Protecting The Love You've Found | A Love Story | Twin Rivers Church

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so today i want to talk to you to finish up the series about how to protect the love you found and this message just like last week was dominantly for singles today is dominantly for married folks and and listen it's valuable no matter if you've been married for 40 years or four months or one day you will be married or you know someone who's in a season of struggle in their marriage because i want to talk to you about protecting the love you found um you know when i was in elementary school i remember walking up on a group of young girls and they were sitting around and they were singing a song maybe you remember the song they were singing um todd um todd and beth sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love then comes yeah and then comes todd pushing a baby carriage right you remember it right i didn't want nothing to do with those girls they all had cooties that's what i thought you know um but you remember that that kind of nursery rhyme and and maybe that's the first time you ever had a recognition that romantic relationships have a progression that they don't just just stop with just you know looking at each other and smiling or a little kiss there's a progression to it the thing is though though that rhyme has stood the test of time it's really incomplete because once that baby's born that tree was never going to be the same i mean think about it really should be you know first comes love then comes marriage then comes todd pushing a baby carriage but then he gets a call from his boss who they just got a new account so he gives the carriage back to beth who's sleep deprived and now she's really frustrated because todd's not pulling his weight so there's not going to be any k-i-s-s-i-n-g until he gets his house in order it's probably a better understanding and here's why here's why because for todd and beth falling in love is easy staying in love protecting love that's a whole other challenge and maybe that's what you found in your marriage falling love that that was great but protecting it keeping it that's the real challenging part and that's because anything that is valuable is going to endure threats that's the reason that you put your most valuable possessions under special security because they there are things that threaten them well your marriage is one of the most valuable commodities in your life so why is it so valuable well just think about it your greatest relationships will be a product of your marriage um your some of your most lasting memories will be a product of your marriage and scripture tells us that your quality of life if you're married is tied to your marriage scripture says it this way that it's better that if your home has a bad marriage people in a bad marriage would rather live on the corner of their home's roof than be in the house where the marriage is struggling so you're a great marriage equals a great life if you're married a struggling marriage equals a struggling life no matter how much other good is going on and that's the one of the reasons that we face so many threats is because marriages are so valuable what kind of threats am i talking about well you know there's a lot of threats to marriage one of them's just the daily responsibilities of life i mean just the the the come and go of it all and the the bills and the projects and the demands and the the fast pace it just it can start to to pull away and threaten your marriage another example would be the the lack of compatibility that maybe you have with your spouse i like to say it this way when you're dating opposites attract when you're married opposites attack you know it's like how many of you that are married how many of you married someone very different from you like like you married someone look at all these fights ready to happen at any moment you know it's just that's the reality of it and if you don't learn how to manage the the the differences between you two it can threaten your marriage um and not only that but marriages often come of a merging of two different priorities one you know one spouse wants to pursue a career and move all around the country to climb the ladder another spouse wants to stay and live in the same community one spouse is spiritually passionate the other spouse is spiritually apathetic and the differing priorities start to pull at the fabric of the marriage but the main thing i would want to point out to is that your marriage whether you know it or not has a spiritual enemy that your marriage is not a civil agreement it's a spiritual statement that marriage is a lot more than just a paper you got from the the justice of the peace that that god instituted marriage it was the first institution he ever put on the planet before the church before the law before scriptures he put in marriage and when you go back to the garden of eden what you're going to find is god's first picture of marriage was not just a man and a woman only it was a man a woman and god that that was his picture of marriage and jesus affirms that later when he says that a man and a woman and god make marriage and then when you go to the last book in scripture the book of revelation here's what you get you get uh the man jesus coming for his bride the church that's us to spend eternity with god in heaven so get this at the beginning it was a groom a bride and god jesus affirms it's a groom a bride and god and then it ends with a groom jesus a bride his church and god which is why when the enemy looks at your home he sees and hates marriage it's not listen he doesn't hate the piece of paper that you call a certificate he hates the spiritual statement of it which is why in your your own life it's a struggle and it's why culturally marriage in god's terms remains under attack and it has for years it's a spiritual statement so let me say it this way um kayla and i um were in london a few years ago and you know we were taking in some sights and one of the biggest attractions in london is the crown jewels and because of their worth they are put under extraordinary security um they're they are kept behind eight inch thick bomb proof glass the in the room they're in there over a hundred