Proverbs ~ 15:28 to 16:33

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back in our father's word we're in the 15th chapter of this great book of Proverbs proverbs giving you a choice and here in this 15th chapter it kind of as a relationship to the religious sphere in which you're in and giving you that choice yours to choose and our fathers real good about that he gives you advice and he gives you wisdom and then he tells you what happens to you if you don't use it again not father ordering you but giving you the choice of what you choose is your life so having said that let's pick it up with verse 28 of the fifteenth chapter of the great book of Proverbs and the word of wisdom from our Father and it reads the heart of the righteous study ahthe to answer he thinks about it studies what he's gonna say doesn't just blabber right out there okay but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things without thinking even okay you weren't always the heart is to say the mind of the righteous you always if somebody if you can give good advice then that's a precious thing is to be able to help someone verse 29 the Lord is far from the wicked I mean you're he's nothing to hang around there he's not gonna bless him he's not going to be any more near than but he here at the prayer of the righteous I don't want you to read over that he heareth the prayer of the righteous I don't care what you do if you're doing it right and you talk to your father he's listening okay he watches observes looks he listens to everything you say especially if you're talking to him especially if you're telling him how much you love him and appreciate him and but at the same time some months ago I wonder what you never hears me what maybe maybe you should take inventory or you wicked in heart sometimes think about it verse 30 the light of the eyes rejoices the heart and a good report and it has to say good news make it the bones fat in other words the gospel is good news and it makes you healthy okay makes you feel real healthy the eyes mirror the soul and the eyes are the light of the soul this is this is how you may even be unconscious of the fact the religious sphere allows you to look into the people's eyes and you can see their soul you can really that spiritual discernment if you have spiritual discernment will come through at that time and it is the eyes that this is why when you see somebody that has what we call shifty eyes they mean they won't even look at you hardly straight on you won't check that out real good now sometimes nerves can cause that but at the same time it causes one a little bit of consternation to have shifty eyes around like something is hidden something different okay verse 31 the ear that hear at the reproof of life abideth among the wise if you listen to reproof that's to say good advice and counsel without having to experience the failure yourself then that's wise you you know learn from other people's mistakes you don't have to make them like they do learn for listen to reproof and let your ear hear doesn't hurt to listen a lot of times instead of talking verse 32 he that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding he gets wisdom and and better yet common sense what one that will listen to reproof and gain knowledge from other people's eras then certainly he gains common sense and that gives him the ability to to understand things in a deeper sense to be able to improvise and make do with what he's got to be successful okay otherwise you float around in a fog and that's not good verse 33 the fear or the reverence loving of the Father of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom that's where all wisdom comes from if you loved our Father I guarantee you he's going to send you wisdom you'll gain it from his word and from his spirit and before honor is humility in other words honor is never puffed up with pride it's with humility that honor comes that's just the way it is that's the way the cookie crumbles that's the way our Father has it that's common sense okay now we come to chapter 16 a very interesting chapter it's the pious and the ungodly in their reflection and and their reference to Almighty God so it kind of lets you know the pious and the ungodly again the choice and that's what proverbs is a group of choices and rules if you follow them you're alright if you take the right Road okay verse 1 the preparations of the heart and man that's to say the the mind which plans makes plans and decides on certain things and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord if if you are serving God he inspires your words man can plan and when you plan from the Word of God God will God will input into your mind I know this to be a fact okay in and assist you in bringing forth a divine message okay that's the way he operates he inspires the words of that are uttered okay even as one sometimes this do not think that this is some great thing because the ultimen is of the end times it is for God's elect to be delivered up before the false messiah and the Holy Spirit does all the uttering all the talking verse two all the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes boy you know man judges himself pretty liberally okay but the Lord way at the spirits in other words the Lord fixes a standard and the Lord standard is easy okay all he wants is for you to love him and make the effort he knows that you're going to slip up occasionally and when you repent he's anxious to forgive and he will forgive you but but he fixes the standard that he expects you to go by and you intuitively I say intuitively you feel and know that standard by spiritual discernment by the leading if you would of the Holy Spirit but you you want to be careful though the ways of men are clean in his own eyes how you judge yourself you're not