How to Install Wmex (Hosting Panel) With Pterodactyl Panel | Latest Tutorial !!

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so hello guys welcome back to my new video in this video I'm going to show you how to install this VX panel in your server or your machine Vmax is nothing but it's a front end for your hosting company you can just like you know make a good looking interface you know you can show your prices you can show your you know like servers and everything in here so like it's like a full fled you know hosting company for you like you need to just set up and you know just get offer that and you should be good it it is secure and it is everything and now I'm going to show you how to install it and if you're looking forward to open a hosting Services you can go for this panel okay this is a premium version you could say okay and you can use this by if you know if you can afford this panel you know you can just buy it here are the pricings of the panel as you can see they also sell lifetime to monthly and lifetime also licenses so you can you know get any of these if you want so I just got my hands on this product and I'm making a tutorial for now so I can show you how it is and how everything works in this panel because it has Cloud flare many many many gateways and many many more things like affiliate links and lots of more to explore in it you can also get a demo of it over here okay so I will be more of fing of installing so this video will be in two parts like you know first half it will be only installation okay the second half will be about how you can you know use this panel and what are the like you know most important features what I think it's good for so first thing first now we need to install the panel so we come towards the documentation I had opened the documentation or you can also open it just going right below okay and going to to documentation okay so this is the introduction about the website and this is the installation if you have terod installed on the same panel you might not need to do some steps but I'm not going to ignore those steps I just going to do the steps because you know sometimes things get upgraded and all so it's fine to do that so it's not in fully you know you have to do it so this is a video guide from the maker who made this panel so you can check his video also okay if you want it's like if you don't understand my video you can go and look at his video I'll put all the links in the description down below so nothing to worry about all the commands the commands which are there on the website you have to go and refer their website because the documentation can change anytime and you can know read and refer okay I'm I'll going to try to explain everything how it works and all but yeah you need to read sometimes because sometimes things can be installed differently but most of the time majority it's the same way okay it depends how long and when you are watching the video if they have a major update in the panel then it will be something different if they are moving the project towards some other framework or something like that it will be different things but yeah I don't think so that will be happening because they are just like you know really good at the work they are doing in because I use some you know plugins also so getting into the video now we're going to do installation so I have installed the tertile panel in my machine which I have made videos on I use zap hosting servers you can check out my videos on installation of terod tile okay so you can check out with domain and without domain too and I'm going to post small small videos like you know how to set up databases how to set up emails and all okay and I think so I'm going to make like some videos on this also like you know how to set up some of their plugins for example o Discord box s and those kind of stuff okay so getting into the video we'll install this okay I'll not keep you waiting now first thing first we go to installation scroll down these are the commands we have to run okay so now we have to open uh tus to connect to our computer here's my computer which I have or machine you could say so I'm going to install everything mostly we should have everything installed just in case we don't have something so I'm going to just you know install it copy paste okay it's saying that you can skip it on 22.4 but I'm doing it because sometimes people have minimal installation so they don't have this resources on their PCS so you need to do that okay so which is the Comm command we can just up arrow and see later okay now we'll do update up Arrow yep we missed one command there this one we need to copy it paste just make sure you get all your commands Okay so that you don't you know land up in a chaos so I'm just waiting for this to get it over and it's over let's go to the other command this is for 18.04 but we just going to run it for just like that and we should be good yes this will install all the dependencies we don't have okay we going to install this now the composter this might take time depending on your machine what kind of machine you have what kind of cores you have what kind of bandwidth you have so yeah that this really really depends how you install stuff so yeah composer is in you need to navigate to this folder okay then we need to create this project file yes this will download all the necessary files and install it on our machine so then we need to CD to this directory okay it's successfully done CD to that folder now we going to install it yes okay initiate installer now we need to get the license key from the panel so when you purchase your panel it will ask you to do you know your your so it will ask