PUNISH. THE. META. This deck is perfect.

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yeah this deck feels so good to play the stats on it are outstanding and in particular I love playing this deck into anilis I am so sick of anilis but this deck has so many great ways to answer anilis in particular that it's felt so rewarding to me to play and it all is really thanks to a couple Buffs we got Jean Gray getting a little bit of a stat buff last week in the OTA and US agent also getting a monster buff here now debuffing by ne4 instead ofg -3 which feels like a pretty significant change actually and because these cards uh well Jing gray you know really sort of forces your opponent's hand to play cards in specific places you can punish those plays with things like USA agent debuffing multiple late game cards they're trying to play you've got cards like Punisher literally punishing your opponent for playing cards Mojo does the same sort of thing you've got the debuff pairing of B thing as well for small stuff versus US agent for Big Stuff even things like nebula and Omega Red 2 they have reasons you might encourage your opponent to play in certain specific areas so all in all um you can really start to manipulate your opponent's plays and kind of you know hit those targeted debuffs in some pretty compelling ways counters like Cosmo and armor as well are great against annihilus and Destroy decks and then finally of course Spectrum here is the Lynch pin uh finisher that can just dump a ton of power because all of the stuff we've talked about minus nebula is an ongoing card so uh this deck just feels like masterfully crafted uh you know some of it you know the construction wise is you know like oh yeah of course like G gray makes sense with Mojo and Punisher and stuff but just from a curve standpoint from a meta answering standpoint it it just feels so smooth and so perfect and normally I don't Spotlight uh decks from other YouTubers kind of like to let people have their space and you know that's their deck you get your views sir uh I'll I'll leave that one to you but this one was such a standout number one it felt like I needed to to talk about it but number two t LSG who made this deck had stepped away from YouTube for a really long time it sounded like maybe they had some some real life stuff going on um and they just returned so I thought it might be nice to point all of you back to their Channel and say hey look he's back and he's making super sick decks so um that's exactly what we got in this one and I don't have a ton of gamep playay today cuz I'm also behind this weekend dealing with some stuff I this video is supposed to be out two days ago but um that said still enough to showcase just how buttery smooth and how really quite powerful this deck can feel uh we could use an armor and a cosmo to turn off this annihilist stuff Spectrum can buff a white widow's kiss um yeah eternity range a little little clunky maybe we I don't know I can also maybe force an annihilus into a cosmo there's a couple angles to go here I don't know I'm just going to go mid for now we have some interesting ways to disrupt Jean can really Force um for some plays this deck does have some energy flexibility like they have some low cost cards they kind of work around the gene a little bit but I bet we can still uh cook against an anilis in some ways yeah they already went left um that's a lot of the energy flexibility cards we talking about already though that's kind of funny like that's what we were looking at um can I be doing raft not really I mean probably I draw two they're wanting to play like Sentry 2 which they can't play here so that's actually kind of nifty if we just do this right I was thinking we were going to do it mid because of that Mojo right but raft has sort of changed my plans also just make Sentry weird for them oh they're just passing here interesting okay so they want to play Sentry this turn but maybe they can't right I need a two to to make this raft any bit viable right I just I I can draw Punisher basically anything other than Punisher is fine but Punisher ruins this curve and if I need to play well I guess we'd play Loot cage right on on this next turn because we need to be able to play Spectrum potentially on U on six so this is not centry I guess right what is this oh just a big mocking bird that's pretty cool honestly uh yeah agent is totally fine we'll loot cage and agent we'll get our raft plus our spectrum and we're good to go I think is this an isas already yeah it's an is already so hoods like you know he's there he's a card dude Onslaught is insane actually I wish I could Onslaught that Omega Red right uh but I think it's enough power here that we're happy basically they they can't really beat like 16 you know I also think they can't really beat nine maybe you know maybe we ought to do this here since this does oh it's not nine what am I saying bro no we don't need to do this this is fine let's stack where we're winning I I I literally forgot for a second Spectrum was buffing right by a billion like you know it's it helps oh my God I was only going to kill us agent anyway right I mean I guess that's pretty big for them that's that's a ton of power but yeah Spectrum certainly solving the problem dude dude get wrecked it's crazy how hard we counter this kind of stuff oh my goodness uh elisium okay hopefully