Puppy was thrown into a CHEETAH’S enclosure, and that's what happened next...

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Hi guys, What do we know about cheetahs? Many of you probably know that cheetahs  are predators of the family Felidae,   native to most countries of Africa and the  Middle East. They are also the fastest of   all land mammals - they can accelerate to 110  km/h in just 3 seconds. Looking at cheetahs,   you understand clearly - nature created these  animals to be skillful and fast predators. But this is just some general  information from Wikipedia,   meanwhile, an American zoo has recently shown  the true nature of these graceful huge cats. These videos and photographs were  initially shocking to many viewers,   but after learning the story behind them, the  surprised people watched them with fascination. Caretakers in one of the US zoos have recently  brought small puppies to the cheetah’s enclosure   and left them there to live! Looking at it,  one could expect the worst – defenseless   little pups facing the monstrous predators…  But things aren’t always as they seem. In fact, this was an intentional move by the  zookeepers, which was supposed to relieve the   loneliness that the big cats were suffering  from. It isn’t common knowledge, but cheetahs   are freedom-loving, gregarious animals. So  obviously, the limited space and loneliness of   life in captivity causes them lots of stress.  Moreover, these big cats often have anxiety   attacks. They rush about in their cages, acting  restlessly, and they need emotional support. That’s why puppies are brought to live  with cheetahs. And it’s not just about   cohabitation - as it turns out, dogs are  great at getting along with these predators.   Of course, if you bring a  puppy into an adult cat’s cage,   nothing good will come out of it, as the  cheetah will simply treat it as lunch.   However, a cheetah cub willingly comes in contact  with a puppy, they start playing and socializing.   A nervous cub grows into a cheerful pet that  trusts people, just like a dog does. Growing   up side by side, these animals become kind,  and, most importantly, make friends for life.   What is more amazing, they always recognize  each other even after years of separation. This kind of story happened to Kumbali, a cheetah  cub born on May 12, 2015 at the Metro Richmond   Zoo. Unlike his siblings, he was born very weak,  so weak that he couldn’t even fight for food.   His siblings hurt him, and he kept losing weight  and became weaker every day. This cute little   animal could have died, if it wasn’t for  the concern of the zoo keepers who decided   to take decisive measures. They understood  that the cub’s life was hanging by a thread,   and so they took him away from his mother to be  bottle-fed. Over time, the cub gained strength   and was able to eat on its own. Later, Kumbali  was returned to his family’s enclosure, but,   unfortunately, as it often happens in the animal  world, the family rejected him. It was a difficult   time for Kumbali - his family wouldn’t accept him,  and even though he was already physically healthy   and very active, it was clear that he was missing  something. He felt abandoned and depressed,   lying down and staring into space all the time.  Kumbali was obviously suffering from loneliness.   The caretakers could no longer endure this  heartbreaking sight and came to his rescue again.   They decided that, since his family rejected him,  he needed a companion. That’s exactly what he got,   but a little later. As a matter  of fact, finding a friend for the   cheetah turned out to be a challenge. A  lot had to be taken into account – age,   size and a dozen other things... And yet, they  managed to find a perfect friend for Kumbali. Kago was a rescue puppy adopted from an  animal shelter. He was saved from being put   down. Even despite his young age, the poor  puppy had already endured many hardships.   He had been kept in dire conditions,  in a shelter where dogs had no future.   However, when animal rights  activists discovered the place,   they took pets to new shelters and started looking  for new loving owners for them. That’s how the zoo   employees found Kago. The playful puppy was  perfect for the role of Kumbali's companion,   and he was of the same age. However, no one  knew for sure if they would like each other   and make friends, or if nothing would come of it.  After all, new neighbors don’t always get along. Their first meeting was very exciting.  When Kumbali and Kago saw each other,   they were quite timid. They looked at each other  with apprehension and certain distrust. However,   a real miracle happened very soon...  Kago slowly walked towards Kumbali,   sniffed him, and a moment later it  was clear that he liked Kumbali.   He started pouncing and biting the baby  cheetah, who, in turn, couldn’t understand   what was happening and why this creature  was dragging his tail with its teeth.   At first, the little cheetah was baffled by the  sight of this new creature in front of him, but   soon he also began to show interest in the dog.  As it turned out, Kago's curiosity and friendly   nature soon did its job, thereby proving once  again that dogs are the best companions to anyone. However, the zoo employees couldn’t even  imagine that the friendship between the   two different species, albeit with  the same fate, would be that strong.   Nobody expected what this  friendship would result in... Over time, Kumbali simply refused to leave  his new friend’s side, and they even had to   be put together in one enclosure. Their brotherly  bond grew stronger and stronger with every day,   and they played together all  day long, inventing new games.   Zoo visitors adored their  games of hide-and-seek and tag.   This couple spent their days fooling around  together, not even noticing that they were   growing up quickly. It’s also surprising  that Kago always protected his wild brother,   while Kumbali, despite being a predator, let his  friend eat first, patiently waiting his turn. It seemed the two were unaware of being in  the zoo. They paid no attention to people at   all and played in the fresh air for days  on end. They became truly inseparable,   sleeping together and giving  each other hugs all the time. From the moment of their first encounter,  these two have been doing absolutely   everything together - from sleeping to  eating and playing in the fresh air.   Every year, zoo workers give them presents,  because their birthdays are on the same day now.   Kago and Kumbali even open  gifts together, like brothers. In several years spent together,  their relationship developed into   something much more than just friendship.  Their special bond has made them friendlier   to others – they are always eager to meet new  inhabitants of the zoo, and, of course, people. Watching the happy buddies is a true pleasure,   and they’ve already become the  informal face of this place. Not so long ago, a bunch of other tough  guys moved into the neighboring enclosure,   and they aren’t to be messed with! We’re  talking about penguins, of course. Initially,   they all watched each other with apprehension,  but when the caretakers allowed Kago and Kumbali   to visit their new neighbors, something incredible  happened. In the first seconds of this encounter,   the penguins pecked at their visitors,  but they soon began playing with them,   each in their own way. And it really looked  very funny. But the funniest one was, probably,   their recent neighbor - a little pig, who  now gets on this couple’s nerves the most.   They don’t know it yet, but this little  pig chasing after them will soon become   a huge 100-kilogram animal… and then it will  be even more interesting to watch them play. It’s been a while since these two animals  met, but the cheetah and the dog continue   living in the same enclosure and enjoying  every new day. They do everything together,   entertaining visitors with their playful  races, cute hugs and tender relationship. Thus, this story once again proves to all  of us that even different species of animals   can get along well and create incredibly strong  friendships, which isn’t always true for people.   Perhaps we have something to learn from them. So, guys, did you like this unusual  couple? Do you believe in true friendship?   Let us know in the comments and don’t forget  to subscribe to our channel. See you soon! Bye.
Channel: Life Stories
Views: 3,911,922
Rating: 4.8545942 out of 5
Keywords: Story, life story, dog and cheetah, animal friends, cheetah, dog, loyal animals, grew up together, met as cubs, inseparable friends, animal friendship, animals help, about animals, cute animals, wildlife, zoo animals, touching stories, story of friendship, animals help each other, dogs, funny puppies, wild animal, animals save each other, cheetah and dog, dog makes friends with cheetah, friends, best friends, good story
Id: VvcceH0HdUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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