Proximity Chat Is Among Us

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all right hi everybody welcome this has been quite the setup adventure i'm the only one having problems out of everybody in this lobby and we've narrowed it down to everybody can hear me except for red i can hear red but red cannot hear me everything else is good so that's yeah fantastic this is among us with proximity chat so we're not in discord actually we're using this server that hooks into the game using some mod files that we add to it so we can actually hear each other in game when we're close there is like walls will obstruct sound the further away you get from other people you can't hear them so it's going to be an interesting dynamic and meetings are hosted by actually skipping then you all stand around the table and then figure out what you're going to do and then you call an emergency meeting and vote who you're going to vote so anyway the only problem is red can't hear me but everybody else can hear everybody so it's just that one issue but uh yeah that's that's what's going on so that's the introduction it's gonna be interesting to see how it plays out brand new thing i guess people just started doing today with this group here um so anyway might also mess up because deafening requires me to just mute chrome because we're speaking through chrome and muting requires me to hit a checkbox so we don't have like keybinds for stuff so it's going to be interesting anyway if you're watching on youtube make sure to subscribe to kevin sparkles too hit the bell um like if you liked and let's get back into it good it's been a while it's been a while since the banana man came to town but here i am there's a cyan and a green up for grabs if you wanted so i'm totally gonna forget to mute and stuff but anyway okay here we go so if oh yeah we can talk about like who who should do the light that's so good oh no i can't talk to red i can hear you i can communicate for you i'll speak for him as his wife okay thank you i appreciate that dear jordan oh you guys are you guys are so quiet over there hey why are you so quiet it's like the tree is blocking the vision yourself you enjoy where you're saying oh now you're now you're okay this is cool this is pretty cool oh my god skip vote okay all right then we'll be knights of the round table [Laughter] all right anyone get a timer okay what up what up okay so how do we like give it a a time on the meetings i don't know okay the total time from now hello wait can we just press the button yeah we'll button as fast as we can but let's let's include this okay so five ups dead yeah yeah west west five dollars right outside of uh sorry can we not talk during the meeting if we button right now isn't that the point oh yeah we can all hear each other okay okay jordan was being a real nerd down there what do you mean i was being i was trying to figure out that the chat and see how the like the tree obstructs that anyway it's interesting okay that's cool you guys were all together i reported this body um it's right it's right outside of uh the the med bay not really what's it called guys help me cup quake it's like i love storage it's above storage yeah it's okay it's a murder shed it wasn't quake it wasn't lauren and it wasn't hot voucher all together jack was it was [Music] on the left hand side i was doing tasks we did lights together and then yeah i was with quake red yeah i was like i didn't see anything and then i ran down why would you run to coms why run the comms well i had just finished uh doing the lights so i went to comms you don't have anything on the left no no you came you came from the top side i think you might be we were in there oh i mean uh uh what do you call security uh oh okay sorry okay so a lot of people are vouching for each other who's the odd one out red oh no no no red and me and cupcake did lights then what about it lauren's with me and tiff okay where's griffin i'm with joey and red right now but red came down like right at the end of the round and greeted us right that's true no he went into security earlier you guys came to me i was at the wedding right here are you guys you've seen who did this right now yeah i don't think it was red really but you're we're with me and lauren what do you mean you don't think that i had just left i just left red come all right during my tasks anyway but i guess i'll just talk more now then you wouldn't kill me right dude i would never do that to a friend like you jordan friended me oh okay let's do this then man okay i'll tell you what make you deal though you kill someone in front of me i won't say nothing all right why would i do that because i value my life that's all this is so weird because i'm used to like not chatting that much while doing things can you hear me can you not hear me there i can hear you i probably room when i leave the room you get quiet okay gotcha where are you right now hello hello anybody home hello anybody there can can you hear me am i all alone hello hello is anybody out there this is so weird this is so weird [Laughter] why do we keep fighting no what am i missing lauren lauren guess who yeah i definitely saw yeah i saw somebody who came in right after okay i didn't see it it was red was it oh my god that was so funny i thought it was coming with us i just turned the corner people running up our eyes you're being right yeah yeah yeah so we skipped and then we called it oh you instantly button okay entire time but we can include the talking before the bunk cooldown as part of the meeting so we can talk now someone button and we'll include this in the meeting time though got