet you can still smell the kickstart all right so if we're spraying this though we might just be spraying three cylinders as opposed to all six I don't know man I'm totally fine with the way that it was what if we just had it so that's coming down and hit in the middle or I don't know that any bad anybody oh yeah it's gonna want to kick back and stuff two decisions here trying to make this last we want to try and make big power so we need to make another hundred horse before this thing bites the dust I really wanted to do a rev limit neutral drop but we figured it would be a lot more fun to be able to do a dyno video before if it survives the diamond okay then we want to go ahead and do our rev limit neutral drop and see we got class I'm a big fan of your redneck engineering I think we're gonna have an intake problem because of zip-tie obstruction it's just it's gonna choke because it has so many zip ties I think you almost forgot which is it tire trying to get as I'm a big fan of recycling right here I just wanted to make sure that we didn't lose any nitrous so we took our box that we had for the kick starts right there we're gonna use that as our nitrous deflector we don't want to be losing any nitrous so we're just gonna be shoving her right there a little test button there just got some kick to it yeah let's see what what if we can get another we just pull her back a little bit more let's pull her back a little bit more and then put one more zip tie in there as if we didn't have enough but if we go right here that's kind of a pivot point so I think we just put one right there I think we'll be good we'll give it all that's like the sound of the executioner [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so look I'm gonna have the ease up on the button there's just too much too much enrichment so alright so you gonna plummet down in last yeah alright we're gonna get more nitrous I'm gonna run it less rich let's try and melt this piston this have never said that before [Music] [Music] however popping OH [Applause] [Music] gosh dang it now me and the mad science is gonna have put new was it justice oh brother get back in there and give her in our full pull by Rebecca oh dang I'm pretty sure those are a little warm oh man we have to redo or they've nothing satellite amazing Wow I thought so too i it came on pretty good we're making more torque and then it like took a turn for the worse as I was like appreciate that stance go back so you know there's a problem right there so let's see if it still fires up if we didn't have enough enrichment before we're not gonna have enough enrichment now push that one we have one fuel injector that is totally cooked oh man so we got nothing either which way I think we're maybe we could try and run [Music] all right so we're gonna have to go to another bottle in order to really kill this thing this is uh this is crazy all right so my wife just clued me in on something that people have said and it really makes sense and it really does fit with the kind of theme and kind of where the truck came from so she was just saying you know basically squirrels are that are the crackheads of the animal kingdom you know and the fact that like you know they can fall off a two-story building and I've you know I've seen that kind of thing many times they still survive it well we just sprayed this with an open bottle trying to lean it out we've melted the injectors and it's still working it's still running this is a is kind of crazy I really would have thought that this thing would have been hey you should probably put this thing in Ruby because you can't kill it I mean this will definitely prove that like you know you could blow up anything I mean I'm I'm game I mean if you want to try I mean we've definitely tried now I mean this one's fully roasted this peanut has survived combustion do you want a helmet no needs I'll be right here okay so this is finally technical get your button that right there so you gonna give or I'll actually we just did wire up the injectors back up so [Music] [Music] [Music] Cinzia how's Mary all's well whole bottle someone had to blow it up yes cousin stay there who is coming T to the dipstick rose about to step off the pressure you know who to call and he needs something blown up okay well that'll be 50 bucks [Music] you know free tunes for life as always that's right hey we're both good at one thing you know that maybe make a blast and make it blow up such a good pitch figure they're good couple I saw the dip sleep like going like this oh yeah death is imminent it was coming up James authorized it seemeth dip stick around understand yeah all the team it turns over I was getting a little bit worried about channels like yours to do it cold out Ozzie organizes fling a driveshaft and hit like the mail truck to do some neutral drums like will admit but that was pretty nuts that was like I was I was there for one thing one thing only and the make sure I think doesn't go off the diet it says service agent we have a clean-up on aisle two we need oil change that so let that be a note to you you could spray the hell out of your 2.8 and it's probably just the RPMs that killed it over a while rather than the nitrous oh it was pretty funny you like ran out of stuff to spray you're just like started grabbing anything around dude feel how hard that is to push for it to be like walking its way out well guys I hope that you've enjoyed the video this has been fun this is probably the first time I've ever really tried to blow something up but this was a challenge really you weren't successful I was not successful I mean you know the nature of it is give it to Cletus and he will show you how to blow it up I think he could probably hurt an anvil but this was this is a lot of fun I tried a valiant effort to really blow it up I wasn't didn't have the RPM strategy but he had it so guys I really do hope that you enjoyed this thank you so much for watching check us out faster promise at Instagram also check out our merchandise definitely helps us do stupid stuff like this god bless you guys thanks for watching we'll see you soon [Laughter] she's like [ __ ] like a Bronco
Channel: Fasterproms
Views: 545,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeremy formato, fasterproms, tuning, racing, drag racing, nitrous, boost, turbo, twin turbo, cleetus Mcfarland, cooper bogetti, adamlz, guitarmeggedonzl1, streetspeed717, engineering explained, roadkill, hoonigan, drifting, parkapotamus, escalade, tavarish, Uncle Sam, caprice, holden, commodore, police, cop car, statesman, itsjusta6, goonzquad, mightycarmods, 1320video, motor trend channel, jay Leno Garage, boostedboiz, car throttle, thatracingchannel, chrisfix
Id: t5uGLwlgJAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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