Purely Mail - Communication shouldn't be left to chance!

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[Music] it's your open source Advocate and I'm back with another video and today I wanted to talk about mail and when we talk about building a business or building an MSP on open source one of the things you have to have is a really solid way to communicate with people now in the past I've talked about setting up a mail in a box server that is still a completely valid way to go about doing things and I really like it but if you're just opening up an account on a VPS provider like Leno digil lotion volter herzen or whoever one they're going to block you from sending email for at least 60 days you'll probably have to ask to have those ports unblocked for your account after 60 days most of their public IP addresses are on block lists at this point so it's really really hard to find an address that's not on a block list and this causes problems with delivery it causes a lot of problems so you don't want that when you're talking about your business needing to be able to send email I've been looking around for different solutions to that you know there's Zoho Mail there's Gmail with your you know whatever it is business account kind of stuff I'll be honest Gmail is not the route I would go I'm going to recommend to everybody right now do if you want to save yourself headaches and pain stay away from Gmail just just because setting up SMTP with Gmail is a pain it just gives so many problems that you're just going to deal with issues a lot what you need is somebody who does IMAP SMTP pop you know regular email Services essentially and I was just kind of looking and and checking and searching and and trying to find something I liked and I came across purely mail now it says beta I want you guys to keep in mind Gmail was in beta for like 15 years okay so when people put beta on here it's just kind of a thing to say like look we're we're we're still working through this everything I've seen for people says it's a solid service I thought I'm going to try this out because I've got my own domain running an email server isn't that hard a lot of people say oh don't run your own email server it's a pain honestly with mail in a box I got in on digital lotion when it was still pretty pretty new so it was a little bit easier to get an email server up and running you didn't have things blocked you didn't have all these problems that you have today and running mail in a box is really not that hard but I am I do have my server on a single block list and it's always been on there and I don't know how to get it off of there so it does create issues sometimes with people receiving my email initially that's not a good thing so I wanted to find something where I could feel much more confident in people receiving my emails people being to send me email and me receiving those emails that said if you want to run mail in a box from your home server you can do that you need to have a a static IP address it's very important when you're trying to send email you have to have a public static IP address that is not on a block list already again deliverability with email is the key and if you can't get your emails delivered outside of spam boxes it it makes it really hard for you to do business now I'm going to sign up for purely mail you are free to go with Zoho or any of the other thousands of places that go but I want you to look at this so you go in and you set it up now you're going to set up he's showing you proton mail $48 a year fast mail $60 a year Google workspace $72 a year Zoho is $12 a year um whatever this hush mail $49 a year purely mail is $10 a year now the thing he doesn't put here is that these are per year per user purely mail is $10 a year period now he says what happens you know he's got a little FAQ and it's like you know what's the catch I mean really there's not a lot of a catch they just they tell you look occasionally you we'll get put on a block list it takes us a day or two to get back off the block list they have 20 they don't have 24/7 support staff so you're going to put in a support ticket everybody I've seen says that their support is like a triple plus so take from that what you want but I think that's all awesome I mean it's a small operation starting out but um they say they're in beta like I said you know is this for me it's kind of up to you but I think it's I think it's a great way to go so that's what we're going to do today I wanted to walk you through setting it up so we're going to go in here now if you want to by the way he's got a free trial so you can sign up for a free trial if you like it stick with it I don't get anything out of this I don't even have an affiliate link nothing if you stick with it it'll be 10 bucks a year I want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week I really truly enjoy it and I just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let YouTube know that I'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when I have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what I'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way YouTube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well I really appreciate it thank you again let's get started and then if you want to sign up again it's super easy so one we just pick a name so I'm going to say Brian it's going to tell you this username is available at this thing so you'll type in whatever name you want if your name's not available you might try you know 21 right something like that now it's going to tell you cuz I try to do like Brian dot sis and it's going to tell you hey you can't use a DOT okay I Tred to do underscore you can't use underscore Dash can't use a dash so be ready because it's going to tell you you can't do these things for this setup but here he's got a few kind of preset domains just pick one of the preset domains it doesn't matter which one you pick it's fine um you can use Pur mail you can pick any one of these you want it doesn't matter which one you pick it's just a way to get your account set up you go down here you put in your password that you want a nice strong password and you tells you like how long it would take to to crack a password so if we type in password he's going to tell you that'll that'll take one millisecond it's a super crappy password don't use it but if we type in something else like I just mix a bunch of letters and numbers you can see how long it goes up here this is 22,277 Millennia that's that Millennia itself is a thousand years so that's 0000 0 on the end of