it okay so this body was at the entrance to the lab we should all do we should we all be on one side of the table i think it it messes with the sound yeah okay there we go okay so body was in the entrance to lab i came from office where joey was chasing me and i was screaming get away from me and then i mean i was chasing you i won the buddy at the same time yeah jack you found the body no no casual i thought cassie reported it i reported the body me tiff cupcake hanging out being friends having girl talk i'm telling each other secrets and then red comes in late and says oh hey guys and then when we all go out um we find a body how did brett get there i was with them i also did them not the whole time not the whole time right guys oh wait i was doing telescope right before that and then uh and then i did the vials and then we all stood up i mean before before that like willing to skip on seven but you were not with us the whole time okay like when you're when your voice came in when we were on wires i was like oh hi red oh really i i saw you the entire time it's weird and nice we're all so called too right who was that oh yeah i came on the other side yeah yeah jordan i saw a jacket and then after that where they go after i went to trash um i was on the way to specimen i was on the way to specimen after trash he went to specimen oh yeah thank you for relaying [Laughter] i have to wait we have a translator for red body did we find face because cars oh okay so we got to remember everyone was accounted for except from joey base trade and red for the first kill right no no no no no no no no no red what's accounted for sparkles and red oh jordan as well okay okay okay um by the way oh wait cars i was gonna save me a car with my base convenient i'm sorry okay [Music] going into specimen narrating what i do going to do task gonna be king of counting anybody hear me be king of counting you hear me right now jordan can you hear me i can hear uh nobody while i am king of counting and then uh going to be going to be king of simon says right now hey jordan hey everybody how's it going oops good how is your day going i wish i could hear you i know this it feels so alone not being able to talk to red dude is that story time with george okay uh i'll are you guys you guys coming with or what's the plan i'm gonna go to vitals cool sounds good sounds good uh okay is that is everybody still alive is everybody still alive let's see oh one one down uh-oh everybody are we we're not discussing right now right uh skipping and then yeah we're skipping whose body was it i'm going to wait till our discipline i think that was jack that was reported which red wouldn't be able to hear of course it was jack oh it's jack oh shoot okay all right okay everybody on one side of the table all right everyone everyone here so i feel like uh i can oh sorry no no you go first i walked up on uh jack at the entrance of uh not office the one above this sorry guys i'm really bad at the map i don't have it pulled up where were we ready like we're near laboratory laboratory it was actually in the same location where we found the other body but i know it's not red because we were together lauren and gloom we were just where are we i went down i did the air canister and then i went up when lights went off and i was freaking out because nobody else was coming there what i think i see you were alone so i don't know yeah yeah you're an odd one outing here i didn't see anybody that time it was when we were all at that group that's when i went down to uh canister to fill up the thing and then i went up to lights and then the body was reported soon after um was there anybody in the group yeah well there's so many killers on the loose no joey it's you buddy i think oh and for everybody who's asking there's no overlay because you can't do it with the browser for those who like discord overall yeah who is it can you guys we don't have confirmations on right no we don't okay we split up to make it work we should i think we should button i mean unless they want to stab oh right who do we think the other i mean who who are we gonna what evidence do we have on the button uh well what if it's not joey that is true we could double somebody comes up with them right now they would have won by now i think um oh oh maybe i shouldn't have talked about it where's red i think okay where are we going left or right i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm just going to who is it i can't talk to jordan yeah i can't talk to red um they're okay yeah hmm okay tiff how positive are you that it's not red i want to say i'm like 80 positive so so wait if you guys vote me out right now uh do you guys still have a chance this is so tough this is oh then just flip me out and no okay we'll get sparkles out then right wait why are you suddenly jumping to me instead here i'm sorry because i really okay so jordan's saying why are you suddenly jumping to me that was like thank you for the impersonation yeah that was really good i like that i really feel like it can't be lauren i really feel like it can't be cup quake red is saying vote me out now i'm talking too much tiff take the reins let's go so you guys are a hundred percent certain that nobody could have i mean it's getting maybe not but if you guys feel comfortable just vote me out and it just hit the button and brought him afterwards i mean he's sorry if i'm talking over you jordan you look crazy that's exactly what's happening i mean it would be it would be a mistake to vote me out um i i uh god there's something fred it would be a mistake to vote me out i um do i do i sound like ray romano