Provence Vacation Travel Video Guide

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[Music] maray the oldest city in France and its largest commercial Harbor the capital of provance an enchanting region full of contrast it is believed that in 600 BC travelers from the Greek Town of focus founded the autonomous town of [Music] masalia in the Middle Ages the city's main Harbor was used by the Crusaders to Embark upon their journey to Jerusalem from a distance one of Mars's main landmarks Rises high above the harbor the seaf farers Church of nraam [Music] delad its interior has an abundance of bantine archers gilded mosaics and numerous vtif a triumphant structure inspired by Byzantine romanic design the church resembles a fortress from here there's a fascinating view across an Endless Sea of houses of a city that under lwig the 14th was once rich and Powerful it was France's gateway to [Music] Africa the old Harbor was once the pulsating heart of the city the first Harbor of the Greek settlers who came here served as a gateway to Asia Minor they were duly followed by the Romans during the Crusades the harbor flourished once more and the city's hectic trade during the time of French colonization attracted many new [Music] settlers the old Harbor has always been at the heart of maray warehouses originated throughout the harbor area whose wide variety of restaurants and bars are popular both day and night always [Music] busy but the Golden Age of trade is long gone the harbor is both too small and too shallow now it's only used by fishing vessels pleasure boats and Yachts in the early hours there's much activity at the K be Fish Market the freshly caught produce is immediately offered for sale alongside the fishing [Music] [Music] boats two Mighty fortresses Overlook the harbor the northern foron is the oldest and was used by the order of the Knights of molta it was the French King ludvig I 14th the Sun King who ordered construction of the Fortress he required the finest protection for his largest and most revered [Music] Harbor the most impressive religious building in marsill is a fortified Monastery Church that dates back to the fifth century the mighty Abbe San Victor deep down in the rock is an early Christian Crypt and a number of stone sarcophaguses that contain the remains of various Holy Martyrs that date back to the Roman persecution of the Christians from outside the cathedral de la is almost like a domed mountain reminiscent of nraam dead this rather ostentatious church building of romanic bantine design was built on the foundations of a baptistry that dates back to the fth [Music] century this triumphal Arch is located close to the sanal station the dead of both the French Revolution and the French Empire are honored here the pet de Lon this flamboyant Palace of Second Empire design was built in 1869 according to the plans of architect HRI [Music] esperandio it was the terminal of an 80 km long Canal that supplied Mar with the Waters of the [Music] Durance a semi circular building with a double row of ionic arcades and a large Monumental Fountain complex with stepped water [Music] features Stone busts and ancient figures lead into a welll laid Art Park above the buildings and there's even a small Zoo The Architects of the 19th century well knew how to combine historic abundance with modern techniques an imperial work of a golden age when visiting Marseilles it's good to experience one of the boat trips that travels to a small island that is lo located close to the coast the the most famous of many small islands that lie just off the coast close to the shore indeed but once much feared The Fortress extended across the entire Island its steep walls ended in in the sea the building was [Music] impregnable due to its unique location the complex was soon transformed into a prison for both Protestant as well as political prisoners Escape From Here was impossible the tiny Island was made famous due to a novel by Alexander Dumar The Count of Monte Cristo the ferry booat brings new visitors to the island and returns to the mainland to [Music] Liberty close by is casis a Charming fishing village with a picturesque Harbor that is typical of the [Music] Mediterranean a small medieval castle still surveys The Village's population of [Music] 7,000 although busy at weekends and holiday time this small Coastal Village is appreciated by one and all including numerous famous artists of bygone [Music] times with the colorful and neatly laid out hazes located along the key it's easy to understand why it's also popular with the inhabitant of [Music] marsill a boat trip from casis leads to one of the most beautiful coastal areas in Europe Le kalon a unique Nature Reserve shining white Limestone Cliffs plunge more than 400 m into the deep blue sea they extend for 20 [Music] km this Rocky Coastline was deforested in Antiquity and has since become a popular nesting place for several species of migratory bird [Music] the many fjord-like inlets here originated during the last ice age and are only accessible by [Music] boat the crystal clear emerald green water of The Bays is a marvelous sight an idilic and restful setting the Limestone here is is easily worked and was much in demand as building material for the