Be Still in Psalm 23 Peace & Ease: Let Go of Anxiety, Stress & Worry (Deep Sleep Guided Meditation)

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welcome and thanks for meditating with abide I hope that you find rest and deep sleep as you listen to this Bible reading from The Book of Psalms for more Christian meditation download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store the 23rd psalm is one of the most beloved of all passages of Scripture King David who wrote the song grew up and worked as a shepherd so he knew a lot about pastures in the streams and sheep in shepherding he loved seeing the Lord as a shepherd and he knew the Shepherd's job is to care for you to make you feel safe nourished calm and peaceful so whether your life feels peaceful tonight your Father in Heaven is the Good Shepherd and is present to love and care for you now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd Psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now you he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed its revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel had become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks while mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord do well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart in mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow and Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd Psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters here at bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tinder reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks I'll mixed with tears is tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord the well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles as begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust Oh Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soaked up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise god no Thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tinder reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothe now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head - dripping down your cheeks oil mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy an unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord dwell not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart in mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me now prepare us a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and his shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks while mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy an unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord dwell not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles as begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd Psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters here at bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed its revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel had become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms you his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothe now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks oil mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy an unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord dwell not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the Stillwater rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies God's focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks oil mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord - well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles the 23rd song is one of the most beloved of all passages of scripture King David who wrote the psalm grew up and worked as a shepherd so he knew a lot about pastures in the streams and sheep and shepherding he loved seeing the Lord as a shepherd and he knew the Shepherd's job is to care for you to make you feel safe nourished calm and peaceful so whether your life feels peaceful tonight your Father in Heaven is the Good Shepherd and is present to love and care for you now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart in mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settle in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters here at bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing flood water as you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tinder reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies God's focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks while mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord do well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles is begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and his shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters here at bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed its revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks all mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord the well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart in mind and fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow and Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd Psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tinder reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed her head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks while mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy an unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord dwell not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies God's focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks oil mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord do well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart in mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there you he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters here at bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cool water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothe now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies God's focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed her head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks while mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now if you loved feel anointed your 'kappa overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy an unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord dwell not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever now rest in the green pasture by the still water rest safe from harm allow God's presence to free you to save you breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles now leave behind today's tasks and worries and just soak in God's presence and get comfortable close your eyes and begin to relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles this begin to drift off and if you fall asleep before I finish all the better may God be present in your dreams tonight too so listen as I begin your time your voyage into sleep you're drifting into the arms of Christ as we pray dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen so this evening as countless have for thousands of years before you settled in now as the story of the 23rd psalm transforms you just imagine it lying down in a beautiful lush green pasture beside a quiet soothing stream just not a care in the world only feeling refreshed feeling restored protected guided even consoled and loved yes there are shadows yes there is darkness but never so oppressing that it's to be feared because God is with you he has been he is and he will be yet again listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and his shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cooled water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed its revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now you he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprised God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you providing for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to tripping down your cheeks oil mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life walk along for a moment and then stop and look behind you what do you see in your mind's eye who do you see imagine seeing goodness following you see mercy walking right behind you see unfailing love following you always present always close walking in step right behind you take a moment now to listen carefully and hear their steps and you shall dwell forever throughout all of your days in the house and in the presence of the Lord the well not just in any old place but living and staying as a permanent resident in the house and presence of God not an earthly place of sticks and mud but a heavenly Palace built by the Creator and not just today but tomorrow all week every month year decade century and millennia for all time forever listen now to Psalm chapter 23 from the King James Version the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever now listen once again as you rest even deeper from the amplified version spoken for you the Lord is your Shepherd he is here with you to feed you to guide you and to shield you you shall not want see his eyes for a moment how he looks at you the intense care and love in his eyes the look that he knows everything about you yet loves you anyway it's impossible for him to love you any more than he does right now just rest there he lets you lie down in green pastures for a moment here feel the cool grass beneath your feet look up into the bright blue sky feel the warmth on your face just soak up everything that you imagine around you right now he leads you beside the still and quiet waters hear it bubbling nearby gentle soothing not the torrent of rushing floodwaters you may feel at times but stillness quiet refreshing water cooled water hear it smell it dangle your feet and toes in it it is there to soothe you he refreshes and restores your soul your life everything broken is repaired anything decayed it's revived what is disrupted feel it become restored what is abandoned feel it become recovered what is detached feel it become connected again and rest there now he leads you in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not simply wandering but guided down a path being led down a well-worn path a known path a path chosen for you for your eternity for his name and for his glory even though you walk through the sunless valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil for you are with him yes there are shadows yes there are storms yes there is even the sound of distant thunder but not sufficient to bring you fear no storms surprise God no thunder startles him no shadows catch him unaware nothing frightens him rest here in his strength present even in storms his rod is there to protect you his staff to guide you to comfort and console you just gentle prodding tender reminding a rod that's feared by your enemies but protective for you a staff that's dreaded by those that seek to harm you but serves to guide you from harm to comfort you to console you feel soothed now by your heavenly Shepherd he prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies he prepares it the creator of the universe the author of time he prepares it for you and in the presence of your enemies gods focus is on you preparing you prove hiding for you take a moment now to sit at the table that he has prepared for you he has anointed and refreshed your head with oil feel his hands on your head feel the oil in his hands the oil running down from your head to dripping down your cheeks oil mixed with tears his tears of joy your tears of love feel chosen now feel loved feel anointed your cup overflows his blessings don't fill you they overflow you feel that right now see it his blessings spilling out of your heart your mind your body and your soul you surely goodness and mercy an unfailing love shall follow you all the days of your life dear God fill my heart and mind fresh with your presence in peace as I sleep may your Holy Spirit guide my dreams fill me with trust O Lord and now renew me as I rest in you and increase my faith make me strong for tomorrow in Jesus name Amen we hope this Bible reading brought you peace to listen to more Christian meditations download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 2,942,118
Rating: 4.7527599 out of 5
Keywords: guided christian meditation, Christian meditation app, Christian meditation, Christian meditation guided, Abide app meditation, Meditation, Christian, Meditation Christian, mindfulness, Calming Anxiety & Living With Ease Sleep Meditation, Be Still in Psalm 23, Let Go of Anxiety, Stress & Worry, calming anxiety, sleep meditation, meditation for sleep, sleep meditation healing, guided meditation for sleep, guided meditation, calming, calm, anxiety, sleep, relaxation, relax, overthinking
Id: 8oSbFlTpwiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 18sec (10818 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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