ray romano [Laughter] it sounds like what you're doing it's like a romano voice [Music] i hear a ghost haunting us in the background this is crazy are you guys are you guys actually are you guys actually voting for me why are you vote literally nothing happened in the last round why would you do this we have a connection if it's actually red i'm never believing right now if it actually read i love i love those plays like that those are those were good plays dang it let's go man i did nothing to make myself suspicious there and it didn't work [Laughter] there's one thing one other thing i guess if you call the meeting it still doesn't count as everyone being together so you gotta call a meeting skip and then call another meeting yeah because the ghosts were left out of that final yeah as the ghosts couldn't hear anything because we were getting wait so you have to do a three [Music] or report you have to always skip okay yes it makes sense okay are there any rules we want to change is everyone happy with having um i mean i think trios is fine too if you have asks don't run away from your tasks but don't purposely purposely follow someone yeah maybe not asking like what tasks and like escorting each other also um sorry everyone for the lack of notifications it's like it's really a lot of brain wave to keep track of this i can't easily and so i'll probably have to catch up on notifications after this i'm muted right now but it's oh brady hello my name is it's pretty pretty swell great definitely yeah jordan what trust jordan what did i do man i begged for my sorry we voted you out in the last round i can't believe you've done this he can't even hear me when i talk to him but i can't believe you've done this where is he i heard him here would anyone like to die hey what's poppin cara what are you looking good in that witch hat thank you oh my god that was amazing yes yeah just doing tasks you know like a tasky kind of person gonna do wires boys oh double kill double kill double kill oh double we're at a partner i'm can i can i stick with you uh sure thing okay dude [Laughter] oh wait we have to skip yeah all right are those ghosts laughing i believe it is yes very loud ghosts i'm going to run this meeting okay everyone get to this side of the table back talking all right yeah run it up mate okay so button as soon as we can but i was on vitals in the dark two people killed at the exact same time i start running to the left to find the bodies because there's two admin table in o2 i run in there cupcake vouch that i went past her and sparkles as well five up is yelling at red come up here come up here [Laughter] [Laughter] uh when the lights went off i went up to fix the lights so if you said it was a double kill when the lights were off i was with two people yeah i was with joey yeah he went straight from sorry he went straight from me and lauren to the lights five updated uh okay yeah now we're together i don't know he the man's is very good isn't he known for this it looks like it was event kill because jack reported it and then right back it is on o2 canister the bodies are both on o2 canister i don't think that could have gone there that fast okay a hundred percent happened in the dark because i was killed but they happened at the exact same time and both bodies are there yes okay well it's not cassidy it's not lauren what rosary because they're the only other people i passed when i was on my way there well gloom and cupcake were together in the dark no no no i was with lauren oh that was lauren yes oh i was on the right side of the map i i went i went down and i did my weapons and then i ran into sparkles and jack and then we were going in together near o2 and or not with two of the canisters and then that's when the body was called is that true back in there i didn't see you following me about your voice yeah if this was you and you've managed to wriggle out of this i will never play this game ever again i don't fully understand what your story was it was the funniest thing i've ever seen without a doubt all right uh let's hit up dem specimen tasks ladies and gentlemen bro that was i muted now that was rough are you kidding me right now i this is this is cursed how do you do this with proximity chat it's so hard it's so difficult man yeah tiff's voice was a little shaky i'm not gonna lie okay i'm unmuting now um also though yeah sorry about the slow notification reading and all that stuff but yee oh hey what up everybody you guys are all hear me i hope someone doesn't turn out the lights right now yeah i gotta look for all right nobody act what is this thing is so chaotic oh my god i don't know if you can see him i didn't realize what he was saying right now i mean it's not me i don't like that i'm running with red it's jack dad michael's too hey yes oh what oh dude um we'll see if that worked uh okay so jack just tackled in front of me oh okay i i couldn't see where i was in the panel you guys saw it was jack need i say more jack definitely stack killed in front of me in front of five up yes i believe i believe that are you sure yeah jack who is super quiet yeah um i think is that the ghost it's it's fine you know we don't we don't welcome imposters anyway what is he i think yeah okay can we skip and read yeah let's give him reading okay okay okay i just heard very faintly it's me [Laughter] it might be uh so we have to all go to the front of the like go as far down down towards the table uh while you're on this side i hear each other okay come back don't touch the foot don't touch the glass yeah make sure you're just up against the table okay here we go okay yeah yeah i was but