PSexec remote software installation on Windows 10 using a Doge Server

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hello and welcome to a quick demo of using a PS exact to remotely install software on a Windows 10 machine I just happen to use this TCL httpd web server and in bed PS exec and the scripts inside of the web server so that I can execute them from a web page rather than from a raw scripting file it'll work either way I just happen to prefer using a front-end to execute PS executive a script send and store my information so what I'm using here is a TCL httpd web server this is running on TCL SH 84 and it uses an internal access database to accept user input pass that to the back-end vbscript over here so this is just raw VB script that I'm executing and inside of the scripts folder here we have embedded PS exec and we also have our batch files that we're going to deploy to these remote machines and in this case we're going to use it deploy notepad plus plus and it's going to grab this executable from the map drive and this executable is VB script that we've compiled using script krypter and so this is just some installation command here so let's go ahead and get started and see if we can install using PS exec on this remote machine here which is J Luongo W 100 so we also have an inventory collection of capability here so we can look at this machine and we can see that we don't have a notepad plus plus or a FileZilla I don't know if notepad plus plus shows up in here FileZilla does but I didn't see no pad plus plus I'll join my testing so we'll see what happens on this on this run here so let's get started go to app install we'll go to a single device we could use multi device and install this on a list of machines using a text files input for this demonstration we're just going to do it on a single machine and that machine is going to be J long ago 100 and we're going to attempt to deploy this notepad plus plus 64 onto this remote machine here into the Program Files directory since it's a 64-bit application and there goes PS exec and here is our notepad plus plus on a remote machine and we get a nice little pop-up saying that is complete so we will hit OK if also pre-configured in this folder here so here's my little patch folder here with the NP notepad plus plus here's my FileZilla and I've done the same thing with FileZilla and created a batch file with an install command so that I can you know come into my mapped drive here and then grab that after I've executed that and I'm going to deploy that and then executable to that machine so I can come in here and say here's my FileZilla install that should live inside the scripts folder so we should be able to come in here and find our FileZilla it's right here and so that goes into the map drive and it finds that executable file which is a VB script that we've compiled with script krypter so we can go because this is going to install and this folder here it's not a 64-bit it's a 32-bit installation on a 64-bit machine so we should see FTP client come in here and there it is right there so that's complete and now we can come into our database section and go to collection and on a single device we can go to that same machine and we can give it two credentials and it should go out using WMI and collect that information and the add/remove programs list and show us that at least FileZilla will show up there I didn't see notepad plus plus last time but we'll see if it actually shows up this time or not and we have to wait for that pop-up box that complete before we can come in here and and see all of that updated information so while we're doing that I'll take you through a really quick tour here we have an output folder so in my output folder I can see that using em tail here I can open up this file real quick and I can see that we executed the FileZilla and here we've executed the notepad plus plus and this just tells me you know what I'm running when we're running these it just keeps a tally of all of the different methods I have about yeah I don't know exactly how many I have but I have quite a few of these different methods in here to shut down systems and collect process information and performance and all of that information is stored in this output folder here and I've done some a little bit of PowerShell in here okay so we have douji completed the tasks so we can go in here now and see that notepad plus plus doesn't exist but now the FileZilla does so for some reason notepad plus doesn't doesn't exist I hope you enjoyed that quick demo of this application and please give it a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe and look for more videos in the future thank you for watching
Channel: Doge
Views: 16,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psexec, vbscript, remote installation, tclhttpd, access, wmi, batch, remote software installation, pstools, inventory, windows, tanium, sccm, radia, doge, jim longo, james longo, scripting, windows management, remote psexec, psexec windows 10, psexec wmi, hp, ibm, software distribution, tcl, tsp, Doge Server, Doge Coin
Id: G7VP9h-v9Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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