Proxies in Commander: An Important Discussion | Should Players Have a Pre-Game Proxy Talk?

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welcome to the picky news today it's time to discuss an important topic we need to talk about proxies in commander [Music] i'm your host joe cherries i'm your host beezy and that makes us the nitpicking nerds we're bringing you daily commander magic content every single day which means every single birthday wait birthday happy birthday to everyone's birthday it is yes uh also if you want to support us you can go to that is the best way to support us directly that's what i was supposed to say yeah but he didn't say that and another way to support us indirectly would be to use our tcg player affiliate link you go to the link in description below click it buy whatever magic card you were going to buy anyway and just by going through the link to start you are now supporting the nitpicking nerds next best way to support us while also buying things for yourself dragon shield eu or us links are in the description go to whichever one is best for you buy the stuff you need direct from the source best sleeves in the multiverse good sleeps and you're going to be hooking us up as a result and before we begin we have a very important thing to do before we even get into the topic got to get serious here for a second i wanted to apologize one more time again for my misuse of the term bodily autonomy in this discussion on twitter you can go check it out and see exactly what happened there i did not consider the negative impact and the weight that the term actually had should have 100 chosen a different term again really sorry to anyone i offended i was and still am working on being a positive force in the community and uh well do you have anything about it uh many people actually suggested that we don't apologize and after we apologize but the fact is that's not we're gonna do if we make a mistake we miss stop and we hurt people's feelings offend people and make people feel uncomfortable in any way the thing we're going to do is apologize and we're going to make that better and be more positive forces going forward we're always going to grow and we're always going to get better as both people and content creators right so the proxy discussion has been going on twitter it's been going on youtube it's been going on everywhere so this all started with an opinion that we had not the whole argument but uh from our involvement uh players disclosing proxies during a pre-game talk will have a positive impact on the community that's sort of the thesis that's what we're getting at here that is the main thing we're advocating for in this video we're gonna be talking about a lot we need to keep that in mind because that's kind of the the takeaway that's what we're talking about uh so with all that in mind you know we post and things kind of turn into a bigger issue it highlighted a bunch of misconceptions around proxies there was there was a lot of negativity but we need to start with the basics before we get too deep into the rabbit hole yeah we need to know what is a proxy so we have to define it and we define it as anything that isn't an authorized magic the gathering card produced by wizards of the coast that is used to represent a magic card and cannot be confused as a real magikarp that can range all the way from basic planes with the word lightning bolt written on it all the way up to an artist proxy or even a printed out black and white or colored version of the card on paper proxy is extremely common in the mtg community and there are lots of reasons to do it including you have multiple decks but only one copy of a card you can't afford the cards because you don't have the budget to afford magic cards because this is an extremely expensive hobby when you want the real cards you can flip that around you can afford it but you just don't feel like buying it maybe magic isn't your number one hobby and whether or not you have the money doesn't mean you want to buy the card yeah i think a great example actually of what you're talking about we have a friend who didn't have money problems at all but he didn't play magic often so he prints out his own deck and just played with us and that was completely fine right he's like i'm playing magic twice a year but i love magic exactly so it's a totally fine thing to do try before you buy this is like this is probably one of the most classic you want to test out a deck before you actually spend hundreds hundred dollars on it proxy up the whole deck so that you can play with it yeah we've done this before i mean i've had proxies in there for a couple months when i'm like all right you know what pulling the trigger on opium answer or whatever it was i mean you also did it with you did with your commander you had oh catcher as your commander but you wanted to order the very nice version uh to get and it took a couple of weeks because you had issues getting it in so you just had a proxies commander for a long time that was completely fine you know what you just did you just added another one i was just waiting for the real card to come in so i had to use a proxy in the meantime these aren't the only reasons to proxy cards there are probably hundreds upon hundreds of different reasons you can want to proxy a car but it's important to remember that you can't really tell what a person's reason is and you're not supposed to assume and you could never know so we have to say right now we're not addressing counterfeits in this video counterfeits are cards that absolutely could be confused as real magikarps this is a completely different issue and it is definitely for another video we're not addressing it at all in fact we're going to move past it now all right so where this recent proxy kerfuffle discussion began i think was with rachel week's post on twitter we also posted shortly