sewers canal in 1975 this area was officially designated as a nature reserve the journey along the impressive Mountain Road is an unforgettable Adventure the Kish DEET travels 17 km along the coast high above the Kon [Music] the road continues to climb along breathtaking dizzy bends The Horizon gradually extends further and further French artist Paul cesan once created a famous and historic painting of this special [Music] Paradise wind and weather have created a smooth Plateau here forest fires in the hot dry Summers and icy winter storms have gradually eroded the incredible [Music] terrain the scenery is fascinating it's like a moonscape and is far removed from all the hubub of [Music] marsill the views across the Azure blue Coastline of the Steep Kon and the mountain world of provance are truly [Music] remarkable the rugged and rocky mountain landscape highlights the determination of those who once colonized North Africa from [Music] here Hot Springs once inspired the Romans to settle in a valley below the Celtic opum that they had previously destroyed however today's Exon provance along with its numerous Lanes is one of the most beautiful cities in [Music] France the numerous fountains within its old and Majestic squares indicate the city's unique Ambiance and romantic [Music] character more than 40 spectacular fountains help to cool down this ancient town in the hot months of summer when both foreign and French tourists visit the city aches has been the capital of the C the provance since the 12th century however it was only later that the city became an important center of [Music] culture there is no other building in the city that unites as many historical Styles and epochs than the Sansa [Music] Cathedral its Origins date back far to the early history of the [Music] city Gothic facades are few and far between within the religious architecture of this region thus demonstrating the value of the church in this the former center of a Roman [Music] Colony the diversity of the architecture is particularly evident within the interior of this religious building that over the years has witnessed much transformation the oldest part of the church the fifth century Baptist with its eight Roman columns is a reminder of early Christian times the people of Exon provance are rightly proud of their dramatic past a source of [Music] inspiration bontan Deus a medieval town in Aon provance where the depths of the spring of the river s are unexplored the crystal clear water attracts a large number of pilgrims who come here to observe the subter Anan River that is located in a large [Music] Canyon Bridges span The Shining Green River and these water wheels are rcts of an age when weaving Mills and die houses were powered by water water from the largest spring in Europe flows constantly from an opening in the closed Valley a steep Cliff of the vus mountains overlooks the end of the impressive [Music] Valley the journey continues through green forests and Treeline roads through the landscape of the luberon a partly inhabited and unique Nature Park today this region is also so popular with cyclists many artists travel to God half a century ago this Mountain Village was almost deserted but today it has a population of 2,000 and both Victor vasari and Andre Lut once lived and worked [Music] here a Renaissance castle that was built on the remains of a fortress rises majestically above the rooftops surrounded by old [Music] buildings God is situated on the steep slopes of the vus plateau The Village Nestles on a rocky Hillside the stone building seem to have been built to last forever the architecture encapsulates the historic character of provance a region with a colorful [Music] past elevated and strategic sites were once the favored location of the Region's fortified villages [Music] [Applause] a picture postcard Village set high above the kulong valley with a panoramic view across a fascinating landscape that has inspired many an artist narrow Stone streets travel through the village to the castle that was saved from ruin by the Hungarian artist [Music] vasari In the Heat of the day visitors Gather in tiny Shady Courtyards that are calm and tranquil even when crowded various artists who grown weary of City Life have brought new prosperity to this picturesque Mountain Village whose original inhabitants left it for France's towns and [Music] cities just a little to the south of God is a Museum Village that contains several fascinating Stone buildings [Music] these round Huts have been built in the shape of barrels are known as bore consisting of a mound of rocks and without any use of mortar each Hut is surrounded by an empty space that in turn is surrounded by a number of upright stone slabs in spite of their archaic appearance the borei were built in the late Middle Ages as dwellings for the local farming [Music] Community the thick walls and Tiny slits help to protect against both heat and cold a construction technique that has been in use since since Neolithic times in both vus and in luberon there are more than 3,000 bore of various dimensions in the G region there are around [Music] 300 a few kilometers North is the captivating and remote senon [Music] Valley this is the location of the ancient notra damak Monastery