PS Vita Hacks: How To Install Retroarch 1.9.1 - Fix Playlist, Thumbnails, & Icons - UPDATE 2021

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[Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to another ps vita hack video and today we're going to look at retro arch version 1.9.1 the latest release and we're also going to take a look at how we can get our playlists enabled i see a lot of people having this issue where they downloaded the latest retro arch and they're not seeing those playlists appear where if you scan a rom before in the past if you scanned a rom you would get a playlist and this really cool icon of the console of like the game boy advance game boy color nes super nes and it was really good it was nice it was beautiful looking but now we're not seeing that and some of the things are not working in retro arch and i'm going to show you how to enable those playlists and also just updating this video for those who just got into the ps vita hiking scene and updating my retro arch video here on the channel because the last one is a little bit outdated and some of the links are not working uh due to what happened last year with retroarch them getting hacked and a lot of stuff being deleted and them losing a lot of information so hopefully in this video we can solve that issue for you with those playlists and we're going to begin by installing retroarch for the very first time on our console if you already have retroarch and you updated your assets through the online updater and you have everything all set you have your roms everything placed in their folders you can skip to a timestamp down below where i'll show you how to get those uh files for those playlist icons before we go any further a word from our sponsor big shout out to my sponsor which is the coldest water thank you guys so much for partnering up with me and this is a steel water bottle that has a double wall insulation it has a lifetime warranty has a really easy grip on it it stays cold for 25 plus hours has no sweat technology floats in oceans and pools fits 99 of cup holders big handle for easy carrying and it's 100 bpa free and toxin-free so it's eco-friendly it has odor and bacteria resistance so make sure to check out the link in the description down below and use my promo code to save ten percent off your entire purchase let's begin by going to beta shell and we have to connect our ps vita to our pc we're going to download the latest release of retro arch for ps vita so press start and make sure your select button is under usb and your usb device is selected to your desired location like you can have your memory card or your sd2 vita so for me i'm going to do sd2 vita let's go back press select and now it should be enabled let's go to our desktop here give me one second there we go and there is my ps vita usb drive awesome and we're going to go to the first link in the description it will take you to scroll down to the ps vita here and hit the download all right so it's all done downloading let's hit the refresh and there is our vpk so i usually throw my vpks in my vpk folder just to keep everything organized and i know exactly where to go to install these uh applications but for this demonstration i'll just throw it into my usb drive route there and it will take some time it's a little beefy so just uh be patient with that copy recharge has been fully copied to my ps vita go to the second link in the description and we will download the retro arch theme files this is going to give us those nice playlist icons and it will take you to so google drive so hit the download button up here and hit the download anyway it's a 41 megabyte folder let's show in our folder hit the refresh right click go to 7-zip or you're extracting program extract files here's my little window hit okay and now we have a new extracted folder called retro arch underscore theme underscore ps vita and we won't copy this just yet we have to go back to our ps vita and install the retroarch vpk and go through the application to update the assets so we'll head back to our ps vita and do that right now before we touch this folder back on our console here let's go to our uxo folder and install the retroarch vpk this will take some time to install so just be patient 99 we're almost there there it is fully installed finally let's go home and there is our retro arch retroarch application alrighty so here is our main menu and what we have to do first guys is go to the online updater and make sure you're connected to the internet for this to work so let's press the circle button and we want to hit the update assets so hit that and it will begin downloading the assets this will take a lot of time here and it's also going to extract it after it's done downloading so just make sure that your console stays on and it doesn't sleep if it does it will cancel the download or the extraction part so just stay on top of it i noticed one funny thing when the download was complete it was at a hundred percent and it just sat there for like a couple minutes and i started going through the menu it froze and then it started extracting the assets so just be a little patient with that too it is a little finicky but rest assured it will work all right looks like retro arch is done extracting those files and it just restarted by itself there and now you should see a new updated uh interface not as uh as old and bad as the previous version so now we have 1.91 at the bottom there and we can change this uh whole ui let's see here by going to our settings going into drivers and we can change our menu to whoops to the xmb for those who would like to get that old school psp ps3 theme once you switch over just restart retro arch and it should change to the new uh ui there there we go and this is the console style or i'm sorry the handheld style we can change it by going to user interface whoops sorry i keep pressing x which is uh back in here let's go to user interface go appearance and let's see let's go to the menu layout and let's change our menu scale factor from 150 to 1.00 and now we have a nice even look might be a little small but this works for me so uh let's take a look at our scan and before with uh retroarch after you updated your assets you can just scan for a rom and then it would create a playlist and have an icon there so let's go to uh scan directory let's go to uxo and we want to go into our roms folder this is where i keep all of my roms it just depends on your own preference here's game boy roms it says there's no items but once i hit the scan this directory you're going to see a little loading bar at the bottom and it's gonna show all the games that are in this folder this is a weird bug for some reason it's not showing but let's scan and you can see there was uh four games that was scanned there and we don't have a playlist usually after the scan we'll have a playlist of our the icon of the console and so on and so forth and the information of our roms you can do a manual scan where you could create your own playlist if that's what you prefer but i suggest not doing that because it the more roms you add the more you have to do that and it's just exhausting doing it manually another thing to keep in mind guys is going to your user interface and you can change your uh style uh let's go to the menu icon theme and pressing left and right will change it and it will change the whole way it looks all the icons and the color so this one's flat ui and you can change the menu color theme to all these different nice i like that one sunbeam is pretty cool now one of my favorites is the purple there's this purple one that one's cool uh dark purple is one of my favorites a flat ui uh there's several themes in here that you could use and i think they're great uh the monochrome is not not that uh nice for me but i like using the uh this one which we just missed uh this one is called the retroactive and you can also have uh icon shadows there you go you see it's just a little shadow there but now we're gonna move on to those files we just downloaded and extracted on our pc and we're going to copy those over to our retro arch updated