after so at least with our post the response was split people were on one side people were on the other side they were like i don't care man why are you doing this why are you even mentioning this there were a lot like surprisingly and overwhelmingly negative response from a lot of different people there were hurtful comments being thrown around talking past each other i just think a lot of words and tweets and interactions that just like i'm not proud of for the magic community i think you can do better exactly we we just started each side just started basically essentially slandering the other so though there were a lot of hurtful comments in a lot of talking best there's also a lot of great discussion within these same posts i talked with a ton of people that i had never interacted with on twitter before we disagreed on a lot of things and guess what we were both more educated on others opinions at the end of it because of it no we said at the end to at least four or five of them went hey i'm glad we have this discussion i respect your opinion and we can move forward as better humans absolutely so what is our stance we had after all that we got to get to what is our stance on proxies because everyone has a stance either you don't care you're fine with it you're not fine with it our stance is we're 100 okay with it and we actually go so far as to encourage it i think proxying in general is healthy for commander players and i would recommend it i encourage the mtg community to allow other players to use proxies because of all the reasons we listed before there are lots of reasons not to want to buy the real card and if you want the proxy we should allow that in almost all cases right and we are i need to get this out there i know there was some confusion and i'm not sure where it came from but i'm sitting right now we're not meaning to imply anything bad or say that there's anything wrong with proxying at all we will find you'll find that we are going to i think later on say the exact opposite where there's nothing wrong with it like there isn't anything wrong with it so it's a great way to get players in the game it's positive for mpg overall yep but before we defend our stance about the original topic which was pre-game discussions are helpful when it comes to proxies we need to talk about a lot of misconceptions that come around with proxies because you need to know what we are talking about and what we're not talking about and a lot of that is based on this sort of philosophy we have where i think a lot of people i would say 99.9 would agree with the following statement commander players are allowed to set their own criteria for joining commander games according to their preferences now to me this is like bedrock level core truth of the commander format what do you think this is rule zero absolutely 100 just rule zero if all four players agree that something is allowed in the game of commander then that is allowed in that game of commander the first one i could see how it's easy to forget but the way everyone enjoys commander is completely different and as long as we're not harming other people with with our preferences it's valid that's kind of what commander is all about so for example i would never attack joe's preference to play the game a certain way if he says i like playing planes chase i'm i can't make any objective statements about him liking plane chase like it's not wrong it's not stupid it's not objectively worse than my decision to not like playing chase i just have no ground there i mean something that i do that not most players do i've come to a point where the car divine intervention causes me such unfun in magic games that if a friend brings out a deck that i know has i will ask them not to play it and that's obviously a minority opinion it's not something almost anyone's gonna do but i do it because it does cause it the game is less fun for me when divine invention is involved we're trying to foster a positive community where nobody is scared to talk about what they enjoy and everybody can find the commander games that are best for them a common thing that people were saying on twitter is people who don't like proxies don't like fun or they're trying to gatekeeper they're trying to do this but that isn't those aren't inherent truths are there gatekeepers of course and i think those people are wrong to gatekeep with proxies but that is not an inherent truth about people proxies there are also people who don't like proxies because they don't like the how it homogeneizes that is also a legitimate reason not to like proxies we can't go around assuming intent and burdening other people with baggage from from people you you've known that have been bad or miserable to play against it's not fair to then make a blanket statement i mean basically blanket statements about groups of people are never okay right like it's just always address the person you're talking to exactly everyone is a different person i also heard people say uh this whole talk doesn't work with other games they you know we brought up um i think somebody said if you don't want to play is it reasonable for somebody to not want to play a basketball game because they don't like the basketball or is it reasonable for somebody to go into a monopoly game saying you i don't want to play against custom pieces i think those were kind of brought up to bring absurdity into it like well we don't allow these like but actually though that is 100 okay if somebody doesn't want to play a game of monopoly with custom pieces they're entire and fully entitled to that non-harmful opinion it's kind of like everyone's allowed to take their ball and go home as long as they're not disrespecting anybody yeah and i think one of the things that gets associated with the people who don't want to quote unquote play against proxies is that like i said they're gatekeeping but