until the button was called though oh that's weird yes okay let me say right now it's five up it is not me no fiber could have killed me there's no way it's you do you want it it's you and jordan from round one there's both of you wait what you somehow shook me but now it's over so jack i'm clear from round one because there was a double kill and i would wait hold from your account of um you said that people died in the dark you can hear me right yeah yeah yeah yeah you said that there was a double kill in the dark as soon as the police went off lauren gloom and i all went up to lights and i turned on the panel so i couldn't are you 100 sure they never left your bubble in the dark okay red red what do you think it is i think it's jack because there's no way well because of the the very beginning uh okay i think it was a self-report but on the second kill jordan was standing on top of the body unless jack must have moved away but the last frame i saw was uh uh jordan on top of the body yeah i exited the panel and then i moved a couple inches with the report for me if you guys want let me explain why it's not that's right it's not me really quickly round one i saw both kills happen on vitals how would i know that information both bodies are stacked on top of each other you said you saw it you said you saw five up calling red to go with him yes right i think it's both of them i still think it's both of them but colleen you're the one that shook me but i couldn't have got that kill because i was with uh yeah i think yeah and five love was like look look come here come here career how could i have done it on that light skill is completely wrong which makes me think it's five up again what do you mean i came in last i didn't even go on the stack and a kill happened on the snag it looked like from what i saw it looked like you were the person that did the kill don't vote yet jack okay well we need to we don't we don't know if cub wake was correct so we have to vote for someone who have upper red this is five upper right knows i didn't do that first kill like they they know i thought they were voting around i can't believe this i can't believe that come over here yeah okay we need to we need to like emergency immediately because jordan was on top of the body i wish i could talk to jordan oh thank goodness thank goodness wait i can't oh i can't hear anyone skip it skip skip oh okay sure it's fine it's fine well no we can't sabotaging though because i got this button yeah yeah this is this is just to do another another button what is happening they're kind of faint i can't really hear them hold on okay so other other side well no we do we do because we're doing a meeting uh everybody come to this side and just get as close to the table as you can i can hear you perfectly over here okay yeah i could hear you guys all right so whoever is imposter don't don't do any any stuff i have a question for five up in red do you think i did the first kill i mean for the first two kills the information you're providing is um you provided which clears me i don't know if it clears red because i wasn't with red but um i know it's not loren and gloom okay yay i don't i know it could be the impossible i know i have no idea i've seen i i think i was the correct person by the way like she wasn't i think it would be insane to think that i did either one of those kills when i was the other side of the map jordan knows i was on vitals because i ran past and yelling he was on vitals yelling double kill well i don't know if he was on vitals but he was in the admin area who would you guys see on top of the body because i saw jordan on youtube oh you said he was in the admin area what yeah no this is the first the first round no no no no no no this is this is for the last one uh on uh like the last one i i was in the lights panel and then i could barely hear him what the wait he can he can hear me but someone else already reported jordan then but red is like a hundred percent no like right okay the way that red jumped on jack i just didn't really like it because i don't feel like red has that like that info from the last round so it's either it's either for the first round was because i thought it was a self-report i felt like oh the first round i was suspended we have to vote for someone are we voting red i don't think it's red i don't think it's jack anymore i think it's captain now don't i need to do a little restart over here yeah i'm not gonna do that with you i'm sorry okay man that's fine this is uh this is real rough i'm muted right now don't worry but this is rough dude anybody home can anybody out there hear me okay wait you're having like a meeting during the round oh all right look at him pretending to be one of us no i'll take the charge oh hi jordan what's up hey what's up everybody i have a feeling you're a killer but you're not gonna kill me okay all right cool i fix lights don't worry guys sick good job dude good job all right i'm i'll leave all right i'm gonna leave you guys to your business uh should we check vitals man i don't know what it is about these games they are hard oh we're all here hey what's up yeah this is good news okay so here's the issue i have a lot of tasks you know what i'm saying [Laughter] you guys are just like sticking together so much it makes it very difficult to do things here here's the deal here's the deal sparkles yes wait kill one of us and we won't rat why would i do that if i can't if i'm a crewmate i can't do that like physically i'm just going to leave five up you want to kill one of us oh he's good do it do it do it eliminate us get it i here's what i propose i