hidden cameras in that very room there are also 22 guards and on the property there there are actually 38 ex-military who live 24 7 on the property just to protect them and the reason they go to such great lengths is because these these jewels are valued at nearly four billion dollars okay so let me say it this way your marriage is priceless because it is the image of god and then that is the reason marriage is difficult because it has a spiritual attack that is non-stop on it the enemy wants to enter in through any open door through unforgiveness selfishness or pride and when he comes in he's not coming in just to make you miserable he's coming in to desecrate the image of god and so he's coming to to take what god has established and so here's my question what links are you going to to protect your marriage i mean if some jewels that aren't even that have a value but your marriage is priceless what length are you going to protect it well that the thing that could help you with that or the the answers to that question can be found i think in the last chapter of ruth if you went with this journey we've been through this whole book and what you're going to find is chapter one ruth loses her first husband tragically to death chapter two she begins to find her own identity apart from a relationship which is so vital um and then in chapter three she meets this really godly man named boaz and they began you know the dance and and and then they end up with the equivalence of kind of an engagement and then in chapter four they're married so in ruth chapter 4 starting with verse 13 we kind of get to see what their marriage starts to produce here's the verses it says so boaz took ruth and she became his wife and when he made love to her the lord enabled her to conceive and she gave birth to a son now the women said to naomi naomi if you've been with us on the journey is a central figure she was ruth's first mother-in-law and she also lost her husband but also lost ruth's husband her son and so she's been on this journey and the women are celebrating that that the marriage between ruth and boaz has brought a new quality of life not just to them but also to naomi and so they they say praise be to god who this day has not left you without a guardian redeemer i'd love for you to underline that phrase guardian redeemer she's referring to boaz there may he become famous throughout israel he will renew your life and sustain you in your old age so she they're saying hey you've hit the jackpot oh boaz has got cash and he's going to take you in with ruth you know and then they say this for a for your daughter-in-law who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons has given him birth okay so so they're just celebrating this this incredible thing this marriage has produced this baby and what it means to the quality of her life so what i want to do is pull out four protective marriage mindsets four ways you have to think if you want to protect your marriage and here's what i love about these they're not typical marriage advice they're they're straight from scripture they're not just you know talk about the money do this go on dates all that's good but this is how scripture says we can protect our marriages when they're under threat there's some specific thinking that's required and i just don't think it would make a lot of sense for me to do that alone so i have coerced and negotiated and begged and paid a very high price and kayla is going to speak with me today so will you welcome her to the stage thank you for doing this you didn't have to coax me many diapers i promised to change to get this done i'm excited to be up here and to share some of our story you know marriage is one of the the greatest things in life but man it's one of the most difficult relationships in life too yeah absolutely um you know just just to give everybody kind of a a surmise i mean we've led a lot of marriage life groups um we've been married 14 years we've read books and video series all that kind of stuff we know a lot you know i think about marriage not that it's always perfect but we you know i think we could we this is something we've grappled with so give everybody just the big of the big picture what do you like what's the best part about being married and what's the biggest challenge to being married well to me the best part about being married is just having fun and just doing life together i love fun i just love fun it's just me but i would say the most difficult part of marriage is you [Laughter] how sweet we're off to a great start yeah it's gonna be good folks all right all right all right we need to get into this no that's that's the truth i think everybody probably feels the same with their spouse let's uh i'm gonna give you four things four mindsets and i want you to look at the language that's very particular four mindsets to protect marriage here's the first one number one i will notice it does not say we will i will remain spiritually vibrant i will remain spiritually vibrant one of the things i love about boaz in this story is this he had a relationship with god before he had a relationship with ruth he didn't have to find god through ruth now that's okay if that happens but i love that he he was a man of god before she ever came into his life and two strong spiritual lives came together because it takes two strong spiritual lives to stay together and so um you know i i love that so talk to us a little bit about this idea of the importance of an individual's faith in a marriage partnership i think it's the that's the biggest thing i think it out of this whole message today if you don't get anything else this is the point that you need to get because the the number one rule if if you want to stay in love with your spouse you you have to stay in love with jesus yes and why is that um it's because first thessalonians 3 12 says may the lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else that means my capacity to love and your capacity capacity to love comes from god uh and not myself you know all all of that first corinthians 13 love includes patience kindness generosity humility long-suffering and all of those qualities are needed to be married so when i connect with god personally he's going to download those