PT Boat PT-658 Deck and Interior Walkthrough Sept 2012 -18 minutes

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okay welcome aboard PT 658 and thanks doctor bowed out we'll do a quick deck tour not a quick date tour but a deck door and then go below we'll start off from the beginning upon the bow at the bull nose and the don't tread on me flag and hey I'm videoing be quiet and up here we have the 37 millimeter cannon we've got Dale and James say how you guys do all the people on YouTube okay and then this is the ultimate be alert e7 millimeter cannon 30 round magazine this is an old Oerlikon 20 millimeter cannon 450 rounds per minute 60 round magazine here is a scare magazine down below on the deck you can kind of see one of the projectiles in there see some of the aspects about it and then over here is the 5-inch spin-stabilized rockets mark 50 rocket launcher spare barrel box lifejackets over here is the other mark 50 rocket launcher with a couple of rockets on there a mark 10 and the mark 7 you see some are clean okay mark 50 rocket launch your mouth oh and these are the two rockets that shoots out of it their spin stabilized they spin like a bullet when they come out so there's no fins you can see the nozzles on the back or tilted so making it spin the gun sight is a reflecting gun sight right there and you can use it to determine the range down here is the 10-man Volta life raft on the left is the five-gallon water cask fishing kit then you have a ration container some paddles and this picture here shows when the raft is deployed the floor of the raft goes down below it and then there's a tarp and a water purification kit a solar still ten people can fit in this raft which is really small and over here is the spare barrel box for the twenty millimeter cannon you people like to sit on it and inside of it you've got spare gun barrel and as hot gloves can change that barrel out back here you've got a bullet hole it's not real and then over here is the 50 Cal machine gun turret like entrance and viewing the helm and the bridge radar mast new radar mast just installed some PT boats incorporated on loan thanks to Don Shannon however here is the mark 13 torpedoes and the midships 20 millimeter cannon and on the stern is the 40 millimeter cannon so the mark 13:32 is over here this is a cutaway view training aid you can see it's got a air flask 2,800 pounds of air that's the alcohol container holds 20 funds of alcohol and the rest has water and you have these steam turbines in here that's spin and they spin the propellers in opposite directions this baby will go about 40 knots it's on mots mod to a mod one would go 33 knots and it carries a 600-pound warhead the way you would operate this torpedo is pull the starting lever start the engine come down here pull this lever and it rolls off the size of O and back here have another 20 millimeter cannon straight up you see the magazine and you could shoot down airplanes with that another torpedo and the depth charge a mark six depth charge with the brass detonator pistol and then over here is the 40-millimeter Bofors cannon and it shoots what you can see what it says rate of fire 120 rounds per minute four and a half mile range and it's got the gun sights on it spider sights and then over here you have the spare ammo on the railing then I'm gonna put down here in the engine room Tom's about to start up the engines I think no no he's not we'll go down there later you got to start them up Bob now we're here is the signal Searchlight and the reflecting gunsight for the rockets this is the torpedo director you can aim the speed of the target on here a fast target would be out then you aim it and you get the angle right here and then you turn the boat ahead of the target and shoot and over here is the helm where you have the engine order Telegraph so this and you have the throttles bottles are locked out unless you're in a head and you have to be all the way back to idle before you can take it out of that whiskey compass fluxgate gyro compass Matt auxilary indicator and then a rudder angle indicator interesting about the wheel you can pull the wheel out and it's engaged and disengaged right here the engagement disengaged you can push it in and the rudder goes twice as fast but it's harder to turn and the navigation light indicator then down below into the chart house I'm not trying to trip you have two people down here in the Chart House you've got the chalkboard you got the radio auxilary input unit and then this is the chart board with the navigators instruments here and the parallel motion protractor and also this is a chart used in world war ii during the invasion of Elba Island it's a British Admiralty chart donated