supposed to judge anyone else but you should at least take inventory of self and and it is true the old cliche of a man can get a plank in his own eye and tell his brother let's get that little splinter out of yours okay in other words he's pretty easy on himself and God knows that verse 3 commit thy works unto the Lord and thou shall be established and your thoughts will prosper you'll be successful you commit that works in the Lord that means you you commit yourself to him to help you see what's right to do what's right using his word as a rule and whereas a standard and you you will know the difference between the pious and the ungodly in its reference to our Heavenly Father because the pious will be blessed and the ungodly will have nothing okay nothing but trouble trouble with family trouble with self and our miserable indeed so you want to commit your works to God that is to say let God rule don't don't don't judge yourself what everything I do is right well probably not okay you want to go by father's standard he said it and this is that we're studying verse for the Lord hath made all things for himself you want to absorb that the Lord had to made all things for himself yay even the wicked of the day even the wicked for the day of evil he created everything he didn't create it to go bad it went bad on its own don't you ever think for a moment God created anything evil he didn't it went evil went bad why because it chose the bad path chose the wrong way chose perversion or whatever the case might be it was the choice of the individual whether a human being a Archangel or whoever a cherubim or whoever God created all things for himself and as as it is written let's do a little documentation here to my my thought to back it up from scripture in 2nd Peter chapter 3 you'll find in the end times they'll be they'll there'll be people come along it's not going to happen it's all the same as it ever were gainsayers but then as you get down to verse six and seven God said I am long-suffering and it is God's will that all come to repentance they won't but he wants them to so don't ever try to lay any trip of evilness that God caused it he didn't he reaches out and helps and raises up anybody that will cry out and say here father help me verse five everyone that is proud and heart that's Hardy is an abomination to the Lord haughty means one that wants to be worshipped to pretend to be something they're not it's it's not only it's not only a bad thing it's an abomination to God though through here though hand join in hand he shall not be unpunished in other words though you find wickedness to shake hands on it or swear to it or agree to it it's going to be punished you can count on it God will punish indeed what well he loves his children he created all things for himself his pleasure quite frankly as you'll read in Revelation chapter 4 the last verse and when someone does not give him pleasure they will not go unpunished you could depend on it verse 6 this is don't want to add one more thought you want to remember when things kind of come down around you and it seems like everybody's kind of on your case you want to stop and take a deep breath and think for a moment all right when it gets to where the whole world is wrong and you're right you're kind of out on a limb all by yourself something's wrong okay and it's wrong with you so you want to analyze and you want to get back to the father and be part of the family all people were created by God for himself and there are those that are weak in your family and in your community and the strong must give counsel to assist God depends on it otherwise it will not go unpunished verse 6 by mercy and truth iniquity that's to say guilt is purged clothes away and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil but by the reverence of the Lord mean depart from evil when you study his word when you love him you can't help studying his word naturally the evil is going away you can't participate in it what become one you know how expensive it is it robs you of every blessing it robs you of the very presence of God and that's bad that's very bad our Father does not appreciate that verse 7 when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him you mean this is a very important verse you would remember it when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him in other words if you please Almighty God in your life and serving him in working with him God will see to it that even your enemies are at peace with you ok that's the way it is they if you think God isn't in control I'll repeat it again he created everyone for himself for Satan better is a little with righteousness then great revenues without right in other words if you rip somebody off and gay great revenue you're in trouble okay it's better just to have a little with righteousness and have the blessings of God you're far richer because God's going to let you keep it but if you've connived you're not going to sleep good at night you're not going to have peace of mind and and men will hate you they'll dislike you because you're crooked that they're being well I didn't mean to but you did it though didn't you that does not excuse you in the eyes of God so that's why it's better just to have a little the right way than a whole bunch illegally verse nine a man's heart divideth his way but the Lord directeth his steps and and so it is he God can even alter the plans if you want to know something if you a man's heart divideth his way but the Lord directed to his steps if God if you love him if you do things righteously and some if you are one of God's elect that's kind of who this is written - he can't alter your plans a little bit okay verse 10 listen carefully a divine sentence is in the lips of the king his mouth transgresseth not in judgment in other