these games go well I have been trying to get this video out for dayses like two days life keeps getting in the way even now I'm trying to record well B is asleep so we'll see so um I put armor right because uh armor is really good counter to annihilist with the void they uh they like to send that void over there and then with anilist send it to us but of course if we fill up CLE Blackstone then the void tries to come over and it can't come over because by God it it's full and if it's full now it normally would get destroyed but with armor it can't be destroyed which um that's really given this deck it's uh and other deck running armor a nice little boost in The Meta um good win yeah cool okay I'll leave that in the video because I explained a cool thing about the deck and why I'm so late with this video okay uh we draw I mean if we get Luke Cage negative zone is insane I mean maybe it's insane for nebula anyway to be honest it's pretty cool right like nobody wants to play there it's a built-in man thing us agent combo uh I br nobody wants to play to either that could also be pretty sweet that might really force them right even without a gene gray you know like we just rip a Punisher right or something and it's just like they're already on board [Music] oh I guess Punisher is bigger than Cosmo here so four is not very big though for a three drop so I expect to lose this oh I don't lose it but things have have shifted anyway interesting there's no way to turn that off but I think we're okay okay get a seven turn game we we have enough meat on the bone to to to probably still be disruptive do we want to try to force um a better Cosmo I think I might be able to get spicier on Cosmo later we'll see what is this iron lad huh Shadow King bro I really need that loot cage right about now this is an interesting one for Gan grave because I really do need to win this I kind of want Gan away from Omega Red right so I think we just played vibranium mines they're they're pretty good for us they're ongoing cards uh so Spectrum Buffs them they're they're kind of curve disruptive and I do really need Luke Cage but I can't wait too long on the Jean Gray either at the same time and they're really going L what's the deal here oh interesting really need loot cage did I get the right order on Spectrum Cosmo no wow what a god dude kidding me now I can't now I can't get away from Gan either is the problem maybe the opponent can't either can I draw loot cage like a God and just win left can you imagine dude oh my God that'd be so insane I mean they got to play left too though the problem because nebula's actually still going to beat them dude neula Gaines four wait a minute wait a gosh darn minute no way that happens right like they they can easily weave together two cards at some point right beat this gam oh do again that doesn't kind surprised we did oh my God bro they gave me two cards I'm stunned this Maximus doesn't go here I'm I mean I'm actually stunned this Maximus doesn't go here giving me two cards on an empty hand is number one crazy number two you need power here to beat nebula you don't have to play both cards in the Gan gray only the first one my hand is just perfect I mean honestly how do I lose I mean I guess if they beat the Omega Red I've got problems left if I don't play Luke Cage but I have the Luke Cage which again the Maximus opened up they could have just turned that off with Cosmo so they may try to go big here which I understand like big Hulk or something I I don't know what they have it's not exactly a hio deck but you know what I mean I guess Red Hulk were floating a little so that'd be nice they do go left but we're back to 25 dude that L add it's so much power dude Cable's definitely getting a vibranium Shong Chi just for what did the Shan Chi do I'm so confused dude why not play the vibranium there I mean it's at least one power you know what I mean bro I don't know what dude I don't know what my opponent was cooking the doc hot gave them a great they like they were a great spot after that Spectrum whiff do you know what I mean this Jean Gray did work I think maybe I don't know if they knew they they I I just don't I don't know what they were cooking there I can't figure out I don't know I don't know what the plan was to be honest I have no idea turn range I mean we're pretty good at contesting that I guess yeah if this is a a nihilus deck I might be a little sad about armor going left oh asrm complicates things a little bit too I guess maybe let's do us agent it's actually so good though cuz of all the fours no we'll stick to the plan prevent the opponent from playing destroying the Rock and nothing else cable okay nothing in this deck is fundamental even Spectrum I feel like I don't play half the time I feel like two threes has been really good in the stack late so even if they got a spectrum I don't think I'm too sad the punisher's going to go mid if I play it which the opponent plays a big three it's also going to go mid so I think that's fine we have new No Loot cage at the moment so man thing's perhaps a little bit risky Mojo it's nice KN any bu faster ax could lock up left or try to sneak right maybe agent here is only good if we hit loot cage which has to kind of come off the top here I mean not only good but you know better in other words I've got a four and they don't if they play a four of course we