folder now that everything is all set we can go back to our vita shell let's go there let's open this up this will close it and you guys did see that when i scanned it nothing happened it just stayed the same so let's go and connect our usb let's go to our desktop here in your ps vita usb drive open up the data folder and go to the retro arch folder so let's blow that up there it is and you should have a total of 16 items in this folder now open up the retro arch underscore theme folder and select those six and we're going to copy those over here and it's a total of a little under 90 megabytes and you will get some warning windows popping up saying hey do you want to replace these files and we're going to have to accept that so let's just uh wait for that message to pop up here when you get this message here it says error the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable what we want to do is select this checkbox and skip we're going to skip all of those files that are corrupted supposedly and then we're going to have another message here saying the destination has over 2 000 files with the same names what we want to do is replace the files in this destination so hit that and it's going to start copying over some pictures and stuff like that stuff we need for our playlists to be created and it's going to be working just fine after all this is said and done all done perfect let's close that out and go back on our ps vita let's exit out of vita shell go to our retro arch application let's open that up all right cool so everything got reverted back to the default and we can just change that back going to our user interface here go to our appearance and change that back to 1.00 there we go and let's change our icon theme to something else i'm not a big fan of monochrome so we'll just do that very quickly and just go to retroactive with the shadow icons and i believe there's like five or seven of them now pretty cool icon shadows now we have uh the slide bars that say on and off so i think that's a lot cooler instead of just like a little bar let's go back and now let's scan a directory let's go to our uxo and go into my roms folder and i forgot to explain this part but this uh directory here is basically my uxo folder so you can place your roms anywhere you'd like i recommend just creating a folder called roms and just dumping your games there but try to be more organized within that folder just don't dump all your roms i'll have game boy roms game boy advance game boy color super nes and so on and so forth so let's go to gameboy roms and scan this directory and scanning now is going to take a little bit longer which is good that's what we want to see if it goes too fast then we have a problem so let's go back and now we have our playlist isn't that cool we now have our little cartridges and the console icon at the top that is really awesome so we can select that game and we can look at information we can also download the thumbnail so hit the download thumbnails here and now we have the game boy color uh comes in color killer instinct box art it's pretty awesome so when you scroll through your games you can see the different uh thumbnails so let's go to pokemon blue here download thumbnails very cool so now we have those thumbnails as well and you can do like the entire thumbnails by going to let's see online updater go to playlist thumbnails updater and select that playlist and it's going to scan through all your games doing that will give you all the thumbnails right away it's pretty cool some of them won't show up like this one is a special pikachu edition i'm not sure let's go and download thumbnails some of them might work i'm not sure why let's go back and scan another directory now if you don't like going through these different folders and weaving through what you can do is go to the settings go to directory and file browser here is set by default so it's just gonna go through all of the folders that are available you can go to your uxo folder go to your roms folder and use this directory and now it's gonna go automatically to your uxo roms folder so let's go to scan directory and now it brings us to that roms folder now we can see all of our folders there and if you're constantly adding games to it it's going to be a lot easier and more efficient let's go to game boy advance and scan this directory i still can't figure out why it shows no items it's very strange but just hit scan and it should work this will take some time there's 12 games in this folder so if you have like a hundred games it's going to take a long time but it's well worth it so you can get those icons uh the console icons and the thumbnails so just uh be patient with that and you'll be all set so game boy advance is just finishing up here with 12 games scanning of directory is finished let's go back and this is going to give us the gameboy advance sp so the one that folds open like that and you might get a different one depending on the theme that you have selected so we don't have any thumbnails here as you can see let's go to the thumbnails updater online updater playlist thumbnails updater and let's select our game boy advance and we can actually go back and see this real time as it's doing it there's emerald there's fire red version and now everything should have been scanned now there could be a reason why it didn't scan like ruby version or sapphire version perhaps retroarch doesn't see it as a genuine copy of the rom and that's why it didn't grab the thumbnails so that could be a reason why it's not downloading those thumbnails so make sure you guys get some real good roms that will work properly for retro arch and when it comes to running your games let's select emerald version here and hit run and now we have options of different cores that retroarch provides us to use so these are like different little emulators for that console so we have gpsp mgba and we have mba next so it just depends on what game you're running and how well it will perform uh with these different course you're just gonna have to test them out if you have problems for example with gp sp go ahead and use the next one over and just keep trying these different cores and seeing which will work the best for that rom for the most part the rom should work for you know the best core that they got here for me i think it's going to be either gpsp or mgba i would go with mgba because that's already emulated here for the ps vita console another thing you can do guys is to sign in to retroarch and create a you can create an account with them where you can receive achievements it's really cool i have a full video on that and i'll have that in the description down below so you can check it out and get yourself set up where when you're playing any type of uh old school games you can receive achievements and it's really fun it's it's really awesome to see those achievements kind of come across your screen when you're playing these old school games and it gives me a lot of nostalgia from when i used to play on the ps3 and getting those trophies it was just very awesome so that is it for this one i hope this video was helpful for many of you that were having that problem with the console icons and the playlists i know it was driving me crazy and it took me a little bit to solve this problem so i really appreciate you guys watching if you could give it a thumbs up it really helps me out a lot especially with the youtube algorithm and if you have any comments comment down below and if you haven't already subscribed to the channel please subscribe for more content like this i appreciate you thank you so much for stopping by take care and i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Robles Junior
Views: 50,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PSP Hacks, PS Vita Hacks, Robles Junior, retroarch setup, retro arch, retroarch tutorial, setup retroarch, retroarch ps vita, retroarch vita, retroarch setup 2021, retroarch setup tutorial, retroarch setup guide, setup retroarch ps vita
Id: yH5xG8gDFRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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