words where does a divine sentence come from from God okay I mean it means he's doing things righteously and he's judging righteously and and his mouth is not going to transgress judgment that's to say good judgment verse eleven a just weight and balance are the Lord's in other words that standard he says if there's any one thing God hates it's unjust weights okay that's just say to rob people to cheat people all the weights of the bag are here work this word weights his stones he he but in the Hebrew tongue and they're they're God's way of keeping things straight we I could even take it one step further as far as the stone is concerned and and call it the plumb bob which is a stone that keeps things straight and narrow God keeps the straightens things straight and narrow and you know you have a choice some might say well I could I could fudge here and make this wait just a little bit in my favor and I'll get ahead no no you won't God considers that an abomination you just robbed yourself of ever blessing and God intended to give you you just you really messed up well I just I just wanted to take a short cut just a little bit you robbed yourself you blew it God is so hurt and disappointed when someone does something like that he wants a fair set of measures okay and in your life he wants you to be plumb square and level and everything you do so he can bless you that's where blessings come from or you can you can can them you can you can lose them you can throw them away that's real easy to do just go against God just go against the divine and degree just and go with bad weights and see what happens that beloved that applies to many things in your life that means cheatin okay don't ever cheat verse 12 it is an abomination to Kings to commit wickedness for the throne is established by righteousness don't worry if he commits abominations he won't be King long okay but naturally a righteous king and a throne that's established like the throne of Almighty God is eternal verse 13 righteous lips or the delight of King and they love him that speaketh right you can depend on them you can count on them you know it hurts if you trust someone you find out you've been disappointed it's not good okay not good at all verse 14 the wrath of a king is as messengers of death but a wise man will pacify it in other words a king that flies off easy if you're a wise man you know how you know how to use tact and you know how to counter it you know how to get by and you always will and the sentence that the bad king is ready to pronounce he can you can mellow him okay with with righteousness verse 15 in the light of the Kings countenance his life and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain and of course latter rain is the rain that ripens the crop because it gives it the last push to the early rain sprouts the seed the embryo in the soil and the latter rain brings forth the harvest but the light of a king's countenance is life in other words if you have spiritual discernment you can tell by the countenance of and you can I'll say it you can play a person like a fiddle if you know how to read countenance and spirit not to take advantage but using just weights in doing what's right in in their eye that brings forth the latter rain and the harvest and the prosperity and the goodness from hearts that's to say minds 16 how much better is it to get wisdom than gold and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver because you can have all the gold you wish but if you don't have wisdom you're gonna lose it you can't handle it somebody's gonna rip you off just sure as you're sitting there okay but if you have wisdom you know how to acquire gold you know how to acquire silver you know and also you know how to keep it that's what's important God gives you that ability but mainly if you gain wisdom what does it come from loving God and if you love God he blesses you and sees that you have everything you need to survive that that may not be a tub of gold but it'll be plenty for everything you need 17 the highway of the upright is to depart from evil he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul and the road that departs evil is a road to Christ okay it's that simple don't be on the road that's evil well how do I know what the road to evil is if it's in thee if it's strife if it's hurt if it's hate then you're on the wrong road friend and you're going to end up in the ditch in the way you need to get yourself together and get back in with God's blessings and take the high road verse 18 pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall the Holy Spirit is there that was Satan's downfall he he began to think I'm really something I be I'd be the Messiah only he wasn't and it caused his downfall only in our Father is that has the right to that Messiahship Emmanuel God with us and pride goes before the fall you've heard that before and even stronger here before the destruction that's what it'll bring you is play-acting and pretending you're something you're not God doesn't like that he considers it an abomination nineteen better it is to be in of an humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud dividing the spoil is a ripoff artist okay maybe druggies pumping drugs and everything and you get to divide up the money and just around the corner comes the the law and you go to prison for many many years and and so forth and how many souls did you take down with you by pumping poison into them but how do you think Almighty God feels about that he wants you gone and you think you want a blessing much better to be of a humble spirit with the needy the sufferers is really what the Hebrew is more clearly with than to divide the spoil with a bunch of crooks verse 20 he that Hindle of the matter wisely shall find good and whoso trusteth in the lord