Pulling The Trashed ENGINE Out Of My John Deere 420C CRAWLER

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what is going on guys I'm watched chair go and today we're back with the 420 C we just went through the ordeal of working it back into the shop which is a lot of fun actually that's a lot of weight on the front end of this thing so we're gonna solve the weight problem today the loader is coming off weight your production 101 because grace tractor as always and not only is the loader coming off the engines coming out we're putting the five three good twin that result that is uh that's uh nearly ten times more horsepower out yes so it shouldn't be a problem [Music] Jimmy's going straight for the big guns here we couldn't get these bolts loose for the loader back here so he's just gonna cut straight through them and just cut right through the threads there in the middle and we should really get this off first hydraulic hoses off the cylinder over here we're ready to pull that through the other side these things are stiff get all the fluid out of it so we're trying to get the hydraulic pump off so we can get the engine out that's gonna be a fun one it's got this whole bracket pump has to be unbolted but somebody use a wingnut style worm hose clamp so I'm just in here working upside down trying to get this hose clamp loose only belly cut off yeah that was stuck I need a big ratchet the Milwaukee fuel can do it now [Music] the got it good yep pull back those like a brand-new part all right belly pan is off thing's a beast on to the loader anything yeah yeah all the hydraulic lines are off the pump now radiator is coming out pulling the radiator core support there so we don't smash it with the loader we definitely do not wanna smash this radiator its original and brass and brass bottom front there you go awesome it's time for the loader to separate from the tractor I like this rig in here thank you for a nice oh did you do that no bad your Ranko eat it that's good encouragement teamwork man that's nice he's got a mouse in his pocket who bought this one and I thought the smaller I like it Hey oh nice I don't know if I help [Music] now that is a very different tractor Wow let's take tight man this one doesn't want any at all it is not coming out just keep grinding on it we can turn the hydraulic now time to drop the prof we throw some knocker loose on the generator bolts here Oh like butter because I worked there that is true Zack hopped in there with that little wrench and it was done you can do it now the old devil rinche power works later Trulli fan coming off well well they're over there grinding away just this last water pump hose off that didn't go too badly another hose bites the dust here's the ridge and the cylinder that everybody thinks we can just knock out with a little bit of diesel fuel oh man look at that Wow we can really see it in there that thing is indeed front end coming off awesome hydraulic pump seemed great that's a nice cast iron you got there wrench job can't put that on there got my wrench it's like why did you tear up a snap-on or energy it's not a snap but did you think it was craftsman since we always buy crown yes there's our lift point engine pulling time we're getting the socket set up for the impacts we grab a forklift stick this chain on it give it a little lift and pop all these bolts who shouldn't be a problem right about there this is kind of in the wood [Applause] yeah we definitely have to go this way yeah a little bit a weirdo all right it's coming try going down a little bit there Dokdo all right now give us a little pull oh yeah you're coming out cricket you need to come back back up just a little yeah it's pulling my weight so the dough is wet so if you back up the tunnel then you fork shift sideways more chip back this no other way right there so here's the thing you need to go back and forth shift towards Joey yeah just back up a little bit work Shepherd's joke some tight you need to go down I think yeah maybe down low it's twisting about that crowbar yeah we need to make that we deal all right it's gonna need a flywheel at least the reindeer on the flywheel is crap oh yeah that started eating a lot success the engine is out now we just have to distance um one to push these Pistons out we can deal with this huge ringing in that cylinder there's a starter tooth like all right better than the flywheel that's for sure well I would say that is a successful day also it'll be much easier to lift the crawler now so the next video about the 420 will be us pulling the engine apart we're gonna press those Pistons out fix that cylinder probably send over to the machine shop we're gonna have it board white it's like point 1 2 5 over for the piston kit so I don't know if point 1 2 5 will actually clean up or not it is deep it is a very deep scouring inside that cylinder it's deep enough that we might have to recently find liners or sleeves yeah well on that bombshell that is it for today guys please like share subscribe do whatever you want to do and I will talk to you next time you have to pick up the whole crawler by yourself two hours max Zack solved the challenge [Music]
Channel: WatchJRGo
Views: 49,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Deere 420C, Vintage Tractor, Antique Tractor, Tractor, 2 Cylinder, Upright Engine, Tracked Vehicle, Crawler, Crawler Tractor, Tractor Tracks, John Deere, Teardown, Restoration, Tractor Restoration, 420, 420C, Davis Loader, David Bucket Loader, Johnny Popper, Engine Removal, Gas Engine, Old Iron, Vintage, Antique, Cheap John Deere Tractor, John Deere Tractor
Id: lzpx0js7-XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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