a place of Silence amid blossoming and strongly scented fields of lavender the the old cian Monastery is situated at the foot of a hill and has a wellth thought out and functional [Music] design it's one of the last three remaining cian monasteries in provance where Travelers could break bread sub water and have a bed for the night although the monastery was built in the 12th century in the simple architectural style of the day the various capitals of its Cloister are still admired today 12 men from Viv and an Abbot originally founded the monastery this corresponds to Jesus and his 12 apostles today six monks still live here aism labor humility and a strong sense of Faith are the main Virtues Of The cian Order various exhibitions often take place here [Music] shining natural color helped to make this village located on the Hills North of God famous rouson with its colorful abundance of [Music] ochre its Rocky buildings shine out resplendant and numerous pathways ways lead across its ochre colored Hills ochre is also a strong [Music] stain prehistoric man painted caves with it and the Romans mined it and used it in the production of Ceramics and cos [Music] metics ochre is created by a combination of alumina and feric oxide its resultant color varies according to the proportion of these elements from light yellow to Rusty [Music] red provance is a land of stimulating Aromas and and bright Skies nowhere else are the colors of nature so magnificent and nowhere else are there so many different [Music] scents a very special plant grows within this Sunny Hill landscape lavender once wild but now carefully [Music] cultivated lavender was used by the Romans as an antiseptic and in today's perfume industry lavender oil is a vital ingredient and a large variety of [Music] products due to the Region's special soil high quality Vines grow here producing a hearty red [Music] wine the climate and in the south of France makes fields of both corn and sunflower stand out from the surrounding landscape everything seems to Glow in the bright colors of Vango and the fragrance of blossoming flowers and herbs fills the [Music] air Bon is the mamelle of provance the most beautiful Village in luberon minor as this prosperous Mountain Village was Catholic it was the only Village in the region that was never attacked or [Music] [Applause] [Music] plundered thus Begins the world famous French song that is familiar to both young and old alike it is a song of dance on the bridge of the p s V but it's more likely that the people here once danced under the bridge as that is the location of its bars the impressive Pope's Palace dominates the center of the town on the outside it resembles a military Fortress rather than a religious [Music] residence internal disputes in addition to power struggles in Rome transformed Aon into the new seat of the [Music] pontificate a coat of arms above the main entrance is reminiscent of the papal court that was founded by clemont V [Music] 6th during his term of office he added a new and more luxurious building to the old Palace that was constructed between 1334 and 1342 the beauty of this place manifests itself in the numerous Terraces and towers that were used for defensive purposes in the 14th and 15th centuries [Applause] seven French popes transformed Aon into one of the most glamorous medieval courts in Europe the idilic park landscape of the jaran D Ros follows the cathedral that originated in Roman [Music] times only with the Great Plague of 1721 and the subsequent French Revolution did its further success come to an [Music] end and the bridge sank into the [Music] Rome various of Caesar's veterans settled in orang of all the Comforts of a Roman town circus Capal thermal baths and numerous [Laughter] temples the theater antique is a splendidly preserved theater with a huge stage excellent Acoustics and seating for [Music] 10,000 King Augustus gives a warm welcome from one of the niches and a female wolf suckles Romulus and Remis Roman history in proval modern highways travel to the Southwest donda the most famous section of the water route to neim that was built by the Romans 2,000 years ago a bridge likee [Music] Aqueduct it spans across the river valley for 275 M it supports a free standing and built without the use of [Music] mortar each day 20,000 cubic M of fresh water flowed at a height of 49 m across the uppermost row of [Music] archers for almost 2,000 years an imposing Roman Amphitheater has dominated the city of neim it is the capital of the departm G that is situated on the periphery of [Music] provance in bygone times bloody gladiatorial battles took place in the arena but today it is matadors and Bulls neim or nemosis as the Romans called The Colony developed into an important center many years after the barbaric Roman games and its transformation to a medieval Fortress this building served as the residential quarters for several hundred people right up to the beginning of the 19th [Music] century in addition to various concerts and operas bull fights also take place here nearby restaurant Cafe is a popular meeting [Music] place [Music] the mezon carare Temple's excellent state of repair stems back to the time when it was transformed into a church thus this Pagan building that