qualities that i need to have a successful marriage it's so true because when i'm passionately in love with god i'm less likely to do things that destroy my marriage like when i'm passionately pursuing god temptation is not as tempting you know when i'm passionately pursuing god in the holy spirit has access to my heart my words are easier to control when i'm passionately pursuing god even when you and i are at odds he won't let me give up on us because he put us together there and it just makes such a difference let me say this and we've talked about this before there are many times where i have apologized to kayla for something i did not because i wanted to but because i wanted to be obedient to god like there are times i'm still mad at her but i do the right thing because i want to be obedient to him so he's an x factor in your marriage when it's that way but let me say it this way if you don't have the holy spirit active in your life you're missing the most important ingredient to marriage because he's the one he's the fuel that makes it work i mean i'll come to the end of my love you'll come to the end of your love we'll come to the end of our patience but he's an ever-ending never-ending source i mean a constant he can put into me what you need when i i'm not able to do that but listen if i cut him off we're in trouble because um when you can't reach me he can when you can't get through to me he can but when i cut him off we're in trouble when it comes to that and i i think you know you know what that looks like i mean we've both seen that yeah some of you are in a marriage today and you're wounded you're struggling you want to give up some of you are ready to sign divorce papers today but i'm telling you that no one seems to want to change or budge sometimes but listen books counseling advice friends they're all necessary they're all great but i'm telling you the greatest the greatest piece of marriage enrichment that you can do is open your bible and read it every day spend time with god every day go to service every day or every sunday put yourself in those positions to hear from god to receive from god listen to podcasts take that step i'm telling you that is the biggest piece of marriage marriage address enrichment advice i could give because when you are open to god and when you can hear from god he can strengthen you he alone can change you and spending time with him can ultimately change your marriage yeah absolutely save your marriage so i will remain spiritually vibrant here's the second one um i will grow in generosity i will grow in generosity boaz was very generous towards ruth and it wasn't um just once he took a romantic interest he was a generous person um and you can see it because in in this day and time that that we're reading um she was rebuilding a new life and part of that meant that instead of running to costco she would go out and glean what they referred to gleaning or or serve in the field so what would happen is um boaz was a very wealthy man had a lot of agriculture she would go and pick up what his servants had missed and she would take that home and that's kind of what she ate normally they ran off people like that they were like hey get out of our fields that we put up fences we're not going to give you anything um but look at what boaz tells his servants in in ruth 2 15 and 16 he says boaz ordered his servants let her glean where there's still plenty of grain on the ground make it easy for her better yet pull some of the good stuff out and leave it for her to glean give her special treatment now listen this is why this is important we can have a lot of threats labeled a lot of different ways but the number one threat to marriage is selfishness marriage is brutal on selfish people and and and through the years i've sat with many people many marriages that are that are in dysfunction they label it a lot of different ways but they tend to at the end of the day both people are coming forward and asking to take from this relationship and you hear it like i want attention i want affection i want respect i want sex i want the i want i want i want and i'm just telling you when i sat down with a couple and both of them have come to take and they've settled into selfishness it is very hard to find a path to life very hard and so what we have to realize is at some point in a marriage somebody's got to step up and give if we're both taking it's just an inevitable this isn't going to work somebody's got to step up to give and here's also why that's important it is rare like lunar eclipse rare that you and your spouse will be at your best at the same time someone's always struggling someone's always doing better someone's you know spiritually vibrant someone's not someone's emotionally healthy someone's not now let me say if in your marriage that person that's always at their best is like 99 time one person that's something we need to look out for because there is a point where generosity stops and abuse starts right okay and and so if you're always the one giving like dominantly you're always the one and it's to your neglect or your abuse then we want to help you with that look god didn't call you to be a doormat and now i can't name and label what that looks like for every relationship but that's why you need to be in a life group for godly counsel you need to be able to say to your leader hey can i ask you you know i i've not been married at quite as long or this is a new marriage or a new season is this normal is this healthy is this godly and you need some fresh eyes that don't have all the emotion in it but as a church if you're in an abusive situation we're going to help you get out of that we're going to help you you're going to help it stop we're going to bring you know protection and god's will to that situation but beyond that there's points where we all got to give otherwise we're just it's inevitable this is going to end i mean don't you feel that way yeah the most generous couples build the strongest marriages and that's why paul writes in in ephesians 5 1 it says imitate god therefore in everything you do because you are his dear children live a life filled with love following the example of christ he loved us and gave himself as a sacrifice for us so paul's basic argument