Protection Against Dangers, Accidents & Disease–Truths From Psalm 91 | Joseph Prince Ministries

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[Music] it is amazing that God has ordained for such a time as this that we should touch on some snotty one for those who were not around perhaps you want holiday or you just join us today let you know that I think was last week or two weeks ago when I started the series on Psalms 91 we showed an excerpt of my sermon early this year in fact was the first sermon of this year 2014 in which I preached on the team of the year that God has given me and then I mentioned this specifically alright look carefully at Israel this year alright we're going to show you the the clip again we showed it a last time and I say that put your eyes on Israel Bible prophecy tells us the whole world will turn against Israel in the last days if you read Ezekiel 38 the Bible tells us that from the north will come rush Prince of Meshech and tubal but what rush is the old name of Russia mashek is the old city today is known as Moscow all right trouble is today troubles in Russia Russia will rise again let me tell you this that in the 17th century in the 16th century and on and on you don't find you know it but at a time when Ezekiel who live in the Old Testament wrote about Russia they were just tribes they were not a a super force but now we see a re-emergence of Russia and the wall is getting to be a chaotic place and when God happy early in the year have your focus on Israel to pray for them as well as all of us that God's protection and in in debt but rest service our first service this year I preached some snotty one over you and I told you all that I'll be preaching on some snotty one not knowing about the Ebola virus that is a the worst breakout now usually it's confined to something Aaron is the worst number of casualties and apparently it is spreading okay so we do not know what's happening okay I'm sure that there are the authorities of the countries as well as our country we have the best system right we will do our best to make sure that it's kept in check but here Church is where some snotty one comes in God promised that there's a place in him where you should not be afraid of the terror by night there shall no play come near your dwelling and Hebrew your tent because that's how they live in other words the whole family God protects the whole family no plague and Ebola is a place no plague will come near your tent amen so I just need to know something that in times past God protects his people God makes a difference between his people and the people of the world I'm going to show you right now that in in Exodus chapter 8 if you look up here God sent Moses and Aaron to speak to Pharaoh the king of Egypt who had the Jewish people in slavery so Satan hates the Jewish people the Jewish people like Hitler and all that and it's because of supernatural hater don't try to explain it you know you can say it's land and all that well you can go back farther and you find the King David bought the land Abraham bought the land Isaac inherited the land how far back you want to go alright so the thing is these people there is a supernatural hatred against the Jewish people they are not perfect people many of them I'm telling you all of them are not perfect but many of them some of them are people that that you know I just want to tell you this for good or for bad they have a disproportionate influence they have a dis for our minority race they're not big race they have a disproportionate influence for good or for bad for bad if someone like Karl Marx the father of communism there's a disproportionate influence so the thing is this I'm not saying that in above God God shows is graced by picking people who are weak people who have nothing in themselves and show his glory to them but God will not forsake his covenant he with father Abraham and in Isaac is fulfilled not in Ishmael so that's God's promise okay people so the thing is that you understand what's happening around the world today we are the endtime generation amen God says we look at times past that's God protects people in times past yes in that day God says I'll set apart God is talking to to Pharaoh the king of Egypt I'll set apart the land of Goshen the the place of drawing near Goshen means drawing near in which my people dwell notice God's people dwell close to him that no swarms of flies shall be there in order that you may know that I am the Lord in the midst of the land I'll make a difference between my people got to Pharaoh and your people tomorrow this sign shall be so even when traits come God makes a difference between his people and the people of the world are you listening people don't feel the things the people of the world fears you have a God a man like one brick to another bird how come these human beings are running around so stress so tense so worried you know the other one says well I guess they don't have a heavenly father like you and I who feeds us well jesus said if God feeds the birds of the air how much more will he feed you amen so he is very clear got mix of different no swamps of life shall be there in the place where you draw near to God and flies represents evil spirits Beelzebub one of the names of Satan literally it's Lord of the Flies um you remember your English literature all right now we go to chapter 10 of Exodus the people of the people of God are still in slavery in Egypt and God sent Moses fine of a sign plague after plague and Pharaoh's heart was still hardened and then lost it the Moses stretch out your hand to what heaven that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt darkness which may even be felt so Moses stretched out his hand that's really dark okay towards heaven if there's thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days now look at this they do not see one another not that anyone writes from his place for three days in Egypt but the slaves are also in Egypt but all the chips all all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings I used to read this and never stopped to meditate until one day I was reading this and I realized that this light is supernatural light because if this light is caused by the oil lamp which they use in those days the same resource is available to the Egyptians but the Egyptians cannot light