say we stand in this corner and the killer will kill everybody stand here the killer will kill back this is a risk this is a risky thing to do you really guys do it really yup i know oh yeah skip skip right wait we need to fix the lights and then we have to let the lights be called again oh that's true yeah um all right i'll go into pixel lights i'll be back all right go use that vent you got this we won't we won't we won't watch don't kill don't button either until he's back in the room right right right is everything okay in there still yeah we're good thanks everything's chill he's running through the window [Laughter] this is ridiculous wait let's wait wait no you had to wait no you had to wait till he was back if you can't hear me [Laughter] oh my god this is rough if you're eliminated early on these games take way longer than usual yeah they do great though no this is so funny as a ghost [Laughter] everyone everyone here all right everybody's here just wait for the cool right so from what i did see jordan suddenly leapt to the front of the stack there for me it was you at the front but i know you didn't kill the end yeah i i did not i did not that jack it looked like you i jordan i think you can i don't i don't think it is jack that's the thing though so the only other one who had suspicion before is five up i am of the opinion jordan jordan okay something i can't get over is why he was yelling at red come look at these two bodies come look at this [Music] was i wanted another eyewitness so it's not just me reporting bodies yeah but you can you can go in you can take somebody out run out and then be like hey come on come with me make sure that i didn't do this right in the other room that i just walked out with blood on me but jack said there was a double kill when the lights were off and jack walked in there um and there were two bodies in there he can confirm it i everybody who was around at that time is is eliminated i don't know you could have done events you could have done something there's a vent in the o2 room from the outside i don't know dude but we were uh just i trust gloom gloom is very good at this game and if i'm wrong it's glim's fault that's why i feel happy shooting jordan over fire do not shoot me and regret it and give him the satisfaction don't give him the satisfaction what if it's oh if it's jack somehow i swear to god if it's jack somehow lauren lauren thank you thank you if that was you lauren for saving me i appreciate you it was a kind choice oh thank goodness should we just play i mean we have to do we have like so many tasks left he said he's gonna be a specimen all right all right gotta do that restart please yeah y'all get out of here freaking ghost talk i'm being haunted this is so weird dude anybody out there is anybody home woo spooky ghost spooky ghost what why were you scared of me okay so what i need to do is i need to find somebody um and then eliminate them call reactor that's what i need to do i need to find someone alone one of us is going to die here how did how did you just loop around what is going on no idea where anyone is where is everybody hello anybody home um let's see yeah i still have to do my last thing in specimen all right jordan tell me to be sure when are you going to kill one of us i'm i'm not because i can't do you see how jack has like disappeared oh he's popped up in electrical but i have not seen jack all along all right pricking is that what you just said to me but it could be dude i have the worst luck i can't find the solo person i just can't find the solo person at all dude um up oh i can hear you now wow oh boy thank goodness that worked out all right that was so that was so long that was so long [Music] that was a bad place for me to do the kill for the reactor to be called because i was like they're gonna run right over it so i was so happy that i ran into him first okay so who was jordan's teammate who is tiff okay it makes sense makes sense um cara's gotta rejoin too don't so don't rush to start are we are we leaving the game um is there a reason why people left oh check we'll check audio when they come back just make sure it doesn't ruin anything okay i find the clip of the double kill incident and put it in there this is so fun as it goes like it changes the experience entirely be able to hear you guys it's like way better it makes ghosts so fun all right i'll i will uh be right back my mom's getting like interrogated and they're all facing each other like they're role playing too okay everyone uh unfortunately uh because once cara joined back she couldn't hear people and it was bugged out for her they had to restart the lobby and then it messed up uh the issue where i or red couldn't hear me it's it was before that more people and now it's back to more people again we can't figure out how to sort it out so that's it at least we have got a couple imposter rounds maybe we can figure out what's wrong in the future um i mean it is a very early testing thing for the mod i'm sure so maybe it'll stabilize or something uh but anyway that's it for this among us session uh thanks for watching like if you liked at least i got a win there so it was good rounds uh subscribe captain sparkles too if you're not already hit the belly new card like the video if you liked and follow slash captain sparkles to tune into live streams and stuff um i'll see you in the next video
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 234,594
Rating: 4.970171 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: pxglVgNWFsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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