is the more that we give ourselves to our spouse the more fulfillment that we are going to have in intimacy satisfaction and fulfillment so i have to retrain my mind to ask what can i give instead of what can i get what can i give instead of what can i get so when you argue what can i give up to resolve this when you've hurt one another what apology can i give to heal this when you're offended how can i give the benefit of the doubt you know when you're depressed or when they're depressed how can i give encouragement when i am sleep deprived how can i give them rest so it's just retraining your mind to think how can i give instead of how can i get and that's labeled a lot of different ways but here's the reality to be married is to sign up to give extraordinary amounts of grace to another person and it's it's called different things but grace is the overarching idea and i want to take just a moment to point this out though that it is hard grace is rarely given when issues remain hidden okay so sometimes we don't give grace because the person's not just being honest about what they need what they're disappointed about what the expectation has been missed i mean that's the reason like your fight over where to eat chinese or mexican food that really wasn't what that was about it was about three days earlier you said something harsh and they're still wounded from it but because they hid the real issue grace has not been extended throughout and so it's important that we learn to confront well um you know kayla and i just to be honest i mean it's just funny to even consider that today is today and what we're talking about we had a really rough week in our marriage like really roughly um we last week had to go um to we were out out of town we went with um went to do three conferences to speak some events and beat some things and we thought it was a good idea to take our four kids with us um if you knew it wasn't why didn't you say anything that's all i'm saying it's like well apparently you knew we didn't you know and um and so i mean it was a it was just a perfect i had a ton of pressure on me i'm speaking a lot um kayla is trying to do virtual school in a hotel room you know we got the kids or on the road and it's just um we flew yesterday home with four kids and and remy our youngest was that baby you know the one on the plane you're like would somebody please that kid is screaming she was that one that was us everybody looked at us the whole way home with the nastiness of the you know and and it's just it was a perfect recipe so um kayla did some things that frustrated me i reacted in ways that frustrated her and instead of just being confronting those issues real clearly we retreated into our our frustration and our emotions and we spent like three days basically trying not to give each other the benefit of the doubt of like more than three words that were necessary we let me say this way we were withholding grace from each other actively because we just didn't confront the issues so let me say this way um the latin word for confront means to turn and face directly it means to not not let's not hide the issue not let's dance around it not let's side glance it face the issue clearly until it's resolved and so so let me give you a couple things that we've learned that have helped us not this week but in the past that has helped us um when it talked about you know kind of godly confrontation because listen no matter if your marriage or not listen successful relationships confront well okay now here's the first thing the very first thing to confronting another person is to leave them and get alone with god and here's why because we by our sin nature are self-centered self-righteous self-loving self-promoting people we're self-aholics and but marriage requires you to be a serva-holic and so therefore if you come into the conflict selfish you cannot find resolve so the very first thing to confront godly is to retreat to the one who is the servant of all christ and he can take a serve or selfaholic and turn them into a servaholic but it's a work of the heart it does us no good for me to come into an argument a fight a confrontation it does mean no good to come in at my strength i need him to do a work in my heart so the very first thing is we retreat from them and we go to god now here's the second thing you do you schedule the fight schedule that fight you know now listen if you go out on the parking lot and fight someone today you both will go to jail okay but if we schedule it it can be watched on pay-per-view and enjoyed by many people so so listen a scheduled fight brings a lot more productivity okay and here's what i'm trying to tell you if we jump into the fight immediately before we've been with god if we don't schedule it here's what happens the highly verbal spouse will end up destroying the the one that's less verbal information is not clearly shared when we schedule fight when we say hey we're going to talk about this tomorrow that allows someone to come with prepared thoughts real insights to what they're frustrated about and it lets the emotion subside a bit now and here's the last one um you show up aiming to do god's will not win okay and here's why here's why because you can win the argument and lose the person and and i've done that plenty of times where i have won the point but lost her heart let me tell you what conflict what the resolution of conflict really looks like in marriage most of the time it's not you getting your way most of the time it's not you you know getting your what you wanted it's you explaining how you saw it how you feel forgiving the other person and choosing to walk out in peace that's what it is most the time because here's what's going to happen a lot of times she just doesn't see it the way i see it we're just so different we're so opposite that she and but at least if i have to win every point we just won't we won't get there because she can't see what i see we're so different but if i'm willing to just say this is how it made me feel this is what i'm struggling with she can go well i didn't see it that way but i acknowledge that and it gets the toxicity out of me it allows me to forgive her and then we can walk away together in peace well that's god's will now let