that isn't inherently true that isn't what they're necessarily doing and like i said we're 100 against any former gatekeeping 100 100 we do not want any player to be kept out of magic the game that wants to play this game it's why we are sitting here encouraging everyone to proxy up any card they want because we want as many players to play magic the gathering the card game as possible because we we love the game and the more people that play it the more we get to share this game with everyone and simultaneously we 100 respect someone's decision to not want to because ultimately it's up to them and i'm not shaming them in any way we're not wanting to play against proxies and so part of this thing like with the custom basketball it's like well i'm not recommending a talk of leaving basketball games because you don't like the ball if it was prevalent enough then yes i would and we're going to get to part of the reason that we're advocating for these talks is that we think it is prevalent enough and now another misconception we gotta we gotta do this we have to separate proxying from power level yes i understand that you can proxy a guy's cradle but the rule zero talk the primary thing involved in it is power level now whether or not you're proxying your dock has a power level it doesn't really matter what condition the car's in if they're real if they're not real if you're playing with custom cards your deck has a power level you need to communicate it that's kind of expected everyone's going to basically ask you to do that now just because you have a guy's cradle oh here's another one doesn't mean it's because you have a proxy of guys cradle does not mean you are now cheating trying to sneak it into your deck to get extra bonus points that is a very unfair assumption yeah we should make again this this comes down to assuming we a lot of people in all these comments are assuming things about each other that they don't know um like i our opinion was completely torn down into we hate proxies and that's just not the truth because they made an assumption based on something we said that's not what you need to be doing you need to ask somebody their opinion because that's how you get their opinion and then once you have it you can now discuss that opinion right i mean if somebody gives you their opinion straight up and then you call it a question you just can't have a conversation like you gotta trust somebody to give you what they think about it so yeah the idea that proxy will lead to cheating i just think is completely baseless i don't think we have any ground for saying that i think it's definitely a misconception cheaters cheat they're proxiers don't cheat teeter's cheat cheetahs cheat it's a separate issue you have to address them individually yeah just like um the rules zero like power level it's like getting the power level correct for your game is also another conversation right but it's not separate then then it's like saying well people who play power level 10 out of 10 pub stop it's like well whoa huh and the last one we have here is that players who are against proxies are always for or are mostly for elitism which kind of comes into the gatekeeping thing of maybe you're saying i have more money than you hahaha you have to proxy cards i'm better than you i'm in a different class than you all this stuff that is like toxic behavior that we don't want to promote at all in the community and i don't think anyone on the planet earth who cares about other people playing magic would disagree with that so we are we need to separate the proxy conversation which is a healthy conversation in our opinion it is a bare minimum neither healthy nor unhealthy right it's not an unhealthy discussion to have but gatekeeping throwing out classism and elitism is absolutely unacceptable and it is separate i think it's very easy to separate them and say one is okay one is not we're talking about proxies here we can only address one thing at a time we can make a whole other video about how elitism is bad you should never allow it this is a proxy video you're not it's pretty simple um elitism is really simple to me you're not better than anybody um that's just true i mean you don't think you're better than anyone it's a great way to go through the world you should never assume based on anything that you're automatically better than somebody now we can get back to the thesis which is basically that players will benefit from a pre-game talk about proxies so we're kind of going to go over where might you disagree with us i think there's a few points people brought up when we kind of mention this that they disagree about so we're going to touch on them first one do proxy conflicts occur often enough to actually justify your recommendation for a pre-game talk like does this happen enough that people players need to talk about this we generally think yes it does occur often enough that we need this and we're going to justify our opinions in just a second after we get through the rest of this stuff and i just want to clarify even with this recommendation which is what i'm calling it we're not going to force anything on anyone if you don't listen you're not wrong if you listen you're not right this is something we think would be healthy for people and we're getting the message out there the best way we know how with the youtube channel one of the things a lot of people brought up is doesn't wishes of the coast say proxies are legal magic cards and they bring up this exact quote a play test card is mostly commonly a basic land with the name of a different card written on it with a marker play test cards aren't trying to be reproductions of real magic cards they don't have official art and they wouldn't pass as the real thing under the most cursory glance fans use play test cards to test out new deck ideas before building out a deck for real and bringing it to