PS5降價買了嗎?加裝六顆強力風扇會有什麼溫度變化? SCRY Artic PS5 Cooler | 羅卡Rocca
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Channel: 羅卡Rocca
Views: 43,965
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Keywords: PS5, 降價, 散熱, 散熱週邊, 散熱器, 風扇, 溫度, PS5 溫度, SCRY, Cooler, Artic Cooler, Artic PS5 Cooler, 索尼, 電玩週邊, 電動週邊, 電玩, 電動, 遊戲, 主機, PS5主機, PS5 過熱, PS5 散熱, 羅卡, Rocca, 開箱, 開箱趣, 開箱週邊, 暗黑破壞神IV, 暗黑破壞神4, 暗黑4, 暗黑IV, diablo IV, Diablo 4, diablo, 賽季
Id: 8faiCrq7lE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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