me tell you why this is so important because um when you don't confront well issues compound they pile on and that's how you end up fighting over mexican food that's not really about mexican food right and when issues compound then grace constricts so bad confrontation leads to compounding issues and that leads to constricting of grace now listen here's why that's a problem no relationship on the planet can survive without grace because every relationship is made up of two imperfect people grace is what allows us to be imperfect and if there's no grace it's inevitable this relationship will not last so that's why we have to confront well okay now here's the third one i like this one i will focus on redeeming my spouse most people are like what what is it redeeming me redeeming is not a word we use a lot but in this context it means to restore something to its original purpose so let me explain it um when ruth lost her husband she lost her protection her provision and she could not bear children with him which in this context was one of her main god-given purposes to raise a family when boaz took her in as his wife he put her back under his protection he provided for her and he reignited that purpose that was in her okay why is this he redeemed her he restored her to the state with which god designed her to be okay now let me say it this way what's so powerful about this is that's what jesus did for us jesus sacrificially redeemed you he protected you from the consequences of sin he then provided or excuse me he then provided a way for you to spend eternity with god and then he gave you your purpose on earth and he did it for at detriment to him and betterment of you he redeemed you okay now listen god put you and your spouse together so that you can make them better but let me be clear that doesn't mean you fix them we have a lot of couples trying to fix each other trying to get you to act the way that i want you to act do the things i want you to do pursue the things i want you to pursue that's not no no god didn't call you to fix anybody he called you to redeem your spouse here's the difference fixing them makes them conform to your plan redeeming them helps them find god's plan and god didn't call you to make them your plan he called you to look into them see god's plan for their life and spur them into that fully okay now paul takes this idea in ephesians 5 here's what he says 5 28 he says even so husbands you uh should and are obligated to love your own wives as their own body he loves their uh he who loves his own wife loves himself for no one has ever hated his own body but instead he nourishes protects and cherishes it just as christ does the church notice that word nourish and protect and cherish here's what that means in the greek those are agricultural terms this is so interesting to me the greek term for husband that paul uses it means husbandman which means gardener so he uses agricultural terms how we're supposed to speak to our spouse and work and protect our spouse and then he says husbands you're really gardeners what was adam's first job he was a gardener wasn't he so god says husbands you're gardeners here's what god's saying he designed you to be the greenhouse your spouse is in that you protect them from the harshness of the enemy's onslaught that you water them so that they can grow until they reach full maturity in god's plan for their life that god says you're the greenhouse that lets them become completely mature and fruitful in the way i designed them to be and and i i just love that i know but how do we do that i guess is my question i believe that means that we have as a spouse we have to look for god's purpose in them and oftentimes you'll see their purpose in them before they see it in them so you have to encourage that you have to pull that out in them you have to bring that up to them and encourage them with their purpose that you see i think encouragement is one of the most underutilized tools in marriage today um it is it is a it is a spiritual weapon that we can use against the enemy and i i believe that you know a lot of you guys probably think oh i'm not encouraging i'm like i'm super critical and that's just who i am but you know what that's not true because you have the holy spirit living on the inside of you that's correct he is the greatest encourager you just have to learn to partner with him you have to learn to lay down your pride and surrender surrender that you know there's just a few points i want to make here every morning just ask him to open your eyes to encouraging opportunities how can i encourage my spouse today and also put it on your to-do list i know that sounds silly but it's actually and maybe it sounds artificial but really it's just being intentional so put up put alarm on your phone do something that that that makes it intentional to encourage your spouse also be specific in what you say yeah this one's huge yeah be specific in what you say you know over the years joe's given me a lot of gifts and but i'm like a words of affirmation person so i love when he uses his words to like encourage and affirm me and one time he bought a really nice card and he put the abcs down the card and he wrote his favorite characteristics about me using each letter of the alphabet and just so something like that that was intentional that was intentional and specific really meant a lot to me because he he used specific words also encouragement again isn't just for love notes it's spiritual warfare against the enemy because the enemy wants to destroy your spouse he wants to destroy your marriage and i remember how god called me to encourage joe in the first part of of his pastorate and he was learning to preach and it was hard he was under attack but i realized that i could use my words of encouragement to build him up and create in him who god's called him to be but i had to realize that and you were specific with it i was i was specific yeah i used i even i would even say like for example i really love that part too because you made it super understandable and it was very powerful and it i'm sure it changed many lives or or whatever i would say but i would try to use my encouragement to build him up in that way yeah i mean that's 100 that i wouldn't be doing this had