Prostitute interview-Antionette

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- [Mark] All right. Antoinette. Antoinette. where'd you grow up? Where are you from originally? - [Antoinette] Los Angeles, California. - [Mark] South central? - [Antoinette] Yes. - [Mark] And tell me about your family. Did you have both your parents when you were a kid? - No, I didn't. Just had my mother. - [Mark] Where was dad? - In and out of prison. - [Mark] Was he ever in your life? - Yes. - [Mark] What age did you have your dad around? - Like six or seven years old, he left. - [Mark] So he was gone after you were six? - Hmm. And my stepdad stepped in and took over. And... - [Mark] Oh I see. So how was your childhood? - You said, how was it? - [Mark] How was it - Rough. - [Mark] Any like abuse or traumatic events or anything like that? - I've been through a lot. Abuse, yeah. - [Mark] From your mom, dad, step dad? - Real dad. - [Mark] I'm sorry. - Real dad. - [Mark] You real dad? - Yeah. Getting whoopings and yeah. - [Mark] So what kind of kid were you in high school? - Hmm? - [Mark] What kind of kid were you in high school? - I was, I would say I was off the chain in high school and junior high and high school. - [Mark] Were drugs part of the picture? - Weed, yeah. Weed and ecstasy. - [Mark] And now you're working Figueroa? - Yes. - [Mark] How long have you been doing this? - I've been working in Figueroa for like six years. - [Mark] And how old are you now? - 17. - [Mark] You've been doing this since you were 11? - Yeah. 11, 12. - [Mark] Wow. You were working with a pimp when you started or how'd you get started in this at 11 years old? - Well when I started, I was fully built. How I am now. And I was real mature for my age. So... - [Mark] So you looked older? - Yes, I did. I start like body, at like 10 years old, titties, ass and everything. Yeah. - [Mark] And the guys that would pick you up were aware that you were 11 years old? - No. - [Mark] You would give him the impression you're older. - Hmm. - [Mark] Have you ever been arrested for this? - Yes I have. - [Mark] It's a dangerous lifestyle, have you had guys give you a hard time? - Oh yes, plenty of them. - [Mark] What kind of stuff has happened? - Might've been raped, robbed, jumped on after I did the service. Yes. - [Mark] So do your parents know you're doing this? - My parents, I really don't talk to them anymore. At all. - [Mark] Did you run away at a young age? - I've been on my own since I was like 12, 13. Yeah. - [Mark] And so you're in high school right now? - I'm not in school at all. - [Mark] Have you been to high school? - I was in enrolled - [Mark] I'm sorry. - I said I was in enrolled - [Mark] Oh, I see, but you didn't go? - No. - [Mark] And do you have kids of your own? - No I don't. - [Mark] You don't. - No. - [Mark] But you're pregnant right now. - Yeah. - [Mark] How far along are you? - Eight months. - [Mark] You're eight months? - Hmm. - [Mark] And you're still working Figueroa? - Yes, I am. - [Mark] The guys that pick you up, - Yes they do - [Mark] They must know that you're pregnant. It's hard to hide. And guys are okay with that. - Yes they are. You have some that want pregnant women. You have some that's their fetish. - [Mark] Really? - Yes. - [Mark] Do you know who the dad is? - No. - [Mark] You don't know who the dad is. - No. - [Mark] Was it one of your customers maybe? - I believe it was one of my customers that I have been fucking for a while. - [Mark] And not using a condom. - Probably something that happened. - [Mark] Yeah. So how much money do you make now? A day? - Well, since I've been pregnant or before? - [Mark] Either one. You make more being pregnant or less? - I make more being pregnant on a good night. - [Mark] And what's a good night total up? - Since I've been pregnant 700 and then tips. Yeah. - [Mark] Have you worked with a pimp before? - No. - [Mark] Never. And are drugs a part of your life now? - Weed and ectasy. That's it. - [Mark] That's it. Does this lifestyle get you down sometimes? You get depressed over doing this? - Yeah, when it's slow. - [Mark] (chuckles) When business is slow you get there. - When business is slow yes I do. - [Mark] Do you find that doing this builds your, some kind of self-esteem boost? Getting guys that are all attracted to you and paying you and... - Yes. - [Mark] Getting a lot of attention from guys on the street. - Yeah. Yes. - [Mark] Is that the attraction that you think for a lot of the girls that do it? - Yes. That's why they continue to do it. - [Mark] You think? - Yeah. - [Mark] Do you think you're addicted to this? - Yeah. I mean, it's something that I won't stop doing. - [Mark] Yeah. - [Mark] After you have the baby you'll still do it? - Yeah - [Mark] And you're gonna keep the baby? - Yes. I'm gonna still be out there working 24 hours a day seven days a week. - [Mark] To support your family. - To support me and my child. - [Mark] Just you and your baby? - Yes. - [Mark] What was the best time of your life? - Doing this? - Just, I mean, in general. I mean your favorite memories