you your license key and then you need to get your license key from the interface they provide you so when you purchase the panel or the software they will ask you for a domain okay so you need to put the domain which you are going to be installing it so I will show you my domain which I'm going to install on okay go on dashboard here click on your product I have the Platinum product okay so go on manage product okay and then I have entered this domain of mine which is here open in the cloud flare okay so I'm going to use cloud flare in this process okay if you're using anything else then the steps are different but if you're using cloud flly like me you need to come to SSL and TLS here and and make it this to flexible okay then come back to DNS okay create a new record copy your machine IP here which you're installing on put the IP here in this column ip4 give whatever name you want to point the domain to I'm going to do it as store okay proxy on and we should be good and then we have to go back to the installation okay not the installation sorry go back to the interface we need to copy this license key okay copy license key when you are done installation there will be the IP popping up here I'll show you when the installation is done here so now we need to copy the next commands so we need to run this copy this yes this things kind of take time sometimes it really depends on your machine so now I'm going to copy this command Okay paste it here come down now we need to make the database so now we need to copy this okay paste it here you don't have the password because you are the root user in the machine so you don't need to enter the password so it's blank for you it's enter okay then we need to go here and then we need to copy this because we going to edit it so I'll explain what is this so I'm going to open vs code okay so just randomly open any file you want to add it in I just open a new text file so I'm just going to paste it here I'm going to change this to as coconut okay this is your username okay okay see as you can see I put here coconut copy it you can change the database name too so I'm going to change it to Coconut okay here also you need to change it and here too okay so you need to change your password also so I'm going to just put some really really secure password I'm just joking this is not really secure password and whatever you enter here you are not supposed to share with anyone okay only if you trust that person you can share this SC and or else you don't have to because that person can access to your database and then delete all your user data and that is not good for you when you are providing hosting so and this is the local IP in the machine so that only the machine can access it okay and no one else outside the database can't exit it outside outside the database means like outside the machine they can't access it you need to access it in from the machine like how we are doing now this is like we are accessing to the database so now we need to run this queries here okay keep in mind that every comma colon everything in here is need to be there because this is very very sensitive so I'm just going to copy it here okay copy paste and it should come as query okay then only it is said to be like you know it's successfully ran or it's dated so paste and the last command contr C control V paste okay and we should be good now we need to type exit and we are out of here go back to the documentation okay we need to run this command paste it here and now it's asking for the URL so we're going to put the URL as http colon power slash as store. coconut play. XYZ okay this is our store URL for the time zone I'm staying in India so I'm going to use as/ Kolkata this is also very case sensitive so you need to keep a watch on your spellings okay so this is the local IP I'll just copy from here and paste it here this is the same port we are going to use so we used coconut here so I'm going to use coconut as I showed you here see this is the database name sorry the username it ask us so sorry sorry it's the database name so this is the database name here second line okay it's coconut for us so usern name also is coconut as you can see here okay so I'm going to put it as coconut password is 1 to9 remember this password it will not show you the password because Linux is like this it doesn't show you the password but it's entered over there so you need to press enter there and it's updated so now we need to come back copy this command paste it here okay and we are good so now we need to do this migration command and then we need to update the license so we need to copy the license key again so we go back to the interface dashboard copy the license again and paste it here as you can see the license was updated now if you see here your machine IP will appear nothing to worry about this is all secure your machine IP is not revealed to anyone because you are using Cloud flare proxy and if you ping this domain you can't see the domain also it will not show anyone this IP but it will show a cloud FL DNS so nothing to worry about so now we are not using Cent OS we are using ubu if you have seen my old videos so I'm going to run this command okay this is not for us because we are using engin and these are the commands for who are using engin and Apache on sent OS so this is the one for us so I'm going to copy it and then paste it here that it's done we need to go here copy this command for the crown job so that you know it restart after the machine is rebooted so it it we don't have to manually start this panel it will automatically start itself so enter press one here okay and then if you can see here I have installed terel on this panel so