PS5 How to Fix Stuck in Safe Mode Error | Only Option 7 Available (2022)

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hello everyone so yesterday i booted up my ps5 and i was met with this screen right here it's the safe mode screen and i seem to be locked on it um with only the option number seven reset ps5 reinstall system software available um i did a lot of research i found out there could be many different reasons why this happens um and i have tried most of these options now and i feel like i should make the best of this situation and kind of walk you through what i've done in order to try to fix this um i know that in the end i am going to have to reset my ps5 um i haven't done that yet obviously because i'm still stuck on the screen um momo trying to do something here this is momo um but i would like to walk through everything that i've done in order to try to help out anyone else who runs into this issue of being stuck on the safe mode screen with only option number seven alright so this is the first thing first thing you should do obviously you cannot move up to the grade options what you need to do is shut down your ps5 you just hold the power button until it shuts down and now you hold down the power button it'll beep once right away and then you hold it until it beeps the second time also you'll want to make sure your your controller is plugged in by usp usb to the front of the ps5 all right now you just click you hear that one beep then there's the second beep about seven seconds later now we will say connect the controller using the usb cable and then press the ps5 button so i have that connected press the ps5 button now you can see all the other options are unlocked now um so i'm just going to walk you through what i've tried some of these may work for you i do not know um but let's let's just go down what i think was the correct way in order to try these the correct order so oh a lot of a lot of people when i was doing some research a lot of people were concerned that their controller would not move up and down to select different options is because you can't use the analog stick you've got to use these buttons on the side here you see so i saw a lot of people concerned about that but let's go ahead and restore default settings that's what i do first and i already know most of these and that is pippin i already know most of these will not work um because i've already tried them yesterday but some of these may work for you yep see i got if something went wrong so it'll say turn off ps5 so once that turns off i'm going to do the same thing again hold it down for seven seconds and then we're going to try something else there it is seven seconds the next thing once you get to the screen again to try would be clear cache clear system software cache number one again that last step could have worked for you um it didn't for me and i am unfortunately probably going to have to factory reset my ps5 okay so i believe it's restarting i'm gonna try not to do any cuts in this video hopefully everything moves along pretty quick um but if something takes a while to oh yup see something went wrong your console needs to be reset to factory defaults to continue okay so i'm going to shut it down again and go back to another option okay again i do not know what caused this i was looking forward to playing horizon forbidden west yesterday and uh i got met with that screen okay the next thing to try would be number five instead of clear cache rebuild database so let's uh let's try that out it says it'll take a few hours however i got met with an error screen pretty quickly and if for some reason if for some reason it doesn't uh get the error screen right away i'll just make a cut in the video but yeah here we go repairing console storage there we go something went wrong um that happened before so i already knew it was going to happen um oops i accidentally pressed x which would just bring it would just shut down my pc and start it back up um unfortunately if you don't start the pc or pc the ps5 up by holding it seven seconds i believe that it would go back to the screen where it only had option seven available all right so next things to try um update system software uh so i did this i this one took a little bit of time because it had to uh download the software um so i'm not going to do this one um but it it went it went perfectly fine it uploaded the system software i got a progress bar it completed it but then it said it needs to shut down restart the ps5 and then when it restarted the ps5 it just brought me back to the screen with only option seven available so i'm not going to bother doing that um but you can try it after those two off after all those options i would try that if it doesn't work um the only other options that i know of would be a factory reset and unfortunately i'm going to do that right now this really sucks i don't want to do this but here we go uh i'm doing number six uh i'm not entirely sure what situation it is that you do number seven but hopefully number six works let's see [Music] you reset your ps5 all users and data will be deleted from your ps5 make sure you want to continue unfortunately yes of course at this moment my phone's battery died so all i could do was wait and pray as the progress bar completed but success it worked i had to redownload all my games though and cloud saving saved all my game saves thank you for watching please share if this video has helped you if you would like to show some support please like and subscribe i am a gaming content creator on youtube and twitch come see me on stream with a link in the description below thank you for watching
Channel: Covert Riot
Views: 132,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5, tutorial, techsupport, error, crash, playstation, SU1016008, factory, reset, howto, easy, twitch, streamer, gaming
Id: _jFRj4oXttg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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