that night because thick darkness but there's supernatural light in the dwellings of the people of God so in these last days there'll be a supernatural light in your family's dwellings means your family's you have a supernatural light amen the world doesn't have a light you know our sitcoms our movies it seems like those who are married they make them you know appear boring then make them appear like like they are always quarreling then those who are sleeping around living together without without the marriage covenant okay they are having fun the kind of things so these are the things that means fat to your children but let me tell you this I'm believing God there'll be light in your dwellings it is amazing how darkness spread and no one questions it all right but you will see and you will see the stupidity of the way the world operates how can a woman be secure and give herself totally spirits to embody a men to a man that she loves if there is no marriage covenant amen so don't sell yourself short I mean praise the Lord you're worth the Covenant the guy's not willing to give a covenant dang you know what he got you cheap all right so that's the past in the past God kept his people protected God made a difference between my people and your people got to Pharaoh huh let's go fast forward beyond even our time let's go to the book of Revelation we are not around we are in heaven in our new bodies we are looking at the 7 years of tribulation the book of Revelation predominantly alright the church is only mentioned in chapter 2 and 3 and then from then on you don't find the church anymore because the church is raptured from then on you see the church in heaven okay when the tribulation happens on earth okay the Bible tells us that God were raised who have preached the gospel then because all the the the preachers are gone all the teachers that go on all the pastor's are gone all the missionaries are gone so who will preach the gospel of the kingdom at that time God will raise 100 got was saved and raised 144,000 Jewish evangelists amen we're talking about the future now because the issue is left behind okay those remnant that have saved will be going up of course and I'm believing God for great revival in Israel amen and I believe that many many many Israelis are going up many Jewish people are saved by them but those were left behind they'll be safe after probably they saw what happened and you'll be safe after and there be 144,000 the Bible says 12,000 from each tribe twelve twelve tribes of Israel twelve thousand from each tribe mixed up hiring forty four thousand but even then when evil things are happening on earth look at this conversation between angels revelation 7 then I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the Living God the seal of the Living God and it cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea and this angel said to the other angels do not harm the earth the sea or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads so whatever this steel and the foreheads of God's hundred forty-four thousand it protected them from the harm that will come on earth I mean the reason I'm showing you this because in principle there is a seal on our heads that the world does not have what is this seal pastor Prince revelation 14 tells you what it is then I saw the lamb standing on Mount Zion let's go by the eruption seven again seven go by the seven okay is there verse four I heard the number of those were sealed 144,000 of all the tribes are tune of it Israel was seal of the tribe of Judah 12,000 of the tribe of Reuben 12,000 of the tribe of jet twelve thousand twelve tribes 244,000 in Revelation 14 it tells us what's a seal then I saw the lamb standing on Mount Zion now this man's iron we're heavenly Jerusalem Mount Zion and the lamb is there so this is heaven amen and and look at this with him 144,000 so there is a rapture of this Jewish evangelists probably after three and a half years of the tribulation they go up and once they are up all right the last three and a half years are the worst it's got the Great Tribulation so 244,000 when they are up notice what the seal they have who had his name the name of Jesus and his father's name written on their foreheads I was reading this one day and I got spoke to me in God says today there is a seal that Satan can see on God's people it's on your head you can't see it but it's more real than physical things because physical things came up from a spirit thing people say if I can't see it I cannot believe it that's how shadow man has become because everything came from God who is a spirit in fact if you can see it it won't last you can see it it's temporal this chair you can see it it won't last your clothes it won't last your body you can see it it won't last you won't carry this body to heaven it cannot take the beauties of heaven it can't stand the perfect harmonies of heaven can have a brand-new body anything you can see in touch is temporal so things you cannot see the seal on you the protection seal is on you child of God and on your family but what is this in type today in type they had it they had it in the book of Revelation the hundred forty-four thousand but for us having his name on our foreheads having the father's name on our foreheads means what we are thinking of the name of Jesus when we are in trouble was the first name we think of not our nearest banker friend not not not another person all right it's not horizontal because man whose breath is in the nostrils cannot help we're real help is concerned of permanent help is involved have you noticed that you'll be disappointed Amen God wants you to be vertical in your faith amen and when you have Jesus name you have a Jesus mentality you have a father mentality that's why I covered the father's name last week well you're blessed last week we covered the father's name last week and how you've been conscious of father Jesus father that is family amen demons tremble at the name of Jesus at the name of Jesus every knee bow in the world when they cannot express the deepest anger they use the name that's above every name to express your anger in blasphemy why do you think they do that hmm you know if the name of another person who is deem as holy is used in that way the world will go up in arms we're gonna make sure that we are not ashamed of the name