by Frank Andrus and that is Arthur Fangio who made the marks on this chart on the PT 302 over here is the TC s Collins TC s transmitter and receiver you can see the receiver would be the one with the headphones the transmitter be the one for microphone or the code key you have the signal flags you have the fluxgate gyro master indicator you can put in the magnetic deviation that you get from your compass from your chart I'm sorry and then this is a cop this is a Raytheon Raytheon XO three radar PPI unit and iff unit and this is a sextant and a US Navy boat chronometer PT boat chronometer which you would have to wind every day and then down here is the crew's quarters well hopefully not killing myself starting up the engines as you can see the crews quarters we've got crews drop-leaf table we've got bunks for eight men down here for a pie then four down low here here here here down inside you've also got the galley here's the stove the sink which is kind of a mess we've been making coffee the toaster very proud of this toaster it's a world war 2 toaster the same toaster that you can see in this picture see the toaster in the upper right hand side serves the same toaster donated and then all the Navy silverware and all holder and then up here you've got some uniforms for two veterans under here on display Mari Hooper Benny Morris al McCready say we got also Chester Grayland torpedo men right there perfume and then Tom McCready is a quartermaster where we are founding members here's a Kenny Morris right here he was a motor back and then each one of the bunks has its own pin-up girl what's your name Juanita Stark she's radioman chief Gunners made with the old khaki Chiefs uniforms dress khaki I should say and then in here you got Gloria DeHaven as the pin-up girl in that ball hanging from the overhead you see these kapok life jackets over here we've got I think the best of all time pin-up girls zan Miller she's a famous dancer and so the crew's quarters also has its own head here's the head and they would not have used this head very much they would have used it for storage because you see you have a privacy curtain and it's not very private so the crew wouldn't normally use it they use it for storage and here is the wardroom officer stateroom at the watertight hatch gun rack with the automatic rifle a couple of m1 carbines a couple of Thompson submachine guns with the different magazines picture here is taken 90 and you see everyone in this it's not like here here has a machete watch corner in station executive officer would be his bunk here this is the radar power supply bill skates about whether jacket from PG 625 81 43 XOS bomb the captain's privacy curtain - ten working head captain's death this is the animal locker where we have 50 caliber machine gun ammo and small-arms ammo the captain's pump this is the bug skate daro compass power supply inverter and amplifier footlocker this is a iff unit a BK supposed to be mounted on the bulkhead right there is a captain gelling through-hole so you can open that up and yell at the guys where the radio is there's the radio through there so the captain can yell at those guys if he's down here sleeping and something starts going wrong inside the captain's bunk the best most famous pinup for a long time Betty Grable I found out I heard off from a tourist here today she was pregnant when this picture was taken that's why she's not facing us anyway over here on the captain's desk you see there's a blotter there's a US Navy nons going inkwell and of course no smoking on the PT boat that's why we have an ashtray and then we got a bomb cock-block over here we've got on top of his cabinet we got a couple of pith helmets lieutenant JG bill stayed stressful uniform you see the they can thin stripes bill had his 90th birthday on the peachy sign here's the working head two gas tanks is a gas tank here on the inside the bulkhead with the engine room my favorite part safety is always number one concern on this man what we have this guard if you can't can't jump off your finger so we're gonna go up and out while not killing ourselves and that's it I'll show you a little bit of the edges that concludes our tour
Channel: Jerry Gilmartin
Views: 304,637
Rating: 4.8142076 out of 5
Keywords: PT Boat, PT-658, Higgins, Wooden boat, Deck tour, Interior PT Boat Tour, 20mm Oerlikon Cannon, 37mm cannon, Oldsmobile, 40mm gun, Bofors, 40mm Bofors cannon, WW2, US Navy, Mk13 Torpedo, Torpedo, Mk6 Depth Charge, Depth Charge, Packard, Packard Engine, 5M-2500, Packard V12, PT Boat Engine, Oregon PT Boat, Firearm (Sports Equipment), Ocean
Id: mLxW-Y8xevg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2012
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