in your short life, 17 years old. - Just touching (indistinct) and touch money. I like money. Yeah. - [Mark] Money makes you happy. - Yes. - [Mark] Do you think doing this since you were 11 years old has changed you somehow? You think you'd be a different girl if you had gotten a job at a fast food restaurant or something like that? - Guess I would still wanna hustle on the side, cause I feel like a little gig on the side, like a square job, that's not enough money, especially a restaurant. So I was still wanna hustle on the side. - [Mark] Yeah. - Yeah. - [Mark] Have you ever had a boyfriend? - Yeah - [Mark] Outside of this, - No - [Mark] Outside of your customers? - Yes I have. - [Mark] You have? - Hmm. - [Mark] Because doing this as a job kind of gets in the way of that sometimes, right? - Yes it does. - [Mark] The guys have a hard time handling the fact that you're doing this all night. - Hmm. It's either, it's a problem with that., or they want the money. - [Mark] Yeah, they turn into your pimp. - Yeah, and I'm not going for that. - [Mark] That's not gonna happen. - It's not gonna happen. - [Mark] So if a young girl were considering doing this what advice would you give her? - I would tell her to don't do it, and just stay in school and to find another hustle. Yes. - [Mark] For what reasons? Cause it's dangerous? - Yeah it's dangerous. - [Mark] Are you worried about the life of your baby knowing that her mom or his mom is going to be doing this every night to make money? - Yes. Anything could happen. - [Mark] Anything could happen? - Yes. - [Mark] At some you have to think for your child too. - Yes. - [Mark] Will you have your family helped you at all with the raising of the baby? - No. - [Mark] Just on your own? What's the craziest thing that's happened to you since you've been doing it? - Since I've been doing this? - [Mark] Yeah. (Antoinette exhales loudly) - I did have to run out to one's house asshole naked after I finished a service. I did damn near ended up on crutches in a hospital after I did finish a service. I tried to get out this guy's car to get to the front seat, to grab my bag, and this drove motherfucker drove off F-150 truck. I'm hanging on the side of the truck, telling him, like I just want my bag. But as he's driving off, he's dragging me And I did been jumped on numerous times by clients after I finished a service. Yes. - [Mark] Did you notice at some point that the lines that you'll cross in terms of like what you're okay with and what you're not okay with have changed over the years? - Like... - Like maybe when you started, you said "oh I would never do that." And then as time goes on, you find yourself doing those things that you once would not do - Anal. - [Mark] Like that. - Yes. - [Mark] You're doing that now? - Yeah. - [Mark] You make more money for that? - Hmm. Yes. - [Mark] So you didn't have much school, but working the streets all these years, since you were 11 you got a lot of street smart. - [Antoinette] Yes. - [Mark] What do you think you've learned working the street that has helped you? - [Antoinette] As far as the streets? - [Mark] Yeah. I mean like, I'm sure there's things there's knowledge that you've gained from working the streets. - [Antoinette] Who not to trust and who to trust. Although my trust level is, I don't trust no one - [Mark] Your intuition is probably... - [Antoinette] Yes - [Mark] Heightened, right? - [Antoinette] Yeah. That and like, I got smarter. I'm real street smart. Yeah. - [Mark] What kind of future do you think your child will have? I mean you're doing a job where you can get arrested any night or worse. - [Antoinette] Yes. - [Mark] And what's gonna happen... - [Antoinette] Or even getting killed. - [Mark] Exactly. And what's gonna happen to your baby if mom doesn't come home? - [Antoinette] I think about that all the time. I do. I've been thinking about a few things that I wanna do after I have the baby, but this is still gonna be my hustle. You know cause it will be hard to get out the game. - [Mark] Yeah. What's been the best experience you've had doing this? - I really haven't had no. Imma keep it real with you, I haven't. - [Mark] It's just a rough life. - Yes. - [Mark] And there's no other option for you that works for you? - Like first, like other, like jobs? - [Mark] Other jobs, or other careers or other? - No, because it's like, once you've been doing it so long it's like, what else, you know. I always tell myself like if I get a job I want it to be a good paying job to where I don't have to still go hustle to make ends meet. But yeah. That's why I said that I will get a job and still hustle on the side. I still have my regular customers. - All right, Antoinette, thank you so much for talking with me. Good luck with your baby and your future. - Thank you. - [Mark] Thanks.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 325,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, prostitute interview
Id: K351viNVATg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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