a sanctioned tournament and that is perfectly fine with us widgets of the coast has no desire to police play test cards made for personal non-commercial use even if that usage takes place in a store i gotta say maybe this is part of a problem on wizards's fault for not being more transparent but i think this a lot of people seem to think this could go either way and now for us we're gonna lead towards this would imply that proxies are not legal um because this doesn't actually address whether or not they are legal i see a preference not to punish something i don't think that statement is necessary when the card is legal why would they say we have a preference not to punish sideboards it's like well cyborgs are okay exactly i think that this is very clearly saying that they don't have a problem with people using play test cards that this is not an issue that they're that they're looking to address it is a completely fine thing to do now that being said that doesn't make those cards legal in commander that's not how it works just because someone isn't policing something doesn't mean it is legal right and i also would say that wizards isn't in control of i don't think any of the rules of commander i mean maybe they're in control of some of them but i would say at least 95 percent they aren't i mean remember the tuck rule change there's the commanders go into the zones they kind of just adopt what the rc puts out as far as i know yeah the rc makes the official rules for command so then we have to go does the rules committee say proxies are legal in commander the first thing you see when you go to the rules committee's banned list site part of it the commander card pool consists of all regulation size magic cards publicly released by wizards of the coast other than those with silver borders gold borders or acorn shaped security stamps cards are legal to play with as their sets pre-release so as far as i know the inclusion of all regulation size magic cards publicly released fight with the coast like explicitly takes proxies and kind of moves them outside of what is actually legal in the format but it almost doesn't matter because so many people have come together and say i don't care about proxies it's fine proxies are great they're helpful for everybody and it's one of the most commonly broken i was broken in parentheses or in quotes because we can do whatever we want it's our format that's the whole point so people come together and they say rule zero like don't even worry about proxies i don't care people don't even mention it because they're so close with their play groups that's totally fine so i think it while it is technically not legal it's been basically adopted into the format however the rules of the format as a default that you enter into do say that they are outside of what's legal yes when you start a game of commander you start with the default rule set by the rules committee you start at 40 life your commander's in the command zone you can only have a phone commander uh unless that's partner it's like every single rule is defaulted to something and i think also it's helpful to say that it's hard to kind of use i don't really have a better term than breaking the rules but i am implying nothing negative breaking the rules by playing a proxy is a positive thing the rules are made to be broken like almost literally that's why rule zero exists right so i'm not gonna i'm not shaming anyone for wanting to play with proxies even though it's against the rules it's our rules it's like you said the custom commander is against the rules i'm never gonna shame anyone for wanting to put their custom commander no playing a banned card is against the rules i'm not going to shame it i don't want to want to play a band card especially if the only important thing becomes everybody knows and agrees with us before the game begins which is where we're going with this as soon as you determine something is not legal in the commander format so proxies uh the band cards there's a million things custom cards starting at 30 life starting at 50 life any of these things are not the starting rules so you go to rule zero you can change the game to whatever you want but everyone at the table has to agree to this this is core every single player must agree whatever you're changing the rules to that's how they want to play everybody wants a fair shake and i think that's that is you know basically undeniably fair where it's like hey everybody gets to say everyone needs to be comfortable in this space so i think there is a little bit of ambiguity with both of the rulings they don't literally just say proxies aren't legal proxies are legal but i think whether we we agree or disagree on that we're going to start with that and kind of put it towards the side of hey all right that's let's put these into rule zero category we still think the convo was needed either way so let's get into why we actually need the pre-game talk now like we said until players agree on the extra rules the default rules apply that's kind of just how it works the core tenant of edh and rule zero is basically what this is now this really only applies with unknown players when you're going to an unfamiliar area and you want to make sure everybody's having a fair game the way they want to play and nobody's uncomfortable that's when you would start to do this stuff that's kind of where we're advocating for the pre-game talk if i'm going to play with joe can and tim the people i play with every five seconds we don't need to pre-game talk i would never enforce a pre-game talk on anyone for any reason but but i wouldn't even recommend that i don't think that's helpful because you already know each other but we're talking about for strangers yeah and exactly and like we said it is the most common thing for people to play a proxy this is next this is extremely common and it is widely accepted