Puppies Won't Let Go Of Their Pacifiers | The Dodo

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it's 5 a.m and the puppies feeding five puppies one by one is a challenge these little guys have to eat every two hours and it takes you an hour to feed them all you get to go to sleep for one hour and then it's time to feed again you know with as many babies I've bottled fed I've gotten pretty good at holding multiple bottles at once but I can't hold five at one time so I've just had an idea to like set their bottles up on a couple blankets and I would just put them one by one onto the nipple and they would all latch and I would be done feeding them in five minutes [Music] please I had seen a post saying that there was puppies that weren't nursing and they hadn't nursed for a while I had just gotten back from my honeymoon and I had no babies I got them all warm and get like one meal into them I thought they were healthy enough to go off to Fosters but that wasn't the case we did lose two of the puppies yellow started showing the same symptoms as the other two that had passed he stopped nursing I was so nervous that we were gonna lose him too when we started the transfusion this little guy in the middle of his transfusion started nursing again he turned around very quickly that was just like so warming to my heart that he was still willing to actually want to eat we just picked him up from the hospital he's doing amazing he's feeling so much better after his blood transfusion huh yeah you're getting big and fat we're so happy you're home it's chaos complete chaos I gotta get these babies off our bottle soon it is always really hard for me to wean my babies we do it very slow we're working on waiting some syringe feeding their grill right now as you can hear them suckling they want their bottle they don't want this girl but they still want their bottle they suck on everything you put your hands by their mouth and they suckling on your fingers you give them a pacifier and they suckle The Pacifier we are in the weaning process and you can see that that's not going very well once we get down to no bottles they really suckle those pacifiers a lot for comfort [Music] green will like carry the binky around sometimes he'll lift his head up and he'll spin like moving to another location [Music] okay I got the goods come on I got the goods come on come on there you go there you go each day they were continuing to eat and get bigger and stronger they're always dirty they step in things put your feet in it which is okay we'll wipe them off they wrestle they are just the messiest puppies ever we're gonna bathe some puppies today look at this boy at this point it is healthy very in the beginning it was like nine times a day [Music] they are not a huge fan of the blow dryer but they're babies and they have to get warm everybody's so concerned about the babies yes we gotta let her sniff them [Music] got an escape [Music] wow they figured it out they figured it out uh-uh [Music] the next steps for the puppies is now that they are weaned off the bottle they are gonna go to their Foster to continue their care then they'll be put up for adoptions oh the boys are here we are saying goodbye to our boys today they are heading off to their Foster and going to the next part of their life which is getting adopted into an amazing home every time we pack up any of our puppies we usually pack a bag with all their stuff and so anywhere they go we want them to have the scent that they had here at the house or their comfort [Music] we are packing the boys up to go to their new Foster lots of toys we've got their medications that they're currently taking what are you doing in that bag so we're gonna pack them up and they should be leaving later today I'm very sad to let them go because they are so sweet but we have to make room for the rest of the little babies that need us say goodbye [Music]
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 338,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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