【買前必看】實際使用PS Portal 2天後,發現致命缺點 & 三大優點!feat. PS Portal 屏幕/延遲/揚聲器/開箱/評測/PS5/对比SteamDeckOLED|大耳朵TV
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Channel: 大耳朵TV
Views: 70,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 苹果, 蘋果, iphone, ipad, airpods, applewatch, Macbook, MacbookPro, M1, APP, 軟體, 軟件, vlog, 大耳朵TV, apple, Steam, steamdeck, windows掌機, windows遊戲機, 遊戲, AYANEO, AYANEOPRO, 開箱, 評測, 測評, 對比, 任天堂, Switch, 游戏机, windows掌机, 游戏, 开箱, windows游戏机, 评测, 测评, 对比, AYANEONEXT, AYANEONEXTpro, ayaneo2, ROG, ALLY, ally, rog, 华硕, Asus, 華碩, switch, nintendo, oled, portal, 索尼, ps5, playstation, playstation5, sony, remoteplay, 掌机
Id: dlP8WqX1WZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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