as a thing you can do and like we said we encourage any player to allow other players to use proxies that being said we should not go and say okay anyone doesn't want to play against proxies blanket statement right don't do that it's bad for the game if you don't allow proxies like i don't know how do we get there it's not but and like like we said our side is to encourage all players who want to proxy the proxy and all players to accept it but i'm not going to force players to play against proxies that's not what i'm going to do i heard people saying in the tweets this came up a couple times doesn't it dilute the rule zero talk it adds more things i'm gonna say no i think players aren't talking enough and that's part of what's leading to all of this conflict whether it be about power level or everybody's decks of seven proxies certain ways to play the game infinite combos we're not talking enough about rule zero and this is another thing that i think is super helpful and we'll get into how many people actually would agree with us or say that it's more would be more enjoyable but role zero doesn't need to be speed run through it's not something i'm trying to get past it's important part of the game yeah also um it's oh this is always true and again just to mention it one more time it's when you're playing with strangers people you don't know you should tell them personally believe that you should tell them that you have proxies within your deck because if they don't want to play against it they can leave and they can be done most of the time i would say 90 to 97 percent of the time a high percentage of the time this is how it's going to go you're going to go i have yes yes peroxis and it takes 10 seconds right but as we'll get to that doesn't mean that three percent of people aren't okay with proxies it means there's going to be a percentage of people who say yeah it's totally fine but they still want to know and that's part of this too it's not just i hate proxies i don't i don't want to play against them it's like i just want to know i also i mean i'm in that that group of people who kind of just want to know where before the game i want to know that there's a a proxy it doesn't really change anything doesn't change the game a lot of people made that point how does this change anything in the game well it technically doesn't the game's gonna play out exactly the same whether you have a real scavenging use or a proxy scavenger used it's about respecting preference it's about exactly it's about just do people want to play against it i remember the other day someone played a gold border card technically not legal and commander and i went oh you're playing that i didn't even know and it was over because i didn't actually care but it was just kind of it was like oh it was a shock to me to see it absolutely we've also heard what negative outcomes are you actually avoiding with this talk is it just wasting our time is anything bad gonna happen if you don't have the talk and then a proxy comes up a lot of the time no but anyone who dislikes proxies and is surprised with one that is just a negative outcome that could have been avoided i mean it doesn't have to be this ruined the game i hate you forever it's just like oh i wish she would have known i wish you would have told me like that's how that as far as that is that's about as negative as as it might get but that's still something i want to avoid like let's just increase the quality of everybody's play experience the whole point is just to communicate as much as you can with your opponents i think proxies are one of those things that needs to be communicated as they are not technically a legal part of commander all right then we can get back to well how often how often does this happen that was our first point and obviously the best way to figure that out is to ask you guys ask the edh community ask the people we have access to would you like to do this what is a pre-game talk something you'd benefit from and rachel weeks was the first one out of i guess the her and us the first one to post this poll she said do you expect untrusted opponents meaning strangers to mention proxies in their deck during rule zero ya or nah and ya 50.9 percent of people said yeah and 49.1 percent of people said nah so 51 of people do expect people if they're playing with strangers essentially untrusted opponents for the term that was used here that they should mention it and i think that's completely fair um now i understand the other side too where it's like people a lot of people sit down and they're just like they're just so naturally okay with proxies and that's great because i again i encourage the proxy game i encourage you to be okay with it they don't expect it but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't necessarily do it right and i'm not going to ascribe any any attributes to this group of people who says yeah they want to know about playing against proxies some of them sure i'm sure some of them have the wrong idea they're like i want to know about proxies they're probably cheating like those are not the people we're trying to help here that's a separate issue we'll talk to them about that separately because they're kind of misconstruing what a proxy is and how power level talk works talk about people who just go i want to know i want to know if there's a proxy we don't need to delve into your financial situation we don't need to go what proxies do you have even as but it's maybe like how many proxies do you have do you have proxies like those are really some of the only questions maybe you have a follow-up yes and like i said um people that was a common thing to come up in the twitter talks was basically if you want to know if they have a proxy you want to know how much money they're making no i already we went over this um there's a million reasons to proxy a card and all of