Publish a InfoPath 2010 form to Form Library in SharePoint 2010

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when you complete making it InfoPath form and the logic that you need to be in InfoPath form and you're ready to share it with other people so they can take this form template and start filling it out with their form data you have a bunch of different options of how you can share this form well you can share directly by putting it on a network share somewhere putting on your intranet which is running sharepoint or not running sharepoint you can send it to them directly through email etc in this demonstration what I'm going to show you is how you can share your InfoPath form directly through a form library in a sharepoint so i have this form ready to be deployed now i'm going to go to file publish and choose the sharepoint server option and asks me exactly where do you want to save it well I'm going to go to my browser and take the URL for my site in this case is the IT site I'll copy it take it back to InfoPath and I'll paste it here control V next in this wizard this second step here asks me how do you want to publish this form do you want to publish it directly into a form library which is what I intend to do in here do you do you intend to wrap it into a content type if you wrap the form template into a Content type which is the second option then you can use this content type at the site level at anywhere within any library on your site then later if you wanted to change the form you just change it directly within the content type and then anywhere this content type is being used the form it has the updates which is a great option to have but is the advanced option which I'm not covering right now and the third option which is also advanced is having an administrator a server administrator approve your form template so you make the form template you put it out there somewhere on a file share or some location maybe even email it to the administrator and that administrator takes a look at the form template makes sure everything is fine and then that that administrator goes ahead and uploads the form template the InfoPath form template directly through central administration under the forms services option he or she uploads it there and makes it available to a site collection once they make it available to a site collection it appears as a content type so that is the process of making an administrator approved form template if you're making a form template that has code behind it or it is a mobile mobile enabled template then you have no option but to choose the administrator proof form template otherwise you do have the option to choose it or not to choose it in this case I'm choosing the form library option clicking on next and I want to make a new form library so that's what I'll choose right now a new phone library and my library name here is going to be expense reports please fill out this form to request reimbursement next alright this is a very very important screen here the top part over here says that if there are any fields within this form that you wish to make into columns into the form library go ahead and declare them here and that's what I'm going to do I'll click on add declare my employee name field department and you have to do it one by one in this case notice that when I choose a field which has two words and you know they were joined together it automatically knows that these are two words and puts a space in between them okay let me take the final total and also take the department head the bottom part which I will not be using right now but I'm going to tell you about it the bottom part says that if you intend to make this form template later available in an InfoPath form web part which is new and SharePoint 2010 then in that InfoPath form web part when this form is being shown I'm going to take the parameters that you have added here and make them available as parameters that you can use in your webpart connections so if you take for example the employee name here and make that a parameter in here by collecting clicking on add that employee name field then becomes available as a connection parameter within the form web part that that this form would be shown under so this is truly a great advanced functionality to have click on next right now and I will click on publish ok all done click on close now I'm going to refresh my IT site here notice that you have the expense reports library when you go to the expense reports library you can click on add document and it knows exactly which document to bring up because that is the form template that you have just created and applied to this library I'll fill in some information any logic that you have set in the info bad form template is all available here expense date let's go ahead and set it to something okay phone number all right department head should be populating automatically when I choose a department wonderful I'm T is the net fielding sales it is Robert Liotta and this is all when I've configured this form first I made all these rules ok flight one flight quantity is four hundred bucks there we go final totals being populated and the subtotal is being populated so the form is working great and now to save the form so what I'm going to be doing is save an instance of the filled out form in the library you click on save obviously name the form something and save ok then you gotta close it to get back notice that the fields that you had made into columns it's also called the field promoted into columns for example department employee name email expense date all the data from those fields appear here in the columns and now if you wanted to later you could filter or sort on these fields just like you sort on any other fields or any other columns in a library and that's a great way to surface up your data from your form directly into your library and also note that the aasif expense report in this case this is a xml file so when it saves the actual form the instance of the filled out form it saves it as a dot XML file so you saw here not how easy it is to take a form template and info path and publish it to a form library and SharePoint one last thing to keep in mind here is that the when you click on a document and the way I showed you the form came up in the browser it's only going to come up in the browser if you have a SharePoint Server Enterprise running it will not come up in the browser if you don't have enterprise running it's going to instead try to open up with an info path InfoPath filler application and if you don't have the info pad filler application on your desktop or laptop that you're trying to open it from then it will give it an error so keep in mind that unless you have SharePoint Server Enterprise your forms will not be showing up in the browser it will show up in the info pad client and if you don't have it info pad client then it will show you an error
Channel: VisualSP
Views: 63,826
Rating: 4.7727275 out of 5
Keywords: InfoPath 2010, SharePoint 2010, form library, #mstips
Id: Uz3QbQuZYtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2010
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