kayla not done that because when we first began i was so riddled by fear and not knowing and trying to she became a greenhouse that allowed me to to learn the gifts of god had put in me and and so every time that i share god's word it's because she nurtured that in my life and and you'll receive equal credit for that in in eternity you know one of the things you need to grasp is this when you get to eternity god's going to ask you how you stewarded what he gave you how'd you steward your life how to steward your time your energy your money and he's going to look at you husbands and wives and he's going to say how did you steward your spouse did you help my plan come to full fruition in their life and if you can't answer that affirmatively you need to start looking for that purpose and you need to start spurring them towards it okay here's the last one we gotta hurry um knows the language our marriage is meant to make a difference our marriage is meant to make a difference let me ask you this question why did you get married why now some of you say well we fell in love i wanted to spend the rest of my life with them i needed someone to split the bills with you know listen all that's good but that's not why you got married you got married because god looked around all through time and space and he said what you have in you and what they have in them combined will fulfill his purpose and bring him the most glory marriage is not the only calling but it is a calling and it's a calling to produce and we see this from this story ruth 4 17. this is closing it out and it says this the neighbor women gave him a name saying a grandson has been born to naomi so they're talking about ruth and boaz's son they say they've named him obed which by the way that means worship so their offspring was a worship to god but look he is the father of jesse jesse is the father of david and if you follow the lineage long enough it's the same family line that jesus christ comes through if you've ever been reading the beginning of the gospels on your bible reading plan and you went like oh why do i have to read this like he begot he and she began she and he got here and you're like i want to skip all this if you don't skip it you'll find there's a ruth and a boaz who had a son named obed who had a son named jesse who had a son named david and if you follow it down far enough you'll see that is the exact lineage jesus christ came through listen listen let me send you this way their marriage brought jesus into the earth what about your marriage is bringing jesus into the earth are you are you um you raising kids that are going to love jesus you leading the life group so other people can become more like jesus you're serving the less fortunate so they can see jesus are you you taking other couples out to dinner so you can share jesus you raising and influence your grandkids for jesus are you are you serving volunteering here on a sunday to honor jesus you're being honest about your struggles to glorify jesus but i guess what i'm just trying to do is this if i could take every married couple today i would grab them by the shoulders and i would just say hey you're made for more like this marriage this this is not just so you can have a white picket fence and a you know a nice house it's not just so you can one day own a boat that you can take the lake it's not just soccer practices and it's not one day retire it and travel you're made for that's all good but you're made for more than that god put you two together to bring him into your community your family into your neighborhood he wants to work through you you're the image of god empowered by the spirit of god called by god gifted by god and he wants to bring christ through you don't live for something so small as the goals of this world you know relationship goals like we just want to be look cute no no look cute but you got a calling you've got something god's put on the inside of you together dream about it pursue it come on passionately go after jesus because at the end of this age the end of your life come on we're going to have a funeral we're going to say nice things and we're going to eat some potato salad but what your marriage produced will go into eternity you got to live for the bigger things than just this world because god put you together it's his image and his institution so i i want us to stand together i want to pray over you i'm going to ask kayla to do it actually listen if you're here today and you're married why don't you just take your spouse's hand if you're hearing you're single why don't you take the hand of the person next to you something could happen baby will you pray over them yes some of you are here today and you're struggling you're getting ready to sign that divorce paper you're wounded you're hurt you've almost given up but there's hope you know one of the hardest parts about being married sometimes is that we believe the lie of the enemy that says you're the only one struggling with this you're the only marriage going through this and that is a lie that is a lie and we just got done reading the reading the book of ruth and her story is throughout four chapters but us here today we get to live our story out word by word yeah so no matter what word defines your season today whether it be discouragement loneliness weariness whatever maybe affairs whatever it is there's hope and if you surrender today if you press in if you don't give up in faith god's going to continue to write your story and i promise that there'll be so many more hopeful good words in your story than bad that's so good so let me go ahead and pray for every marriage today hey what's up guys we hope that this message you just heard blessed you to always get our newest messages and to stay up to date be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel and click that bell icon to be notified every time we upload now while you're here go ahead and check out our page and some other messages we've got and we'll see you next time
Channel: TwinRivers.Church
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Keywords: Jesus, Church, Twin Rivers Worship Center, St. Louis
Id: uli7s_HuPh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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