them are legitimate if there is you could if you can think of a reason to proxy a card it's a fine reason to proxy a card i hate this art right i hate it there's only one r for this card i don't like the artist who did it i don't like uh the border on this card so i printed out my own version that has its own border it's like all of those are legitimate reasons to use a proxy and they're fine the only the it's the reason i want to know what proxies isn't just because i want to know if you have the money to buy cards this has nothing to do with it as a matter of fact so actually the next thing we did was make a poll ourselves like well let's ask our community and see what they think so here is the question i'm going to quote it exactly how do you feel about the following statement in commander quote i would have a more enjoyable game experience if i knew players were using proxies ahead of time end quote we had 12 000 responses to this poll and it is a true dichotomy in the answers here so there's only two answers either i agree i would enjoy games more or i disagree i would not enjoy games more sixty percent of people said they would enjoy games more yes and that's just from knowing a simple thing are you using proxies which i think just points to the fact that we probably should be bringing this up if i especially if if this is put down the middle or if it's even if it starts getting lower to like if 25 of people care if you have proxies you should probably bring it up it's because those people's opinions are just as important as the people who love proxies and support them not just as valid and i think part of the fact that this conversation keeps descending into literal madness every time is already evidence that we need to talk about this before we play a game there's people who don't even want to be in the same room as the other group and obviously that's an issue that they need to sort out because we're talking about trying to co-exist here but they're certainly not going to play a game together we need to make sure everyone feels comfortable and no one's going to feel comfortable when somebody is so opposed to them like that we just need to get these people in the right games and we also need to work on how we treat other magic players i think there are definitely cases where there obviously are players you don't want to play with we're all going to have that situation and that's going to exist so the problem is when someone says i don't like proxies the only thing you learn about that person is that they don't like proxies you learn nothing else assuming they're elitist or that they are anything else assuming anything about them is unfair there are going to be players you don't want to play with of course because not everyone gets along not everyone's personalities mesh we we have our groups of friends we have groups of players we enjoy playing with not everyone enjoys playing with everyone that's always going to be true but i think it's very unfair to make that assumption based on one sentence that they set right so this all comes back to the one thing that we're recommending about proxies which is let's have a pre-game discussion i mean we're talking about misconceptions and i guess we're going over behaviors that i don't think are positive or helpful to the community but the one thing we're advocating here like recommending to you aside from treat others equally and fairly is pregame discussion now if you come to me and say why and i say here's 60 of people saying that they would enjoy it more i'm not really sure what the response to that would be i guess i'd be curious to hear in the comments what you would say to that but i would say 60 of people are saying let's let's do it i mean we're really talking about like a 10 second conversation here proxies okay you know how many all right or okay maybe we should play can we play different decks or i think i should try to find another play group yeah one thing i think is important here is people have mentioned that why is it the responsibility of the person want the proxy to bring it up and i want to say it's not inherently their job to bring it up but it's most so the assumed rule like we said before is that you won't that when you sit down no one has proxies once in an unknown group that's the assumed thing and that makes sense because that is technically the rules of commander eve obviously we're excluding rule zero here because until you agree on something rule zero is just kind of there i think there's a way to respond to that for either either whether you disagree with us that we said proxies aren't legal or you agree with us because let's say you agree with us proxies aren't legal well then yeah it's going to be the table you're going to be responsibility to bring it up when you're kind of violating a rule and you'd like other people to just be okay with it because they probably are but now if but if you disagree and you're like no no proxy's illegal what are you talking about if it's a legal part of the game that we still think you need to address i think it's now the table's responsibility because when you basically like when you get into a game and there's something that kind of puts people off i feel like it's kind of on the table because we need to talk more and it's like if something comes up that's obvious like well i hate that you did that it's like but yeah but why didn't we mention at the beginning that's kind of on us now we can't go we can't undo that i can't go back it's important to talk in the beginning yes it is and now something i just think would be awesome and i'm not saying i'm not complaining or saying that needs to be done it would be really awesome if the rules committee could address this directly now i don't know if they can or can't or whatever maybe they have but they sh it would be a very nice thing to hear them just say directly our