happy as he trusts us in his word follows his word takes his advice happy is he you want to find happiness you want to find peace of mind that's where you find it 21 the wise in heart shall be called prudent and the sweetness of the lips increase of learning in other words of wisdom gains respect and and it always does I don't want you to forget what a prudent man is it's one that cautiously of you advances with common sense today always pleasing to God verse 22 understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath been but the instruction of fools is folly you listen to food you're a bigger fool than they are it'll always ricochet and it'll always bring sadness but and and their own punishment 23 the heart of the wise teaches his mouth and added learning to his lips he he wisdom allows you to think and meditate and to say things that that are uplifting to other people that helps them or really what do you have to say okay in other words if you don't have something good to say and I'm not talking about just passing the time or visiting I'm talking about advice then if you don't have anything to say you better keep your mouth shut okay and and that's the way you teach your mouth there's a time to talk and there's a time to remain silent the time to listen verse 24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones and this is this is a sweetness that only truth can bring it's not this sir peace weedy stuff that some people lay on you with no meaning or depth behind it no it's the sweet truth of God's Word that God hears you that God created you for himself that's sweet that's comforting and that gives you health twenty-five there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death in other words man can feed himself a man of the world especially he can always kind of con himself into buying into something that he knows better but he just can't help himself 26 he that labor of laborers for himself for his mouth crave ahthe it of him needs a little bit of work let's do it what it means is is your mouth grows hungry and it encourages you to work a little harder to make a little more money so that your mouth can be fed okay or that you can feed your family first in other words it is a built-in thing this is fine you don't ever have to worry about not feeding a sluggard it's a lazy person I'm not talking about handicapped here they're their mouth Cueva then they'll soon go to work okay that's the way it is 27 an ungodly man diggeth up evil he just digs around in it all the time not happy unless he can and in his lips there is there is as a burning fire he digs a fire pit and falls in it be careful of a person like that trouble follows them everywhere they go 28 a froward man perverted soweth strife and a whisper that's a gossiper separated chief friends know where they can bust up good people 29 a violent man entice if his neighbor in need of him into the way that is not good in other words he stalks them into things that is not good for either one of them it's downhill 30 he shutteth his eyes to devise forward things moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass he's just an evil person you don't need someone like that my friend and you can recognize them well how can I write what they go against God's Word giving you great plans and leading and you can't document it in God's Word you better find out whose word it is okay verse 31 the holy head is a crown of glory that gray hair is a crown of glory if you know there's always conditions it doesn't mean everybody that's gray headed because we got an F here that means there's a condition connected to it it's a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness only if it's a person that practices righteousness that is to say do what's right know how to practice discipline know how to practice tough love and know how what real love is is to be an assistant a help and a blessing both demanding our Heavenly Father and in that way you know many people like to read God's Word but they forget about that big old word if you know every promise God makes has a condition to it okay and you got to meet that condition or it doesn't apply to you okay 32 he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that rule earth his spirit then he that taketh the city I mean I mean self correction is better than some than someone that could take a whole city in war even okay it's self control and the ability to slow to anger and then someone that can fly off the handle and do damage okay 33 to complete the chapter the lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord this is this is a little difficult to understand in this day and time because most people don't know what casting Lots are okay a priest cast lots to get an answer from God so what the verse really means is that you can cast Lots right into the lab but in your lifetime when you use fair measure God's going to have the last say so anyway I want to repeat that again when and forget about casting Lots that that law doesn't apply anymore - when the old priests cast the Lots through the through the dice I'll say so that you understand what I'm talking about God doesn't work that way anymore he gives us an answer a different way through the Lord okay but the it still it still stands that God makes the final decision okay when you do it his way that's beautiful that when you understand that and realize that if if you follow God he created everything for himself and he expects his children to be a blessing to all they come in contact with that's the way our Father why because they're family okay bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Donald Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii hey all over Canada spirit moob you got a question you share it won't you do that and please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organ the stone judge people it is right for you to discern people to discern reverence to discern churches but don't judge okay well what what does that mean well if you discern that it's not good stay away from it okay but don't judge it that's God's business you get in God's Way and you can cause hurt okay to yourself quite frankly those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now I've got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he knows what you need just talk to him let him know you love him and don't don't write out some long speech talk to him he's very intelligent and he likes a conversation directly from you not that somebody else wrote or something talk to him father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and we're getting to questions Letitia from California I had a pastor tell me that John 5 verse 4 is not supposed to be in the Bible and some of the new commentary Bibles don't have it is this truth well it in some of the ancient manuscripts it was a comment your companion Bible will give you a statement on this the the idea was it was not that an angel came and touched the water and the first one in it received a healing because it was an inner if you could read on down you find it was an intermediate intermitting stream meaning it kept it coming in and it left okay and this this second part and and I'm not going to turn it away it's fine okay because many manuscripts do have it and it is believed by a certain scholar that it was a a prin in some of the originals explaining not that an angel made the water come and go but what they taught and said the angel did not that the angel actually did it got it okay no harm done this it's fine Virginia from Georgia how do you know when God hears your prayers I think today's lecture answered that for you God does hear your prayers now there are conditions though if if you meet those conditions he may answer your prayer but especially if you prayed in if it were his will because a Christian that loves God enough to trust his judgment always prays in his will because God can keep you out of trouble by sometimes not answering a prayer for something that will hurt you or get you in deep trouble or take you away from what it is that God wants because as the last verse of today's lecture said the final decision is always his okay and that's good that's wonderful that may offend son but to one that loves him and trust him we want to do it his way because he knows a lot better than we do he always hears your prayer crystal from California is it true that sin against the spirit is unforgivable well you're kind of short changing it a little bit to sin against the Holy Spirit if you are here's the if if you be one of God's elect and you're delivered up before the false messiah and you refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through you that's unforgivable I mean it it's kind of a shame because if that were the case you have to be one of God's elect that's already been judged and you blow it you throw it all out window because you're going to hell okay that's unpardonable now this is documented in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 okay when you're delivered up before the synagogue excuse me of Satan don't deny the Holy Spirit it's not going to happen I know God's elect to well if anything they will sin the other way they'll say too much okay Lloyd from Arkansas was Mary Magdalene a cousin or a niece to Elizabeth or to Mary no no no she was she was from Magdala okay was not related to any of that family Denise from Pennsylvania how do you plant a seed with an atheist well that's a really no different thing you would with anyone else you plant a little seed a little one and give God a chance to make it grow or die okay or stay dormant we never know when you plant a seed it may be years later that that seed will sprout is that's up to God okay God always makes the final decision as a matter of fact it could be that when you're delivered up before the Antichrist the seeds you planted they're going to say hey that person told me this was going to happen that was a prophecy that came to pass and they were correct then the seed sprouts oh you don't know you leave that in God's hands but you don't do any different and and usually your odds your Pelin in some pretty tough soil when you start trying to plant seeds to atheist I have been around atheist in my lifetime and I they love to they left to discuss and and they are so very negative and really sometimes past planting a seed I don't care that much about discussing with them it's a waste of time but many times I have noticed as an atheist nears the time of death they begin to soften considerably okay they they begin to want to be convinced a little closer Alice from Georgia the dead in Christ shall rise in print what does this mean that means what means resurrection okay the you know you got to remember if you have a strong suit in accordance check out the word resurrect it has three meanings and there are three different ways you can raise to a higher level of thinking is to come to truth that's a resurrection of the mind so to speak and to to love the Lord Jesus Christ and accept him that also is a higher level of life than then being an atheist okay and then naturally the third meaning is to as Christ rose from the dead so today they're not out here in the hole in the ground that's what it means they're gone Mary from Illinois when the son of perdition takes one out of the bed and leaves one will he take Saints as well as sinners no no no you missed the point and that's dangerous he takes those that can be deceived you can't deceive a saint okay God said to Satan in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 you can go down there but you can't touch those that