Pros & Cons of ALL Home & Business Window Film Options

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hey everyone my name is Joe a dark shade window tint and in this video we're gonna go over the most popular films that we put on homes and we put on businesses now we're not gonna cover every single film available because there's just so many we're just gonna cover the most popular ones talk about the pros the cons the cost for installation and overall hopefully this video gives you a good idea of the type of film that would best solve your problem for your home or for your business windows so let's get started so the first film that we're gonna be talking about today is our standard white frost film now this film it is a frosted film but there's many different types of frosted films available that we do carry this just so happens to be our most popular film that we installed on offices to provide privacy during the daytime or nighttime and when it comes to homes we install this film on the front door the back door and bathrooms a lot of new homes nowadays they have large windows in the bathroom and so you know they want their privacy so this film right here the pro of this film is gonna add privacy day or night time it's gonna reduce about 30 percent of the heat and block and 99% of the UV rays now the con of this film is that when you put the film on the actual glass you can no longer see out of it so you are gonna cover the glass entirely it's kind of like a prettier way instead of just putting a a very thick curtain on or just covering it with paint it's just a nicer way of doing it but this film is great if you're looking for privacy there in the daytime or nighttime the cost for installation for this standard film they can't get more expensive if you get premium losted films is around five dollars a square foot and they can get up to around seven dollars a square foot now the next bill we're gonna talk about is our reflective film aka people call it merits an one way mirror we're gonna talk about that film next now there's two main different types of reflective films they look kind of the same when you're looking at it like this but when you put them against the window one reflective film which is just a standard silver reflective it has kind of a blue look it might be harder to see on camera but it kind of has a blue haze to it while a dual reflective film it has the reflectivity on the other side so nobody can see in but it kind of has a black finish so in sorry depends on the type of style you're looking for if you want a more neutral color on the inside or if you want that kind of blue color now these films are posed of these films is gonna block a lot of heat many times over 70% of heat a lot of times these films come with a lifetime warranty they block 99% of harmful UV rays from damaging floors and furniture and they do provide a hundred percent privacy there in the daytime if you get a darker reflective shade now the only cons of this film is that at nighttime you no longer have the privacy like the frosted film at nighttime when you turn the lights in your office or in your business or in your home it does a flip so now they can see inside and there's no longer that privacy so if you're looking for privacy mainly during the daytime and a nighttime you got blind shutters or curtains then this film is great because you're now still able to see outside or like the frosted film that just completely covers a window now this film typically costs around five dollars a square foot it's around six dollars and fifty cents per square foot for installation the door reflective film tends to be a little bit more expensive but these films are great all-around budget films to block a lot of heat provide privacy there in the daytime stop the UV rays and overall just a great all-around film now the next film that we're gonna be talking about our neutral colored films so they kind of look similar to car window tinting however these are ceramic films so what we're gonna show you and we're gonna go outside to show you this we're gonna show you how you can get a very very light film to put on your home or business windows that's not gonna change the look of the windows at all still let in the natural light but most importantly block over 50% of the heat so let's talk about those films next so the next films we're gonna be talking about is our clear ceramic films now these filled when you install them on a window they're virtually clear you cannot notice the difference of these films whether you're outside or whether you're inside now these types of films are great because they're going to still let in all the natural light not change the look of your home or the look of your business but most importantly because they have ceramic embedded where film they're gonna block a lot of heat so there's actually two types of clear ceramic films we have what we call the ultra clear which is basically a 70% shade film it's super super clear now and then we have a standard just clear ceramic film this film is a 50 percent so that means it's gonna make it a little bit darker add a little bit to a little bit shade to it but most importantly they're not gonna change the look whatsoever if you had guests over to your home or business they wouldn't even know that this film is installed on the windows now the pros of these films like I said Blok a lot of heat without changing the look of the home of the business block 99% of UV rays a lot of times they come with a lifetime warranty for commercial buildings they come with a lot of 15 year warranty and they are gonna reduce a little bit of the glare the only cons to this film is it's not really gonna block too much sunlight so if you're looking to block a little bit of sunlight because maybe the Sun is the Sun blinds our eyes or blinds the computer screen we have other films that are specifically designed for sunlight and glare reduction which we'll be talking about next but these films are all-around great films to block a lot of heat but not make any changes to your windows these films are more on the higher end they're around six to seven dollars a square foot just because you're getting the best of both worlds not noticeable yet still blocking over 50% of the heat next we're gonna be talking about is our sunlight / glare reduction films now these films as you can see they go from light medium and very very dark now the purpose of these films is basically to reduce them on a Sun light and glare that's coming through the windows during the daytime they do help with reducing in 99% of UV rays and a little bit of heat they're around 35 to 50 percent of heat reduction unlike the ceramic films that are a hundred percent clear and they still block over 50 percent of heat now the reason you would get this film is you want to be able to see your TV screen your monitor maybe if you're in a business or you're at home and you're trying to watch TV and there's a lot of Windows and you're trying to just darken the room a little bit these films are great all-around films that are just gonna help a little bit with heat mainly that sunlight and glare reduction now the only con to these films is that it's not really going to block that much heat but it's still gonna do everything it's gonna block the sunlight the harmful UV rays so long discolored furniture floors and you know they are it is gonna help a lot when it comes to the glare reduction now these films typically since they're just simple standard films cost around five dollars a square foot for installation and they do last a very long time but like I said it's just great for sunlight reduction now the last thing we're gonna talk about it's not as a common film that we install we usually install this film on commercial buildings it's security film we're gonna go over the benefits of it and the cost for that so let's check out that film next now this film is a very thick film it's like laminate it's very very thick it could be up to five to ten times thicker than just standard regular solar films now the purpose of this film is once you install it on commercial buildings or your home the