we have the teral command to so just come down here okay and paste their script to here so copy this and paste it here then save it CR o enterr x and we are good here with this so now we're going to use is new user here so yes we going to create a new user I'm going to use my video email address okay which I use for my videos you can send me a mail on that if you have any queries or you know any partnership offers and all so it will be better for me so this is the email username I'll use as [Music] coconut first name is obviously coconut last name is gamer password is something you will remember okay and we have created a new user now we need to do web configuration keep in mind I had told you I'm using Cloud flare so I don't need external SSL Cloud flare provides me with an SSL so nothing but you need to go to this location here okay paste it here okay and then come back to the documentation you need to be in engins without SSL okay so you need to copy this file you need to edit this space here with your domain I will show you how to do that so once we paste it here so you need to come here press delete key on your keyboard or you can just go all the way here and press backspace okay now we need to press a store dot coconut place doxyz please check your domain that it's correct so I'm checking my domain store. coconut play. XYZ okay crl o enter contr X okay then come down here if you are using sent OS you don't need to use this but we are not using sent OS so we need to run this command Okay so and then the sh enging hopefully everything should be good looks like everything is good so now we need to go to that domain which we assigned to it store. coconut play. XYZ so hello guys we are at this page now and now we need to do is we need to log in into this panel if you're not logged in and log in into this panel okay now we need to set up teror rectile so that we can you know make servers and all this kind of things so I just going to you know create a server after this so loging into the account you know this is your interface it looks like this you can explore it according to your needs you know I'm going to go to the admin panel of this okay password okay and I'm going to press this uh for the Dark theme okay you need to come down you can change some settings about SEO and all it's really really up to you what you want to do with the theme and all okay I'm just going to dive into the main details so we need to go to the modules sorry the the services not the modules modules are those like you know add-ons to the panel like the ticket system and all I will make a different video for that because this video is going to be a long video if I do that so we install tertile okay and we come back to the documentation page scroll down here in the documentation go to ter retile okay we need to follow all this so we need to be in the panel now for this so we go to panel okay you'll see this page first then go back to admin application API create API give all access okay and give it a name whatever you want I'm going to give it as this MX okay and it's been never used so yes it's good because we created just now we're going to copy that go back to the panel the store panel of us configure I'll put the API here it asking for URL so we're going to give it this URL here okay we're going to shift this tab here and don't forget to remove the slash if there is a slash here so you need to remove that slash so we need to go to admin user you need to just click on your name here okay API credentials description you can give your anything I'm just going to give it the VX again okay and I'll hit create copy okay go back here paste it here and we can give this same as anything as coconut show location yes key console panel log in everything we want okay so we need to make the SE key now so we need to scroll down okay and we need to do some addit in the wings so copy this connect to the panel okay keep in mind that you should be in the root user and not in other users because because it can cause issues so keep in mind that okay so I just F my user as a root user by doing sudo minus s then entered my password and I'm in the root user so heading back to the documentation take out the documentation we need to go to this file okay so we're going to click here and then here okay go down or you can use always use the WIP also okay in order to you know not to make syntax errors or we can do it in that only now because that will be easier for some people okay upgrade later on so we'll connect to this we just need to added some stuff here so addit remove this and make this as root only so as you can see we are connected we just going to do backspace here just to come in the main directory you need to come to the documentation again you need to follow this path okay so we are looking for ETC and then Terror recti so just press p on your keyboard and scroll down ttile and then config so and search for this lines here so now we need to copy this URL of our store okay this one yeah copy that come in your text editor whichever text editor you using okay you need to place them exactly how it is shown here so I'll keep it side by side for you guys so it's like allowed origin backspace this then enter minus and then place this here okay you don't need to put that last slash there because it can cause issues then one more minus place this and just remove the s from here because one is with the SSL and one is without the SSL certificate so just save it and it should automatically save it in the files so we can safely close this now okay so the next thing is this we're going to copy this and paste it here and we are in and we need to you know we need to add this line okay so copy