have the seal of God in their forehead I mean this is a figure of speech of two in one bed and he takes one it's the one that's ignorant of God's Word one that knows who Satan is and the fact that he comes first there is no way you're going to deceive them as God has said in another place touch not mine anointed that's God talking to Satan and he gives us power over him okay so it is not the know Saint will be deceived by Satan st. simply means one set aside that's all the word means one set aside in truth okay in from Washington I am I am confused about baptism I was baptized as an infant and again later by immersion in Jesus name later I was told it has to be in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit have I still not got it right the Bible seems to say both ways well no no you're stopping you're shorting yourself okay and and that's a shame because when you baptize yourself in the name of Jesus what does that mean I mean as a linguist I want you to look at it as a linguist what does the word Jesus mean it is from Yeshua well what does that mean Yahshua it means yaver that's the father Savior that's the son and were those two always the Holy Spirit you've got all three of them okay so what you're doing you're having some people that they're elevator stops a little short of the top floor in knowledge and wisdom and they're judging you and confusing you okay your baptism is between you and the Father and if you're happy with it don't you let some man rob you okay especially one that's ignorant yes that's that's real sad drink good shape praise the Lord if you see and repent and you're in good standing Jason from Tennessee I'm 28 years old and I'm recovering I'm a recovering drug addict I have been clean now going for going on four months and I've been studying with you intensely ever since I was wondering if you could point me toward some scriptures that could be helpful to someone in my situation that's my question well I can do it you bet mark 13 mark the thirteenth chapter that's kind of the subject to one prior about to and Abed was taught about only theirs from Matthew 24 is that you studying you know the false one comes first and God wants you to help him you have a destiny and a purpose and drugs which are satanic can rob you of it you have a destiny to be delivered up before the synagogue of Satan which is to say the Antichrist and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you a champion of the people that's reason enough for you to stay away from from from drugs okay and I'm real proud of you for having made the recovery and you hang tough with it one one little scripture that might help you a lot is 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 which says nothing happened to you didn't it doesn't happen it's common it happens everybody that's to be confused to be led astray but God will never test you over what you can handle and you can cut it okay I want you to remember that 1st Corinthians 10:13 you can cut it and he will always most of all he will always show you a way out so don't ever quit don't ever give up you're one of God's champions you act like it and again congratulations and we're right with you and there will be many people praying for you right now to get in there and go on keep those traces tight cloudy but from Texas when I'm driving down the road in my truck and I want to pray should I take my cap off as a sign of respect for our Father if you have a conviction that you should do that and it doesn't danger your driving or anything that would be fine but it really isn't necessary because you're working and I am a strong believer that God loves if you need him and if you won't talk to him when you're working driving were ever anytime anyplace God loves you and he wants to hear from you but if you have a conviction for that we'll find but if it endangers your ability to drive or something of that nature it would not be important it will not embarrass our Father or take anything away from the true meaning of you're talking to him prayer then from Alabama my question is why are the people not teaching when are the preacher's not teaching the coming of Anti Christ I feel everyone should know this and I feel a lot of people don't know this Dan from Alabama well you're right and that's why that we teach it as often as we can the any moment doctrine that came into existence in the year of our Lord 1830 has grown and growing and growing until that's all people can think about any moment I'm going to be gone don't have to stay it's a crutch for someone rather than being an instructor from God's Word is simply to cop out saying you don't have to worry you're not going to be here and that's bad why because that leads them right into the bed of Antichrist because that's the Antichrist message I've come to save you get on board we're out of here there'll be a lot of good Christians or they think they're good Christians are just one thing they haven't read the letter God sent them and that's why they that they don't know is the teachers won't teach the word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and the people kind of it would seem some don't want to hear it chapter by chapter and verse by verse so they'll suffer Debby from Texas I'm concerned about decent people who may be on the wrong side of the Gulf there won't be any decent people on the wrong side of the drugs go only bad people will be on the other side okay exactly where in the bible does it reveal that they may have a chance in the millennium well the fact of Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 God's elect or priest with Christ for a thousand years what does the priest do he teaches okay and God is always fair he always uses a fair set of measures there's a lot of people don't they don't have a prayer of a chance and there