this okay so that's a long time that that'd be a good password if you can remember what you typed you type it again to confirm it you come on down here you're going to give them an email so that you know an email you already have so that if you get locked out for some reason you can have it reset um and then just give it a description so you know what email you're you're referring to if you want to you can give them a phone number for a text message uh same thing give it a description agree to the terms of service agree that you understand they're in beta and then you can go down to payment or you can do the trial um whichever one you want again 10 bucks for a year that's less than a dollar a month US dollar a month I would hope that most people could say you know what I can put out less than a dollar a month to get started with my business that I'm trying to get going there's little little things that add up but I mean you know 10 bucks a year I'm I'm willing to go for it once you do that you're going to be taken to the signin page so I'm going to go sign into my account here all right I signed in you get to this page and it shows you something very simple now I want to go set up a domain so I've already set up my system m.com domain cuz I was going through this to practice it but if I want to add a new domain I just click add new domain I'm going to type in whatever it is so the the name of this domain so if you remember from my building a business open source I did get the it pros.org so let's just set it up for email just for testing um I will I will turn this over to somebody one of these days uh but yeah so let's just go set it up so let's go back up let's just do theit pros.org we're going to check it now it should it'll eventually give me a bunch of messages down here because I don't have the it pros.org set up but DNS record is not yet verified now I've set up the it pros.org before with mail in a box so we'll have to go change some things but I'll show you what we're going to do so we're going to say purely mail is fine and have that checked we're going to scroll past all these things and this says empty so I'll show you what you have to do if you don't if you can't leave it empty for your particular DNS provider um for your register we're going to create an MX record and we're just going to copy this including the little period at the end right here we're going to copy that I'll make this a little big bigger on the screen too so you can see it on your mobile devices there and we're going to go over to the ad pros.org we're going to go to DNS and you'll see I have a few records here so I'm going to go delete this record yes and I'll delete this record for mail yes we're going to say add a new record so we're here and pick MX and on the host it's going to say he wants it empty you can't leave it empty for me on on Hover so if you run to the same thing you want to put the at symbol here we're going to put a priority of 10 that's fine and then we're going to paste in what we just copied out of that site and we can set this to 5 minutes we're going to hit save and you can see here it's already working so it's going okay now I'm going to go here and I'm going to the next thing I need to do is create an SPF record and it's a text it's type text text so if you're looking for SPF and you're type drop down it you're not going to find it it's type text we're going to copy this and again it says empty so we're going to do the same little trick we're going to do create we're going to hit this little drop down text your your form may look different but it should be similar you pick the type you f in the fields again we're going to hit at if you can leave it empty that's okay but we're going to hit paste we're going to paste in all that text make sure it's right and again we're going to go to 5 minutes and hit go and now we've got our MX record and our txt records now we've got another txt record we need to create right here so we're going to highlight all of this there we go we're going to copy it we're going to go back here again and create another record we're just going to create another txt record again it said empty so we're going to put at we're going to paste double check make sure we got everything yes okay and hit save so all we're doing is just adding these records that that they're providing to us now we've got to do some dka records and he tells you what these are he says they're optional but recommended they fight spam and improve email deliverability you'll need to add three similar records each is a c name record so that's the type we're looking for it's not going to be called dkim it's that's that's the that's the record sort we're going to use but it's a cname record is what we need to set up it says which essentially points to another record that we manage for you that's great so here's one C name c name and C name so we need all three of these here's the host we're going to put in for each one and then here's the value that we'll put in and I think it's it's called something different and he tells you here it might be called Target host name it might call you know something like that he's just telling you like hey for this field watch out it may be called this that's what you want to put there so he's got some really good instructions so we're first going to copy this and we're going to go back we're going to just add a cname record right here we're going to paste that into the host and then we're going to go back and copy this part and paste that into our Target name and then again we're going to go to 5 minutes and we're just going to hit go we're going to go back and do that two more times copy add C name paste copy paste five minutes now if your register doesn't offer five minutes do not sweat that do 10 minutes 15 minutes whatever they offer just just use it it's okay I'm just doing five because they offer it uh copy and then we're just going to go back here and add another cname record third one and then I'm going to go over here and copy this value and I'm going to go here and paste it and then here we're just going to go and do five minutes and hit Okay so we've added our C our three C Name Records now we're down to the dmark section so again he tells you dmark record is optional but recommended it makes dkim and SPF more effective and allows us to notify you if your domain is the target of large spoofing efforts this is another security thing it's a really good thing so go make it it's another cname record we're just going to copy that host we're going to add another cname record so we're just going