kind of equalize that a little bit oh Professor X tanking our discards here man I love it thank you Professor X it's nice of you man saving us so I mean oh my God we actually hit the loot cage like Gods I don't necessarily even need the well loot cage is going to go here anyway isn't he yeah it doesn't matter I guess we could put agent here in that case like Luke Cage already puts me at 16 and then I can just Spectrum to go to 22 so I don't even really you know I can use this spectrum as a bit more of a flyer since they're locked in there that Wolverine closed them out so they can get a cosmo off yand do they did I don't really need it I'm trying to win I think left and and and and mid right don't expect them to buff anything here they don't have my Omega Red what do they have my genan this adds six mid I mean that's 22 I think that's okay looks a little weird I'll acknowledge like it feels like it's it's strange to only have three cards there but I think it's enough the hubs been doing work for me today by the way I think I got a a Punisher off the Hub I don't think that was the one that gives me three jobs I think it was literally off the Hub I got that Professor X to tank here off the Hub um opponent is probably going to have a pickle plan into this agent they know they're going to lose mid unless they have a way to buff like again that we're not expecting maybe I'm forgetting something I don't know they're behind Five and I'm adding you know 13 that's they're not going to win left on power unless there's some magic card I'm not thinking of uh and I'm not even kind of Ant-Man if they play two and they play Big Stuff agent of course is a monster debuff as well this deck is just so efficient dude this deck feels honestly masterfully crafted like you know it's not hard to say hey I'm going to build things that play into Gene gray and US agent right like and and you know you you got mojos and Ant-Man and punishers and these sorts of things like punishers pretty brave but it makes sense right that's not what's so masterful about it it's masterful because it's just perfectly curved out like every little step feels like you curve so cleanly and you always have stuff to kind of fill in gaps and your ability to go kind of of attack a singular Lane versus wide Lanes is both there it's just it's just got a lot of great pieces together basically I guess maybe it's maybe maybe the word is not masterfully crafted but perhaps masterfully refined of course there's some cross over there depending on you know did your luck out and hit it the first time or or or tweak it to Perfection but either way the end result feels um so tight very tight a of Silence oh I don't like that at all uh I guess we're just going to ignore that location this definitely has felt like a deck that's more about winning two spots anyway like you're not really trying to cover all three necessarily you can it doesn't hurt I don't think think it's definely possible to I think I value curve a little bit too much in this deck to slam the nebula over this Mojo cuz we like three four maybe nebula squeezes in on well you have mojo on five I guess Nea certainly encourages the same sort of action as Jean Gray and I can move Jean Gray elsewhere anyway all right I take it back we're going to nebula I think we're going to Gan well I didn't think they would Stack Up mid I thought they would play left or right here and I'd be happier to play Gan mid cuz Gan mid now is like a little bit [Music] limited and now I want to play into this eternity range like this is getting a little hairy I think we're going to just not play Gan actually we're probably just going to play man thing maybe Jean comes down on on five to like for Mojo or whatever but they're kind of doing that for us anyway ah yeah see they're Elsa they're just like yeah man I'm an Elsa deck I want to I want to do what you're talking about anyway man thing very good here though likely well he's already what a a 411 and likely to get bigger oh bro they didn't even care about the rock they just wanted the rock they're cheesing over here look at this absolutely cheesy are you kidding me I don't feel super great about this I this feels like maybe a non-spectrum game you could go like boom boom boom and fill these last three spots moing bird just has such a head start but if they don't play here they might find it challenging to to win right if the Jean Gray forces their hand too much right that's kind of the thing think is this oh boy oh there's just a ton of power here man this I would love to do this if not for my own freaking Ching gray uh this hits Loki and Mocking Bird which seems pretty good they have priority so Cosmo doesn't really do much by that same logic I'm not sure armor does either since we're getting such big debuffs off this agent I think the Ant-Man goes mid well I mean I don't know we have such a big lead on that Ant-Man and Mojo is going to scale that up too maybe it's really this huh and that je gray is buggy on the maybe it's this is is armor ever better I don't think so we just we already have a ninepoint lead like Moo's another plus six cuz they have to play here I want my biggest cards here which are Ant-Man and agent I think yeah I don't know I think we have a pretty good chance here honestly Spectrum from us is not that good Omega Red from us is not that good man thing from us is zero good like