are some as God Himself put a spirit of slumber on them as is written in Romans chapter 11 verse 4 and there this is a time this millennium of evening up also are the decent people mixed in with the re bad people such as murderers and killers on the wrong side of the gulf well God God doesn't punish people past what they deserve okay you don't have to worry about it and there won't be anybody even on the bad side of the Gulf there won't be anybody acting up okay once they're there they will behave themselves I guarantee you okay there is discipline there Lisa from Florida I think our Father about that he led me to your teachings well thank you what does the number 11 represent in the Bible disorder okay number 11 is disorder Bob from Michigan I live by myself with two cats and a dog and my dog's name is honey could you document where the single Christian is given a purpose or mentioned in the Holy Scripture many times in my life my cousin's life that God has saved yet we both know what a single person doesn't have anything to do with whether God loves you or not or you're serving God okay I'll give you the same scripture chapter I gave the fellow before you mark 13 you've got a job to do a destiny and whether you're living alone or with somebody whether you're single or married okay you got a job to do you got to serve God so that doesn't change that you know be that as it may okay Danny from Texas I would like to know sir please where can I find in God's letter where it says that all of us will go either to one side of the Gulf or the other Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 that's the teachings of Jesus Christ and a parable concerning the rich man and Lazarus okay sir I have never learned so much since I have been studying with you please can we go across the Gulf and help a loved one well you can't in across the Gulf but you can in the Millennium as it is written the Gulf does not have anything that is a holding place before the Millennium during the Millennium that changes and in Ezekiel chapter 44 verses 20 through 25 you will find there that you can help one that is a mother brother father sisters unmarried and so forth it'll you read it you'll understand because you would be one of God's Alexis doc this is from borning born okay what if I got I've got to find the name eight-and-a-half years old Taylor from Florida I have this question why why does God make snakes from Taylor from Florida well he made two different kind of snakes or more natty and some of them are good there's good snakes just like there are good people and there's bad snakes just like they're bad people so there's good and there's a bad guy everything God created has a purpose and we use this snake the serpent is a figure of speech to an analogy or a figure of speech for Satan and but that doesn't you can't blame that on the snake okay and because Satan is the wicked one and snakes are just naturally snakes snakes are pretty good you take an old rattle snake as one of the best kind of snakes there is why well if you get into his area 99% of the time he's gonna rattle and warn you get away from me I will bite I will bite you good if you don't clear my path and he's sitting you know here in Arkansas we we have a copperhead and he's a tricky little rascal he likes to get word use my story animal food or feed because mice are there and he's there after the mice or he likes to get under cucumber leaves and rest in the cool and when you move the leaf to get a cucumber whack no warning he's got you he's a bad snake okay and he is poisonous so there's good and there's bad like everything else thanks for the question John from Georgia will you explain Revelation chapter 13 verse 7 I have thank God for you on several occasions well I appreciate that okay thank you much 13 7 says that the Antichrist when he comes will make war with the Saints but what is he coming as he's come in as Christ and his war is to cry to try to get you to commit apostasy which means to change your religion not going to happen okay not going to happen at all he will he will win most of the people's favor why because they're not educated to it and they will worship he end up worshipping him so so it is unfortunately okay we're out of time hey you don't want to love you all a great deal you know why because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you for it okay you know what it makes his day he sent this letter to you for your own good because he created you for himself and you're unique and he wants you to know that so let him know you love him it makes his day he'll make yours brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that when you bless God he will always bless you now I want you to do something for you it's most important it's this that you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor armor if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offered contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 2 or 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel box for 16 grand in Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 don't be deceived by Satan [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Cheverus Chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back into our father's word we're gonna continue this discussion as you see there on wilderness now you'll be lacking if you don't understand what the word wilderness means in the Greek basically it means in a lonesome field place where basically
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 608
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds, Book of, Pastor, Arnold, Proverbs, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Book of Proverbs
Id: q7fJ4jh1J2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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