PSM I Certification Preparation - Tips & Tricks

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[Music] in this session I'm gonna talk about some tips and tricks to give you a good start for PSM 1 certification exam organized by scrubber quality first thing first scrum is a framework which not a mythology is not a method it's not a process it's funny technique any process technique method can be added into the scrum framework to help you deliver effectively coming back to your exam preparation point of view remember this word real R stands for rules eat for events a for artifacts and again our four rules scrum comprises of roles events artifacts and ruins they can be direct question on that so depending this warrior would help you all the three rows scrum master development team product column there is no proxy product under development team comprises no separate titles or sub teams this is a cross-functional team which is self of nice ScrumMaster each is servant leader together they call its grunting every role in the stem team has certain responsibilities assigned to it for example scrum master has three sided responsibilities one for the development team another for the product owner and the third one to the organization so get a very good grasp of all the responsibilities assigned to these individuals from the screen life events events were referred as ceremonies in the previous system range the final image sprint planning varies from Sprint will do retrospective and sprint sprint is a larger event which comprises of remaining four events intuitive all the events are time posed sprint can be maximum for one month but at one monetization is sprint sprint run again before make some angel edibles spill trigger can be for mates move for hours retrospective can be maximum for three of us daily stand-up is anyway going to be 15 minutes irrespective of the duration of the sprint they can be questions asking what if the duration of the Sprint is one week to week or three week then what is the likely duration of the sprint planning to do and perspective to handle these kind of questions remember these formulas if the Sprint is one week then multi-plate is its relation by 1 by 4 if the Sprint is too weak then multiply distillation by 1 by 2 and this print is 3v then multiply the duration by 3 by 4 is still running is participated by this country and they can extend the invite to the outside parties like technical leads DBS or ascending together they decide what to do and how to do focus on input to the sprint planning like capacity fasting performance increment etc especially focus on the outcome there two of them sprint goon and spent background sprint back up the streets of product backlog items and the plan to deliver these daily scrum three questions are not mandatory now so he can choose their own format for discussion but the focus will again be on updating the progress towards the spring goal and identify any impediment that need to be removed sprint Lulu is again participated by the scrum team and they explained the invite to the stakeholders they have set of activities which are taken care as part of spiritual so there is a very good grasp of these some of these equities are like product or not is what has been done in their spirit what could not be done being shares what obstacles they face during the spring and how did the world come and so on the outcome of the slinky rule is the revised product backlog retrospective is development team show scrum master joins them as a facilitator and can give participant their to cover up processor specs he looks back what went well what need to be improved and they come up with a action plan for that product backlog refinement meeting is not considered as an even in the scrum way this meeting normally takes place in advance of the sprint to refine the backlog and estimate it so that team can directly pull them during the sprint run based on the capacity but backlog refinement can also take place during the sprint planning and probably that is the region product backlog refinement meeting is not considered as an even separately in that scumbag artifacts there are three elephants product backlog sprint metro implement product backlog is owned by the product owner this is an ordered list of product backlog items based on the business value product backlog is never complete Elam is the product is there there will be a product backlog and if you be dynamic in nature it be revised based on the market feedback in the business value the topmost items of the product backlog will be clearer and detailed so they can be estimated any responsibilities related to the product backlog can be delegated to the tournament team but when the overall responsibility lies with the product owner only Sprint backlog as we discuss is the outcome of the Sprint planning sprint backlog is owned by the German team they can make anything in this printer broke through or that sprint they can add by them they can remove the item and so that this print rule is not compromised in reading the some of the product backlog items completed during the sprint and meet the definition of them is called the increment rules there is no separate section for rules in this program rules are spread across all the sections some of the rules have noted down here definition of them definition of them is a list of items or checklists which should be completed to consider that implement them if the organization is having a definition of done then teams should abide by agree if there are multiple teams working on a product then in that case these teams should mutually decide the definition of done otherwise a single team has to decide the definition of them itself unboxing is another rule when all the events are time boxed scrum values may not necessarily these rules there but they on the value system within which the team has to act in the game there are five system values which will cut rate questions on them to memorize those values remember this word C c4 c4 commitment another C for courage and for focus open o for openness and a foe respect spring cancellation his sprint can be canceled by the product owner as long as he alleges that the Sprint bull has become obsolete he can be advised on that by the scrum master and the government D after the cancellation if any product backlog item is potentially shippable it will be accepted by that product owner rest of the BBS will go to the backlog and be estimated team size can be only between 3 and 9 if team is less than three there will be still constraints if team is more than nine then they will be coordination issues the government team can only spend 10% of the for product backlog refinement meeting which they will have the product order another important subject area is empiricism it is based on the process than truth Theory where it believes that the knowledge come from the experience and any decision-making can be based on the known facts it advocates for three pillars inspection adduction and transparency inspection regularly inspect the artifacts to find any deviation and fix them as soon as possible inspection also means you look back what are you doing well what me to be improve and come up with an improvement plan adduction is all about working on the improvement plan and adapt it sprint over a sprint page of the priority together inspection and eruption are taken care in these four events sprint planning daily scrum sprint renew and retrospective currency is all about having a common language and shared understanding which is where the definition of them plays a major role coming to the strategy part of the exam preparation there are two ways people will land for peace Amanita one volvo already experienced a scrum master element team or product owner so they no means an orchestra but they need to correct their understanding as per the system right for example they shop may be using hardening Sprint or Sprint you which is not acknowledged by the scanrate another set of group could be those one or two with a very new to this trend for then I suggest to go through the piece of macho of next by the second row to RG these workshop not only gives you a very good foundation on the scrum but they also help you solve some of the scenarios which prepares you for the PS and to it their set of steps which I can suggest for your jump repletion of my experience of passing this ledger with 96.3% in the first time you can have your own study on run this is just a solution there take to roll of the screen rate your first round could be a cursory one understanding the old school subject areas in the country there the second round has to be a deep dive understanding each and every land throwing because the language is very is once we are done with this from right go to me ten lessons website this google on let's in be someone and you will be there and it's not a job in the learning you in the landing mode every question is shown with a heart surgeon so that gives you a variable of beauty to relegate you understanding from the scrum day after day I mean take a deep dive of the scrum guide and this gives you a brush ready to correct your mistakes which you wait here then makayla epps inside again and start it down in real mode with a timer set and ensure that you get a ninety five percent here if you're not getting ninety five percent then go back to the step one and two did you get 95 percent here the fifth one and the last one is open assessment by external or G and this is very important because some of the questions are repeated as it is in the real nature so ensure you are getting under person marks in this open assessment before you go for the real nature so that's all about some tips and tricks which I thought would give you a good start for your PS m1 certification exam preparation feel free to drop in your questions and comments stay tuned all the best
Channel: Ajeet S. D.
Views: 72,220
Rating: 4.9091482 out of 5
Keywords: Professional Scrum Master - I, PSM-I, PSM-II,, Scrum Master certification, Agile Certification, Scrum Master, PSM I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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