this so as you can see there's no line called this line there in the file okay so you can put it anywhere I I'll just put it under encryption because it looks like it's that kind of stuff only so I'll space and then put this crl o enter crl X to save okay so now we going to use SSO so it doesn't need a password and all to log into the tertile panel it will directly redirect and log in for you in the same browser so what we are doing here is going to this path okay and then running this command then we'll do yes the last command here the not the last command but there are more commands to be run when this is finished so it was done we going to enter the command okay we run this command now we'll to generate we'll get a token or the key you could send copy that key come back to the browser come in admin paste the key here so you can just update it for now and then press test so that you know it sends a test so first we'll not do the test we'll just complete the setup first because the setup was not completed it's showing the errors maybe so we'll do one by one so that there's no problems in between clear give the storage the rights and [Music] copy and I think so we should be good with this so we going to do the test connection again and as you can see it's working it was not working because we did not complete the setup that so no worries and now we can create packages okay I have some logos on my desktop so that we can use those so I'm going to go in store and make some packages okay so when you're are done entering all the details in tertile okay so you need to enable the service so I'm just going to enable the service okay you have to disable the universal okay so you'll get a new section here okay so this is nodes so your nodes will automatically come here and just check the ports okay okay so I have allotted all the ports and all and you can check yours okay so these are the users and all all the other kind of stuff so first thing first we'll make a you know products now so we'll make categories so for categories we will make active choose a logo we going to use this logo only Minecraft okay we'll keep it as Minecraft and create and we'll create one more product so that I can show you how it looks so this will be rushed and here it will be rushed hello this is a rush sorry rush so just for you know aesthetic purposes and we going to create a package here okay package name is Minecraft because we just going to make a Minecraft server now for now okay so we going to choose Minecraft provider is dtile this is important here so create okay when you create it should come like this okay nothing to get afraid about everything is documented everything is told and if you have any problems you can just go to their Discord server they are more than happy to help you so features okay you want to put anything like this photos primary um good servers okay so I'll just put that price you know it's $5 you can addit it and make it to 10 and after renewal you if you want it for like 20 you know after the month gets over use custom renewal on so I just upgrade it okay we did it and it got upgraded and it got after like it gets over for month it will upgrade to 20 do so come back here Services dtile location this is the location of your node in the server for example this one it is this location so select whatever you want so I'm going to make a paper server obviously because I don't want to you know create any issues for now because creating other servers may take time and paper this paper server is like really really fast so database whatever you want as a hosting provider so I'll give two allocations two backups you know you can give anything as your CPU I'm just going to give zero for Minecraft you need to assign Ram so I'm just going to assign 4GB dis I'll just give zero you can give this uh accordingly I'm just is going to give 10 oh this is optional this is okay and this is all good okay you can just check this all here if it's if you want to give them the settings allow them I'm going to give them all now because this is just a demo for you okay and we are good this is the email when the server gets created how it will go this is a Discord message if the person is in your Discord Ser you get a Discord thingy this is the link the page store link and all how it will be and all that those kind of things about the payment Gateway we are going to use the default gateway for now because we have not set up any payment Gateway so that is like a different thing you can set like any payment gateways you know whatever you have options available to you so come back to store payment get me create payment get me and select for now is balance okay name is balance only sorry okay create and you can just keep it for now just keep dis like you know as default okay it's default now this will be like a default thing like the default currency so we should be good and now we make a new user so I'm just going to open the other browser the incon mode store do or doxyz accept login we don't have an account so we'll just sign in okay so coconut please we'll make a new account please username is coconut 123 company name you can put anything whatever email you want for now for testing purposes so coco atate coconut play do XYZ okay password whatever you want something secure oh I put it wrong create okay you'll get a mail but we didn't set up the mail server so we will not get a mail so we just going to go back to the panel go scroll up customers clients this is the new user manually verify and we'll add some money also to the account so that we can do the testing there update balance we have added money you can see here okay all the transactions you can see see which IP and