purpose is once it dries it makes the glass a lot lot stronger to strengthen the glass in case of a burglar attempts to break in and in the event of there being a natural disaster such as a hurricane you know when things hit the windows instead of it just shattering and falling to the floor it's gonna definitely hold together the window and just give it a overall more strength to it so it could take a beating over time now even though it's clear you can get security films that are gonna have that reflectiveness so it can have privacy like the reflective films or you can add some shade to it to also reduce a little bit of heat now even though this film is clear is gonna help strengthen your windows it's gonna help block I think this one is 95% of harmful UV rays and it's still going to let in a hundred percent of the natural light because this film is 100 percent clear now the pros of this film it is going to strengthen your windows so you have more peace of mind knowing that nothing can easily come through your windows or someone can as easily come through your windows as before the con of this film is it can get expensive this film can range around six dollars a square foot all the way up to fifteen dollars a square foot that pending on how thick you get this film the thicker the film means the more security sold a standard security job is about an 8 mil thickness that's a standard security film if you're trying to get this film for natural disasters like hurricanes things like that you could get a 6 mil or 4 mil thickness a little bit lower now if you have a business you sell high-end merchandise like jewelry we recommend 12 to 14 mil thickness this felt like I said great to strengthen your windows the only cons of this film it's not really going to reduce that much heat unless you specifically get a film that has heat embedded in it or a ceramic embedded in it but it does cost a little bit more than other films so what we're gonna do is we're actually going to go outside and we're gonna quickly talk about our ceramic film we're gonna show you how even though the film is clear we're gonna show you what the BTU meter that measures a heat outside we're gonna show you how that film is going to reduce a lot more heat in comparison to other films and we're also going to show you how much the reflective film also reduces so let's go outside and take a look with the meter alright guys so right now we're outside and we're gonna be testing different types of films with the BTU meter that's here to help us measure heat now we're gonna be testing silver reflective films because that's the film that actually blocks the most heat we're gonna test clear ceramic films so you can see with your eyes that you do not have to get a dark film some luck a lot of heat and then we're gonna compare the clear ceramic film it's just a standard film that's meant for Sun lighting glare reduction so let's get started so the first film we're gonna be doing a heat test on is our silver reflective film now this film once you install it you can see out but they cannot see in during the daytime so it's going to look very reflective on the outside now this film right here is a great great film when it comes to cost is not as much a ceramic film but it's gonna block more than ceramic film and at that privacy so let's do a heat test on it right now we're holding a BTU meter that's here to help measure the heat now in Huston it gets very very hot right now it's at the end of the day but normally at around 100 degrees outside this Beatty meter will be around 300 BTUs now when are we puttin it in front of the silver reflective film it will reduce over 65 percent of heat and it can reduce more depending on how dark you want the reflective film to be this reflective film right here happens to be in the middle it's a twenty percent shade film so it's not too dark not too light let's check it out it goes from 170 180 all the way down to around 48 50 let's do it again 180 all the way down to 50 and so as you can see there's a big difference with how much heat that is gonna block so if you have rooms in your business windows that let in a lot of light letting a lot of heat throughout the daytime especially in the summertime silver reflective film is all around a great film to reduce a lot of heat now let's go over and talk about our clear ceramic film just so you can see that in comparison to our standard sunlight and glare reduction film now this film when you install it on your business or your home windows it's not going to change look of the windows whatsoever unlike the reflective film it is gonna kind of add that reflective mirror silver finish on the outside this one is very neutral similar to car window tinting but very very light so as you can see the b2 meter is measuring or 180 185 and when you put it right in front of the meter it cuts down right to 80 just do it again on 180 185 then it cuts it down a pretty good amount now this film we're gonna compare it to a standard sunlight and glare reduction film which is a film that sometimes companies use on windows claiming that because it's dark is gonna block a lot more heat when the reality is just because the film is dark it does not mean it's going to reduce a lot of heating it will reduce a little bit more heat if the film is a little bit darker but because this reducing the sunlight does not mean is reducing the actual heat that you feel during the daytime so let's compare this film to our standard regular tent that is just meant for sunlight and glare reduction all right so the last one we're gonna be testing with the BTU meter is a 5% the darkest film you could possibly get for home or commercial windows now this film right here is our standard sunlight and glare reduction film there's no ceramic embedded with the film so that means that it's not really going to reduce that much heat as much as other companies claim so as you can see with the BTU meter it's running around 180 170 now when I put it in front of the darkest possible film you can install it only goes down to around 150 c18150 unlike the ceramic film the clear ceramic stone the one from 180 to just 80 or the reflective film and went from around 180 190 all the way down to 50 so what this tells you is that just because you're getting a dark film does not mean you're blocking a lot of peat if it's not a ceramic film or a reflective film you're still gonna feel the same amount of heat that you once felt before but just this time you're gonna have a lot less sunlight and it doesn't matter if you get a lighter standard film it's still gonna block a very very little heat alright guys I know this video was longer than our typical video but hopefully this helps answers a lot of questions that you may have on the different types of films that we carry the films are gonna block the most heat the standard films or privacy films security films hopefully we answered all the questions that you had about Windows 10 because I know it's just there's just a lot to learn and before you make any investment for your business or your home windows our main mission is to make sure that you know everything there is so you do not have any regret after getting that window from installed on your windows so if you have any questions our concerns or there's anything that we did not answer in this video after watching this entire video please give us a call send us an email and we'll be happy to send these samples talk about which film is best for your specific situation that you're facing with your windows and our main mission is just to be as helpful as we possibly can so you can feel confident when you're getting window film installed on your home or business windows thank you so much and see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Dark Shade Window Tint
Views: 151,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home window tint, commercial window tint, reduce heat with window tint, block uv rays with window tint, add privacy with window tint, privacy window tint, houston window tint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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