Punisher is maybe one of their better options right because it scales without getting debuffed by agent now they don't necessarily know about the agent or know where it's going to go but they might anticipate it's right cuz they have two cards they impacted if they know this list so we'll see I guess okay so make we're going to outclass that that's fine o Mojo's similarly good to Punisher maybe too good right I think it is too good oh luk cage ruins my life dude they have dude Loki is still so dude l he's so insane why do I TR dude this is almost going to make up the difference it's not for Luke Cage but oh wait Luke Cage is silenced oh my God they put luk cage there but they were still big enough any because the Mojo oh my god dude no but look how crazy Loki is dude they played one two three four five of my cards on the final turn that's so crazy this is still Loki Quin just forget it man yeah Mojo's what we said right Mojo and Punisher get around the agent I played this right you know putting the biggest stuff here I mean in hindsight if we'd really really really really anticipated the Mojo we could have just not play the Ant-Man I think that seems pretty irresponsible given the other other cards that could be there instead punishers and stuff but it would have been enough to win in this in this alignment anyway okay Ant-Man yeah let's I mean if barck goes there that's actually pretty chill right we don't really care I care more about neul maybe kind of just ignore the nebula perhaps just go ahead and lock in the Gan Gray we've got loot C so I can even lock in the man thing left like we're expecting some smaller cards well now in general but certainly expecting some left and then the rock hits we still have um Spectrum Andor Omega Red to give out some uh some boosts as well nebulas you know whatever oh my God are they actually going to get big enough dude man thing has to destroy this right he's just ungodly amount of power here I'm not playing man though you you Goose well Mojo like we said can still carry this as can Omega Red so it's okay we don't worry about Thunderbolts CU we have lot cage let's get let's get Omega Red down then we're going to get man thing down opponent also playing Jean Gray okay that is a cool variant dude I like that I mean this this does if I don't play Loot cage now I am kind of locked in on on not playing Spectrum which means no power add here which means the opponent is ahead this is the on curve line I mean I guess Omega Red does pull me ahead but you know Jeff can move and Angela can scale so that's not really true yeah I mean I really do want a spectrum here this is how we win if we don't get Spectrum we got to figure something out oh White Widow okay what is getting some getting some good disruption going man to be honest good disruption dude yeah I missed on the oh oh oh apparently they don't have enough to take right I don't know really they're going to five they don't have seven power here I mean even Jeff moving is three I'm stunned at The Retreat here I'm absolutely stunned I feel like I'm actually so locked out of this game I feel like I'm nervous I feel like if I were playing this on ladder I would Retreat I don't usually Retreat close games like this for video but if I was just climbing off season or whatever like pre- infinite I would Retreat here I'm assuming this second has a lot of energy flexibility they're playing so many lowc cost cards right so you move Jeff right you're already at six and then nebula puts you to eight you only need four power to turn off Omega Red right wait a minute even moving Jeff just wins you this because you turn off Mojo I lose -6 I got to 14 you're already ahead you only have to play here so if you beat the Omega right you literally just need a five power card here to win what the heck I'm absolutely stunned that there is no way for them to win this game even like a six drop wins maybe they forgot about the Mojo getting turned off I don't know I can't imagine they didn't have it so Luke's Bar we probably really only win with um Omega Red right be gone sure get me close to that Omega Red thank you yeah we can just guarantee that Omega Red win Ant-Man Mojo Omega Red type stuff's pretty good dude is eternity range the featured location you guys make fun of me because I think everything's a featured location which is really funny that comment maybe laugh it was like reg just sees the location reg just says is this the featured location that's definitely how it feels okay so just going to burn through my whole deck yeah cool man thank you for that I mean they're spending you know a fair of energy perhaps forcing that if I if I get to omga Red anyway I'm just not going to care right I just be happy I don't know Destroyer kind of fun I mean yeah I don't know they're deleting Cosmo Punisher or loot cage here thankfully omga Red's like the last card to get destroyed since we do spectrum and I'm really happy to see Spectrum too oh that could take an Omega Red though that's kind of spooky s cage gone okay please God get me Omega Red please God please oh I mean this got to go here right CU We Trust Spectrum to finish it and then I don't know if they I'm trying to think I guess they have um ah shoot they do have potentially a Baron Zemo but I only have one card left and it's three power so Mega red would at least tie if nothing else right maybe we just tie