to go to cname Demar and then we're going to go here and copy this and paste and again we're going to go to time to live here and and 5 minutes and add it okay it's as simple as just going through this and following the directions now he says allow account reset he tells you what that means if you've allowed it deliver mail to he's telling you purely mail means that they're going to manage everything for you if your if your mail exchange is a different mail service set it to external server and then use this if you're only going to use purely mail to send messages you're only to use purely mail for SMTP you would set it to external so you've got those different instructions we've done what he said now it takes 5 minutes so you can see here it didn't match any of the stuff we can go click this but if it hasn't updated our records it's going to fail but we just need to keep clicking this check it's going to go out and check and eventually it's going to be like oh hey we see it and we can actually reach it you've done what you're supposed to do everything looks good so be patient while it checks and then it'll come back and once you've got everything clear you want to save settings all right I got that fixed I had a little problem it was nothing that you should run into but because I had set up the it pros.org previously for mail in a box uh I had mail in a box acting as the name server if you do decide that you want to change from mail in a box to something like purely mail or any other service um just know that you need to go to wherever you set that up as the name server so here in Hover it's an overview and and down here on name servers you can see I just had to change this back to NS one. hover.com and ns2 hover.com I had these set pointing to my mail in a box server for the it pros.org so that it would resolve using that um you got to change that back or this is never going to figure out what's going on but once you do you can see now that it says the MX records found the SPF records found dkim everything's good and then it checks this little box so we're good we're going to click save so we can save that stuff oh we got to go back in and we have the it pros.org right right there let's just make sure everything's good everything's checked so that's good so we're set everything is really ready to go from that perspective now I wanted to go through that process just to help you see what you had to do that it's not super complicated just follow their instructions now it's going to be a little different for every registar so I'm using hover the way it's going to look for you if you're using GoDaddy or if you're using gandi.net or you know whoever you're using it's going to look a little different so just be aware of that but work through their process and you'll get to that point where you'll get these check marks as well now once you've done that you want to go to the users section and you can create other users so I'm going to say create a new user and I want to have Brian and I want it to be at cism it.com in this case I'm going to create a nice strong password here and again it'll tell you how long it would take somebody to crack that so three Millennia 3,000 years that's with the current computing power in 2 years that's going to be not not as long but understand that you got to make something that's good and strong and and something that somebody hopefully can't guess or crack never use the same password you know for another for another site for another email or anything like that so make sure you're using something like bid word and general to create that password and I could just go do that as well I could go here and I could just say let's add email so I can search it that way and I'll put Brian at cit.com and I'll just let bit Wen generate a nice strong password for me now of course I know you guys can see this so I'll generate another one here in a minute and I'll hide it but you understand how this works I'll copy that I'll paste it in here so I'm going to blank out just going to cut this part out I'm going to create another password and I'm going to paste it in and then we'll move forward all right I created my my new password that's a lot stronger so it's you know a lot it's it's uh again three billion Millennia or three billion years that it would take for the current computing power to crack that so that's awesome enable search indexing yeah why not uh we want that enabled and password reset uh so we do want to allow password reset so add a reset method so if I needed to reset my password I could um so you have different methods here so you can see the type and this so this is kind of a weird layout like I said but if you click that it'll expand this you can say how do I want to be able to reset this I would give give it an email address and I could do this and then allow tofa reset description and this is a fix it email something like that and then there's a cancel option if you don't want to do that uh documentation so search indexing that just tell you what this is PW password reset what is it how does it work can password reset reset tofa so again he's giving you some nice simple answers about things so it's really kind of nice I like this um why not SMS codes so again he's giving you some really great info but that's all it is all the way down to the bottom once we're done we're just going to say save all right so we've got some users so you can see I've got my original user that I set up with rethink mail.com but this is the user where I want to get email so if I click into here it's going to say here's my settings so I can change my password if I need to I can go do some things um yeah I mean this is pretty pretty straight forward this is the same stuff we just said now I could say require two Factor authentication for my email I like that um that's a nice security add-on and then you can set up your top app you can add a security key whatever you want to do app passwords if you need to add app password you can do that backup codes you can get those as well trusted devices so there's no devices yet but you can set up trusted devices um yeah and then you've got all the same information so once you've done that then you can save those changes again and you've just increased the security on your email account which is pretty great um so yeah so you can just get come back and add more users um so I'm going to say leave the page because I haven't made any changes to it yet um I can say create a new user so for every domain that I'm setting up I can create more users I mean this is pretty awesome so if I