all he the person has logged in or he or she has logged in okay the person can just put all the address all the things all the avas and that kind of stuff it's really really cool stuff here so we just go back to login page and it should be logged in as you can see it's logged in so we can click on explore plans and you can see our plans so this is the description we wrote for this R server the rest serers not configured but we can use those things pricings okay so we have only one server for now so that it shows only one all the packages you can see so getting started we select India the location we have in the node this is the J this the path whatever you want create okay complete checkout okay this is uh Landing p page after your payment is done okay so now we going to go to the dashboard or you can do view invoice you can change the invoice here like everything can be changed okay go back go back to debard so it will show my thing in my interface the server so click on the server okay you can go to the console part here so yes if your this section doesn't show up like how it is not showing for me but the server is on so just the one thing you need to do here is go to your machine which is it's installing the panel or the wing and press this go to this path PTC Terror okay then you need to start type system CTL okay one word restart things and it should do the thing for us so you can just check now so guys this is like just after the editing okay and I'm going to show you like how to make the Ser or place the order now so we just made the order you know from here but in the last clip you've seen that we fixed the issue it was not showing in the panel okay because of the wi restart needed okay that was a jump cut there but now you can just place an order and this is how it will look okay I just want to show you how it looks because I don't want to show you like why it's important why it is incomplete there because this panel is really really nice and I just don't want to you know show half parts of it so so I'm just going to you know keep this same this is the node thingy if you want you can use the coupon okay and so when you come to this page you can just you know uh select the location you want the locations which they provide you they me the hosting providers so it's really up to you okay you can put a you know coupon service also you can give people 50% off or something like that so I'm going to just go and complete order or check out okay this was done go to the panel okay dashboard and you can go to log to your whatever is your panel the terle panel so you have to click on go to console it will bring you here okay you don't even need to go to the main panel it will show you everything here like everything means everything all the files all your databases okay you can create databases but in the panel I have not put the database yet in the tertile so it will not allow me to make new databases so keep in mind that first you need to set up your dtile panel then you need to set up this panel so you can change everything in here because I have the Platinum plan so I can just remove everything like the watermarks everything the guide will be in the Discord or the website you can change really really everything in this panel that's the best part about it okay these are all the settings you can do you can reinstall basically everything which is there in the direct panel it's there in this store so you don't need to log into the main panel okay if you want to log in there is an option there go to panel login okay it will get you to this page and keep in mind this is a new user I met this is not admin user okay as you can see this is not a admin user and so before it starts we need to go to the files okay so you need to make this as through for Minecraft servers if you know so you can come back to the console here and then started and it should automatically start now without any issues it will generate a world it will generate everything for you so guys that was it for this video if you have any more suggestions you know if you want more things or more type of content on this channel related to panels you can just reach out to me you can just DM my bot which is named after coconut assistant okay or you can just open a ticket in my Discord server please do not forget to subscribe and like and share the video it helps me a lot and the comments you all do on this videos are like really really good I can see people you know from different parts of the world like you know messaging there in the comments and it makes me you know really really happy that I am able to help so many people but sometimes it's really really hard for me to you know give attention to every people okay so because I also am a human okay and I also got some work so this video was like to be done in January but it's almost the end of February bring up brought out the video so in this period I will try to you know get this video out for you guys so thank you guys for watching my video and see you in the next one till then T bye-bye and take care
Channel: Coconut Gamer
Views: 2,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pterodactyl panel tutorial, pterodactyl panel installation, pterodactyl panel setup, pterodactyl panel domain, pterodactyl panel 2024, pterodactyl panel hosting, pterodactyl panel server management, pterodactyl panel control panel, pterodactyl panel admin guide, pterodactyl panel web hosting, minecraft hosting, minecraft, fivem, fivem hosting, ServerDeployment, TechInstallation, GamingServers, HostingSolutions, GamingCommunity, wmex
Id: SvLZbrDjj0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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