they've deleted so many cuz they could have gone Baron Zemo twice and just won this for free probably this is a monster amount power though right cuz this is plus 6 plus four here R another plus 10 they're already locked up this turn so we should be way ahead here we think and then hopefully we're just good enough to win left oh Cosmo there that's actually fantastic news now they're out of card so Zemo can't win left I just want a spectrum armor and pig are both worth the same amount is there any reason to play one over the other I think oh opponent has just decided they've lost yeah yeah that's a game where the opponent was having fun I have no doubt that looked really fun right just deleting my card turn after turn and that may have been the goal so we you know we we approached with an open-mindedness there that they maybe were just goofing but from a from a trying to win the game standpoint I don't know if I like this but really it's just that Baron Zemo line they maybe didn't have Zemo in hand you know but could have perhaps save thems and out if they didn't go for the yandu okay yeah I mean h insane for us really it's not like you know Iron Man and sane but dude is Project Pegasus the uh feature location I got it two games in a row I don't know I mean this is good right this is good right we just finish with a Mojo this is good right I think this is good yeah I like this a lot we're going to be very very stacked with Ant-Man and Punisher I mean again you know we're exposed to Iron Man or whatever but they snap back they like the Pegasus maybe they're going to go for a galatis could definitely beat us pixie is also pretty good early yeah pixie plus Death Strike oh my God okay well I just made more space for more fun stuff screw you oh my god dude this dude second Punisher off the Hub guys I made a Masterpiece uh thumbnail for this video normally I don't have the thumbnails done when I'm recording but uh as I may or may not mention elsewhere in the video took me forever to get this video done real life it's been hectic uh these last couple days uh but I did have time to make a thumbnail while unable to do other stuff um here's my here's my Gan gray Punisher um you'll notice details like reshaping her body making her arm thinner making her skin match see her arm is like I made it less muscular je doesn't have a big muscular arm like that a big fat arm so now we've got this interesting dilemma with like Omega Red versus say Mojo I think Omega Red's probably better uh well I really only really like Omega better because of curve and of course I have to play there this turn if I had a two drop I would probably prefer the Mojo to be honest like you know Mojo left agent right or something whatever it is right um cuz I the Mojo lot cage here is not a great turn five into Spectrum on six weirdly we don't actually maybe need the loot cage quite as much as the problem with the cosmo is I guess twofold right number one he's smaller than than luk cage number two he does kind of limit where I play the Spectrum I I might want to spread the Spectrum right but if the opponent doesn't play it all right I do kind of have the Omega maybe to trust a little bit oh okay so annihilist might over contest right anyway bro what about this though what about this though since we're head left anyway do we expect that to change no we weren't ahead left I don't know if I could make this play but since we have priority they may just put an isas here to try to lock this down if they put an isas here here we're just going to be big enough anyway right because Mojo oh well no Mojo well yeah we're ring six so it would be it would be 15 to 13 organically I am floating one though actually so it would be 15 to 17 because of Red Hulk oh shoot they put an is mid and I play Spectrum what am I at I guess they're at 19 and I go to 16 yeah this is this is actually better 16 plus 4 20 yeah I mean I think the L the C oh I didn't did I count for USA agents power bro they're they're at nine they go to 13 no this is better what am I saying I think I counted USA agent it's going they're going to nine back to 13 no this is better I think this stops anhil Shenanigans and they did play into the Mojo oh they played more stuff than I thought we were going to see uhoh now I'm nervous oh we turn off the Red Guardian though it's the same difference okay anus was playable okay pixie opened that up so the anus did go right but like we said we we solved our problem mid I didn't expect anas plus another card though for the record there is may be a world where this went South um I guess Spectrum here would have got wrecked too though maybe because if Mojo turns off he no longer becomes oh well no I had I had priority right so no he would have still got buffed he would have just he would have gone to four back to two which is six 15 + 2 is 17 yeah I think Spectrum we actually also would have won by one point maybe either way it worked out fine double Punisher is hilarious by the way yeah I probably need a better account for a second kind of threatening card coming because of Pixie it's not super likely they get a bunch of awesome playable cheap stuff but it's a little likely [Music]
Channel: RegisKillbin
Views: 70,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 70OJnTfiy3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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