dates back to the first century ad was spared from destruction by the Christians the Jan Deon Park dates back to NES earliest days the god Nemos was once worshiped here by the Kelts [Music] the Baroque garden with its Rich array of sculptures dates back to the 18th century when the city enjoyed much Prosperity there's a large fortified tower on the hill it's a reminder of the former Roman city wall that once stood here [Music] a beautiful Fountain Graces the pl in the heart of Al an historic and Charming small town in the south of France next to the city hall is the Romantic sanim Cathedral with its Splendid Church porch that dates back to the 12th century including illustrations of the 12 apostles and the final judgment the cathedral's atmospheric cloer is regarded in provance to be an architectural Gem of romanic [Music] Art but as with many other sacred buildings it also contains numerous elements of Gothic [Music] architecture this town and its tiny squares and Charming cafes has retained its special provincial charm the amphitheater is the Region's greatest building and survived from the time of the Roman Empire it is also the most important arena in the former gar [Music] Colony the two-story building contains 120 archers of ochre colored Limestone it was built in the most elevated area of the [Music] town at one time more than 20,000 spect ators watch the gladiatorial battles that took place [Music] here thean is closely associated with the name of a world famous Dutch painter a man highly underrated in his own lifetime Vincent vano his work is now world famous and has survived the passage of time the longl drawbridge became the p vangor a world famous motif of the great grandm who created almost 400 works here in the final years leading up to his [Music] death the unique landscape of the kamag is relatively young the region along the Ron Delta that developed in the quaternary period enjoys a good degree of sunshine a number of the Region's inhabitants are as famous as the landscape of the south of France such as the famous white horses of the [Music] Kamar it's believed that the Kamar grew to its present size of approximately 95,000 hectars 10 10,000 years [Music] ago the wild vegetation and natural swampland known as the Eton are essential breeding grounds for millions of [Music] birds many endangered and rare species of bird have found their final refuge in the Kamar flamingos are one of the regions most colorful indigenous Birds the pink of their feathers is due to the high consistency of bra in the [Music] water while various endangered bird species are protected in the kar's ornithological park large numbers of birds fly overhead [Music] seemingly endless waterways rivers and canals extend across the [Music] Kamar entertainment is also well catered For here as a small train travels through a huge area that features each of the Region's animals it could be called Disneyland alakar [Music] this fertile often flooded landscape has been used for agriculture since the Middle Ages in addition to rice and wine it also contains forests up to the end of September the Farmland of the kar's rice Farmers is flooded with water up to 2 CM deep however the cultivation of rice also has its drawbacks due to the increasing desalinization of the land this fragile ecosystem is gradually being undermined herds of bulls also enjoy the shade of the willow [Music] trees a few kilometers away plants blossom in Striking colors in stark contrast to the scant and desolate [Music] saline the kamag has fascinated numerous painters and authors since time [Music] immemorial both man and Beast feels good here and there's a lot to see and do the fascinating par oric contains many rare and colorful birds that were once to be seen throughout the whole of France [Music] the land and the waterways of this region have remained unspoiled by [Music] man a journey by boat reveals the full beauty of the landscape both natural and artificial canals travel through the tributaries of the [Music] rone a journey along the canals and swamps provides a fascinating and at the same time close encounter with several indigenous animals and [Music] plants the preservation of this unique landscape a true Paradise on Earth should not only be assisted by UNESCO but also by its visitors the diversity of the landscape is as multifaceted as the various Impressions that it imparts it's not surprising that it attracts a large number of [Music] artists thus the natural colors of the kamag and its captivating charismatic inhabitants will continue to enchant visitors for many more years to come [Music] one of the most well-preserved medieval fortifications in Europe surrounds the small town of egg Mo along the western periphery of the kamag in the south of France the town was established in 1240 8 years later the mighty conston tower was completed from the city wall that is 11 M high and 6 M thick there's a wonderful view across the rooftops of this once impregnable [Music] City the 1700 me Long Town wall of egg Mo consists of 10 Gates and five defensive Towers a true Masterpiece of medieval architecture [Music] in the 13th century King Louie the holy was in search of a suitable location for a harbor on the Mediterranean that would serve both trade and