practice practices are not technically occurred in the format and we encourage them to be talked about in the rules you'll talk it's like that's awesome now that solves everything now we know now every player knows what the rules the rules committee the people who run the format are suggesting i think that would help a lot if you can find sheldon or someone from the rules being saying that we'll link it and pin it in the comments it would be very helpful i mean i would um that's because those are the people that we look to because they are the people who run this format in the end the only thing we are trying to promote is a positive community for everyone the magic community is a large place with a diverse group of people i love the magic community i love everybody in it and i want to work to make it a better place for everyone we do have work to do but that is our video special shout outs to every single one of our patrons we love you as much as we can without making you comfortable thank you for supporting this channel directly i hope you had a happy birthday and you know amber's even here to send you off at the end of the video i think that's like a blessing that means your birthday is lucky i think if it's your birthday and amber's here at the end that's lucky so if you want to support some patreon that's the best thing ever but you can also go to tcg player affiliate link buy the cards for yourself which i totally advocate and then when you buy them through our link we can kick back on the order as you check out no additional effort or money from you yeah literally the same price same cards same location as we say your house your house the cards will be mailed to your house you can also get dragon shields best sleeves in the multiverse good sleeves we use them on every single one of our decks we've used them for the past 10 years or so a million years and we're going to continue to use them going forward if you would like to get some use our links in the description there's an eu and a us link those will take you to the dragon show websites and you will be supporting the nitpicking nerds while getting the best sleeves in the multiverse good sleeves yes now for a second i was like what are we going to do about our lives but oh my god today what a beating today was so i was resting in my room joe was out i hear thuds and clattering downstairs and i hear amber just like barreling up the stairs at mach speed my door's closed she slams into my door at full force and i'm just like what the heck and then as i'm saying that oh you're not happy about this one as i'm saying that a mouse just flies like a rocket from under the the door and i was just like whoa i just like freaked me out it was such a jump scare and i'm like there's a mouse in my room and i'm just clattering and i eventually kind of coax it and get it into my closet and i lock it i tape everything shut so i can't get out and then i just wait for joe to get home and then what happened uh it's really funny i love that bz like didn't want to confront the mouse or deal with it so he just locked in the closet for three hours i also think that the way i confronted it would not be what joe it likes uh so what i did was i opened the closet door after where we got like a little container and it it so i knew it was in there i'm like where is it i moved the first blanket and of course it was under the first blanket just scattered to the back like okay okay it's in here it's in here for sure i know i can get it i put like i put a little plastic container blocking the doorway so it couldn't get out and then i i pulled out everything until eventually it was running around the closet and you just kind of like kicked it over and then it fell on the mouse yeah the mouse the mouse was like trying to escape so it was running at me and i kicked over the little pescana put the lid on it and we took it to the forest uh down the street and we just let it go yeah we released him into the wild so if you're watching mouse i have no respect for you but i hope you live a happy life i would never get out of my space i see i don't have any problem with mice it's just kind of get into your space because that's what they do so i just set a trap and i save it like i i usually let spiders out too but bc is not a big spider fan i'm sorry and you know you're you're in my space i'm allowed to sort of defend for my space i don't want to feel uncomfortable and i don't know if it's my responsibility to bring a spider out that's probably a whole nother conversation but mostly spiders just die for me yeah i mean i would never i would never let bc kill the mouse i would always save the mouse no i would not kill the mouse i mean i would have to almost do exactly what you did but i guess i would just i wouldn't be nice about it i wouldn't be saying nice things to the mouse it was like screw you and i just throw it you know throw the boxes it was a really cute mouse and it was pretty cute i'm not gonna lie i have pictures actually it was cute outside of my house yeah and we just took it down the street we opened up the container and i'm like i put the container down just step back and it wouldn't leave the container so i couldn't jump right off yeah for some reason it wasn't even a high container but it couldn't jump so i had to like tip it over to get it to finally run that's our 50 minute story about the mouse just watch it run off into the snow you have to end the video oh peace out tribe scout [Music] that
Channel: Nitpicking Nerds
Views: 48,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxies in commander, commander proxies, mtg proxies, proxy mtg, commander proxy, is proxying in commander okay, are proxies commander legal, can i use a proxy in mtg, mtg, edh, commander, nitpicking nerds
Id: VwvAew19yeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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