need uh you know a user at cism it.com that is support for the support system that we're going to set up in the future I I can set that up here give it a password I can set up an application password it's different from the password to actually check the email which is kind of nice so really kind of a cool setup with with purely mail I am again not affiliated with purely mail I have never talked to the people who run purely mail I am just telling you about the route that I'm going to take to set up my email because I think this is a really good route for us going forward as a business where email is going to be a pretty primary part of our communication strategy for a lot of the different things that we're going to be setting up we'll set up other communication strategies as well but I wanted to kind of talk about this one so that you guys knew like hey this is something we want to set up and something we want to do so with like authentic where I'm setting up this email now I can actually go and check that email and I can use authentic as my IDP and I can use that email as part of that process so I wanted you guys to kind of understand that so if you want to add more users add more users you've got domains you've got routing I'm going to again leave I didn't do anything here um you've got routing so you can set up some different routing kind of things uh you know not a lot that we have to do there right now but you've got some tools so they've got the mail import export tool and they've got the caldav calendar Creator tool we've also got web mail so we can go over here and I can log in and I'm going to log in with the account that I just created so let's log in and I'm actually let's see welcome to purely mail so this is just using uh you know round cube is that what it's called I can't remember but um pretty pretty nice email system here pretty pretty nice Web Mail system if you've never used it before it's actually pretty great took a few minutes but I did get the original email and then I quickly sent one from uh my Fixit Del Rio email to the CIS main it email and got it and I replied so you can see that the reply just came in so everything is up and functioning that's awesome I'm pretty excited about this like I said I just went ahead and paid $10 I mean for me if I if I have problem S I expected he's going to keep fixing this system I think he wants this to work and I think it's awesome so I'm I'm really excited about it I wanted to share this with all of you I hope that you'll get out there and set up something now if you want to use some other business solution for your email that's awesome if you want something with documents and calendars and I don't know what all then there's a lot of different solutions out there um personally I'm I'm just going to stick with this because it is purely about email for me right now I think all the other Solutions I'm going to look for are going to be the open source Solutions I just wanted an email system that I knew I could pend on to get my emails to where they're going and this looks like it's going to be the the thing that I need so real quick on on the dashboard here if you go to billing um under balance it'll show you that you can add credit if you want to you don't have to once you've paid the $10 you're set for the year really um he shows you some different things where you can update your credit card do whatever you need to do you know here's your billing email he's using the one that's internal in course um the billing mode is basically just automatically you you know do it simple there is an advanced billing that's if you need to send a ton of emails and I mean like if you're going to be somebody who's basically sending out a bunch of marketing and mass emails all the time you're going to want to look at his Advanced billing and he'll let you know if you're going beyond the $10 I promise you um but yeah year yearly automatic charge limit so he's just telling you like right here um your yearly automatic charge limit is $1 so total automatic charges in the past 365 days is zero I just started it today um so and then it tells me 73 KOB of compressed email storage and 90 kiloby of it's uncompressed and then it's 60 kilobytes for this one and then um yeah I've got 12.7 kilobytes because he sends like a welcome email to this to this address initially too uh and then it shows you down here under your usage reports you've got the simple plan so that's what I'm on charge total nothing total under Advanced pricing would be nothing Advanced pricing line items were email received six so gigabytes zero I mean so most of this is really low because I've just started but it's something that's useful and something that I'd love to to be able to access as I go forward trying to build this out to kind of see like am I getting to the point where I actually do need to go to an advanced pricing or look at a different solution at some point something like that but really great I think this was super easy to set up it's a very fast setup once you kind of know what you're doing and getting everything up and running was was really easy so again I highly recommend as you're waiting for the next video to come out you guys go out and get this set up and I'll go out and I'll I'll make a video maybe we'll change our authentic user uh I hope you're going through the authentic videos that are out there from other people but especially coup tonian he has some incredibly good authentic videos it'll help you get set up with multiactor authentication and all kinds of different ways you can authenticate and some really great stuff um I've been kind of cleaning that stuff up on my side for my setup that I'm using uh and I hope you guys will too the next video the next video I do for this series not the next video but the next video I do for this series is going to be about a ticketing and knowledge-based system and I know a ton of you guys have asked about that I'm excited about it and we're going to set it up with authentic so we have single sign on so it's going to be great and I'm looking forward to it so hope you guys enjoyed this if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the open source Journey with us and I'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 10,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, network, networking, news, projects, email, mail, purely, business, msp, managed, dns, domain, own, dmark, dkim, mx, spf, txt, address, account, create, trial
Id: PLwcppXDU9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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