Military purposes the egg Mort region was far from ideal as it was a swamp land on which it was almost impossible to build however the orders of the king had to be [Music] obeyed thus King Louis I 9th and his army eventually embarked from eggart to conquer the holy land for [Music] Christianity however the Crusade was was unsuccessful the king having been taken prisoner and the town gradually lost its [Music] importance the Church of nraam deblon dates back to the founding years of the Town originally it was built in Gothic style and over the years it was constantly improved but in 1638 its Church T collapsed but thanks to its Splendid Town wall egal still captures the atmosphere of the Middle [Music] Ages the former Village of both fishermen and Shepherds Samar de is located in the center of the Kamar each year numerous Gypsy families gather here the people here once lived in huts with roofs that were made of Reed the buildings have now been transformed into riding stables and [Music] [Applause] [Music] restaurant images of the Region's wild white horses and black bulls have been circulated around the globe this is a world of freedom and Adventure this defiant looking Sandstone yellow Church in the center of the village is one of the most beautiful sacred buildings in [Music] provance In the Heat of the midday Sun The Village looks deceptively desolate however in the the high season its streets are crowded and its hotels are [Music] full gypsies read palms and folk groups perform Bulls are important to the Village as indicated by the arena and [Music] Monument the huge Yacht Harbor attracts people from the surrounding towns long sandy beaches invite both swimming and sunbathing and it was here that three holy women were once [Music] stranded for as long as can be remembered the Delta of the river ran has been used for the production of sea salt and saland deiro is the center of this industry [Music] a small train travels through this huge region with 770 hectars of salt fields and various huge industrial mountains of salt roads built on dams separate the numerous salt fields that look like a shining white desert a colorful picture beneath the scorching Sun seawater with a content of 29 G of salt per liter covers a Salt Field of 9,400 [Music] hectar 9/10 of the water must evaporate in order to reach the 280 G of salt per liter that is required with a system of bucket Wheels around 80 million cubic M of water are pumped from the sea into an ingenious system of canals [Music] between April and August the water evaporates due to the summer heat and dry [Music] winds in September harvesting can begin the salt deposits are collected from the fields with modern machinery up to 800,000 tons each year salt is then washed and finally exported in the 10th Century Benedictine monks settled in the marshlands of the Ron Delta and founded the AB de mour construction of the monastery was financed by the thousands of pilgrims who traveled here across the Marshland a winding Mountain Road leads into the undulating Inland up to the Mulan dud on the Limestone Plateau above the village of fonel is a simple windmill that became a tourist attraction due to a famous [Music] [Applause] [Music] poet French poet alons dude described the mill and the aromatic landscape in one of his popular Works however his bestseller letters from from my Mill wasn't written here but in Paris the Romantic medieval village of leoda provance is situated on a rocky Plateau surrounded by the Charming mountain landscape of provance the historic origins of the village that has a population of around 400 dates back to the first millennial ad in the Middle Ages this small town became a center of power while the corrupt owner of its Castle ruled over most of the region with the gradual decline of the leau family life here became less tempestuous but later rebellious Protestants settled in the village steep steps led up to the plateau where today only the ruins of a once huge castle to be found artists and Scholars once met [Music] here medieval Siege machines are reminders of earlier battles and Wars here the noise of the ammunition from catapults once filled the air and drowned out the songs of the troubadors now only a few ruins are all that remain they blend in with the natural white Limestone Rock of the high plains [Music] rol is the sunny south of France with historic TS from which both the Romans and the papacy felt at home with blossoming fields of lavender and ancient Mountain Villages full of atmosphere and culture provance is a land of sweet Aromas and radiant lights
Channel: Expoza Travel
Views: 226,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world, discovery, Landmark, guides, adventure, documentary, guide, essentials, Marseille (City/Town/Village), guided, highlights, Culture, channel, videos, Adventure, holiday, tour, Nature, tips, vacation, Provence (Location), yt:stretch=16:9, arcadiaentertainment, visit, tavel, France (Country), expoza, Tourism (Interest), travelguide, video, travel, Europe (Continent), Tourist Destination, Destination, Tourism (Industry), trip, cityguide, Video, Travel Channel (TV Network)
Id: ZWIhxHlcCzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2013
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