Proxy vs Reverse Proxy Explained

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What is a proxy and a reverse proxy? So that  is the topic of this video. So let's talk about   what a proxy is. Now the definition of a proxy is  just someone or something that has authority to do   something for another person or thing. So in terms  of computers and networks, a proxy is a server   and a proxy server acts on behalf of clients on a  network, such as retrieving data for those clients.   A proxy is a middleman that sits between a private  network and the public internet. So for example   here we have a private network with a bunch of  computers or clients. Now all of these computers   have access to the internet. But as most of us  know, with all these computers having the ability   to access the internet, it could also create a  massive security concern. Because with all of these   individual computers accessing the internet, they  could draw in malicious traffic that could wreak   havoc inside this network. So this is where a  proxy, or to be more specific, a forward proxy can   be beneficial. When a forward proxy server is  used on this network, the proxy server is now   the guardian of this network. So when all of these  computers want to access the internet, they go to   the proxy server instead and then the proxy server  will fetch the data out on the internet on their   behalf. So by doing this, this creates a safety  barrier between a private network and the internet.  Because a major benefit of a proxy is that it can  regulate traffic by blocking harmful websites.   And some other benefits of a proxy is that it  hides the identity of clients by masking their   IP addresses and using its own IP address. So when  these clients connect to websites and servers out   on the internet, those websites and servers  only see the IP address of the proxy server   and not the clients'. Another benefit is that  it logs user activity. A lot of organizations   like to know what websites that their clients  are visiting. And by using a proxy it will keep   track of the websites that were visited  and how long they were on those websites.   And another benefit is that it can bypass  restricted content. Some organizations like   schools and governments, may restrict access  to certain websites. But by using a proxy you   may be able to bypass those restrictions  and access those restricted websites.   And finally another benefit of using a proxy  server is speed. Because a proxy can cache or   store copies of websites that are frequently used  by their clients. So instead of the proxy server   fetching the same websites out on the internet  over and over again, those websites can be   stored in the proxies cache database instead.  So this was an example of a forward proxy.   Now a reverse proxy, just like the name says,  is the reverse of a forward proxy. A reverse   proxy is also placed on a network, but instead  of regulating traffic going out of a network,   a reverse proxy regulates traffic  coming into a network. So for example   here we have a private network with servers. And servers are just powerful computers that   clients connect to if they want to access certain  data such as retrieving a website, or access a   database, and so on. And these servers will  accept incoming connections from clients outside   its network from the internet. So when a client  on the internet wants to access certain data on   these servers, they will directly connect to one  of these servers. But by having direct access to   a server, this can be a security risk and open  the door for hackers to create problems on these   servers. So this is where a reverse proxy can  help. By using a reverse proxy on this network it   creates a single point of entry that can regulate  incoming traffic. So now when computers from the   internet want to access data on these servers,  they no longer directly communicate with the   servers, they only communicate with the reverse  proxy server and then the reverse proxy will fetch   the data from the server and then direct it back  to the computer. So what are the benefits of a   reverse proxy? Well as I stated before, a reverse  proxy increases the security on a private network.   And one of the ways it does this is by hiding the  IP addresses of the servers. So when a computer   on the internet wants to access a website for  example, on one of these servers, they will   not see the IP address of the server, they will  only see the IP address of the reverse proxy.   Another security benefit is that it will block  malicious traffic such as what happens in a DDOS   attack. A DDOS attack is a simultaneous attack  from a bunch of computers over the internet   targeting a specific server by its IP address. And  a reverse proxy is an effective defense against   this type of attack because it will sit between  the client and the server, acting like a buffer   to stop the attack from ever reaching the server  and it will also hide the server's IP address.   And another benefit is load balancing. Most  of the time in a network, multiple servers   are used to handle incoming traffic. And some  servers may get overwhelmed with more traffic   than others. So to solve this problem a reverse  proxy can act like a traffic cop that is used to   evenly distribute traffic to multiple servers so  that certain servers don't get overloaded with   traffic. So in short, a forward proxy is there to  protect clients, while a reverse proxy is there   to protect servers. So now that we understand the  difference between forward and reverse proxies,   you're probably wondering how to build your  own proxy network. And the good news is, you   don't have to. Bright Data is an industry leader  that has developed a network of over 72 million   proxy IPs globally. Bright Data's proxy network  consists of four proxy types. Such as residential   proxies. Residential proxies offer anonymous  browsing using real residential IP addresses,   popular for web scraping due to their low block  rate. ISP proxies, ISP proxies are fast reliable   and used by businesses for web scraping benefiting  from a broad IP pool. Data center proxies, data   center proxies, unaffiliated with ISPs and hosted  in data centers, are cost-effective solutions for   large-scale web scraping providing fast speeds  and an extensive IP pool. Mobile proxies, mobile   proxies offer high anonymity and anti-scraping  bypass capabilities using IP addresses assigned   by mobile carriers ideal for tasks demanding  stringent anonymity. Bright Data's network   is known for its 99.9% uptime. And addition  Bright Data offers proxy management tools,   web unlockers, and a scraping browser that  allows you to collect public web data just   like a real user at scale. The proxy manager helps  you manage and optimize your proxy operations. The   web unlocker ensures that you can access the  data you need unrestricted. And the scraping   browser allows you to scale up with a seamless  data extraction experience from a real browser.   So if you're interested in getting a proxy please  visit or just click the   link below in the description of this video  and you'll get $25 off when you book a demo.   So guys I want to thank you for  watching this video on proxies,   please subscribe and I will  see you in the next video.
Channel: PowerCert Animated Videos
Views: 168,036
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Keywords: proxy, brightdata, forward proxy vs reverse proxy, reverse proxy vs forward proxy, reverse proxy, residential proxy, ddos attack, ddos protection, what is proxy server, how proxy server works, proxy server
Id: RXXRguaHZs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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