of Jesus there are people blasphemy that beautiful name the Bible says God has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow of things in heaven not at the name of God Jesus is God but it's not at the name of God lesson no confusion here God says at the name of Jesus every knee will bow of things under the earth that's hell things on earth and things in heaven amen angels men demons bow to the name of Jesus every knee will bow to the name of Jesus and to say he is Lord even Satan about his knees and say she said his Lord in Hell one day and God has ordained that his whole world will come into the hands of the perfect man whose righteousness is the sceptre of his kingdom he rules with righteousness he rules with equity amen he will judge and fight for the poor will have a king will have a will have a Emperor a sovereign whose heart is kind beyond all measure first touch is healing amen whose presence is life that you know no one died in Jesus's presence even the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John nobody ever died in Jesus presence and if Jesus attends the funeral is no more funeral amen so when you draw close to Jesus my friend just know that you are in the presence of life and resurrection amen amen so we see the past how God protected Israel in Egypt we see in the future how to protect 144,000 Jewish evangelists so protection is in God's heart invariably there'll be questions and I understand understandably so questions like the the martyrs pastor Prince how do you explain that I shall try all right to the limited time that we have to answer some of these questions presently okay and why did Paul suffer all right we have time I'm going to cover that as well so let's go right now to Psalms 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Hebrew a Lyon shall abide under the shadow of the almighty Shaddai so the Holy Spirit is talking that you'll find that the triune God Father Son Holy Spirit in Psalms 91 the first son is the testimony of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit says he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High and you know who the Holy Spirit is referring to all of us have accessed today but first and foremost it is the Lord Jesus Christ when he came as a man when he came as a man arrived he functioned as a man he lived as a man he was a man who dwelt in the secret place amen and he was under the shadow of the Almighty now verse 2 is the Lord Jesus this perfect man speaking how do I know because this same verse in Himmel Trust is used in Hebrews 2 verse 2 tene as coming from the mouth of our Lord Jesus so the what Jesus says the Holy Spirit says he who dwells in the secret place he answers I will say of Yahweh the Lord or Jehovah he is my refuge and my fortress my God my Elohim in him I will trust so whenever you see early on the Most High God just know this I don't care what position you are in the Most High God high God rules over all men once upon a time when Israel was in idolatry he spoke to a king Nebuchadnezzar at a time when Nebuchadnezzar came to power he was nobody he was ruling in Babylon but God said I'll make you the king of kings at a time God said that I'll give his sovereign power you were rule over the fowls of the earth a man you were rule over the beasts of the earth one thing God didn't tell him that he would rule over the fish of the sea that's reserved God always keep back something that's reserved for the perfect man who have infinite rule when he came the way he paid the temple tax was go fish find a coin in the fish mouth pay the tax he was reserved for him and yet after God made King Nebuchadnezzar Great King Nebuchadnezzar's one day was walking in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon you look at all the beauty and trendy or any States it is not what something I have built for my glory for my excellence with my wisdom and the Most High the Bible says spoken says this would have gone out of your mouth for seven years you will leave like a wolf you have hair growing out of your body you will eat grass like a like a cattle and you will [Music] live like an insane man's a king seven years outdoors always outdoors then one day the end of seven here the Bible says King Nebuchadnezzar looked up and if he is he look up and says I blessed God something came back to him God corazon sit alone and the moment he blessed God all the Bible says all his kingdom was restored all his glory was restored just remember the most high rules and the word the Most High was used throughout the story of King Nebuchadnezzar when Abraham met Melchizedek a type of Christ all right that the first occurrence of the Most High it's got to do with the pipe it's got to do with a lot supper which is based on the offering of Jesus body amen are you with me so most high early on you can write if your theologian right is now most early on most high means supreme in position Shaddai you can write this down absolute in power so a lien is supreme in position Shaddai is absolute in power amen just imagine having this god with you who is supreme in position and he can put you anywhere he can debase one and exalt another come on he can remove the breath of somebody and they are gone they can blaspheme him today shout to the highest heaven that there is no God the Bible said The Fool has said in his heart there is no God and even the breath that he used to say they're talking and they're gone and God doesn't do that unless in certain exceptional cases God does shorten a person's life God is a merciful God but this merciful God is supreme in position and absolute in power and his on is for you is on your side he is your God dear friends thank you for watching be sure to hit subscribe give you a bit blessed for a wider selection of recent episodes and programs head over to Joseph Prince dot TV you can sign up for an account it is completely free and if it is your first time we also want to send you a teaching resource as a gift from me to you thanks again for watching I look forward to staying connected with you at Joseph Prince dot PD god bless [Music]
Channel: Joseph Prince Ministries - USA
Views: 305,703
Rating: 4.9152021 out of 5
Keywords: joseph prince, sermon, jesus, gospel
Id: rH-NcCF5T14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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